Reports / Reported Post by Kyoflow
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 10:28:24
Kyoflow has reported a post. Reason:
needs to be merged
Post: [HELP] Fingerpass Forum: Fundamental Tricks Assigned Moderators: N/A Posted by: Raptor Original Content:[SIZE="7"][COLOR="red"]R A P T O R[/COLOR][/SIZE] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm an advanced pen spinner. I've been spinning for 3 years and a half but I can't seem to master the fingerpass. I can do a lot of combos but I [SIZE="4"]CAN'T[/SIZE] master the fingerpass. It's been bothering me for 2 months now. Can you give me some tips? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SIZE="7"]- R A P T O R[/SIZE] :sfsr:
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 10:45:45
done. Frog~