Off-topic / Minecraft
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 21:16:18
I just got my own server up and I have 32 slots so join me! You may need to register, but it's pretty fun. and here's the program for noclip
Date: Sun, Aug 8 2010 04:33:53
Yes, it is fun.
Date: Sun, Aug 8 2010 09:04:15
yay c:
Date: Sun, Aug 8 2010 10:02:49
Date: Sun, Aug 8 2010 15:21:57
its surprisingly fun
Date: Sun, Aug 8 2010 16:27:49
I don't get it
Date: Tue, Aug 10 2010 04:33:44
due to some faggot coming on and rage deleting, you must pm me for the link. kthanks
Date: Tue, Aug 10 2010 08:08:39
what do u do in this?
Date: Tue, Aug 10 2010 08:50:19
for now, build stuff out of colored cubes and dig
Date: Wed, Aug 11 2010 00:03:23
Minecraft is a really nice game if you can enjoy it alone on a server maybe with some guys you know. It is a really pain of people randomly destroy your stuff :/ I even made this video back then where we succeeded in building the "8)" smiley.
Date: Wed, Aug 11 2010 03:29:30
Date: Wed, Aug 11 2010 19:49:40
Date: Wed, Aug 11 2010 20:00:03
Date: Fri, Oct 15 2010 10:43:37
This game is beyond my ability to comprehend. I don't get it at all. Why is this so popular.
Date: Fri, Oct 15 2010 16:58:00
You're just jealous you don't know the wonders of minecraft
Date: Fri, Oct 15 2010 19:05:55
This game is amazing
Date: Fri, Oct 15 2010 21:44:10
watch a review [video=youtube;iMW5HggSNC4][/video]
Date: Sat, Oct 16 2010 00:47:39
this game is win
Date: Sat, Oct 16 2010 01:26:25
i suppose this is hd pixelation? D:
Date: Sat, Oct 16 2010 01:54:17
Minecraft is incredibly relaxing. Put on an HD Texture pack and some music and let your mind wonder.
Date: Sat, Oct 16 2010 02:08:57
Sankaku wrote: this game is win
Something can't be "win." However, something can "win." -
Date: Sat, Oct 16 2010 04:38:34
Date: Sat, Oct 16 2010 04:49:32
will u guys play wif me if i buy T.T
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 21:47:12
[video=youtube;JS6ScnXCAwo][/video] burned a cross xD
Date: Thu, Oct 21 2010 04:43:24
i dont get why u need a server, isnt this a single player game?
Date: Thu, Oct 21 2010 04:55:08
there's a multiplayer where you can basically do the same stuff just with your friends. But you need a server to play on =/
Date: Thu, Oct 21 2010 05:04:55
My current project:
Date: Thu, Oct 21 2010 20:06:23
That makes my underwater tree farm look like shit. :(
Date: Thu, Oct 21 2010 21:42:20
what is that suppose to be xD a mineshaft? but uhh my friend wanted to play wif me. also uhh... waht are those yellow building materials u used .
Date: Thu, Oct 21 2010 22:16:41
VendettaBF wrote: what is that suppose to be xD a mineshaft? but uhh my friend wanted to play wif me. also uhh... waht are those yellow building materials u used .
I'm creating the tower of druaga. That's solid gold XD -
Date: Thu, Oct 21 2010 22:49:35
And this was made legitimately? :o
Date: Thu, Oct 21 2010 22:59:36
iMatt wrote: I'm creating the tower of druaga. That's solid gold XD
WHAT THE FUCK? I thought that was some funky sand texture. How many hours did you put into it? -
Date: Fri, Oct 22 2010 00:07:58
gold is fcking hard to come by. i've been to dozens of caves and havent even have 100 gold ores yet
Date: Fri, Oct 22 2010 00:20:47
I've seen a lot of gold ore. I don't mine it because it's too useless. xD
Date: Fri, Oct 22 2010 06:18:50
nateiskewl wrote: WHAT THE FUCK? I thought that was some funky sand texture. How many hours did you put into it?
You do not want to know. -
Date: Thu, Dec 2 2010 03:15:57
So, im hosting a server for icolor, stormcannon1, and i. pm me if u want ip.
Date: Thu, Dec 2 2010 20:48:57
I started playing last week...
Date: Thu, Dec 2 2010 22:19:33
well, would u like an ip cxi?
Date: Thu, Dec 2 2010 22:27:24
i do
Date: Thu, Dec 2 2010 23:33:59
I LOVE THIS GAME!!! I've been playing it for quite a while, cant wait until its beta
Date: Fri, Dec 3 2010 01:26:58
want ip light?
Date: Sun, Dec 5 2010 02:02:09
I downloaded the game to try it out. But when I click on the .jar file nothing happens. Can anyone help me out? My friends seem to have it installed the same way and they don't have that probleme. I have the latest Java version. Will this happen if I buy the game?
Date: Sun, Dec 5 2010 02:22:08
Click on the .jar file? Did you get the one meant for Macs? It's an .exe if you get the windows version. So if you have a Mac, then you're good. You need to install it a different way. Check the download page on as it should give you instructions.
Date: Sun, Dec 5 2010 02:50:05
IMO seems more like work than fun to build a shape accurately out of boxes.
Date: Sun, Dec 5 2010 06:24:53
Current project, Train station I'm buildling:
I have a lot more pictures of it, but I'm limited on here.
Date: Sun, Dec 5 2010 20:21:25
Dude Matt. I can help you out if you want... Like, I have so much spare time nowadays.
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 00:31:29
Storm wrote: Dude Matt. I can help you out if you want... Like, I have so much spare time nowadays.
Appreciate the thought, but I'm very picky about how I do my projects. All of that was hand-cleared aka solid rock. Only I know my vision *looks off into sunset* ...that and the multiplayer is still buggy. -
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 01:23:57
Yeah, I mean I didn't pay for the game, but it doesn't work for me. Although it works for my friends. If I buy the game and I have the latest version of Java, it should work? Edit: I just downloaded the .exe file on their website. I haven't bought an account but when I execute minecraft.exe it should work right? Because in my case it doesn't. I choose to execute and nothing happens...