Date: Thu, Jun 28 2012 07:09:30--------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]I expect the tournament to start by July 22, 2012[/B] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Rulebook :[/B] PDF: DOC: --------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Registration deadline is: July 10, 2012 (subject to changes)[/B] --------------------------------------------------------------------- Also , forgot to add, feel free to ask any questions in this thread. --------------------------------------------------------------------- and yeah thanks Zombo for his WC2012 registration post. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Members:
[SPOILER=It was getting way too big, the rest of the stuff.] [B]This is for team registration, NOT spinner registration.[/B] The Team Tournament is an international team pen spinning tournament, very similar to the World Cup except you do not have to represent a community(although you can) nor do you have to be a world-class spinner. The goal of the tournament is to determine the team who excels the most in all aspects of pen spinning. The tournament will begin in July and finish in August or September. The length of the tournament will depend on the number of teams registered. The format and rules will be similar to WC2012. ----------- [SPOILER=The rest of the stuff, it was getting way too big.] [B]How to register[/B] [B] Requirements: [/B] - Be able to assemble a team of 5 or more spinners - Have a manager who is good at English (can be part of team) - Be able to provide the organizers with videos of every single spinner in the team involved. -Teams will be divided in two sections if a large number of teams decide to partake. [B]Send your registration to me, TheAafg via PM with:[/B] - List of spinners in your team with example video links - Contact information for manager You do not have to form your team during registration. Final lineup is only submitted right before tournament begins. The judges have already been chosen, whose names will not be revealed to avoid finger-pointing, so unlike WC2012, you do not have to provide judges.[SPOILER= Neo-Genesis] Xienix (also the manager) hahakumquat sly kirua Zkhan Phyr koza eazi-spinner genesis.noir [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Spinny] 2.mhl 3.Mixem 4.KCL7 6.Angel 7.Monkey 8.Mark 9.retry Manager : Spinny [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Variety] Dakrowl Dris Gyrobius King Ohzers Pixels Manager- Abyss [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Alliance] Vaan Haxsaw Gash Buum Kionz Raos Haxsaw would be the manager [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Kinetic Core] Wish Xound RaM nOte Chobi (also manager) Yanos [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Dream Chase] 0c(manger), nightingale, butters, rocken, fjr1134, vate, nizza [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Advanced Direction] miyat (manager) Ivabra Jumi crinix VikroaL Alvaris [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Rangers of Spin] Elune Lovelife Walkaz Kenmai SSS AB7 LoneWind [/SPOILER] [SPOILER= SharpSpinner] kin Tin Eric Eno cLear Dee snow Airgear EaglE Manager: EaglE [/SPOILER] [SPOILER= Trinity] 1. Fang 2. Spinford 3. Kari 4. Limit 5. Megas Manager of this team: Spinford [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=e.X.e.Y] PenVirus AlvinPS Manman SHAMYWAMMY Yamaguchi Orchid [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [B][COLOR="red"]R1 Videos:[/COLOR][/B] [SPOILER=R1 Videos] [SPOILER=Ved Ruvaak] Ved Ruvaak : Artistic : Double : no technical fu [/SPOILER] vs [SPOILER=e.X.e.Y] e.X.e.Y ------------------------------------------------- Technical - Penvirus: ------------------------------------------------- Artistic - ShammyWammy ------------------------------------------------- Doubles - Manman + Yamaguchi ------------------------------------------------- [/SPOILER] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [SPOILER=Variety ] Artistic : Technical : Doubles : [/SPOILER] vs [SPOILER=SharpSpinner] Technical: Snow Artistic: Eno Doubles: Tin & cLear [/SPOILER] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [SPOILER=Kinetic Core] Wish (Technical) : RaM (Artistic) : Doubles : [/SPOILER] vs [SPOILER=Spinny] CloudR1[Technical] Mixem[R1Artistic].mp4 MHL&Angel[R1Doubles].wmv [/SPOILER] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [SPOILER=Dream Chase] Artistical: nightingale Technical: 0c Doubles:XDai and Fantasy [/SPOILER] vs [SPOILER=Neo-Genesis] Artistic : eazi-penspinner Technical Xienix and phyr Doubles [/SPOILER] _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [SPOILER=Alliance] Doubles - Technical - no artistic [/SPOILER] vs [SPOILER=Rangers of Spin] Artistic : Technical : Double:[/SPOILER] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [SPOILER=Trinity] Artistic : Technical : Double : [/SPOILER] vs [SPOILER=Advanced Direction] Artistic Technical Doubles[/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [B][SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="yellow"][B][U]Round 1 Results :[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]The teams that have their names in red will advance to the next round.[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Round 2 Videos :[/COLOR] [/B] [SPOILER=Round 2 Videos] [SPOILER=e.X.e.Y] [B]Speed : [/B] Orchid [B]1p2h/2p2h :[/B] AlvinPS [B] Difficulty :[/B] PenVirus [/SPOILER] vs [SPOILER=SharpSpinner] [B]Speed :[/B] cLear [B]2h2p or 2h1p :[/B] Tin [B]Difficulty :[/B] Airgear [/SPOILER] _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [SPOILER=Spinny] Retry [R2-Speed] MHL [R2-2hands] KCL7 [R2-Difficulty] [/SPOILER] vs [SPOILER=Neo-Genesis] 【Speed】 hahakumquat 【2p2h/1p2h】 sLy 【Difficulty】 [/SPOILER] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [SPOILER=Rangers of Spin] [B] Speed : [/B] KenMai [B] 1p2h/2p2h :[/B] sss [B] Difficulty : [/B] lovelife [/SPOILER] vs [SPOILER=Advanced Direction] [B]Speed : [/B]crinix [B] 1p2h/2p2h : [/B] Ivabra [B] Difficulty : [/B] miyat [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [B][COLOR="yellow"][SIZE="1"]ROUND 2 RESULTS NIGGA : [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] red = win will do everything when I wake up tomorrow. [B][COLOR="red"][SIZE="3"]Brackets : [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Please tell me if you have any questions or concerns. [/B] [B][COLOR="black"][SIZE="1"]FINAL ROUND DETAILS : [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="green"]-Teams will film two videos (can also be a double) -One video should focus on korean style and the other on power -The final round is a 3 way battle. -Multiple judges will comment on the 3 videos and then pick a winner. [/COLOR][/B] ______________________________________________________________________________________ [B][SIZE="1"][COLOR="#ff8c00"]FINAL ROUND VIDEOS [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SPOILER=Final Round Videos] [SPOILER=Advanced Direction] Korean: Power: [/SPOILER] vs [SPOILER=e.X.e.Y] Yamaguchi - Korean Style ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AlvinPS - Power [/SPOILER] vs [SPOILER=Spinny] Mark&Orange[R3-Korean] Cloud[R3-Power] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] FINAL ROUND JUDGING OUT[SIZE="5"][/SIZE] Korean style Judging : [SPOILER=Korean Style Judging] [SPOILER=Judge 1] Mark & Orange Execution: 8 Difficulty: 7 Creativity: 8 Appeal:8 Total: 31 Very interesting doubles videos. The overall presentation and the execution of each individual spinner was indeed very appealing; also, examining the video holistically only increases the enjoyment factor. Both spinners displayed decent korean linkages as well as some new school linkages. The overall execution of the clips was superb when considering the stable control but spinners retained throughout the video. All in all, this is a another great video submission by Spinny [PSH]. Yamaguchi Execution: 9 Difficulty: 6 Creativity: 6 Appeal: 9 Total: 30 Excellent combo by e.X.e.Y's Yamaguchi. His outstanding smoothness and style was a absolute eye catcher throughout the combo. This combo definitely fit this round's korean style theme. His smoothness not only highlighted his control and confidence during this combo but also contributed to fluidity and flow of the combo. The combo was wrapped up by a clean and concise finisher giving the combo some definite closure. Juminuwo Execution: 7 Difficulty: 6 Creativity: 6 Appeal: 9 Total: 28 A very flashy combo by AD's Juminuwo; right off the bat jumi's flashy style and flamboyant hand movements emits and appealing aura. Juminuwo's stylistic approach to korean style is very interesting and is quite enjoyable to watch. However, there were some stumbles and split-second pauses that seemed unnatural; this in itself brings down the smoothness and brings attention to his wavering control at certain points in the combo. It's, however, a very solid combo worthy of being judged in the final round. [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Judge 2] Juminuwo: 23.5/40 Execution 6/10 1 mistake in the combo Difficulty 4.5/10 some difficult tricks and links in there Creativity 4/10 good use of linkages Presentation 9/10 style heavy and overall good presentation Yamaguchi: 24/40 Execution 9/10 almost perfect combo Difficulty 6/10 healthy amounts of difficulty in the combo overall Creativity 2/10 some attempt to be creative Presentation 7/10 overall good presentation but it was quite normal overall, nothing that stood out overall Mark and Orange: 16/40 Execution 10/10 no mistakes at all Difficulty 2/10 extremely simple combos very little attempts at difficulty Creativity 0/10 no creativity Presentation 4/10 weird edit together, weird segregated combos. presentation overall was quite bad so the winner is Yamaguchi for me (Note: I may not be entirely correct with my judging in regards to the theme so let me know if you guys have differing opinions) [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Judge 3] Spinny Execution: 8/10 Difficulty: 6.5/10 Creativity: 7/10 Appeal: 7.5/10 Total: 29/40 e.X.e.Y Execution: 8/10 Difficulty: 7.5/10 Creativity: 7/10 Appeal: 8/10 Total: 30.5/40 Advanced Direction Execution: 8.5/10 Difficulty: 7.5/10 Creativity: 7/10 Appeal: 8.5/10 Total: 31.5/40 Score-wise, it was quite a close battle between the three of them, with Advanced Direction having a 1-point lead over e.X.e.Y. Jumi and Yamaguchi each had their own appeals, mixing in some of their personal flavors. For Yama, I think there was a bit of Japanese style in it, and as for Jumi...well, I don't know. Creativity-wise, if we are to stick to the definition of Korean style within the UPSB wiki, all teams performed quite well. Mark & Orange might have to pick up a bit on the technical portion of the definition, but I think they got the other parts quite well. Jumi's spinning seems to fit the definition well in that it featured a substantial amount of technicality, yet while keeping the pace and rhythm of the spinning. Yama might need to brush up on expanding the technical horizon. Difficulty-wise, Mark&Orange, seemed to perform averagely. There are other tricks which could've added technicality (reference to Jumi and Yama's videos), or even difficulty, without sacrificing smoothness. I guess subtle tricks might do it. Yama and Jumi both performed well, yama focusing towards finger slot tricks for the desired difficulty and Jumi mixing in some stops and hand motions to further control the pen movement. Mark&Orange, also needs to work on appeal. The spinning looked bland (for one spinner) and rushed (for the other). But after all this, there is so much you can do to be able to truly adhere one's spinning to the "true" Korean style. I guess watching the videos of oldies PSing can be the best we can get to seeing the said style. All this being said, I hereby declare Jumi as winner. [/SPOILER] Final Result : Tie -.___-. [/SPOILER] Power Style judging: [SPOILER=Power Style Judging] [SPOILER=Judge 1] Advanced Direction - Ivabra: Execution 9/10 Difficulty 8/10 Creativity 7/10 Appeal 7/10 31 --Insane linkages, that aerial into top spin trick (flawless), though I felt that you could do a little more with the finisher. e.X.e.Y - AlvinPS: Execution 8/10 Difficulty 7/10 Creativity 6/10 Appeal 6/10 27 --Your power tricking was ok I guess. Though, your combo felt dragged on way too long and that 1p2h move felt like it was thrown in unnecessarily into the combo. Spinny - Cloud: Execution 8/10 Difficulty 8/10 Creativity 8/10 Appeal 7/10 31 --He did a nice job with the top spin in the beginning but he went off-cam. D: Amazing power trick finish; great job with spreads harmonic/counters. Linkages seem easy; I may be wrong because of camera quality. Winner: Cloud Fits with the theme nicely. I was really impressed with the finisher. [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Judge 3] spinner - execution - difficulty - creativity - appeal - total ivabra - 8/7.5/6/8 - 29.5 (good execution and balance, nice linkages, powerful style but power tricks should be stronger for this theme, great overall) alvinps - 6.5/6/4.5/6 - 23 (fix your camera haha good combo, but a bit long, can have stronger power) cloud - 7/8.5/5.5/7.5 - 28.5 (zoom out a bit, hand goes offscreen once; power is strong, could have better linkages; nice beginning) IVABRA WINS [/SPOILER] [SPOILER= Judge 3] Advanced Direction : Execution: 9.5/10 Difficulty: 9.0/10 Creativity: 9.5/10 Appeal: 9.5/10 Execution: I felt some parts of the combo were slower/faster than others Difficulty: Several of those hybrid and aerial tricks are hard to accomplish, but there wasn't a whole lot of power tricks involved imo Creativity: I don't believe I saw many tricks being used more than 2 times, besides the power tricks. Appeal: I liked the combo a lot, it was definitely something new and appealing, although it didn't use too many power tricks e.X.e.Y : Execution: 8/10 Difficulty: 8.273/10 Creativity: 8.50000000000000001/10 Appeal: 6.5/10 Execution: Some visible breaks in flow of the combo and honestly I couldn't see shit Difficulty: I feel that most of the tricks this spinner did aren't really the most difficult tricks, although still difficult. Creativity: I saw more power tricks in this video than the first, but some weren't executed the best. Appeal: I feel this is kind of a stereotypical combo style of a mix of power and other tricks, so I didn't find it too interesting. Spinny: Spinny Execution: 9.5/10 Difficulty: 9.75/10 Creativity: 10/10 Appeal: 10/10 Execution: The combo was done great, but the catch was a little sketchy Difficulty: Dat indexspin. Creativity: I actually liked the way the combo linked together, especially the ending with the reversal tricks Appeal: I came Final Result : Another tie -.____-. [/SPOILER]Spoiler
[SPOILER=Ved Ruvaak] Enkronidus (manager) TheAafg JackyMacky Chainbreak coffeelucky jinn eurocracy Fuse jinn[/SPOILER]
[/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] RESULTS : [SPOILER=Results] [SPOILER = Judge 1] team - execution/difficulty/creativity/appeal - total and comments Advanced Direction - 6.5/9.5/8.5/7.5 - 32/40 Insane difficulty and linkages, creative transfer, execution of both spinners could improve but the level of this tag is amazing. Miyat should turn his camera autofocus off and film at a better setup if possible. I particularly liked alvaris' starter and miyat's 1:03-1:08 linkage. e.X.e.Y - 3.5/8.5/8.5/5.5 - 26/40 Nice seasick, solid execution and links by yama. Transfer is ordinary. Wtf linkages by penvirus, the members of this tag present different aspects of spinning which makes it interesting. Penvirus' creativity and difficulty are amazing, but try to fix lighting and not drop the finish by accident --> large loss of points in execution and presentation, since doubles feels....inconclusive/unsatisfactory with that ending. Spinny - 7/6/6/7.5 - 26.5/40 'Professional' black setup is very nice. Transfers were mostly done with the same trick but 'flipped' setup, which changes the direction of rotation; it would have been better for visual impact to just use the same orientation or side-by-side arrangement to continue the rotations. Video should have stopped at 0:41 for best ending feeling, overall difficulty is ok, but linkages can be improved. Final result: 1. Advanced Direction 2. e.X.e.Y. 3. Spinny [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Judge 2] Advanced Direction: Execution 7/10 Difficulty 9/10 Creativity 10/10 Appeal 8/10 34 What an amusing transition. Great difficult combos though second combo needs some work. e.X.e.Y: Execution 7/10 Difficulty 8/10 Creativity 6/10 Appeal 7/10 28 Nicely executed combo to start off the video and simple transition. Not sure what that finisher/ending was but props to the second combo; looked very difficult. Spinny: Execution 8/10 Difficulty 7/10 Creativity 8/10 Appeal 8/10 31 Great presentation with black background, same mod, and style consistency. Nice transitions but combos looked repetitive and spammy. Winner: Advanced Direction Great combos and funny/creative transition. haha xD [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Judge 3] Advanced Direction: Execution 7/10 Difficulty 8/10 Creativity 9/10 Appeal 8/10 32 really creative and amazing difficulty. The second could have been smoother but great job nonetheless. e.X.e.Y Execution 6/10 Difficulty 7/10 Creativity 7/10 Appeal 7/10 27 the lightning and smoothness could have been a lot better. The camera also seemed way too zoomed in. Spinny: Execution 8/10 Difficulty 9/10 Creativity 7/10 Appeal 7/10 31 impressive links and difficulty but the transition could have included more variety. Also, the links did get repetitive after a while. [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Judge 4] Advanced Direction ------------------------------- Execution: 9/10 Difficulty: 10/10 Creativity: 9/10 Appeal: 9/10 >An absolutely stunning doubles done by Alvaris and Miyat. Both spinners demonstrated their superb ability to strive hard and work as a team in this particular video. The creativity of their highly original oven transition was phenomenal. In particular, Miyat showcased his remarkable skill of developing fresh linkages by incorporating common mini combos, remixing them, and making them his own. Miyat is most definitely a potential powerhouse to be seen in coming world competitions. Alvaris has also found ways to bring forth more new material to the PS arena. Even though Alvaris exhausted a good amount of his trick arsenal in UPSBT12, he still was able to make an flashy and enjoyable combo. However, this isn't a contest of complements. Both spinners displayed a global-tier performance despite the differences in their style. ~ e.X.e.Y ---------------------------- Execution: 7/10 Difficulty: 6/10 Creativity: 8/10 Appeal: 7/10 >Yamaguchi and PenVirus of e.X.e.Y created a solid doubles video. Yama's linkages were very clean and stylish whereas PenVirus's combo was technical and a bit more elaborate. The conciseness of Yamaguchi's combo in comparison to PenVirus's lesser controlled combo proved that the difference in skill between the two spinners is easily distinguishable. More specifically, when examining PenVirus's combo, the novice and attentive pen spinner would immediately take note of the awkward angled and strange hand positioning. The overall presentation of PV's combo somewhat fails to do justice to the linkages executed throughout the clip. Adjusting the camera angle would greatly improve the appeal of PV's spinning as well as the overall appeal of the doubles clip. ~ Spinny ---------------------- Execution: 8/10 Difficulty: 8/10 Creativity: 7/10 Appeal: 8/10 >Spinny's doubles submission is instantly appealing to the viewer's eyes. The much-loved black background was utilized quite well by both spinners. Each spinner style's had intricate features that made them slightly more distinguishable from each other. However, the synchronization done in between transfers was done well by both spinners who seemed to spin in harmonic unison at many points in the video. Unfortunately, the flamboyant and stylish spinning could not compensate for the overall lack in difficulty. Given that there were many instances where both spinners executed controlled power sequences, these Spinny members omitted a great sense of dedication and teamwork. The difficulty and variety are the two criteria Spinny couldn't master in this round, thus the creativity scoring suffered a reduction. However, this team from PSH (mainland China) has shown a great deal of enthusiasm and drive to do well in this tournament. ------------------------------------------------------ {Winner} Advanced Direction. [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Final Result] Advanced Direction wins this round as their combo had just the right combination of execution, difficulty, creativity and appeal which helped them edge over the other teams. Congratulations to Advanced Direction and thank you to all the teams that participated. [/SPOILER] I would like to thank everyone for taking an interest and/or being a part of team tournament. It could not have been possible without you guys. Thank you.I understand that school has started and people are busy but I will once again like to apologize. [B][COLOR="red"]Final Round v2 Videos : [/COLOR][/B] Advanced Direction : e.X.e.Y: Spinny:
[SIZE="6"][/SIZE]The solution to the tie: Final Round v2 : -Double submitted by the teams - 3 way battle. -No theme [B]Videos due on the 20th[/B] The deadline will be decided when I receive confirmation from the teams. I am extremely sorry for the delay. I know its hard to wait this long but it is mostly my fault and partially some of the judges fault. [SPOILER] -
Date: Thu, Jun 28 2012 08:03:53
Alliance might give a try :)
Date: Thu, Jun 28 2012 10:25:33
Uuuh, interesting, gonna ask the team. :3
Date: Thu, Jun 28 2012 11:36:28
you could try new rules if you want to experiment with new rules to help next world cup be better, for example add in more themes
Date: Thu, Jun 28 2012 12:01:39
/in Rangers of Spin ( RS Team )
Date: Thu, Jun 28 2012 14:12:02
I think its time for Trinity to rise lol @Megas
Date: Thu, Jun 28 2012 14:56:24
@spinford I agree, lets do this!
Date: Thu, Jun 28 2012 15:03:38
@Abyss Maybe we should try?
Date: Thu, Jun 28 2012 19:46:46
Ved Ruvaak is interested. We're having a discussion right now. I'll be competing as well, btw. D:
Date: Fri, Jun 29 2012 04:08:52
heh, another team tournament. participated in the last one. guess'll just watch this one :)
Date: Fri, Jun 29 2012 21:14:16
any team that need a person
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 02:49:22
will ask my team for participation ;)
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 03:44:13
SharpSpinner join
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 05:11:41
@ohzers U guys in for this?
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 05:36:35
Abyss wrote: @ohzers U guys in for this?
Can't. Holidays are almost over for me. :/ -
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 06:14:02
hey gaylords @nOte you guys up fo this
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 07:00:52
Abyss wrote: @ohzers U guys in for this?
Sure -
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 07:14:36
Abyss wrote: @ohzers U guys in for this?
Um.. yeah. -
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 12:37:16
Abyss wrote: @ohzers U guys in for this?
yes totally. time to kick ass -
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 13:28:18
Abyss wrote: @ohzers U guys in for this?
I'm open. ^^ -
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 13:58:29
Chobi wrote: hey gaylords @nOte you guys up fo this
Lezz do dis. -
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 15:12:30
Pixels wrote: yes totally. time to kick ass
i will literally kick your ass before this tournament start =)) Edit: can you update on the 1st post which team had registered for the tournament? :D -
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 15:53:25
Walkaz 9/3 wrote: Edit: can you update on the 1st post which team had registered for the tournament? :D
done. Also, just a reminder guys, you still have to send me a pm with the information required for your team to be registered. Also an add on to the rules, you can have more than 5 spinners per team. -
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 16:35:16
@Zkhan: where are we right now ? come on! team leader (A.K.A. Laker fan), present the team!!!
Date: Tue, Jul 3 2012 15:46:20
Wish wrote: Lezz do dis.
im in! :D -
Date: Thu, Jul 5 2012 02:51:32
I believe this thread deserves a bump
Date: Fri, Jul 6 2012 13:57:12
this needs a bump
Date: Sat, Jul 7 2012 15:15:00
Yaii, this is going to be awesome!!~ ^_^ Are we going to see the list of spinners soon?!~
Date: Sat, Jul 7 2012 21:51:52
fang wrote: Yaii, this is going to be awesome!!~ ^_^ Are we going to see the list of spinners soon?!~
yesh -
Date: Mon, Jul 9 2012 11:29:55
What's the target number of teams?
Date: Mon, Jul 9 2012 13:50:22
We're joining.
Date: Mon, Jul 9 2012 17:29:33
Chobi wrote: What's the target number of teams?
dunknoee really, but even number of teams will be better obviously -
Date: Mon, Jul 9 2012 17:48:58
@i.suk i.suk and frans?
Date: Mon, Jul 9 2012 18:11:10
TheAafg wrote: dunknoee really, but even number of teams will be better obviously
Alright (sun) @{TH}Enzo I'd love to see TH in this ;) -
Date: Wed, Jul 11 2012 13:54:59
teams can still register in the next 24 hours.
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 09:03:32
Okei, wtf! @Xienix o.o!!! appear!!!!
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 18:46:33
I might join, i dunno cause i might forget :/
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 03:30:17
Is this going to have a qualification round or we'll skip to group stage?
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 05:28:53
Ved Ruvaak vs e.X.e.Y Variety vs SharpSpinner Kinetic Core vs Spinny Dream Chase vs Neo-Genesis Alliance vs Rangers of Spin Trinity vs Advanced Direction The themes are : Artistic, Double, and Techinal. The themes will change as the tournament professes so be warned. Please submit your lineups for the round to me, when all teams have submitted their lineups the deadline will be revealed. Good luck.
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 05:40:11
no roster?
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 06:23:02 Team Members: [SPOILER=Ved Ruvaak] Enkronidus (manager) TheAafg JackyMacky Chainbreak coffeelucky jinn eurocracy Fuse [/SPOILER] [SPOILER= Neo-Genesis] Xienix (also the manager) hahakumquat kirua Zkhan Phyr koza eazi-spinner genesis.noir [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Spinny] 2.mhl 3.Mixem 4.KCL7 6.Angel 7.Monkey 8.Mark 9.retry Manager : Spinny [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Variety] Dakrowl Dris Gyrobius King Ohzers Pixels Manager- Abyss [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Alliance] Vaan Haxsaw Gash Buum Raos Haxsaw would be the manager [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Kinetic Core] Wish Xound RaM nOte Chobi (also manager) Yanos [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Dream Chase] 0c(manger), nightingale, butters, rocken, fjr1134, vate, nizza [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Advanced Direction] miyat (manager) Ivabra Jumi crinix VikroaL Alvaris [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=Rangers of Spin] Elune Lovelife Walkaz Kenmai SSS [/SPOILER] [SPOILER= SharpSpinner] kin Tin Eric Eno cLear Dee snow Airgear EaglE Manager: EaglE [/SPOILER] [SPOILER= Trinity] 1. Fang 2. Spinford 3. Kari 4. Limit 5. Megas Manager of this team: Spinford [/SPOILER] [SPOILER=e.X.e.Y] PenVirus AlvinPS Manman SHAMYWAMMY Yamaguchi Orchid [/SPOILER] Deadline to submit your lineups is in 2-3 days.
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 07:14:28
Where're eXe.Y & Trinity's member?
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 07:45:54
Wtf sharpspinner members are too sick
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 08:40:01
SharpSpinner smh too stacked
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 09:59:12
The final is gonna be AD v.s SS >.>
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 10:04:51
don't underestimate Spinny, they're good
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 13:48:05
coffeelucky wrote: Where're eXe.Y & Trinity's member?
yeah sorry I did that 3am so missed a couple of teams, they have been added. Thanks for the reminder ! -
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 14:51:38
MMM... This is bad So lets se what trinity can do as of now before submitting lineups lol!
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 16:00:38
when is the deadline for submit 1st round video?
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 17:37:05
what the flying fuck. we are against kin's team? oh gawd
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 17:38:57
coffeelucky;213426]when is the deadline for submit 1st round video?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=TheAafg wrote: when all teams have submitted their lineups the deadline will be revealed. Good luck.
. -
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 19:22:41
you should update the first post with the rosters and stuff, makes things easier for future reference :) and the lineups...lineups for r1 following technical, artistic and doubles? or just finalized list of participating members?
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 19:48:04
Alvaris wrote: and the lineups...lineups for r1 following technical, artistic and doubles? or just finalized list of participating members?
lineups for r1 following technical, artistic and double. added everything to the first post btw -
Date: Tue, Jul 17 2012 01:04:39
/in The Sweating Bananas @Boxxy I just mentioned myself
Date: Tue, Jul 17 2012 02:56:20
Boxxy wrote: /in The Sweating Bananas @Boxxy I just mentioned myself
wat r u doin
Date: Tue, Jul 17 2012 04:15:04
Boxxy wrote: /in The Sweating Bananas @Boxxy I just mentioned myself
the tournament already started..... -
Date: Tue, Jul 17 2012 05:02:04
@TheAafg , You should set at less rough schedule such as deadline for lineups and combo submitted. It make us easier to decide our lineups, we can know who can film in time or who are too busy to participate in that round.
Date: Tue, Jul 17 2012 16:17:58
This would be interesting, see what SharpSpinner and Advanced Direction could do with (i think IMO of course), the favoritism in the first look. Other teams are well balanced. I spect to see what is coming from now ;), good luck for everyone. Bye.
Date: Tue, Jul 17 2012 20:40:07
@TheAafg really...oh ok
Date: Wed, Jul 18 2012 03:03:41
@Enkronidus all of the people mentioned frequent UPSB, I have already sent the emails but just a reminder that the lineups are due on the 19. So get them in. Srsly guise...
Date: Wed, Jul 18 2012 12:07:50
you know how painful it is for me to send lineups lol!
Date: Wed, Jul 18 2012 18:44:07
spinford wrote: you know how painful it is for me to send lineups lol!
I think we have a good lineup so just go ahead and submit it. :p -
Date: Fri, Jul 20 2012 02:27:34
Neo-Genesis, Advanced Direction, Spinny and Rangers of Spin have not submitted their lineups :( I have reminded all of them multiple times but just in case you guys see their members around, please give them a reminder :facepalm:
Date: Fri, Jul 20 2012 04:34:30
already send
Date: Fri, Jul 20 2012 08:23:40
@TheAafg please add Kionz on the final lineup for Alliance. Thank you :)
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 02:14:11
lineup sent for rs imo it would be better if match-ups are updated on the 1st post :)
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 02:55:27
yo niglets check first post for R1 lineups and deadline for the videos.
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 03:25:59
wait wait, Eno = ssEno? o_o
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 03:26:42
Could you make a match-up , not just reveal each team's lineup ?
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 03:27:12
to Chobi ssEno = SharpSpinner Eno (I guess :)
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 04:33:33
We got this Variety :D
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 04:42:01
EaglE wrote: Could you make a match-up , not just reveal each team's lineup ?
yeah done, more like fix'd. It looks much better now. -
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 05:55:38
This would be a nice first round, every team wanna proof what they are. Good luck for everyone that participate in the Tournament. Cya!.
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 13:07:49
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 14:24:11
I am so dead!!
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 17:44:05
@TheAafg the deadline is the 30th? Thats less then 2 weeks, that is way too short.
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 17:49:57
Not doesn't take two weeks to film a combo honestly, unless it's WT/WC. It's nice to have the two weeks, but at least personally I'd like to see less time for judging than the current 1-2 weeks (it takes maybe an hour tops, probably far less is what people spend...I mean really), and something like 10 days to film even is plenty.
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 17:50:06
@Raos if you want me to extend the deadline so that the tournament drags on to september when school starts and people don't have time to film, sure. You have 10 days counting today, two weekends, and its summer.
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 18:28:49
not everyone lives at the side of the earth where it's summer break now you know :p
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 18:44:32
School on Thailand have been started for 2 months and the semester will end in the next 2 months. Different country, different school time. Anyway, I agree with 10 days per round to film. We need not more than 3 days to film, but we may need more than 3 hours. Participants should plan his/her own combo, or at less rough structure. And then, just find one or two free day(s) to film it.
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 18:59:19
eh I was talking about Raos, he lives in Canada, that is the same place as me and he is the only person who has a problem with the deadline so yeah
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 19:03:29
haha, you should think of all participant cuz not only Canadian but people around the world have to film for this tourney.
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2012 22:34:26
Advanced Direction + Ivabra vs me....= suicide
Date: Mon, Jul 23 2012 01:08:06
gosh, i know now why i'm not a better spinner, i never thing about a structure for my combos hahahahaha xD
Date: Sat, Jul 28 2012 08:20:59
Date: Sat, Jul 28 2012 08:26:04
[video=youtube;C9sCdFq2QII][/video] SSS vs Vaan( Technical ) [video=youtube;fFyl7MzRDK8][/video] Walkaz vs Buum ( Artistic ) please turn on the volume for my combo :D
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 01:43:42
Yamaguchi has replaced Orchid due to some problems in the lineups.
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 12:31:22
can we send clip on 30/7. please!
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 15:48:46
SS sent
Date: Sun, Jul 29 2012 20:28:26
lovelife123 wrote: can we send clip on 30/7. please!
ehh yeah -
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 05:01:14
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 07:51:54
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 08:39:17
dream chase sent~
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 12:30:04
[video=youtube;vx4rPz4aJnk][/video] [Technical] PenVirus vs jinn [video=youtube;TW0RlGTUDHU][/video] [Artistic] SHAMYWAMMY vs JackyMacky Gonna send the Doubles later
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 15:53:37
e.X.e.Y's entries are sent via Private Message. @TheAafg
Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 11:51:18
@TheAafg when will all videos be out?
Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 13:32:52
sent the videos to @TheAafg already.
Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 14:09:26
@Dakrowl wait an hour or two
Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 14:57:26
SS videos [video=youtube;OuH7YQ_fB-U][/video] Eno [video=youtube;mvNfbpXb4AQ][/video] snow [video=youtube;TcPEu9-wBBw][/video] Tin & cLear
Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 15:31:00
oh guys ,plz stop using stage spinning kind of stuff. You really gonna loose score on that.
Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 15:43:19
qinkuangan wrote: you already miss the deadline.
look at post #89 from this Thread -
Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 20:59:14
[B]Please check first post for all the videos of R1.[/B] Around 4 teams did submit their videos properly or didn't even bother to film. I had to go fishing for videos quite a few times, just because you have uploaded the video doesn't mean it gets to me. [COLOR="red"][B]PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING THAT IS GOOD IN THIS WORLD SEND THE VIDEOS TO ME VIA PM OR EMAIL. ALSO DON'T FORGET TO INFORM ME THE CATEGORY YOU OR YOUR TEAM-MATE IS SPINNING FOR.[/B][/COLOR] for example : TheAafg (technical) : link_to_video. [B]If you can't get the video by the deadline please inform me so we can make arrangements instead of just not submitting.[/B] The results should be out on 7th.
Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 21:53:35
Doubles from Advanced Direction isn't the good link @TheAafg
Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 23:03:53
Xienix wrote: Doubles from Advanced Direction isn't the good link
fixd -
Date: Wed, Aug 1 2012 13:34:57
Fuu, to bad of our double video, I really though we had a change....
Date: Wed, Aug 1 2012 16:28:46
I wasted a combo for nothing. jinn didn't even bother telling that he won't submit. Oh God why.
Date: Wed, Aug 1 2012 19:22:52
PenVirus wrote: I wasted a combo for nothing. jinn didn't even bother telling that he won't submit. Oh God why.
Welcome to the Trolling part of PenSpinning -
Date: Wed, Aug 1 2012 21:18:45
fang wrote: Fuu, to bad of our double video, I really though we had a change....
@fang the doubles vid is on my youtube -
Date: Fri, Aug 3 2012 05:42:56
spinford wrote: @fang the doubles vid is on my youtube
And it is awesome. :D -
Date: Fri, Aug 3 2012 14:48:05
finally made one good combo and buum didnt submit :'(
Date: Mon, Aug 6 2012 15:20:57
goodluck to everybody.
Date: Mon, Aug 6 2012 16:10:57
yea good luck all the teams ^_^
Date: Tue, Aug 7 2012 12:54:09
Results will be this week ?
Date: Tue, Aug 7 2012 20:04:16
results will be out in today? good luck
Date: Wed, Aug 8 2012 03:04:36
TheAafg said the results are supposed to be out on the 7th.
Date: Wed, Aug 8 2012 05:58:24
One judge has yet to judge two battles so that's why the results are a bit delayed. Sorry guys.
Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 05:50:25
Yo guys check first post for the results.
I am gonna update the brackets soon, stay tuned.[B]Check first post for the themes, due date for next round and the lineups due-date pls nigs.[/B] -
Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 07:29:48
the way scores are done and totalled is so ummm...well...i have no words. =______________="
Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 07:57:38
Holy fuck variety has a chance
Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 08:42:35
dat judging is so fair.. so FAIR
Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 09:51:34
I thought this was counted just as the world cup. And not counting like everything matters. Means Sharpspinner won, they got 2 out of the 3 matches.
This should be counted as 3-0. Cuz advanced direction won 3 matches out of the 3. What let me go to the second point. The artistic round of the Trinity vs AD. On what judge criteria did our combo's get judged? Cuz just a number for our combo isn't enough. This way we can see on what kind of criteria we lost. (like diffuculty) Cuz no offence to Jumi who made a good combo, I thought my combo was more artistic and difficult.Spoiler
Name: Trinity Technical 6 / 10 Artistic 7 / 10 Doubles 6 / 10 Total 19 / 30 Name: Advanced Direction Technical 8 / 10 Artistic 8 / 10 Doubles 8.5/ 10 Total 24.5 / 30 -
Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 10:02:47
Fang has some good points. I'd like to know the specific criteria as well...
Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 11:01:40
And dris, i think he shld have won eno because dris had a better presentation, more artistic and more difficulty..
Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 12:31:31
how did i get 5 T.T i mean not many people did that ps-ing with music thing,so it would be as a +(plus) for originality( since no one did ps-ing to rap ) and creativity isn't it? was not good at presentation as i had a few slips,but even so the score wouldn't be just 5 T.T i would like some explanation if possible,thanks
Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 13:05:25
yay we made it ^_^
Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 17:15:10
fang;217968]I thought this was counted just as the world cup. And not counting like everything matters. Means Sharpspinner won, they got 2 out of the 3 matches. [/QUOTE] this is correct. I kinda forgot about the rules, the rules are similar to WC so the match should be a 2-1 victory for SharpSpinner. Fuck, I am a retard :facepalm: I apologize for the delay but currently I have a new judge judging the battle of SharpSpinner and Variety because the manager of Variety wants the battle to be re-judged. To avoid any more confusion, this is the best way. [QUOTE=fang;217968] What let me go to the second point. The artistic round of the Trinity vs AD. On what judge criteria did our combo's get judged? Cuz just a number for our combo isn't enough. This way we can see on what kind of criteria we lost. (like diffuculty) Cuz no offence to Jumi who made a good combo, I thought my combo was more artistic and difficult.[/QUOTE] I really don't know what criteria the judges judged your combos brah, probably artistic since it was in artistic theme. I did not ask the judges to go deep into the criteria or judge 5 things per video like execution, difficulty etc because for 36 videos it would be 180 sections to judge in total. Not a whole lot of judges will be willing to put in that much effort for a small tournament. [QUOTE=Walkaz wrote: how did i get 5 T.T i mean not many people did that ps-ing with music thing,so it would be as a +(plus) for originality( since no one did ps-ing to rap ) and creativity isn't it? was not good at presentation as i had a few slips,but even so the score wouldn't be just 5 T.T i would like some explanation if possible,thanks
theme was artistic not creativity and it seems like you dropped the pen near the end (?) not sure man why you got a 5, I wasn't the judge. -
Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 17:34:08
@Abyss So like I mentioned in the previous post, I got another judge to judge your videos and the result is the same. [B]Variety: [/B]Technical 6/10 Artistic 4/10 Doubles 8/10 [B]SharpSpinner[/B]: Technical 8/10 Artistic 5/10 Doubles 6/10 Therefore this is a 2-1 victory for SharpSpinner. They will advance to the next round.
Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 19:06:14
I didn't know you could ask for re-judge.
Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 19:11:33
fang wrote: I didn't know you could ask for re-judge.
I proposed the idea of another battle to end the tie, Variety wanted another judge to judge the battle instead of another battle. As I stated aboveI apologize for the delay but currently I have a new judge judging the battle of SharpSpinner and Variety because the manager of Variety wants the battle to be re-judged. To avoid any more confusion, this is the best way.
Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 19:23:57
@TheAafg Isnt it hard to come to a final conclusion as the point difference is still quite close?
Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 19:24:56
@TheAafg: I don't know what about the Theme on the next round, so... there will be 3 singles of each theme or would be 2 singles and 1 doubles with those theme that you put ?. BTW, good battle against DreamChase, i have fun a lot and guys, you have a great team ;). Cya.
Date: Thu, Aug 9 2012 19:35:17
Pixels;218035]@TheAafg Isnt it hard to come to a final conclusion as the point difference is still quite close?[/QUOTE] what? SharSpinner won technical, artistic and lost in the doubles. So that makes it a 2:1 victory for SharpSpinner. [QUOTE=Phyr wrote: I don't know what about the Theme on the next round, so... there will be 3 singles of each theme or would be 2 singles and 1 doubles with those theme that you put ?.
no doubles for round 2. -
Date: Fri, Aug 10 2012 01:37:25
:facepalm: "Grading the theme criterion for artistic battles puts even more emphasis on the [B]creativity[/B] and presentation criteria." From WC12 rule book
Date: Fri, Aug 10 2012 19:52:32
I feel that my combo was better suited in the overall artistic format. Ah well. Well spun, Eno.
Date: Fri, Aug 10 2012 23:40:12
Walkaz wrote: :facepalm: "Grading the theme criterion for artistic battles puts even more emphasis on the [B]creativity[/B] and presentation criteria." From WC12 rule book
I was the one who judged your video. The reason why you got a 5 was because you didn't do what you did very well. The concept of spinning to music has been around for a long, long time so technically no it wasn't very creative. Your combo lacked structure and execution. Instead of doing a freestyle you should have planned out movements set to specific timing. To me the combo looked as if you took a song that you like and just did whatever. Just because something says it's "artistic" doesn't mean you get to ignore every other aspect of penspinning. -
Date: Sat, Aug 11 2012 00:55:57
@sangara thanks for your explanation knowing the reason of getting low score is much better than not knowing ^.^
Date: Sun, Aug 12 2012 13:54:34
@TheAafg can it also be a combination of 2p2h and 1p2h like: fist 2p1h and then transition to 2p2h? or fist 2p2h and then transition to 2p1h?
Date: Sun, Aug 12 2012 19:20:14
@Xienix yeah that is fine. [B]btw guys submit your lineups[/B]
Date: Mon, Aug 13 2012 08:07:31
lineup sent
Date: Tue, Aug 14 2012 05:43:06
@Walkaz heyo guys check first post for the lineups ! Good luck
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2012 05:06:26
hey @TheAafg, how about a little bit 2p1h during the 2p2h combo ? Is it accepted ?
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2012 05:20:51
@LSP.SSS yeah that is fine
Date: Sat, Aug 18 2012 18:05:39
[video=youtube;6gCSWHWpy0M][/video] here's my combo :)
Date: Mon, Aug 20 2012 19:05:07
[video=youtube;TbaT48-cfYE][/video] mine)
Date: Tue, Aug 21 2012 22:38:01
[video=youtube;8g9y1q4HMgs][/video] here's my
Date: Wed, Aug 22 2012 03:27:57
@sLy: I love you cause you are not drunk <3
Date: Wed, Aug 22 2012 03:42:21
@KenMai: good job <3
Date: Wed, Aug 22 2012 05:34:30
but his competitor drink
Date: Thu, Aug 23 2012 12:20:38
finally................ hope ............... [video=youtube;jGsefvSZlHo][/video]
Date: Thu, Aug 23 2012 13:15:04're late again T_T
Date: Sat, Aug 25 2012 02:17:01
BUMP cause the videos are out (first post) and the judging should be out on the 29th. Good luck to all the participants.
Date: Thu, Aug 30 2012 05:38:08
results in first post, will do the brackets and everything else tomorrow. Oh and if you have any suggestions for the themes next round feel free to post them.
Date: Thu, Aug 30 2012 11:15:50
Sharpspinners are really underestimating those unknown teams
Date: Thu, Aug 30 2012 11:34:03
huh i cant see bracket for r3
Date: Thu, Aug 30 2012 11:48:04
Date: Thu, Aug 30 2012 14:18:25
i thought people would've learnt that after IPSB beat THPSC in WC12 R1, you shouldn't underestimate the 'underdogs' GG.
Date: Thu, Aug 30 2012 15:07:49
O.o that was a close one congratz team spinny ^_^
Date: Thu, Aug 30 2012 15:39:29
I will never understand these judges ._.
Date: Thu, Aug 30 2012 15:55:29
Walkaz wrote: huh i cant see bracket for r3
that's cause i haven't made the brackets yet. -
Date: Fri, Aug 31 2012 03:02:41
i'm proud of what Neo-Gen do, this what a great match and Spinny are a great team, congratz for them and i hope they win the TT. Cya.
Date: Fri, Aug 31 2012 04:45:51
Guys check the first post for the details on the final round edit : also brackets have been updated
Date: Fri, Aug 31 2012 07:38:41
lol me fail xD
Date: Fri, Aug 31 2012 10:56:24
Yay! eXe Y advances to round 3 :D
Date: Sat, Sep 1 2012 16:56:06
-One video should focus on korean style and the other on power. Hmmm. "Autowin-for-Jumi-and-Ivabra" theme this round?
Date: Sat, Sep 1 2012 17:51:18
would you define korean style? i don't quite get it, non-power with simple links or non-power with complex links and stuff?
Date: Sat, Sep 1 2012 18:00:32
@Alvaris these are some good examples. its non-power with impressive links. The links can be simple or complex depending on your liking.
Date: Sun, Sep 2 2012 08:09:44
lmao power-focused theme after airgear gets kicked out :trollface:
Date: Sun, Sep 2 2012 15:26:10
AT is like :!#!@#&($)%&%*(#(#^@$$!%(: after seeing this round theme :rofl:
Date: Wed, Sep 5 2012 00:06:13
yo btw guys, quick reminder : the videos can be a double, they do not have to be a solo.
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2012 15:16:23
[video=youtube;AnrUlXc61CU][/video] Here's my combo. Go AD
Date: Thu, Sep 13 2012 00:08:38 guise guise (sun) the videos are out. Check first post.
Date: Thu, Sep 13 2012 04:24:15
Advanced Direction good job
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2012 05:57:39
Advanced Direction win :D :D i think !
Date: Thu, Sep 20 2012 08:53:16
when will the results come out? :D
Date: Sat, Sep 22 2012 14:47:18
why the hell is it so long to get the results? :D
Date: Sat, Sep 29 2012 17:07:25's been nearly 2 weeks now
Date: Sun, Sep 30 2012 09:32:32
The results will be released next year.
Date: Sun, Sep 30 2012 11:50:57
after the wt13
Date: Wed, Oct 3 2012 19:55:46
all judges abstained
Date: Thu, Oct 4 2012 03:16:43
sorry, I have all the results, just waiting on the prize to be setup.
Date: Sat, Oct 6 2012 07:46:08
can we just get the results ? It doesn't matter if we know what the prizes are right now or later actually :)
Date: Mon, Oct 8 2012 03:43:59
first post for the results.
Date: Tue, Oct 9 2012 11:47:57
Date: Tue, Oct 16 2012 03:40:28
Team Spinny has not responded at all so the finals will be 2 teams . The videos are due on the 20th.
Date: Wed, Oct 24 2012 00:50:12 final round v2 videos out, results will be out soon.
Date: Wed, Oct 24 2012 20:44:29
Dammit Advanced direction's vid is blocked in the US
Date: Sun, Nov 4 2012 12:58:31
dead tourney.
Date: Thu, Nov 8 2012 02:45:23
please check the first post for the results. Sorry for the delay.
Date: Thu, Nov 8 2012 12:07:48
congrats to advanced directions for winning!
Date: Thu, Nov 8 2012 15:47:41
:D Thank you kindly to Aafg, judges, the TT team on upsb, and to all the other teams who participated. I'm really glad there are more teams and team battles starting to happen.
Date: Fri, Nov 9 2012 10:17:21
appeal which helped them edge over the other teams.