Off-topic / Which Do You Prefer?? Tinychat vs. Shoutbox

  1. Demetrius
    Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 20:31:14

    Lately I have noticed that not many people have been on tinychat which I'm on a lot, and lots people have been on shoutbox. Please share your ideas of why more people are on shoutbox than tinychat. Thx:)

  2. Alex
    Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 22:29:52

    Because they are too lazy to click "tinychat" and have to wait those few seconds for it to load?

  3. Tommy
    Date: Fri, Aug 10 2012 00:08:27

    they are both verry useful, however people abuse the privilege by streaming porn, impercinating people, etc. there should be mods to monitor tinychat

  4. Demetrius
    Date: Fri, Aug 10 2012 05:03:42


  5. funnky
    Date: Fri, Aug 10 2012 05:25:48

    i never use shout box. so i guesss id go with tc. even tho im never one there much. tc used to be fun about a year ago.

  6. Krypton
    Date: Fri, Aug 10 2012 08:17:25

    Jagex wrote: they are both verry useful, however people abuse the privilege by streaming porn, impercinating people, etc. there should be mods to monitor tinychat
    *impersonate I'm fine with either, as long as they are some fun conversations. (Leftginger in tinychat a few weeks back was epic fun)

  7. webspider
    Date: Fri, Aug 10 2012 13:09:13

    Tinychat is cancerous, therefore Shoutbox.

  8. shoeman6
    Date: Fri, Aug 10 2012 13:12:33

    Well, right now tinychat is broken for me. I think a few people have the same problem where we can't type, so shoutbox for now.

  9. ChainBreak
    Date: Fri, Aug 10 2012 14:31:59

    Tinychat was cool before the green bar of doom was introduced.

  10. Demetrius
    Date: Mon, Aug 13 2012 00:32:03

    @shoeman6 i had the same problem because i was using google chrome which its shockwave flash didnt work or just stopped working so my friend enkronidus told me to switch server browsers (so i switched to internet explorer) and then it started to work just helping. :clap:

  11. Epic Holiday
    Date: Mon, Aug 13 2012 04:46:30

    SHout box. Because some oldfags in tinychat are so annoying.

  12. xeirrl
    Date: Wed, Aug 15 2012 10:56:53

    I have been using tiny chat because it allows instant video chat and instant messaging.

  13. agillitrhiz
    Date: Wed, Aug 15 2012 11:34:48

    cos the shoutbox is jus in front.

  14. Tentcell
    Date: Fri, Aug 17 2012 01:52:42

    Tinychat. Because I enjoy streaming porn and impersonating people.

  15. computer70
    Date: Thu, Feb 6 2014 14:49:18

    Tinychat :).

  16. Enkronidus
    Date: Thu, Feb 6 2014 17:04:19

    I never think of Tinychat as a branch of the UPSB, but more of a part of the Tinychat hosted by UPSB, while Shoutbox is totally a homeboy. But it's just in term of my feeling and, of course, is unrelevent to anything at all. My first impression came from the shoutbox. It's quick to use and everything. Tinychat is great for hanging out and stalking people but there aren't many people most of the time. I guess I'm just more of a typer guy than a broadcaster.

  17. spenpinner
    Date: Thu, Feb 6 2014 19:27:45

    there are shout box faggots. and there are tinychat faggots. it just depends on which faggots you become faggots with. Fgt.

  18. Vixuhs
    Date: Thu, Feb 6 2014 23:45:58

    My cam sucks so I don't really go on much xD But maybe I'd prefer tinychat if I had a better camera? Not really sure..

  19. Soren
    Date: Fri, Feb 7 2014 00:45:38

    shoutbox, more activity