Advanced Tricks / Arounds

  1. Eso
    Date: Sat, Jun 12 2010 02:37:26

    Use this thread to discuss all Arounds (Indexaround, Middlaround, Ringaround, and Pinkyaround) and their Reverses. UPSB Wiki entry

  2. Hippo2626
    Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 08:41:08

    There are many different types of arounds. Several of the variations is shown by Freeman in his trick concept compilation video. Video by Freeman:

  3. miyat
    Date: Mon, Jun 28 2010 21:45:32

    Ring around :S is just giving me a lot of trouble. I think i can do it fine now. But putting it into combo's might be hard. The problem is my ring finger moves a bit when i do the ring around. I find bending it in more helps. I do arounds with my fingers all out.

  4. Cardboard
    Date: Tue, Jun 29 2010 05:29:23

    Does this thread include fingerless arounds? (e.g. middle bak)

  5. Milk
    Date: Tue, Jun 29 2010 08:22:50

    I've pretty much mastered Ringaround but I'd say 45% of the time when I try to do it the pen sort of 'leans' against my outstretched Middle and Index fingers. Any way to stop this?

  6. RichardX
    Date: Tue, Jun 29 2010 14:50:43

    The around reverses always give me trouble. When I try to do an around reverse, it usually turns into a neosonic. Any suggestions on how I can correct this?

  7. Cardboard
    Date: Tue, Jun 29 2010 17:46:02

    RichardX wrote: The around reverses always give me trouble. When I try to do an around reverse, it usually turns into a neosonic. Any suggestions on how I can correct this?
    try to keep your thumb out of the way while ur doing an around, like if your attempting a index around reverse then you should move your thumb away and train it no to catch the pen in the web of your hand.

  8. Oow
    Date: Fri, Dec 3 2010 18:58:37

    When executing arounds, for example the Middlearound, do you prefer to bend your index or stretch it so it's out of the way?

  9. tylt
    Date: Sat, Dec 4 2010 02:56:31

    Oow wrote: When executing arounds, for example the Middlearound, do you prefer to bend your index or stretch it so it's out of the way?
    This is pretty funny to me, because me and Sankaku were having this exact discussion the other day on tinychat. When I do an around such as middle around I prefer my index finger to be slightly relaxed and pointed outwards, but when Kaku does it he pulls his index finger in all the way bent. When I go to do middle around rev though I like to bring the index in for completing the trick. So I guess the answers that I have for you is that you should do it the way that is the most comfortable for you because that'll make it easier for yourself. For linking purposes though you'll have to practice both ways to see which ways link better into what tricks.

  10. Soren
    Date: Wed, Dec 15 2010 17:34:23

    i can do indexaround and middlearounds ring n pinky is quite difficult, and i cant really get the reverses, i end up doing the neosonic, help please

  11. Rarity
    Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 02:06:03

    I can do all the arounds but when I do them, the rest of my fingers are curled in. I want them stretched out because I noticed that it looks a lot better in combos like this : [video=youtube;b7DQZyzHZck][/video] any advice you people can give me?

  12. Morpheus
    Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 21:14:57

    i only can do a ringaround about 10% of the time in a combo. is it just flexibility problems? becuz i can do all the other around tricks. how should i practice? Thanks

  13. shoeman6
    Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 21:26:05

    Just practice problems, ring around is hardest to get, try doing a nother trick to get into it for the momentum, soon you'll be able to do it fine. Sometimes I have problems too, pinky can get tired easily,

  14. spinnerhui
    Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 22:03:32

    mostly I don't do ringaround in any combos, but just pratice and you'll get it...I'm spinning with my leftt now cuz I busteed my right playin Bball

  15. UnrealGuest
    Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 15:34:48

    So I was wondering, when you do a fingeraround, it usually go from the side you start to the opposite side. If you didn't get that, I mean when you do a fingerless thumbaround for example, I start out with the blue side, when I stop, the majority of the pen is then shifted to the left side. I have to re adjust it. Is there any special way to do it while doing a fingeraround? Basically, I need help with my continuous fingerarounds, I can't do them.

  16. Awesome
    Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 15:59:53

    You need the pen to slide a bit before your catch. I just delay the catch a bit and that works for me. It takes a bit of practice and good pen control to do.

  17. MickChickenn
    Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 03:09:26

    erghh. RA is so hard.

  18. Rogersbored
    Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 06:54:37

    im confused as to how pinkyaround are supposed to work, does it require air?

  19. Elune
    Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 11:22:41

    no actually, PA is quite similar to pinky spread ... (Spread is fingerless fingeraround with your hand palm up?)

  20. KIRGO
    Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 14:19:43

    You actually have two different maners to perform a pinkyaround: if you are able to cross your ringfinger under your pinky, you can launch a pinkyaround without using the wrist ;) Now there's an "easier" way to do it (but it's more pinkyBACKaround than pinkyaround): in palm side, you hold the pen between your ring and your pinky. A video is much more clear ^^' (I do not master any of the two way, it's a quick video with slow mo): [video=youtube;05WXunhTLmk][/video] Hope it will help you ;)

  21. Kionz
    Date: Wed, Nov 23 2011 03:34:44

    can any one hlp me about ring around..?? my pinky doesn't had any force to push my pen...any one? thanks~:rolleyes:

  22. YUi
    Date: Wed, Nov 23 2011 09:58:15

    Any one know finger exercises to help? I can do all arounds, but sometimes fingers very screwed with no warm up and no strength to push...

  23. hayaku
    Date: Wed, Nov 23 2011 10:44:22

    i cant do ring around too last time, but now can. what i remember is, i pull my ring with my left hand O_o. and point it out like pointing middle finger. and it works. lawl

  24. Mats
    Date: Fri, Nov 25 2011 00:19:36

    Kionz wrote: can any one hlp me about ring around..?? my pinky doesn't had any force to push my pen...any one? thanks~:rolleyes:
    Ringaround just take so much practice. It's easily 10x as hard as a Middlearound.

  25. Kionz
    Date: Fri, Nov 25 2011 10:54:23

    Meiji wrote: i cant do ring around too last time, but now can. what i remember is, i pull my ring with my left hand O_o. and point it out like pointing middle finger. and it works. lawl
    lol haha..tried :D

  26. penzila
    Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 02:48:09

    When you do arounds... do you turn your fingers so their facing you?

  27. Eruption
    Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 03:27:59

    @penzila depends on what arounds you are doing, if you're doing palm vertically then they face you, but if you do palm down down then your fingers faces the ground.

  28. iFL
    Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 06:31:50

    ring arounds and pinky arounds are the hardest arounds =D

  29. Eruption
    Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 09:51:29

    @iFL pinky arounds are quite easy for me -_-

  30. iFL
    Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 10:01:55

    @Eruption Everyone has their own opinion. To me Swivel was easy but for Gash swivel was hard =D :king:

  31. Abyss
    Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 10:15:27

    pinky around will be quite easy once you get the pinky spread.

  32. Chobi
    Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 11:52:20

    Pinky arounds exist now? :o Before i went on hiatus it didn't exist lol

  33. Boybandista
    Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 13:32:18

    noob question alert! so i've been to the breakdown request thread and saw a couple of notations such as indexaround 0.5, ringaround 0.5 etc. how much different are those from simple pass/pass reverse?

  34. Chobi
    Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 15:26:33

    Boybandista wrote: noob question alert! so i've been to the breakdown request thread and saw a couple of notations such as indexaround 0.5, ringaround 0.5 etc. how much different are those from simple pass/pass reverse?
    Depends how it's done, really. :/ It's not easy to explain lol

  35. Joiemoie
    Date: Sat, Feb 4 2012 02:11:29

    I need help with the indexaround. I can get the pen to go around my finger, but when I go for the catch, one of three things happens. 1) I instinctively jerk my hand forward for some reason while trying to catch it and I am successful sometimes. 2) I jerk my hand forwards and don't catch it. 3) My middle finger doesn't even go for the catch. Any advice?

  36. flaming oracle
    Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 14:29:20

    around palm down... i need help any tips??? i've done it like a few times but i can get it consistant and most of the time 99.9% i drop it XD

  37. Mats
    Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 15:02:30

    flame sivics wrote: around palm down... i need help any tips??? i've done it like a few times but i can get it consistant and most of the time 99.9% i drop it XD
    Best tip: Practice a lot

  38. AdiblueseaQQQ
    Date: Wed, Oct 31 2012 15:41:49

    Whatever trick ur learning: Watch on youtube. Try it. Practice. A day. Pissed? Rage quit

  39. Pixels
    Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 05:35:52

    AdiblueseaQQQ wrote: Whatever trick ur learning: Watch on youtube. Try it. Practice. A day. Pissed? Rage quit
    Fuck you. Dont post bump a thread. The worst part is that its frigging useless. Go read the forum rules. Dont post stuff like "just practice". This isnt facebook. Stop with your spam and shit.

  40. Sekai
    Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 06:44:27

    AdiblueseaQQQ wrote: Whatever trick ur learning: Watch on youtube. Try it. Practice. A day. Pissed? Rage quit
    It isn't like that, and you know it, then why were you asking me tips for Palmspin ~ fl ta and spreads in TC haha, but it's ok, i won't blame on you

  41. Tidus
    Date: Wed, Nov 14 2012 19:21:55

    Hi, it's the dragonaround i'm not sure if I can reply here but i try this trick are the dragonaround or not? [video=youtube;HcOR95TepmM][/video]

  42. Kei_Kei
    Date: Thu, Nov 15 2012 13:17:29

    Wasn't sure if I should post this here, but is there a difference between a Bakfall and a シャフィーボ?

  43. Walkaz
    Date: Thu, Nov 15 2012 16:41:10

    Tidus;232760]Hi, it's the dragonaround i'm not sure if I can reply here but i try this trick are the dragonaround or not? [video=youtube;HcOR95TepmM][/video][/QUOTE] it's correct [QUOTE=Kei_Kei wrote: Wasn't sure if I should post this here, but is there a difference between a Bakfall and a シャフィーボ?
    english plz (o>o)

  44. Kei_Kei
    Date: Wed, Nov 21 2012 12:20:40

    Um, I guess it'd be 'shafiibo'... I found it on youtube and it looks like a Bakfall to me, but since I'm new at this I figured I could just be missing something...