Single Member & Tag Videos / (Ballsign) BakFall Session 3
Date: Fri, Aug 6 2010 17:58:22
[B]BFS3[/B] - the third one of my bakfall sessions. This time not with my mainpen but with a clear ballsign. = )
[B]Link: Stream:[/B] [wyoutube]DHDyYK-nPIA[/wyoutube] Hope you enjoy it. : ) Ill
Date: Fri, Aug 6 2010 18:45:24
wow your cont fl ta revs are ridiculously smooth :O great control :thumb: the editing was a little bit excessive but very smooth and good in general.
Date: Mon, Aug 9 2010 15:01:06
Thanks. : ) I'm glad ppl seem to like it. Concerning the editing: I thing a bit synchronisation to the music is nice to see as long as you still have most parts in real speed. ; )