General Discussion / Once you become a father , what would you do to your son about PS?
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 01:26:10
As title.. For me : im still considering haha Share yours
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 01:46:33
this treadh should be in Off-topic section. but well yes i will,i'll give my mods to him/her too LOL. and force her to spin-__-
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 02:08:35
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 02:09:41
i couldn't agree more -
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 02:15:12
Show them videos, get them interested at an early age, raise the youngest WT champion alive. I wouldn't force them to do what they don't want to. Kirua can answer this :P
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 02:40:27
@kirua xD
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 02:42:51
I am raising my first born as a prodigious pen spinner. The second born will be raised as the best drinker in the world. I believe every parent should plan out their child's life and train them to fulfill the role you decided for them for starting at a very young age, then they will actually do something with their life :)
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 02:43:22
well i dont really plan on being a father but i suppose that could change in the future... anyway i would probably form a small group of amazing penspinners to just hang around and pen spin near the child until he becomes interested. then he will learn from every one of them until he doesnt want to pen spin anymore (im guessing age 9). after that i would kick him out of my house and he will wander the streets homeless until he realizes that the only money making skill he has is pen spinning so he will use it to entertain people and slowly make his way back home for me to finish his training... yeah so i dont plan on being a father...
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 02:49:52
damn!!!!! Wrong Placed i posted .... @Nachoaddict can you move to the general discuss??? edit : i think i wont let them spinning or just the first born . Because of pen spinning , My education just stay on the level , not increasing but decreasing a little bit ... soooo ... maybe only for the first born . and i really want to see how many pens discontinued , and how expensive is a miffy , or G2?? haha
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 02:51:49
>implying people from a board 90% full of anti-social asians who choke when talking to girls will ever have kids.
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 02:59:31
why not ???
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 03:26:57
I feel sorry for the children of these majorly devoted pen spinners.
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 03:39:36
I wouldn't do anything about pen spinning for my children really. I mean if they don't/do want to learn it, that's fine by me. :/ You guys are too authoritarian (Psychology term) as parents btw. And what if I had a daughter? Ever wanted to create a pro girl WT/WC spinner?
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 04:06:57
teach them to have world peace (sun)
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 04:41:13
I would most likely just let them know that I have such hobby... ...whether they wanna join me is up to them to decide then. Frog~
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 05:16:28
Not teach them.
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 05:17:10
show em pen spinning,try to get them interested in it,if not,let em have their own hobby
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 06:17:33
if i were a father, i would let my child or children discover their own talents and hobbies than forcing them to do something they wont like :) if my child wants to pen spin thats up to him/her
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 07:08:14
Fack you wanka! Sent from my DROID2 Global using Tapatalk 2
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 07:32:34
Tag video with wife and kids, then grandchildren.... --> Life complete.
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 09:19:35
since i am hoping to join the circus as soon as possible after highschool, im sure my child will have some idea that i do weird whether he/she chooses to follow me or not will be up to him/her, but it would be fun if they did :D
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 11:57:26
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 12:05:27
teach him if he's interested(?) \_(o.o)_/
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 14:25:34
I'll shown my kids my flexibility, hand whistling (my different uncommon but better method), and pen spinning. They probably won't be born with the same level of flexibility i was born with, so that'll just be show. I'll play songs for my child with hand whistling and he'll ask how, and I'll train him 3 notes at a time. When my kid's learning to write I'll just teach him the fundamentals and say it's required by law lol. When my kid's eating I'll teach him my first pen spinning trick, FL IA with a fork. Aha I'll also teach him my other random little tricks such as blowing smoke of of mouth, bottlecap whistling, maybe rubiks cube solving, etc
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 14:31:56
TheAafg wrote: >implying people from a board 90% full of anti-social asians who choke when talking to girls will ever have kids.
*not asian,not anti social.just saying* just because pen spinners stereotype is like, 16 year olds with nerdy lookalike doesnt imply all of them are,LMAO -
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 18:06:35
Wouldn't do a thing if he/she is not interested. Btw, i would not become father. :(
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 20:21:08
Id just cut their hands off if they wont spin, obviously :S
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 14:33:47
Nashi + Eriror => WT/WC Champion 2030
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 14:41:34
I wouldn't teach them, because it's a waste of time (sun)
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 15:07:32
So female spinners become a father too? But in response to this thread, I'll teach my son/daughter if they ask me to teach them.
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 15:22:32
ChainBreak wrote: Nashi + Eriror => WT/WC Champion 2030
:rofl: -
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 16:18:30
Yea @FRspinner change the title. There are MOTHER spinners who may have DAUGHTERS too. :/
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 16:22:37
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 11:36:07
As some people might have recognized, my son is learning some tricks from time to time. There are very few days when he's asking me to show him something but at the age of 8 it seems to be very difficult to learn. Children at that age don't have as much patience as we grown-ups can have. Forcing somebody into something is probably not the right way ;) He knows, that this is a part of me, and he even picks up my pens from time to time when I drop. But it's not that spectacular for him like soccer or video games ;) But I can imagine, that he'll ask me in some years to show him more tricks and I'd be very happy about this :)
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 20:22:42
kirua wrote: As some people might have recognized, my son is learning some tricks from time to time. There are very few days when he's asking me to show him something but at the age of 8 it seems to be very difficult to learn. Children at that age don't have as much patience as we grown-ups can have. Forcing somebody into something is probably not the right way ;) He knows, that this is a part of me, and he even picks up my pens from time to time when I drop. But it's not that spectacular for him like soccer or video games ;) But I can imagine, that he'll ask me in some years to show him more tricks and I'd be very happy about this :)
If style is hereditary, your son is a lucky boy. ^_^ -
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 07:30:33
...I'd let the kid go learn it himself/herself, since I have absolutely no idea how to "teach" penspinning. But it's really up to the child. If he/she's interested, though, I'd pay for modding materials, or lend the child my mods. XD (female spinner here /waves)
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 08:37:21
Eternity wrote: ...I'd let the kid go learn it himself/herself, since I have absolutely no idea how to "teach" penspinning. But it's really up to the child. If he/she's interested, though, I'd pay for modding materials, or lend the child my mods. XD (female spinner here /waves)
haha, eternity . if you are studying and no work . the money also form parents . LOLL -
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 10:17:38
Once i become a father?
If i become a mother? I won't force my kids XD It's a hobby... hobbies are what they should pick up on their own =]
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 10:35:23
i will gently ask them if they want to be pro like me. even though i would be a pro after 15 years @@ if they say yes, it is okay ^_^ if no, then i will beat their asses out until they get red and i will forcibly teach them PS. YAY
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 09:22:16
Yeah. Ill pass down my gold kt I got off penwish.
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 20:22:42
:lol: were all like first or second generation spinners so well be one of the first to teach pen spinning to their kids
Date: Thu, Jun 14 2012 12:30:01
i would let my children discover pen spinning on their own as I did myself. I wouldn't force them to spin. Thats just damn right cruel.
Date: Thu, Jun 21 2012 05:33:36
Raptor wrote: Yeah. Ill pass down my gold kt I got off penwish.
Mods = family heirlooms LMAO that's actually a pretty interesting idea. -
Date: Mon, Jun 25 2012 08:56:38
And i wanted to know . What is the famous mod are ( my son generation )
Date: Fri, Jun 29 2012 06:58:15
Ive always wondered if penspinning will blow up in the the future and i would be explaining to my kids how small groups of psers used to get together online and build the community.