Reports / Reported Post by BeyondEminence

  1. BeyondEminence
    Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 13:13:20

    BeyondEminence has reported a post. Reason:

    He is being extremely racists. He said that pens that would be sold in Pakistan would be bombs.
    Post: Pens in Pakistan. Forum: Where to find Pens in... Assigned Moderators: N/A Posted by: funnky Original Content:
    BeyondEminence wrote: Hey UPSB :D Im going to Pakistan for vacation this summer and Im looking forward to it alot :D I finnally get to see all of my cousins that I havent seen in like a decade! My question is do you think that Pakistan will have any international pens like Comssas, Sailors, etc. that are worth buying? IF they do I can get them and make a pretty decent mod. So in the comments if you know that they will or think please tell me. All replies are appreciated (as always) :D NOTE-[COLOR="red"] if you are going to be racist/offensive I will tell a mod *Just an FYI* [/COLOR] EDIT: Would their be any pens that are potential subs for other things? Such as Airfits/Dr. Grip (jap ver.)?
    im pretty sure the pens they sell there are bombs or something. hahaha

  2. BeyondEminence
    Date: Fri, Nov 23 2012 18:56:09

    BeyondEminence has also reported this item. Reason:

    He is extremely racist and I find it very offensive. I even said that I would report whoever was offensive and he was EXTREMELY offensive.