Linkages & Combos / Lighter or Heavier pen to practice combo

  1. Twinkle
    Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 20:21:20

    Hi, I am trying to learn combo and got confuse which is better to practice the combo. Do we practice each individual trick and combo using lighter pen first and when we can do the combo consistently, then only we use a heavier pen to execute it? Who can advice or where can i find info on that? Thanks.

  2. Kyoflow
    Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 23:27:53

    most people will say use a lighter pen to practice with so its easier to execute with heavier pens later. imo though, you should practice with the pen that feels most comfortable to you, as that pen will give you your style

  3. Alex
    Date: Sun, Jul 22 2012 20:08:56

    You dont need to use a heavy pen to execute a combo even if you have mastered it, you can still use a light pen

    Twinkle wrote: Hi, I am trying to learn combo and got confuse which is better to practice the combo. Do we practice each individual trick and combo using lighter pen first and when we can do the combo consistently, then only we use a heavier pen to execute it? Who can advice or where can i find info on that? Thanks.

  4. Mufoofee
    Date: Sun, Jul 22 2012 20:25:46

    Use the pen you practice with to execute the combo. You practice with it so why not use it? :dunno: You are going to feel comfortable with it, and using another pen will mess you up, because you aren't comfortable. No?

  5. Alex
    Date: Mon, Jul 23 2012 03:01:35

    Yeah i agree if you practiced a combo with a mod cuz you felt comfortable with it then you should use the same mod in your combo

  6. Twinkle
    Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 17:10:06

    Thanks for the info. About pen that is comfortable, seems like I can execute different trick better with different pen.. but the same pen might not execute the trick well in a combo.. That's really mind boggle me =(