General Discussion / World Cup 2012 - Round 6 - The Final - Results OUT!
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 20:27:19
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 20:33:05
Congratz FPSB !
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 20:33:36
congrats FPSB, but also good job UPSB! :)
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 20:34:48
gg no re.
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 20:34:49
It is no doubt that FPSB has won, they've got fantastic spinners with such amazing level of skill in their linkages!
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 21:13:34
Not surprising, but I think both teams were great. Congrats FPSB!
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 21:15:09
woot! first sorry to have been so useless in podcast --" but was so alone and not prepared from team fpsb D: a bit busy too CONGRATS upsb and all teams. And zomborganizing don't know if they ll come to post but i say thanks from all fpsb team aha i'm glad, especially since i already lost in wc final ^^ today fpsb do a double-win (wt-wc) tho not a spinner (s777 isnt there) as a last post i repeat all my opinions lol pools=>qualification round has to be back minwoo=>cheat is lame, should have been dismissed+banned from wt/wc judging=>too bad for late submissions.. but agree or not with judgements don't change anythin (during all tournament) bpsc in fpsb?=> bpsc closed as a board, tho private groupstill exists (as Lpsa...) ivabra and myself joined fpsb instead of upsb for easy communication (french) and proximity. expected final/win? => somehow. lpsa=> i don't care either good or bad it is. it just shows a very bad example in community management orga=> preferred wc10 themes tho it's still ok editing=> took a really important place, but i don't know what to say about that- i edited all fpsb doubles so you see i still like pretty simple editings. there. see you in WT13 ~ and 6th year solo in october :D -for fpsb or bpsc, doesn't matter in wt, right? edit: wew i'm the only spinner who did all rounds? T.T that's why me so tired
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 21:21:20
One does not simply walk into mordor! GG both boards. Well deserved FPSB and also after that WT win... So next wt-winner fel2fram, eh.
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 21:27:35
Congratz to every spinner in FPSB. you guys deserved it more than any board,awesome job in all Rounds. Congratz to UPSB to for making it so far.
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 21:36:00
Hi there. First congrats from FPSB team, I think those two boards were in final because there isn't à FPSB/UPSB style, our diversity was awarded this year. Sorry for the podcast, my connexion is horrible right now. Then congratulation to Zombo, the organisation was just perfect. A few remarks though: -too long. I want the qualification back too. -Judges were late most of the time, more pressure. Some errors too (Lekunga). -Minwoo: banned IMO. -LPSA: sad, we should give a place for one country (or more), not the contrary. -Organisation: some spinners didn't watched the rules... Total fails sometimes in artistic. -Editing: now duo=collab, don't like it. We should promote the aspect "complementarity", a double has to be logic. -Expecting results: indeed since the UPSB double wasn't as its best. And eventually, I was thinking about the idea one event every two years. In didn't feel the same excitment than last years... Maybe there are too much tournaments in penspinning. The problem is that penspinning is evolving so fast that in two years, a talented spinner can stop penspinning... GG fellows, see you for WT13.
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 22:45:26
Nashi wrote: One does not simply walk into mordor! GG both boards. Well deserved FPSB and also after that WT win... So next wt-winner Leftfinger, eh.
Ü -
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 22:46:37
Good point, you'll win. ^_^ have fun beating fel2fram. (sun)
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 22:51:20
Nashi wrote: Good point, you'll win. ^_^ have fun beating fel2fram. (sun)
Thx (sun) Btw, GG everyone, it was a cool WC even if there was some trolls =) -
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 22:52:15
Nashi wrote: One does not simply walk into mordor! GG both boards. Well deserved FPSB and also after that WT win... So next wt-winner DArKT, eh.
@Leftfinger not so fast, LMAO -
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 01:56:27
I don't understand the opposition against LPSA here.. Penspinning is international, as long as there are no team competitions, more groups like LPSA will join WC. (KMSC for example) In that case it might be best to bring back qualifying and/or establish teams more
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 05:02:09
Congrats FPSB and well done UPSB! some of my suggestions for future tournaments, -A team who wants to participate in WC should be responsible and consistent with the tournament rules. (especially judges). Punishment should be given to the violator. -Judging criteria is ok, adding variety will be better. When I see Nadhif vs i.suk combo, in my point of view Nadhif could have a win in variety. -Minwoo banned, agreed. -Keep doubles theme and simple editing, agreed. XD
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 06:29:56
Frip wrote: I don't understand the opposition against LPSA here.. Penspinning is international, as long as there are no team competitions, more groups like LPSA will join WC. (KMSC for example) In that case it might be best to bring back qualifying and/or establish teams more
Someone really understand that point (Finally!), we need more qualifying for make board more stablish in next WC!. LPSA is making serious things so the board don't cause problems. In cases like Congregations of Boards, i don't think that needs to happen in next wc, cause are boards with a lot of spinners in good level to participate and not for trying to up in the WC scenario you need to "unifying" with other potential boards, that could make a extremely bad place for those "rising" boards that wanna spin for first time in a WC. Nice win for FPSB, we'll see who gonna win WT next year guys, i expected enter ;). Bye. -
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 06:49:36
Obvious results.
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 06:56:56
Well done upsb but results not surprising. FPSB too good
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 06:59:10
'Smile[FPSB];203863'] -Minwoo: banned IMO. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Gisele 8;203858] minwoo=>cheat is lame, should have been dismissed+banned from wt/wc [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Gland wrote: -Minwoo banned, agreed.
this -
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 08:24:04
since its a world cup between countries.. I think all of us know that we cannot just combine our board or make a new one while we still have our own board. I mean like if we want to do 'easy-win' , just make/combine a new board including supa,f2f,i.suk,etc etc..but thats not the pointof WC, the point is [B]PRIDE[/B] of your country note : *this comment doesnt refer to UPSB (Since its a official-known and place for all of us) *no offense for some team who mentioned..since this is the first time happened Anywayy... Congratz for FPSB <3333333
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 10:35:32
Avocado wrote: since its a world cup between countries.. I think all of us know that we cannot just combine our board or make a new one while we still have our own board. I mean like if we want to do 'easy-win' , just make/combine a new board including supa,f2f,i.suk,etc etc..but thats not the pointof WC, the point is [B]PRIDE[/B] of your country note : *this comment doesnt refer to UPSB (Since its a official-known and place for all of us) *no offense for some team who mentioned..since this is the first time happened Anywayy... Congratz for FPSB <3333333
If it's true, UPSB spinners actually is able to create their own national team, e.g; Australian, Singaporean, etc. But it's a tradition and I think LPSA would seem to be like UPSB, and for the couple of years we'll get used to see them in an International tournament imo. There's nothing to do if such a strong spinner moving to a board and join WC, unless there is rules for a team is consist of spinners from a country. -
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 11:04:18
Congratz for both UPSB and FPSB :)
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 13:11:45
No Eriror = Autolose :trollface:
PS: Well, hahaha. Congratz FPSB, you guys deserve it. ;c
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 05:11:19
Enkronidus wrote: No Eriror = Autolose :trollface: PS: Well, hahaha. Congratz FPSB, you guys deserve it. ;c
we didnt win a single category.. eriror wouldnt have saved the cup -
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 16:16:15
Congratulations to UPSB, good job during the whole World Cup :) Thanks a lot to Zombo for the organisation, and I agree with the others about the qualificaiton round (2010-like) However according to me Minvvoo shouldn't be banned from the worldwide tournaments... Remember TNC (chautran) in 2008 ? I don't wanna launch any debate about Chautran vs Dongza but it's clearly obvious (Obviously I don't want to offence Chautran which has always been one of my fav spinners) and one year later he was allowed to take part to the WT09. :) (and I'm pretty sure he still got some new things to show) Oh and, I'd like to know what's happening with the prizes, are we gonna receive some information about them? :)
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 16:59:04
IMO, every combos in every rounds in the next world competition should be examined especially with black background. And then, we don't have to ban anyone :D
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 17:07:12
Well since Minwoo stopped spinning anyway, isn't it that much of a problem? (well we never know if he might come back) And I'd aprove of the idea of a two year rhytm, so that World Cup and World Tournament would be organized every 4 years.
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 17:27:29
Some notes: 1. There needs to be more themes. Seeing artistic and technical every single round was just stupid. I got bored of the themes after the second round. Force the spinners to try something unique. 2. Minwoo should be banned. It is just as well that he quit, but cheaters need to be punished. 3. Sly=bannned. That guy screwed his team so many times during the tournament. Between half assed combos, not submitting, and trolling, he needs to be banned. 4. LPSA. Who cares? They sucked anyways. Quit complaining about them. 5. Trolling=Instant DQ. A few videos were complete trolls, and the trolls should be disqualified. 6. Final. UPSB was pretty doomed, with the execption of Hippo's battle. 7. The judging was a bit slow for my tastes, but I am impatient. 8. A really cool idea would be a MASSIVE collab with all the spinners (with the execption of Minwoo, etc.) from the WC in it. /analysis
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 17:42:19
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 17:53:27
Congrats FPSB for being the winners! You guys did a great job during the whole competition (sun) Also congrats to UPSB for being finalists! I wasn't expecting UPSB to get so far, but yeah, magic happens (sun) jk, great job as well. Regarding the relevant stuff...everything's already said! I'm for banning the trolls and maybe trying to get back the themed system: telling people what to do in every theme seems to work better than just saying "artistic" and "technical".
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 18:08:00
Agreed with a return to themes, I sensed a little bit of dis-comfort in being told to simply be "artistic" which could have caused some of the poor- quality videos.
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 18:17:01
I'd like to add something In my opinion the organizers (Zombo, maybe anyone else) should try to think about the doubles. Seriously finding good transitions has become really hard, I spent more time looking for a cool transition instead of focusing on my breakdown. I think we should stop making doubles, or we shouldn't judge the doubles on the transitions, only on the spinning parts. Moreover many doubles were like off-topic, at first it was funny but then it started being a bit ridiculous/lame (many of them were good too though)
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 20:09:42
Ivabra has a point. even so,the trasition also shows Creativity,so its a concept to be judged. and i think the Themes from 2010 Wc where nicer than this ones
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 23:00:45
No, fuck transitions. Doubles should be entierly judged by spinning. This is the penspinning world cup, not editing world cup. Or leave doubles out entierly. Clip vs. Clip is much easier to judge than always finding a merit between two spinners and comparing that to 2 others. Also congrats to FPSB, you really deserve this win. /EDIT: Regarding the one-board-per-nation rule I already made a detailed post.
Thats actually a very delicate matter, even the question of sovereignty applies here. You have to keep in mind events like PDS vs. KPSA, where a new board was formed becuase Mr. LSC, the old admin was screwing everyone over. Is PDS still the legitimate representation of the korean penspinners? One argument in favour would be that he was the first to found a board. Also what about TWPS, PSH and HKPSA. I don't think I need to explain that legitimacy of some of those boards' nations is questionable (from the perspective of other nations and/or the UN, not mine). Would it be ok to found a Palestinian penspinning board, even though the nation is not accepted as one by other nations? I need to stress this: Anyone can claim a "national board". If it's legitimate or not, depends on the scenes perception and ultimately, if this board is allowed to participate in the World Cup/Tournament. But disregarding all of that: @Zombo constructed the World Cup/Tournament this way, because it just so happens that penspinners usually gather by nation (=board). Given that some nations didn't experience a "penspinning trend" like Germany did (I'm refering to KZPSC and others), why should we still hold on to this way of legitimizing a board? To me, this seems arbitrary, considering the low number of active/"good" spinners in said boards.
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 23:16:50
Congrats FPSB you guys are no doubt #1! And Great job UPSB team, you guys made all of UPSB proud. :]
The only type of doubles that would be good is live doubles, but this won't work cause not all wc spinners live close by each other. So I agree with taking out the doubles. As mentioned by others I think going back to more specific themes would be a good choice. There are a some new types of spinning developing. Stand up spinning, live (or one take spinning, idk how this would work though), linked hands... I would love to see body & environment back, but maybe with out the environment. I think just focusing on using parts of the body other than the fingers would be nice. There could even be something for ant-gravity/palm down stuff, maybe a power tricks category. Some of these may be too specific or too unpopular though. Oh and I think it should go back to 8 teams. I don't think there's much explaining for this. -
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 23:29:55
I don't like the idea of taking out doubles, but I feel it's fair. I was going to suggest either not permitting editing or taking transition into consideration while judging. Forbidding the edition would be just putting two clips together, so it would be lame. Taking transition into consideration might work if there was a special category in the rules for it, but considering it existed this year and people forgot about it, it's better to forget about this. Also, not every community has a good editor, so whatever. Maybe if we managed to find something new for the doubles, such as sync spinning or something like that, it would be ok. Otherwise it is bound to disappear :<
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 23:47:58
My view on doubles: No transitions at all. Just a clip, cut to another clip, back to the first spinner. No rolling the pen, throwing it, etc. Just spin. It is about penspinning, not cool ideas. Your combo will show if you have cool ideas anyways.
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 06:08:44
Congrats to FSPB. They have such amazing spinners. I wanted isuk to win though :(
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 13:12:34
Because the main attraction of doubles are transitions and the balancing and synching of both spinners, taking off transitions between combos would left a poor video because there is no linkage, so imo it would be a lot better to have 2 individual videos. We may try to have a WC without doubles to have another perspective. Also, themes make these events much more entertaining and spinners pull out very interesting combos. So, if there are 4 spinners per round from each board, there can be lot of unique themes.
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 13:51:45
The events need to happen every year alternating like they do now. In my mind, half the year is "world competition 'season'" and the other half is "collabs/training 'season.'" If we only had a world championship every other year, how much spinning would be lost in between with harder-to-access collabs and such? Look at how much new stuff has been learned and how much has been added to penspinning year by year. it changes so fast, we definitely need a competition every year. And congrats FPSB, you won WC even without s777, A13x, and Fratleym. wow. [EDIT]: you did have the additional BPSC members. big plus lol.
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 14:27:54
But you're missing World Tournament. That's a world event, and so that technically means there is a world event every year.
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 14:48:11
iColor wrote: But you're missing World Tournament. That's a world event, and so that technically means there is a world event every year.
i know. my use of "world championship" and "world competition" entails both WC and WT. i'm saying it should stay the way it is. -
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 13:16:34
Congrats fpsb. I knew you guys would pull through.... :) im happy that finally people understand that you are the best which i have been convinced for so long. (lol so opinionated) Thanks teammembers! and upsb support. Regarding WC changes. ==== -> I think world cup teams can be formed within reason. Malaysia, Korea and Spain formed a team beacuse it was evident they had world class spinners, but not enough in each to form a team. ...mmm ...kind of like upsb. but they already respectively had their own "home board" where as upsb is our own board. -> ...germany split in 2. this is familiar......... im borderline on what should be happening here. No comment as to what should be the case. I need to think about it properly. -> People are thinking way too square about what should happen to doubles. I think we should follow what happened in the pen spinning commonwealth games. It should alternate between a doubles , and a singles...each round. Singles is just a general singles such as the world tournament. This is a great opportunity for a spinner to show how they can harmonize both abilities of artistic and technical without trying to force it within a doubles. however doubles should be kept as its still a skill in itself in learning to balance transitioning skills, and creativity. Although i think the level of editing .....may have been over the top sometimes...its still a unique part of wc and id like to keep it. ->As i stated in the podcast. I think there should be a strike system for late submissions. If you hand a video in late, (within a specific time frame after the original EXACT due date 8/whatever hours after) then the team should get a strike. On 3/whatever strikes, the late video will be disqualified that round. Late results should maybe give half a strikes. This gives punishment for people who submit their videos late while still giving leeway for late videos for various other reasons in their lives...and or pure laziness. (If a team is in true trouble of something like death/sickness/somethign similar then of course things can altered without punishment) The idea is a team shuold be punished fir they have been consistantly late...not for being late just once because of something silly like forgetting/homework/exams/work or whatever. However after the "late vid time frame" the video should be disqualified. -> i think pure artistic/technical aspect should stay. The reason is obvious. 1 team may have a good body/environment spinner...while team 2 has a very good Creative/Unique link spinner. If we have a round that "happens" to be body/environment theme with team 1 and team 2 then team 1 will have such a great upper hand, even though team 2 may be just as good or even better. But if we keep it artistic , then its fair. ==== anyways. ill be taking a break from pen spinning. i need it. not sure how long. ...but probably not too long x) a couple months or so. cya guys.
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 13:40:20
MickChickenn;204310] 3. Sly=bannned. That guy screwed his team so many times during the tournament. Between half assed combos, not submitting, and trolling, he needs to be banned. [/QUOTE] i found Sly to be a refreshing intermission. pls no ban [QUOTE=padrace wrote: Fratleym.
Fratleym is LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG gone though.. would he even be able to compete at this point? -
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 16:22:09
Sc00t wrote: Fratleym is LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG gone though.. would he even be able to compete at this point?
i hope he still competes. one of my very favorite spinners. -
Date: Sat, Jun 9 2012 00:12:36
fratleym has clearly be succeeded by fel2fram. he is everything frat was, encapsulated, more refined, more dangerous , and more creative. FPSB has such rich sources and roots in creative/talented spinners.
Date: Sat, Jun 9 2012 15:45:18
neoknux_009 wrote: fratleym has clearly be succeeded by fel2fram. he is everything frat was, encapsulated, more refined, more dangerous , and more creative. FPSB has such rich sources and roots in creative/talented spinners.
this He's one of the very spinners who can compete in both artistic and technical (and of course double) with ease -
Date: Wed, Sep 26 2012 11:47:59
so . uh prizes?
Date: Wed, Sep 26 2012 14:02:52
neoknux_009 wrote: so . uh prizes?
contacted icolor 2 days about it, the prizes have finished being built -
Date: Sun, Sep 30 2012 08:13:37
oh, thats cool sun)
Date: Sun, Sep 30 2012 09:08:17
'the prizes have finished being built' --> post gives a sense of mystery
Date: Wed, Oct 3 2012 10:33:07
prizes? My nigga!