Off-topic / Tetris (TetrisFriends, Nullpomino, etc.)
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 19:06:06
Recreating this thread, TF is like the most awesome game website ever, so play with me (in Arena mode) username: JohnCraven T-spin reference sheet:
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 19:15:48
InversedTech :D EDIT: Zombo is a beast at this game. You have been warned.
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 19:27:16
Cool I played this on facebook some time ago. Was rated rank 15 in 2P and 6P, rank 12 in 4P sprint. What are your ranks?
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 19:52:55
Eriror Saw Zombo play this, it was awesome.
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 19:54:51
Loanshark ^obviously
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 20:49:30
awesome game but I suck also the game suck xD
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 21:25:10
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 21:31:21
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 21:35:54
IllDepence wrote: Cool I played this on facebook some time ago. Was rated rank 15 in 2P and 6P, rank 12 in 4P sprint. What are your ranks?
16 2p 16 6p 14 5p 9 Arena this game is independent from the facebook version, u need to register -
Date: Thu, Aug 5 2010 03:57:36
holy crap i keep getting raped in arena
Date: Fri, Aug 6 2010 13:49:52
yeah arena sucks only lucker's (Zombo) could survive there
Date: Fri, Aug 6 2010 17:34:33
Koksi wrote: yeah arena sucks only lucker's (Zombo) could survive there
I managed to win. ONCE. Out of 25 times. :( -
Date: Fri, Aug 6 2010 19:05:17
I'm not having that many problems. o_O
Date: Fri, Aug 6 2010 20:25:00
yea^^ you´re a cheater too xD
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 02:40:36
Erirornal Kraione wrote: I'm not having that many problems. o_O
With winning? Of course you're not. When I played with you, I was going up against 2 Asians and you. I had absolutely no chance in winning :( -
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 08:18:27
raem is better than me :o
Date: Wed, Aug 18 2010 06:25:02
why is this thing dead? -_- go play tetris people! :P
Date: Wed, Aug 18 2010 06:46:51
im rank 14 yayayaya
Date: Wed, Aug 18 2010 06:49:28
Zombo wrote: im rank 14 yayayaya
Novice. Get to 16 and then talk to me. -
Date: Wed, Aug 18 2010 07:00:11
I am rank 15 since about ~9th of august, and then I had no internet for a week. Going for platina ^^
Date: Wed, Aug 18 2010 17:43:53
Raem wrote: I am rank 15 since about ~9th of august, and then I had no internet for a week. Going for platina ^^
wow, i didn't know ppl play tetrisfriends here, ima a level 16, i really need a life xP its supposed to be good for you too -
Date: Wed, Aug 18 2010 23:33:50
Karix ;D
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 12:28:43
anyone up for tetris? :P Ugh, rank 16 on arena
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 15:56:57
dude...its an awesome game though im only one lvl 2 =\
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 20:47:26
Zombo wrote: 16 2p 16 6p 14 5p 9 Arena this game is independent from the facebook version, u need to register
woah zombo i wanna face you then. my ranks are i believe quite similar to urs. -
Date: Sat, Aug 21 2010 02:37:50
Date: Sat, Aug 21 2010 02:42:46
Yeah. -
Date: Sat, Aug 21 2010 03:43:36
Because they're asian
Date: Sat, Aug 21 2010 06:19:36
I am European :P.
Date: Sat, Aug 21 2010 09:40:28
Lanaro Battle 2P: 17 Arena: 11 Battle 6P: 13 Rally 8P: 12 Sprint 5P: 16 All I do is play sprint, but I'll play with anyone. My record on sprint is like 1:05 or something
Date: Sat, Aug 21 2010 17:08:48
Battle 2P: 15 Battle 6P: 15 Arena: 10 Sprint 5P: 14 marathon score: 659188
Date: Sun, Oct 31 2010 15:22:47
anyone up for a game? :D
Date: Sat, Nov 6 2010 08:43:14
Alvaris add? lol.
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 02:17:27
just curious if any penspinners here play on
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 02:22:18
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 02:52:30
yeah, but i suck
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 03:30:11
yeah, and ill own u
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 03:34:00
@Zombo used to play that shit all the time
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 03:55:16
what are ur usernames? D:
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 04:57:51
Smilypsycho. It is my sisters account.
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 05:09:06
[QUOTE=strat1227;98005]@Raem is a king at this game, he's like rank 19 in arena
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 13:12:39
I occasionally play but not Arena, mostly Marathon and Survival.
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 06:42:31
yeah, about arena... I am actually rank 20 :ssst:. Just got 49 seconds in sprint a week ago or so.
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 06:49:35
asm10 does. I think he's TetrisProdigy (?)
Date: Thu, Nov 10 2011 22:12:53
I've decided to go to the next level and start training t-spins... first I got to master ZT stacking any tips or guide from pros @Raem? my main difficulty now is keeping both sides of the gap in sync... usually you want to maintain 2 lines between each hole but its hard to do [video=youtube;cbwylGdA740][/video]
Date: Thu, Nov 10 2011 23:42:31
to think that it was easy. T_T
Date: Sat, Nov 12 2011 13:58:08
personally i am not a fan of zt stacking, never did it and never doing it. Also I am not very good of a teacher, but i might make a short guide with pictures or so if you want. @Zombo
Date: Sat, Nov 12 2011 17:01:54
[QUOTE=Raem;150022]personally i am not a fan of zt stacking, never did it and never doing it. Also I am not very good of a teacher, but i might make a short guide with pictures or so if you want. @Raem
Date: Sat, Nov 12 2011 18:40:53
I tend to mix styles throughout the game. often 4 wide or 3 wide + tetrises + t-spins in one game (I am a fan of triple t-spins) Many people go that way in high level tetris arena, though comboing is disliked I would share a video of my gamestyle sample if i had something to record it with?
Date: Sat, Nov 12 2011 23:10:28
if ppl dont combo then what do they do? only tetris and t-spins? and they dont stack for t-spins... so its just regular stacking + situational t-spins? use FRAPS to record so you setup triple t-spins all the time?
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 09:33:59
people do make combos, it's just that it is risky, because it's overpowered, so whenever people see that someone is comboing, he becomes a target to KO asap. And styles vary, really. Others (including myself) like regular stacking with situational spins, others like build-ups. I've seen some players to make difficult build-ups which allow them to make something like x8 combo with two triple t-spins in it, but the difficulity level is immense. I personally prefer freestyling over big build-ups because in pro rooms you are getting a shitload of garbage. Freestyling like i do allows to continue doing t-spins, but it can ruin zt stacking for instance. Here's me playing. Did some mistakes, because tetrisfriends is atm laggy, and I am not really used to this one yet, but enough to get the idea. I will do better one soon. note I could do Perfect Clear at 1:23. People often start the game with Perfect Clear against comboers, beacuse it's about 8 garbage lines. (also lol, I accidently recorded with the sound, ignore)
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 12:18:07
Yo, Guys, I also play there. I still prefer using NullPoMino for serious playing and do mostly missions on TetrisFriends. Arena has some really fucked up items ò.Ó.
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 15:37:04
whats the difference with nullpomino? you can play arena without items if you want to be serious
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 15:54:39
well, first of all, Nullpomino is pretty much lagg-free. All the reasons i need. But as I said, I have just started playing nullpo, not used to it yet. And yeah, never played with items on TF.
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 16:38:18
i guess its good that higher level play have many different styles, because at lower lvl ppl always do the same thing, so it means tetris is really varied, lots of depth
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 23:44:08
Since when was Tetris so techincal?
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 00:27:23
Since people actually cared for scores. It gets really interesting as soon as you start taking the game physics in account to build your strategy. And yes, I like NullPoMino for the lagfree gameplay at every speed and because it's so customizable.
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 02:18:25
Hmm, I think I'm going to educate myself in the different ways to play Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 03:05:17
new in tetris here :D trying to learn the ZT stack, cant get the opening right :(
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 21:17:30
Here, new video, this time with garbage, so it's pretty close to actual arena battle Although needed to put a lot of effort into survival in second part of the game, thus not scoring many points. Anyway, I think I did quite well for the first minute I think with such play i would send 120-ish lines in arena if i got lucky [video=youtube;JFIzFpTkx70][/video]
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 23:39:56
at the beginning why you drop the stick on top of the overhang? is it necessary to accomplish the double t-spin double?
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 23:42:10
I guess it isn't for the spin to take effect, because the t-piece would never touch it whatever way you rotate it.
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 14:25:41
oh no it's not necessary, I was just waiting for 2 T-blocks in a row for fun, and it seemed like right place to put that stick there.Would work the same way without it, webspider is right The block on 0:49, on the other hand , was a must for that triple t-spin, because it wouldn't turn in correctly without that stick. But pretty much anything would do, L, I, O blocks as well.
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 17:10:52
so how did you learn all this? reading some tetris website? at :22 you set up a triple double attack by dropping the Z in there, did you have to memorize that? what are some of the most useful setups to learn? I've practice pretty all the notches for TSDs so I'm good with that, also know how to use the Kaidan setup should I learn TST setups too and t-spin combos? are they really useful in real games
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 20:02:29
I learned all this by watching others play in the arena, thinking off setups in my head and experimenting. I never actually read anything except for how to make a perfect clear. Though I can recommend harddrop forum as a very nice place to learn. at :22 it was a pretty advanced build up, but very easy to memorize. The most important thing for me to start a triple t-spin is one little square 'hanging out'; everything else can be modified. Most often variation is putting L block on one side leaving one empty square above the square that is 'hanging out', making an overhang on the other side. Putting Z block sideways while removing one line with it leaves one empty square below the square that is 'hanging out' thus allowing to do double t-spin after clearing the triple. (eeh, my explaining skills suck). as for the most useful setups to learn, I can draw the most common ones I use. Also learning all setups is of course not necessary, imo you should get it naturally after playing using the big setups. TST, for example, is only worth doing when you have big enough speed to begin with
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 20:30:08
ok thanks and this opener, do you use it all the time? it gives you a tsd 2x combo
Date: Thu, Nov 17 2011 06:11:05
So what's the technique behind all this? Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
Date: Thu, Nov 17 2011 17:02:07
Mike wrote: So what's the technique behind all this? Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
i found this guide -
Date: Tue, Nov 22 2011 19:18:25
Does anyone have problems with games just not loading? Problem is browser independent and Flash is up to date. I get stuck here:
Date: Tue, Nov 22 2011 20:57:44
neXus wrote: Does anyone have problems with games just not loading? Problem is browser independent and Flash is up to date. I get stuck here:
disable ABP -
Date: Fri, Nov 25 2011 21:31:47
I have a really hard time placing shit correctly unless I tap my directional keys, this seems super slow but no matter what DAS setting I'm at I can't do it any other way. I want to 40L in under 10 minute. I don't care for multiplayer, I just want to play speedy but I don't know how I can double my speed.
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 00:51:48
neXus wrote: I have a really hard time placing shit correctly unless I tap my directional keys, this seems super slow but no matter what DAS setting I'm at I can't do it any other way. I want to 40L in under 10 minute. I don't care for multiplayer, I just want to play speedy but I don't know how I can double my speed.
uhh 10 minutes? or 1 minute... i suspect if you have trouble breaking 10 mins, its not an execution problem yet, its a mental problem. meaning you dont know how to stack properly yet. you only need to make 10 tetris to clear it -
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 12:38:34
Oh shit yeah that was a typo. I don't know my Tetrisfriends times but on Nullpomino my best time is 1:51:60 though I average around 2:20. I just started using all 3 turn buttons, before I just tapped one turn button until I had the position that I wanted, I feel like this is going to save a lot of time once I get really comfortable with it.
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 20:54:11
to get to 1 minute, you just need 1 turn button, to get under 1 minute, you need to learn both turns to get under 40 seconds, you need to learn 2 step finesse
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 05:11:24
I'm pretty slow. My PR is: 1:49:49 but I average around 2 mins. EDIT: I've only been using my up arrow key to rotate right.. Just found about the other turn keys. I'm super slow using them though.
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 08:34:35
well I am only using one turn button and now my best is 43:96, so that's not necessary. although i think i could do below 40 with both turns. Need to learn it, never tried it.
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 20:25:56
Raem wrote: well I am only using one turn button and now my best is 43:96, so that's not necessary. although i think i could do below 40 with both turns. Need to learn it, never tried it.
serious you only use 1 turn button :O whats your DAS settings -
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 12:10:08
Meh i play the one on facebook a lot more. :/ I only play 2P and nothing else i guess lol Rank on TF: 10(?) Rank on facebook: more or less 40 add me TF: G10_0157
Date: Sun, Dec 18 2011 14:29:59
[video=youtube;y3RPYn6Ngmc][/video] Any suggestions on big things? I know that 2-3 times I'm stuck for like half a second randomly spinning a piece while I figure out where it goes but other than that this was one of my fastest games lately. I must double in speed :(
Date: Sun, Dec 18 2011 17:23:13
whats your DAS settings? try to be comfortable at least at 7-7/2 you need to play on the edge, drop pieces without confirming where it went. it means you will misdrop a lot more often when you start increasing your tempo. also you need to stack in such a way that you don't need to rotation your pieces much, just dropping them flat in quick succession.
Date: Sun, Dec 18 2011 17:28:53
My DAS settings were Min 35 Max 35. I tap for every single move except for when I drop at the edges.
Date: Sun, Dec 18 2011 17:33:09
no what i mean by playing at the edge means "you're playing risky", dont bother making optimal placement, try making the best you can within a very short timeframe (-> raise your tps to 1.5+ for now). as you get better, you'll be able to make the optimal placement AND do it quickly. but yeah you need to exploit DAS for those wall pieces, tapping is too slow. same for the pieces 1 away from the walls. you do DAS, then one tap away from the walls to be in position this video shows a 1 minute solve, but for some reason the video is like 2x slower or something.
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 22:28:06
fuck yesssssssssssssssssssssss finally broke the 1 minute barrier today... 55.98 secs :) replay -> as you can see i made 1 misdrop, but still broke my record. you dont need to give up on a mistake. [video=youtube;r4vBMTK_eBw][/video] another helpful tip is to remember that tetrominos are randomized in 7 pieces bag. If you see 2 pieces back to back, you know it will take at least 6 more pieces before that piece re-appears, so don't count on it to land anyway soon! also don't create a hole that would fit a piece that you just used, because chances are it won't appear in a while, unless you notice it in the preview quickly.
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 22:50:43
Wasn't that 2 misdrops? The purple covering the empty column and that square of blue pieces? Either way that was fucking impressive lol
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 23:10:51
uhh dont think i ever used a t to cover an empty column, but the double L "eye" is def a mistake.
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 23:43:09
@Zombo, on where do you play tetris? thats not TF... :? (noob question). Also, are the tuning styles worth buying on TF? Do you use them?
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 23:45:48
Jan wrote: @Zombo, on where do you play tetris? thats not TF... :? (noob question). Also, are the tuning styles worth buying on TF? Do you use them?
tuning styles are worth it, you play faster i used nullpomino because i don't want to watch ads on TF lol -
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 23:53:31
Zombo wrote: tuning styles are worth it, you play faster i used nullpomino because i don't want to watch ads on TF lol
Which tuning styles would you recommend: DAS, ARR, IHS, IRS Also, BTW, I'm on rank 9 so... I don't need pre-rotate or pre-flip yet... i think... -
Date: Tue, Dec 20 2011 00:13:12
DAS and ARR are most important I dont think IHS and IRS are that useful but DAS and ARR are only good if you master them. you will need to be super precise with your fingers but if you press too long the piece will start flying and you'll make a mistake. The best way to describe it is that it makes the pieces more "slippery"
Date: Tue, Dec 20 2011 00:37:13
Oh it wasn't a purple it was an orange, at 0:42
Date: Tue, Dec 20 2011 01:47:44
thats not a mistake, i needed that skim, there was absolutely no other way of putting that Z without creating a hole. it was easy to fix because of the O shape right after
Date: Tue, Dec 20 2011 21:12:40
ouch my forearm hurts today, played too much tetris yesterday. my speeds today are consistently in the 1:03 range. this game can cause RSI if you're not careful.
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 22:24:35
oh im pro at tetris lol my username is Dasta
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 00:53:23
@Zombo, so I went online to and downloaded nullpomino. I was just wondering how to remove the backround and how to change the keyboard settings to those in TF. I got the rotations and hold keys correct but cant find how to change the drop key from "UP (arrow)" to "SPACE". Please help. Also, is this the same game you have? (just to make sure I downloaded the right game...)
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 13:36:51
options > general options (show background) keyboard settings
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 16:40:22
Zombo wrote: options > general options (show background) keyboard settings
Yeah I was in keyboard settings and I'm not sure what to change...Anyway, what tuning do you use? How to make performance and speed better? Or should I just keep the default settings?
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 18:05:52
Commands are on the left, assigned keys on the right. -> Change the first command by pressing enter, then pressing space. Confirm by choosing [SAVE & EXIT] with the arrow keys, then pressing enter again. My settings are down key for soft drop, up key for hard drop, space for hold, y and x for left and right rotation. I'll probably try using asdfjkl; and play holding my hands like some experienced typist like somebody suggested in the harddrop forum to have a consistent setup on every keyboard (except for some ergonomic ones).
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 19:17:24
webspider wrote: Commands are on the left, assigned keys on the right. -> Change the first command by pressing enter, then pressing space. Confirm by choosing [SAVE & EXIT] with the arrow keys, then pressing enter again. My settings are down key for soft drop, up key for hard drop, space for hold, y and x for left and right rotation. I'll probably try using asdfjkl; and play holding my hands like some experienced typist like somebody suggested in the harddrop forum to have a consistent setup on every keyboard (except for some ergonomic ones).
Yeah and my question is where do you edit the soft drop and hard drop?!?!?!?!? -
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 20:59:58
Dude, I just explained you as detailed as possible how to change the hard drop key to space. Can't you read?
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 21:57:42
webspider wrote: Dude, I just explained you as detailed as possible how to change the hard drop key to space. Can't you read?
:rofl: Meet Jan. -
Date: Fri, Dec 23 2011 15:20:19
Jan wrote: Yeah and my question is where do you edit the soft drop and hard drop?!?!?!?!?
up = harddrop down = softdrop change to up = space your DAS to 7/7 2 -
Date: Sun, Jan 1 2012 02:00:34
anyone want to join in? Zkhan01134 Cloud-----superspark
Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 05:00:48
my newest high score: 50.78s getting close to sub-50 range :D [video=youtube;cP_Haa4Empo][/video]
Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 05:07:19
What is the record on this zombo?
Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 05:13:25
I think it's around 21 seconds. its hard to verify because there are many fake videos online of bots. this is 22.9s [video=youtube;_G3fEkoEd-0][/video]
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 03:23:17
Yayaayay Username: KingPS
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 22:50:21
I still need to beat the 1 minute line. D: And average under 1:30. I really got rusty when I didn't play for a while so my average is 1:40 now.
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 22:54:35
Any tips? I've never understood T-Spins, and i've sort of reached a plateau playing tetris as I do now. What kinds of patterns do you guys look for?
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 22:57:44
you reached a plateau? do you break 1 minute sprint? have you learned double rotations and das to wall tapback?
Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 22:28:44
@Zombo, what are your configurations? Also, what do the following mean and do? Gravity: 5 G-Max: 250 ARE: 0 ARE Line: 0 Line Delay: 0 Lock Delay: 5 DAS: 8 BGM: 0 BIG: OFF Goal: 40
Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 22:37:34
gravity is the rate it falls g-max is the rate it falls when you press down ARE/ ARE line dont worry about it line delay is the time it stops when clearing a line, keep it at 0 lock delay is the time it takes for a piece to lock after it touches another piece das does nothing i think if you tuned your options bgm is music BIG ... well just try it out goal is obviously... the number of lines you need to clear
Date: Mon, Feb 20 2012 23:59:02
Can someone give me an idea of what a T-Spin is? It's pretty hard for me to build one, given I normally only do tetrises :| What do the terms DAS(etc) mean? :
Date: Tue, Feb 21 2012 00:33:20
DAS means delayed auto-shift if you hold a button, it repeats that direction after a while T-spin means 3 of the 4 corners of the T are covered look it up on youtube
Date: Tue, Feb 21 2012 11:05:35
Date: Tue, Mar 13 2012 00:32:12
finally achieved rank 16.... platinum... took forever practicing the double triple cannon and the STSD.
Date: Tue, Mar 13 2012 01:04:02
Lol on tetrisfriends im KionTheBeast and im pretty sure im lvl 20 or 19 in Arena haha havent played in so long
Date: Tue, Mar 13 2012 01:19:24
Im level 12-13 in 2p now :D Ive ST-stacked a couple games successfully, too. :D 40 sprint is 2:07
Date: Mon, Mar 26 2012 05:00:42
I have compiled a reference sheet to help you all remember the common t-spin setups. Now, before you practice t-spinning, you need to master dual rotation. T-spins require specific rotations to function, so if you can't rotate using both buttons, you'll be severely limited. Practicing dual rotations itself will take a lot of time.
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 21:38:28
@Zombo can you explain what ARE is...
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 22:22:01
ARE is the delay after you lock a tetromino and before next tetromino appears at the top
Date: Sat, Apr 21 2012 23:40:21
Zombo wrote: ARE is the delay after you lock a tetromino and before next tetromino appears at the top
What are all of your tuning settings? -
Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 16:05:29
Jan wrote: What are all of your tuning settings?
for what game -
Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 16:26:40
Zombo wrote: for what game
Nullpomino. -
Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 16:29:21
standard-zero rule das 6/6 das delay 0 in-game settings dont really matter, leave to default
Date: Tue, Apr 24 2012 01:18:33
Zombo wrote: standard-zero rule das 6/6 das delay 0 in-game settings dont really matter, leave to default
why do you choose to use standard-zero rule? what settings (if any) does that change? -
Date: Tue, Apr 24 2012 04:33:35
Jan wrote: why do you choose to use standard-zero rule? what settings (if any) does that change?
zero means piece stick to the wall right away, its the fastest possible setting. when you're holding a key for DAS, you do it because you want to stick to the wall, therefore theres no time wasted to do that -
Date: Fri, Apr 27 2012 23:39:06
Finally broke one-minuute barrier :p [video=youtube;FROWO6v7jvs][/video] Using @Zombo tuning settings ;D
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 03:58:11
Zombo wrote:
hi 40L sprint new WR, set a month ago. [B]20.55[/B]Spoiler
I think it's around 21 seconds. its hard to verify because there are many fake videos online of bots. this is 22.9s [video=youtube;_G3fEkoEd-0][/video] -
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 09:05:44
First time got under 45seconds, but i feel i can soon go beyond 40 seconds limit now I'm at 44.38
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 18:08:11
Why do I barely scrape 2 minutes most of the time on Nullpomino but get 1:30s on TF where I am muss less comfortable with the keybinds.
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 20:02:13
neXus wrote: Why do I barely scrape 2 minutes most of the time on Nullpomino but get 1:30s on TF where I am muss less comfortable with the keybinds.
maybe not used to the graphics maybe poor sett ings -
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 20:09:35
I play TF maybe once a month. I play NP almost daily. I don't get it.
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 20:16:17
if you make a lot of mistakes in nullpo and not tf, maybe your settings are too fast
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 20:44:41
I usually restart once I make a big mistake on NP because it's fast and easy unlike TF where restarting takes like 7-10 seconds and requires taking hands off the keyboard. The settings I play at are at times a tad fast for me but I'm trying to get used to them and I do have "good" runs with no or little mistakes and my best NP time was like 1:48 or something.
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 20:48:10
like i said, could be graphics nullpo has a grid by default while tf don't, it screwed me up, so i removed the grid. nullpo block graphics are kinda shitty, so it could affect as well
Date: Tue, May 15 2012 11:48:58
Holee sheet @Zombo So I recorded myself playing both a decent TF and NP game and I put them side to side in Vegas when I noticed something. Check this out: [video=youtube;TfzaDRmirlo][/video] I'm not slower on NP, NP is running too fast. Not sure why the Vegas rendered an extra 40 seconds to the end of that. edit: why did not one tell me the game has to be run at 60FPS, why does it even allow you to set the FPS above 60 if it fucks up the times, what the hell.
Date: Wed, May 16 2012 01:16:06
yea happens sometimes when i record nullpo, it looks speed up later on
Date: Wed, May 16 2012 06:07:30
Haste29 :) Just registered @TF :D Rank is low aahahha. Rank 7 XD Added few ppl from here XD Im new to tetris XD
Date: Thu, Jan 24 2013 20:36:27
almost hitting dat 35seconds line new best sprint 36.78seconds :P
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2013 04:39:52
Raem wrote: almost hitting dat 35seconds line new best sprint 36.78seconds :P
fuuuuuuuuuuuu -
Date: Fri, Feb 8 2013 14:52:43
Don't play for 2 months, break record on 2nd game.
Date: Fri, Feb 8 2013 20:16:42
almost there!
Date: Sat, Feb 9 2013 02:30:29
Best I ever had was 59.xx for 40 lines (Nullpo)
Date: Mon, Feb 18 2013 02:54:13
currently rank games 1 2p 1 arena 1 sprint 1 6p 1 sprint 4p
Date: Tue, Feb 26 2013 19:06:59
ahhhh almost
Date: Sat, Mar 9 2013 03:33:56
I started playing TetrisFriends today and I am absolutely addicted. XYZaki was taken, then I realized I made an account back in 2010. Add me: XYZaki
Date: Sat, Mar 9 2013 07:16:37
XYZaki wrote: I started playing TetrisFriends today and I am absolutely addicted. XYZaki was taken, then I realized I made an account back in 2010. Add me: XYZaki
which mode -
Date: Sat, Mar 9 2013 07:22:54
Zombo wrote: which mode
I've just been addicted to Battle 2P, I like how the ranking system works; it gives me incentive to try every time. I did Arena with a friend and it was ok. Is there a way to play Battle 2P with someone on your friends list or is it always random queue? -
Date: Sat, Mar 9 2013 14:20:07
XYZaki wrote: I've just been addicted to Battle 2P, I like how the ranking system works; it gives me incentive to try every time. I did Arena with a friend and it was ok. Is there a way to play Battle 2P with someone on your friends list or is it always random queue?
you realize battle 2p is not against live players? you're playing against an AI that mimics the player's talent level, could also be a replay of the player. Only Arena is true multiplayer. -
Date: Sat, Mar 9 2013 21:05:09
Zombo wrote: you realize battle 2p is not against live players? you're playing against an AI that mimics the player's talent level, could also be a replay of the player. Only Arena is true multiplayer.
Date: Sun, Mar 10 2013 05:17:09