Pen Modifications / TC Mod Concept
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 17:59:28
Three-sided mods! I came up with this idea a while ago. just for creativity and originality's sake. Don't think it's ever been done before. I made this mod and filmed in an hour, so it's crappy, just to show some ideas. with a good mod, it might be cool! [EDIT]: This mod was absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to spin with btw [video=youtube;utJ71wH16qM][/video]
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 18:29:05
the video is private man. and i dont see 3 sided mods ever working haha
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 18:32:03
public now. and it was just for fun.
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 18:39:15
you ought to keep tht mod up on ur wall its cray looking
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 18:42:24
wow. that's a cool concept.!!!!
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 20:01:21
i considered making one of these a while ago, but didnt have the time. looks really cool, but needs some development. Great job!
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 20:01:39
Neat. I'd like to see what a better spinner(no offense), could do with it.
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 20:08:50
nice! tutorial?
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 20:50:19
Nice, it could be best used for passes and topspins.
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 22:16:54
Koza wrote: Neat. I'd like to see what a better spinner(no offense), could do with it.
while i'm not the best spinner in the world, the weight of this mod is concentrated in the middle, so it's quite difficult to spin with. -
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 23:07:27
Well, that's what I'm saying. You mod it with say... buster cyl style airfit tips/grips. Then give it to someone who is proficient with the weight and see what happens. You can compensate for lack of weight through modding, always. Palmspins and stuff would be cool to see. Not to mention spreads and things. Idk, food for thought.
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 23:20:41
@Koza yeah my original idea was that instead of 1.5's you could do 1 1/3s and stuff and continuous tricks would be different in many ways. and of course, switching barrels while spinning would be cool and everything. thanks for feedback everyone!
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 23:24:41
@padrace No prob. I like seeing new and innovative things in spinning. Keep up ze good work.
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 23:42:56
BADDDD ASSSSSSSSSS......the spinning effect is incredibly AMAZING @@......LOVE THIS..........
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 23:47:55
__H2__ wrote: BADDDD ASSSSSSSSSS......the spinning effect is incredibly AMAZING @@......LOVE THIS..........
lol dnt blow a fuse.....padrce u should add some kinda tape cut that flows good whn spinning and do cont. power passes -
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 23:48:54
and guys, i actually have two TC mods, both modded differently, so if anyone wants a tutorial, i might be able to do one. both mods are pretty far-out and pretty hard to get regarding the materials, but if you want to know, i might be able to do that.
funnky wrote: lol dnt blow a fuse.....padrce u should add some kinda tape cut that flows good whn spinning and do cont. power passes
lol powerpasses and tape cuts are like my best things! 5 of my mods have decent tape cuts, and i have learned 6 of fel2fram's 8 powerpasses lol. but i'll put more time into these mods now i guess. and white usually has a better spinning effect, so i should do that as well. -
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 23:54:25
at what point is this not classifiable as "pen" spinning?
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 23:58:02
+Guitrum+ wrote: at what point is this not classifiable as "pen" spinning?
lol idk that has been asked many times with different concepts in the past... bottom line is, who cares? the art will do its own thing. are monstrous emboss mods "pens?" Are some of Freeman's more radical combos still "spinning?" I like to think that they are lol... and since you're one of the very most skilled and original modders in the world, i'd like to see what you could do with this! -
Date: Wed, Jun 6 2012 02:58:47
hahah i originally was gonna do that but i got lazy but nice job XD lol i would have made mine looking like some leek design
Date: Wed, Jun 6 2012 04:04:40
Yeah. Not going to work out.
Date: Wed, Jun 6 2012 04:59:05
Wow, I love this idea and want to see what we can do with this mod more and more. A new concept of penspinning is coming :D
Date: Wed, Jun 6 2012 05:41:12
if anyone devil sticks, then this specific devil stick design may relate... [video=youtube;li3Edi1TJ50][/video] this one at 1:02 also has some 3 ended manipulation of stuff: [video=youtube;GcWMgI_ZaXA][/video]
Date: Wed, Jun 6 2012 06:17:48
MickChickenn wrote: Yeah. Not going to work out.
I have to agree, it's interesting and could have potential ( I'm sure most of us have thought of it before ) but not really as a concept, like spinning a sports bal, can, or bookl using pen spinning skills, it's interesting but only up to a point, (unless it really catches on) , For those of you who are interested in it though maybe look towards balisong manipulation for some tricks, I think you might find it's easier to transfer between tricks using some of those tricks. For other ideas try using a hoop, a little larger than a bracelet (and rigid) and using pen spinning skills / tricks with that, or using a short rope (probably yarn) with weights on the end and doing the same. I think this could be really cool if it was integrated into something like 3p2h, involving isolation and combined momentum from 3 seperate objects. -
Date: Wed, Jun 6 2012 07:18:05
ponkotu already have one of these 3 sided mod thingi
Date: Wed, Jun 6 2012 11:47:21
I would say that a pen is a one dimensional object, a line. While a card is a two dimensional object, a square. Then you have three dimensional manipulations such as spheres, cubes, cups etc. For it to class as a "Pen" it should basically act like a 1 dimensional object, the line.
Date: Wed, Jun 6 2012 12:30:51
Walkaz 9/3;204746]ponkotu already have one of these 3 sided mod thingi[/QUOTE] @Walkaz9/3 so i'm not finding that anywhere in his blog or channel. do you know that from somewhere else? [QUOTE=eurocracy wrote: I would say that a pen is a one dimensional object, a line. While a card is a two dimensional object, a square. Then you have three dimensional manipulations such as spheres, cubes, cups etc. For it to class as a "Pen" it should basically act like a 1 dimensional object, the line.
@eurocracy Yeah that's one way of looking at it. While the "pen" is 3-dimensional, the idea projected by its spinning is a 1-dimensional idea. However, with a TC mod, a whole new dimension is being added to spinning. It can spin along one plane while stationary on the other, etc. -
Date: Wed, Jun 6 2012 12:42:44
pen or not, it's still very interesting, you could do alternating conts with 1 1/3 and 1 2/3 revolutions (and heaps of other variations on rotations) just wondering, how do you keep the 3 ends stable?
Date: Wed, Jun 6 2012 12:51:01
i.suk wrote: pen or not, it's still very interesting, you could do alternating conts with 1 1/3 and 1 2/3 revolutions (and heaps of other variations on rotations) just wondering, how do you keep the 3 ends stable?
@i.suk Like stable as in restricting motion while spinning? spinning near the center of the mod helps with that. and when doing passes, the stability is taken care of, because you switch "barrels" while doing it. And yeah, there are also many different fingerpass variations with a TC mod, since crossing the center of the mod involves switching barrels, and these barrel switches are enacted by inserting arounds and sonics. So TC fingerpasses are patterns. -
Date: Wed, Jun 6 2012 21:14:09
@padrace i think he is wonder how you made the thing LOL so yea, how did you keep the 3 ends together?
Date: Wed, Jun 6 2012 21:25:15
@Danny116 ahh lol. i used triangular component of a mini tripod that i had. Then i clamped the ends and put TUL pen bodies on with grips and tips on the ends. I covered up the center with tape. But i more recently made a TC mod with this lego piece lol:
it's much better.
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 04:25:24
@padrace here
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 05:32:11
@padrace @walkaz 9/3 thats not a triple sided mod, it's a baliyo. a pen based off the design of a butterfly knife. i have two of them:
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 05:33:23 browser glitched ro something and auto double posted, can a mod please delete this
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 22:24:32
The concept looks really interesting! I'd love to test something like that. Even if it's not going to work as a standalone manipulation art, it still looks pretty cool. Keep it up!
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 23:20:43
hia tuas would look beast with that, and pun kan and pun new
Date: Sat, Jun 9 2012 15:42:17
This literally renders the whole "pen-spinning" concept useless. This really isnt a "pen" so this is more of a "special baton spinning"
Date: Sat, Jun 9 2012 16:10:34
BeyondEminence wrote: This literally renders the whole "pen-spinning" concept useless. This really isnt a "pen" so this is more of a "special baton spinning"
I hope you're not serious. A manipulation is a manipulation. You could call pen spinning special baton spinning, that's a horrible name for it though, just as 3-pronged manipulation being called special baton spinning sounds terrible as well. -
Date: Sun, Jun 10 2012 04:31:00
BeyondEminence wrote: This literally renders the whole "pen-spinning" concept useless. This really isnt a "pen" so this is more of a "special baton spinning"
If you add a inktube and make it writable, you can call it a pen. :trollface: -
Date: Mon, Jun 11 2012 13:04:53
Chalenge acept