Off-topic / Two Kitchens
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 04:49:07
Hi. Any of you guys have more than one kitchen? Like you have your main stove and shizz inside your house then maybe in your garage or something you have another stove and oven? This is primarily targeting you asians out there. My house has inside and in my garage because my parents don't like cooking inside the house, they're afraid the smell of the food will penetrate into the furniture and such. In our garage we have a restaurant style (big old silver ridiculous stoves/oven) where we do our cooking. I also have one similar to that back at my home in Florida, except its a section of my house that my dad built, acts as an outdoor kitchen with a hugeass stove and shizz. Im just wonderin
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 06:15:01
Originally had part of the main floor built to house a tenant, with a small kitchen. Kicked the tenant out, moved our shit in and the kitchen there is not used at all. Kitchen upstairs is what's used most; it's bigger and nicer lol.
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 06:29:35
What the tits. I've never heard of his.
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 06:38:49
yay im not the only one with a kitchen on the second floor. then again i live in florida so it floods...
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 06:48:19
My house is a raised ranch house, so I used to have my kitchen, dining room, and living room inside one giant room. Eventually, my parents didn't like the smell of food so they decided to move the old kitchen to the garage and make a new kitchen downstairs from scratch. Even with two kitchens, my mom doesn't really like stir frying inside, so she usually cooks a lot outside with a gas stove. old picture I took of new kitchen downstairs
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 06:48:44
I have two kitchens, first and second floor of the house. We rarely use the first floor kitchen though. :/ It's used only for special occasions like a party or something. My parents like to buy lots of food and stuff so we have some of our food in the first floor refrigerator which is apparently better than the one upstairs. -___-
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 08:19:03
pics tetsip?
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 08:56:06
Lol, we have 3 fridges. And a deep freeze freezer.
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 09:24:20
multiple fridges ftw. too much asian food.
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 14:43:36
My house has 2 fridges and 2 ovens. One oven only the stove works so we use the oven on the other one. The 2 fridges almost block the table and the doors. And the weirdest of all I'm not even asian :666:
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 16:36:37
i have like six fridges. in one kitchen. then one out in the garage.
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 20:09:01
DJSpin wrote: i have like six fridges. in one kitchen. then one out in the garage.
dafuq? u deliver ice cream or somethin? -
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 20:13:50
talk about a extremly high electric bill
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 02:50:32
i have like 5 tables at my house.
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 07:34:50
DJSpin;216122]i have like six fridges. in one kitchen. then one out in the garage.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=boshi wrote: i have like 5 tables at my house.
you niggas need pictures otherwise its bullshit -
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 07:40:50
boshi wrote: i have like 5 tables at my house.
Loanshark's too poor to get tables, also he seems to hate furniture or something -
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 15:17:14
boshi wrote: i have like 5 tables at my house.
thats believable, as long as theyre not all in the kitchen, lol -
Date: Wed, Aug 1 2012 05:59:33
garage kitchen at my house in cali, not at home in florida so can't take a pic of that kitchen lol. Behind the cardboard box are tons of pots and pans, spices etc
and inside kitchen. Took this pic a while ago to show my other siblings. too lazy to take another...
Date: Wed, Aug 1 2012 07:16:34
DJSpin wrote: thats believable, as long as theyre not all in the kitchen, lol
i also have like 10 chairs.