Tutorials Pending Approval / Trinity Mod
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 06:41:35
THE MOD MADE BY James[PSH] Translated by me from PSH Original thread: [B]lets start[/B] Hi Guys, This tutorial is about James' Trinity Mod. James is in outstation now, so I(BurningFinger) will release the tutorial. Introduction:The mod is originally designed for both writing mechanisms,The mod must be stable and easy, so James made it(lolwut crappy english)
The Mod is kinda stable (almost without using tape)
The Original Trinity mod is with L-in(maybe). This version will be different with BETA version(with tutorial), I(Burning Finger) just use t release the tutorial. P/S:Although Trinity doesn't sound as nice as Quadrinity, this mod can be spilt into 4 but it has 3 capabilities. Actually it is broken into 3 and has 2 writing capabilities. Another ability is to spilt into 2 pens. James designed this mod. Its is said to have another variation where when the pen is split, both ends are writable, but in the end, he gave up on that idea.
[B][SIZE="5"]LETS GET IT STARTED[/SIZE][/B] Design Concept: Writable(Ballpoint or MP), E2B, Provides More momentum
[2x](Pilot) G2 [1x](Uniball) UM-153 Signo broad [1x](Baoke) MP-492 [COLOR="red"]CAN SUB WITH CT[/COLOR] [1x](Pilot) G3 [1x](Faber-Castell) Grip-Matic Mechanical Pencil [1x](Zebra) Airfit Inktube(May can sub) [1x] Insert Tools: Tweezers, Clear Tape(Scotch Tape) DATA: Length: 21.8cm Weight: Slightly heavier than Buster CYL COG: 0.5cm from the COP(forward) Structure: Detachtable Pen(cils) Writing Mechanisms: Mechanical Pencil+Retractable Ballpoint Pen Function: E2B,Writeable Moddage: Semi-Hard Cost: 45RMB(approximately 9$) Tutorial 1:Gather the Materials [B][SIZE="5"]MP Part[/SIZE][/B] 2:Cut your UM-153 cap into 4.5cm
3:Disassemble the Grip Matic, Cut the barrel like so(DO NOT CUT THE LEAD TUBE)
4: Cut 2Stripes x2 from GM Grip,Put them onto the tip and the barrel like picture shown,Put them in together with the insert
5: Cut off your lead tube (GM) 3.5cm from the back
6: You have done the front part!!
[B][SIZE="5"]Body part[/SIZE][/B] 7: Disassemble you G2 like so, wrap some clear tape on it(2~3 layers for clear tape, 1~2 for electrical tape)
8: Cut/file your G2 4mm from both side. stick in insert
9: You have done the body
[B][SIZE="5"]Retractable part[/SIZE][/B] 10: Take Out the Baoke(CT) Plastic Tip
11: Using the step 7: disassemble another G2, put the G2 spring into Baoke(CT) tip
12: Take out the Airfit Ink, Cut 2.5cm from the back, Wrap the tape on 3.2cm from the front(in order to block the spring)
13: Widen the Baoke(CT) Hole using the Tweezer so the Airfit ink can pass through freely
14: Assemble your RT part like so, wrap tape 3~4layer
[B][SIZE="5"]Cap part[/SIZE][/B] 15: Disassemble the G3, Take the tip and cap, use 1section of GM Grip to block the G3 tip in the G3 Cap
16: Put your G3 cap onto RT part, put on G2 grip so you have done everything
17: Decorate your mod with Electrical tapes Q&A: 1. Q:The Baoke tip cant put into G2 barrel, Wad should i do?? A:Twist Baoke tip into G2 barrel,If your baoke tip will come out,seeQ4。(CT Doesn't have this problem) 2. Q:GM tip will spoilt easily, why?? A:No Solution for this 3. Q:My Clicking part came out, why A:For the MP Part, maybe u dint stuck your MP mechanism nicely。For the RT ballpoint, Maybe Baoke tip is loose. Change your Baoke tip not use glue, thx 4. Q:The G2 Spring is loose, why? A:The tape inside is moved.. 5. Q:The G2 grip cant go onto G3 cap, HOW? A:[video=youtube;mt_bnQgEMjY][/video] 6. Q:How to adjust the Insert resolution? A:Anyinsert will be longer..just adjust it 7. Q:I like Black & White, Baoke dint provide Black And white, HOW?? A:Baoke has less color, use CT instead :)<
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 08:40:32
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 09:47:44
u know how to get parts in malaysia ??
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 13:22:37
not exactly balanced but maybe sub in a signo instead of a g3 tip in g3 cap? just made mine and everything else but the weight is awesome nice tut and translation
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 13:42:45
Thanks for bringing the translated version to UPSB. Been itching to make one of these lol
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 13:56:47
just to clarify the RT section will still work if i use a CT backplug right?
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 14:37:06
i'll try to translate for u @Erza Although Trinity doesn't sound as nice as Quadrinity, this mod can be spilt into 4 but it has 3 capabilities. Actually it is broken into 3 and has 2 writing capabilities. Another ability is to spilt into 2 pens. James designed this mod. Its is said to have another variation where when the pen is split, both ends are writable, but in the end, he gave up on that idea.
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 14:54:38
Just made this mod as well for the lolz. IMHO it is a great looking mod but very similar to Firefly. It looks a lot better than it spins. Weight distribution and spinning feel is so so at best. But it does look quite sexy just sitting dere woot woot~
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 15:30:11
With the insert this mod is gorgeous, I wonder how it spins.
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 16:16:05
@Erza how much would u sell this for? usd
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 19:02:09
@PenwisH How reliable is it to spin? With you saying it's like a Firefly I'm not sure whether or not I should take the time to make one. The main thing I'm concerned about is each of the pieces being tight enough to stay together while spinning but coming apart easily when disassembled for use. Is it very reliable or will it require a lot of maintenance?
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 19:09:53
Personally I am not intend to post tut here because of several is that highlighter pen can only be got in china. I am searching a material that can be got worldwide. one more thing, I am still oscillate between using g3 cap or jell cap on the back . Though i post my tut on PSH,the mod itself is still waits to be improved. @Supergirl and everyone else watch this tut.
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 21:07:44
Why not use signo tip in g3 cap if it's slightly from heavy? That should fix the problem. Also, is it really heavier than a buster...that worries me considering the number of parts that can be taken apart...
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 23:09:33
Kyoflow wrote: Why not use signo tip in g3 cap if it's slightly from heavy? That should fix the problem. Also, is it really heavier than a buster...that worries me considering the number of parts that can be taken apart...
@Kyoflow yeah that is my fault, thank you for your advice and you may check post 12 . -
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 23:11:12
that looks kinda simlar to the f1r3fly mod nice job sell it on Penwish
Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 00:00:37
well going to put this out there from the mention but the backplug or tip whatever you wanna call it works perfectly fine vs the one said in tut i even prefer using ct imo but uhh another quick imo @qinkuangan back cap isnt heavy enough well like said its just an opinion but your making it where materials can be found world wide. i said from before put a signo instead well you use a signo broad in it anyway you get the signo tip from there so this is acually a really great mod i'd give it 9.7 out of 10
Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 06:02:21
@Fryuo Im not selling things to oversea..although i selling this mod :)
Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 12:51:30
Pros:Nice mod to me. The insert rocks, the split structure looks brilliant, also very nice designing on front mech. Cons:There seems sm problem in translation as far as i know; Smhow using 'I(burningfinger)' as the subject in this tut is kind a bit improper, cause the actural original modder of the pen is James(PSH), burningfinger just post this tut for him. Notifying the author at the very beginning of this tut would makes it better perhaps. Also some part of Q&A isnt correctly translated; using CT plastic tip would cause sm linkage problem instead of using Baoke one.
Date: Wed, Aug 1 2012 06:54:52
@Erza then how to get that baoke in msia ??
Date: Wed, Aug 1 2012 08:19:45
@TerryAngX i use CT so dun ask me thx..or u could ask in Where to find pens in... section
Date: Wed, Aug 1 2012 08:33:49
@Erza how to get ct in malaysia, i mean what is the name of the pen :P ? and how do you do that give internets ??
Date: Wed, Aug 1 2012 08:48:30
TerryAngX wrote: @Erza how to get ct in malaysia, i mean what is the name of the pen :P ? and how do you do that give internets ??
:facepalm: ct=color triple -
Date: Wed, Aug 1 2012 08:56:35
if anyone made like 2 and willing to sell, i wan
Date: Wed, Aug 1 2012 08:58:24
TerryAngX wrote: if anyone made like 2 and willing to sell, i wan
Flamingoracle is selling one on his auction thread... But that's in tHe US -
Date: Wed, Aug 8 2012 18:08:42
Erza wrote: ct=color triple
I thought CT's are Pentel's Color Twins, aren't they? -
Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 00:41:30
Deveroux wrote: I thought CT's are Pentel's Color Twins, aren't they?
Yes they are. -
Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 07:28:49
Deveroux wrote: I thought CT's are Pentel's Color Twins, aren't they?
yes they are lol EDIT @Zombo requesting this tut for approval -
Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 18:03:58
:d. Can't find air fit ink tube so using RSVP same cut size as air fit. And it won't work. Lol I've wasted like 8 ink tubes three ct plugs and two g3 bodies Curses
Date: Sat, Aug 11 2012 17:20:04
Que594 wrote: :d. Can't find air fit ink tube so using RSVP same cut size as air fit. And it won't work. Lol I've wasted like 8 ink tubes three ct plugs and two g3 bodies Curses
How come rsvp wont work..u just cut it and use tissue paper to rub off some.. -
Date: Mon, Sep 3 2012 16:06:53
@Erza how exactly do you use the mp part? wont the lead fall out? and step 12. cut 1.5cm or 2.5cm?
Date: Mon, Sep 3 2012 16:52:31
@Erza how exactly do you use the mp part? wont the lead fall out? and step 12. cut 1.5cm or 2.5cm? Sorry i was just translate everything and i forgot how much i cut
Date: Tue, Sep 4 2012 03:46:06
@Erza the mp part wont come out but how about the lead in the mp part? like isnt it just a tube? wont the lead fall out? and in the pic u cut 1.5cm. should i follow that?
Date: Thu, Sep 6 2012 01:48:12
really, as heavy as a buster i wouldnt think so, even with the stuff in the body its like a f1r3fly but you dont use dr grip grip so it might be a little lighter
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2012 18:04:03
mapjay wrote: @Erza the mp part wont come out but how about the lead in the mp part? like isnt it just a tube? wont the lead fall out? and in the pic u cut 1.5cm. should i follow that?
Wont...put 1 lead per time about the 1.5cm..u try cut 1.5 first since im just translate according thr pserhome link..i also forgot how long ive cut -
Date: Sun, Dec 16 2012 14:34:59
Awesome mod, thanks. Really helpful!
Date: Mon, Dec 17 2012 02:40:48
...why do these keep getting moved to the front?
Date: Sat, May 31 2014 11:38:23
could upload the missing pictures?
Date: Thu, Jul 3 2014 13:12:36
Let's approve it =) Some nice ideas, congrat' =D