Single Member & Tag Videos / Sheepside Hubert Session

  1. Leftfinger
    Date: Wed, Jun 27 2012 22:15:09

    [video=youtube;deHixy-DtoQ][/video] There is a problem with the video, because Sheepside can't make it public. If you don't want the intro, it beggins at 0:50

  2. Reason
    Date: Thu, Jun 28 2012 01:38:09

    woah... odd style. i like the opening too... made me laugh (and slightly confused)

  3. Alex
    Date: Thu, Jun 28 2012 02:21:28

    i know right !

    Reason wrote: woah... odd style. i like the opening too... made me laugh (and slightly confused)

  4. Leftfinger
    Date: Fri, Jun 29 2012 17:33:48

    Hey guys, why there is no comment here? Is penspinning dead? There is only 2 or 3 posts on videos nowadays...

  5. Dris
    Date: Fri, Jun 29 2012 17:39:41

    I don't get the intro lol. But I like your style. =P And pen spinning seems to have died down a bit. Imo.

  6. Zombo
    Date: Fri, Jun 29 2012 20:05:42

    i like sheepside's style, didn't know he was still spinning, he is a funny guy

  7. kinger [fpsb]
    Date: Fri, Jun 29 2012 21:45:25

    Indeed im the biggest Sheepside fanboy.

  8. SuperVValrus
    Date: Wed, Jul 4 2012 14:52:35

    In my opinion this is one of the best solo videos. (aside from intro)

  9. x3silver
    Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 14:14:39

    nieshh [READ OT WORD]