Tutorials Pending Approval / matic-g3 mod
Date: Tue, Jul 24 2012 15:56:41
This is a twistable ballpoint mod The one above is made by my friend burningfinger. I am sorry this red insert only belongs to him, it will not go public.
This one is mine(original one). Hello. I created this mod almost a year ago.Now i decided to make a formal tutorial and post Here (first one was on psh) Photo is taken and edited by Burningfinger(author of the nautilus mod) You may notice that the pen used in the tut is actually a hgg body,But YOU CAN NOT SUB G3 BY HGG BODY. The photo is only for tutorial use. [B]status: name:matic-g3 mod v2.0 type: single-sided retractable COG: COP Length: 19.7cm Weight: ~seven mod Writing-Mechanism: twistable Ink-Type: ballpoint Estimated-Cost: $8-12[/B] [B] materials: (5 pens in total) pilot g3--------------------------x1 faber-castel gripmatic----------x1 uni signo broad------------------x1 pentel hgg(inktube&back plug)-x1 zebra airfit(inktube&spring)----x1[/B]
plz like this post if you do like this mod tut.Spoiler
parts you need:* [B]Parts from hgg and airfit is not in the photo.Sorry about that[/B].Tools you need: knife teflon tape lighter vinyl tape sand paper [B]1. Take the g3 grip off the g3 (as well as signo broad grip )in one piece.You should NOT damage the grip.[/B] [B]2. Remove the clip of g3,and try to make the surface of g3 cap as smooth as possible.(you may use a x acto nife) Cut 3 section of gripmatic grip and put it inside a 2.1cm long signo broad grip. Slide the g3 tip in the cap,then slide the combined grip in with the insert. Insert should be approximately 2.4cm long.[/B]
[B]3. Cut the g3 front body(thinner part) to 1.6 cm ,and sand the small slope on it. You should make the thinner part of the g3 consistent. Cut the signo broad (thinner part including tip )into 4.2cm.[COLOR="red"]Do NOT sand the surface of the signo broad body[/COLOR](what burningfinger did in this photo is wrong ,cause if you sand the signo broad,the front part will be loose then you would have to use some tape.)
4. Get the rest of signo broad grip and place it on the g3 body (we will need it later)[/B]
[B]5. Cut signo broad cap into 3.9cm(can be a bit shorter). Take 3 sections of gripmatic grip and slide into the cap as shown in the photo.[/B]
[B]6. Place another 3 sections of gripmatic grip on the signo broad body which has been cut earlier.[/B]
[B]7. Cut off 3 stripes of g3 grip and keep the rest.[/B]
[B]8. Place the g3 grip on the signo broad body.[/B]
[B]9. Place broad cap and grip together on the g3 body (The parts you get in step 5)[/B]
[B]10.Take a insert (3.4cm long) to wrap up the part you made in step 8(please expose 2 stripes of g3 grip.This is important). [/B]
[B]Then Slide the whole part (together with the insert)into the signo broad cap and push it to the end . The g3 grip and gripmatic grip should touch each other.[/B]
[B]11.[COLOR="red"]This step is difficult.[/COLOR]Move the signo broad cap towards the tip. It is really tight.The photo will show you the the exact position it should be.[/B]
[B]12.Place the 0.8cm signo broad grip on the gripmatic grip and you finish the front part.[/B]
[B]13.Wash the hgg inktube. and cut it into 5.2cm and 3.4cm.Plug the airfit inktube into the 5.2cm hgg inktube( a little bit) and make sure the total length of the tube is equal to the 13.6cm( can be shorter for you) Add tape on the airfit inktube to make sure it will not slide too much into the hgg inktube. Of course it(airfit) can be taken out easily.That does not matter.[/B]
[B]14.[COLOR="red"]This step is difficult.[/COLOR]plug the part you made in step 13 and the 3.4cm hgg inktube both into the inner spiral part of the gripmatic. Real tight also. Make sure you push them to the bottom.[/B]
[B]15.Cut the outer spiral mechanism into 2.7cm.(cut off the curved part)[/B]
[B]16.Add some teflon tape on the inner spiral part. [/B]
[B]17.Twist the ink you made into the outer plastic-mechanism.It should move smoothly.[/B]
[B]18.Place the insert first and it should not be too thick.Add some tape on the plastic (optional) and slide it into the g3 body untill it does not move any more.(about a half)[/B]
[B]19.Screw the tip off and attach the airfit spring.The spring should fit perfect on the tip. screw the tip back.[/B]
[B]20.Add some tape at the end of g3 body (like most g3 mods).Also add some tape on the hgg ink tube and place the hgg plug on it.[/B]
[B]21.Put the cap on and you finish.[/B]
insert : front :3.4cm(length)x 3.5cm (width) back :2.4cm(length)x 3.5cm (width)
Date: Tue, Jul 24 2012 17:02:38
I think that this is a very good mod. I like how I don't have to throw away my gripmatic MP after making a F1R3FLY mod. Can you post the inserts and their dimensions.:thumb:
Date: Tue, Jul 24 2012 17:15:50
Nice and easy. And only three pens used (sun) Will mod one when I'm back at home (in about 2 weeks)
Date: Tue, Jul 24 2012 17:38:32
Thats a very good mod :D and i like it how it only takes three pens
Date: Tue, Jul 24 2012 19:09:09
that is easily one of the best mods release in a long time props definily making one xD
Date: Tue, Jul 24 2012 20:07:19
is the spring needed actually? in psh i dint see burning finger add spring O.o
Date: Tue, Jul 24 2012 20:11:28
Erza wrote: is the spring needed actually? in psh i dint see burning finger add spring O.o
I have edit the tutorial on the PSH. Now it is the same as this one The spring can prevent the inktube moving (or vibrate)too much . -
Date: Tue, Jul 24 2012 20:15:02 matic g3..i actually stuffed alot of paper into the G3 tip..add few layer of tape on 153 grip so that the mech will works ... -_-
Date: Tue, Jul 24 2012 22:08:15
Cool... i will make it one.. for my collection,hahahaha nice tutorial,man! :2p2h:
Date: Thu, Aug 2 2012 04:41:14
please take me this red insert thanks:D
Date: Sat, Oct 6 2012 18:48:48
@qinkuangan I finally made the mod. Love the mechanism (very tricky in the cap though). I modified my pen a bit so I don't have to remove the cap to use the mechanism. I now can twist the cap and start writing ^^ Sincerely the pen is VERY frontheavy (at least my version). Maybe I'll replace the G3 tip in the cap with Signo... Nontheless: Awesome work! P.S. picture will follow when I have a cam ;)
Date: Sat, Oct 6 2012 19:32:45
@Syrti That is cool,really appreciate that.
Date: Sun, Oct 7 2012 04:43:58
lol syrti u can twist the cap and write in v1
Date: Wed, Nov 21 2012 10:14:07
This mod actually looks really good, I am going to make it as soon as I have the materials. Good work!
Date: Sat, Dec 15 2012 00:26:42
Awesome, do i have to use airfit?, the phil doesnt have em :(
Date: Mon, Dec 17 2012 02:56:21
Aargh! Attack of the moving threads!!! Y is it at the front now?
Date: Sun, Mar 10 2013 05:35:56
Anyway to make it a little heavier o.o