Off-topic / [Tutorial] Get Rid of Pimples
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 03:46:13
Here are some ways i get rid of pimples Note: What works for my face, may not work for yours Tutorial A: ------------------------------ Materials needed: 1x Toothpaste(not the gel/jel kind)[i use crest] 1x Cleanser(i use acnefree) (Optional: 1x Bandaid) ------------------------------ Step 1 : Take your regular toothpaste(I use crest) and apply a SMALL dab to your pimple. Step 2 : This step is an option but highly recommended. Put a bandage on your zit so the toothpaste doesn't stain your bed. Step3 : Cleanse your face in the morning and your pimple will be gone! ------------------------------- Tutorial B: ------------------------------- Materials Needed: 1x Aspirin(pure, non-extended release) 1x Vinegar (Optional: 1x Bandaid) ------------------------------- Step 1: Crush up some pure (5mg of somethin else probably won't hurt, but then I'm not a doctor), non extended release aspirin. Step 2: Add a bit of vinegar till it becomes a semi thick paste. Step 3: Apply a small dab of it ONLY to your pimple, if you get more than a little bit on your skin it will cause mild irritation, so it's best to put dab on the tip of your pimple then put a bandaid on tightly so it smooths over the rest. Step 4: Leave the paste on for 8-12 hours, brush it away along with your pimple. ------------------------------- Tutorial C: ------------------------------- Materials Needed: 1x Alcohol Pad 1x Bandaid(or some other form of adhesive, like tape) ------------------------------- Step 1: Put the Alcohol Pad onto your pimple Step 2: Put the bandaid over the Alcohol Pad and leave it on until it tries out Step 3: Cleanse your face and the pimple should be gone ------------------------------- Tips: ------------------------------- 1. Wash your face often, really helps 2. When your not outside, try to keep your hair out of your face, it keeps the hair from irritating the skin which will cause acne to never go away ------------------------------- Feel free to post your own Methods :)
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 03:53:41
^^ The toothpaste thing really helps. Three things I was told that do wonders for acne : - Exercise - Drink alot of water - Eat healthy
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 03:56:13
LOL My cousin (girl) does the toothpaste method xD It really works .__.
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 04:25:41
Tooth paste doesn't work for me.
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 04:58:13
@xSpin, if the toothpaste method doesn't work, i would try the Rubbing Alcohol Prep Pad method as it is more available than non-extended release aspirin
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 05:14:05
should try this toothpaste! ^_^
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 05:26:26
The best medicine is preventative. Stop eating fast food. Easy on the oil / butter / desserts. Get lots of exercise. Also, time in the sun. Go outside, you silly teens. Or you could be me, in which case your skin is flawless without regards for exercise habits or diet. But then again, we both know you could never be me, so good luck~
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 06:08:53
Being in the sun in the early stages of an acne scar makes it worse.
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 06:50:43
MY TUTORIAL: Step 1: Get sandpaper Step 2: Rub it on face with much force Acne should be gone instantly!
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 08:00:24
have plenty of vitamin Cs! =D
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 09:46:47
Date: Thu, Aug 5 2010 04:19:46
In terms of effectiveness : 1. Non-extended release aspirin 2. Toothpaste 3. Rubbing Alcohol Pad; In terms of availability: 1. Toothpaste. 2. Non-extended release aspirin 3. Rubbing Alcohol pads
Date: Thu, Aug 5 2010 05:33:54
How do I know if aspirin is extended or not? lol
Date: Thu, Aug 5 2010 05:42:16
it should say extended release like mine says "non-extended release"
Date: Thu, Aug 5 2010 07:01:16
Benzoyl peroxide. I went from a pimply gamer to a much less pimply cyclist using it for a few weeks.
Date: Thu, Aug 5 2010 07:10:10
Benzoyl peroxide is the active ingredient in just about every acne cream. There are some otc creams that are 10% benzoyl peroxide, just get those.
Date: Thu, Aug 5 2010 18:56:07
XYZaki wrote: Benzoyl peroxide is the active ingredient in just about every acne cream. There are some otc creams that are 10% benzoyl peroxide, just get those.
Yeah, if you want your face to peel off. -
Date: Thu, Aug 5 2010 19:21:03
nateiskewl wrote: Yeah, if you want your face to peel off.
They're spot treatments. EDIT: For the typical angsty teenager, that would seem like an ideal solution. -
Date: Thu, Aug 5 2010 19:31:14
go ask your doctor about epiduo. he might have a sample box like this:
your doctor might not give you the whole fukcing box..but one tube is enough for 3~4 applications another OTC (and cheap) solution is to apply Hydrocortisone cream every night. Yes it's an anti-itch cream, but its also a steroid. use a THIN layer (cause its thicker than lotion, and more viscous) on your face, or where needed
Date: Thu, Aug 5 2010 19:45:36
HAHAHA colin, you have an awesome doctor
Date: Thu, Aug 5 2010 20:38:11
Cortisone? That's a steroid. No need to use it for acne.
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 04:49:24
You CAN use it for acne. Its cheap, and you can find it at (almost) every drugstore. just saying :dunno:
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 06:06:39
Yeah, athletes get injections of that shit near injured joints. I wouldn't trust it. All mild to medium acne needs is salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide.
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 06:10:59
nateiskewl wrote: All mild to medium acne needs is salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide.
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 10:04:41
can i use any kind of toothpaste????
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 10:09:27
I use Skinoren. Skinoren is not for instant results, but over time(3 months for me) Skinoren works like a charm.
Date: Mon, Aug 9 2010 05:18:53
if you have long hair tie it back when you sleep/wear a head band thingy and change your pillowcase very regularly
Date: Thu, Aug 12 2010 03:04:08
Vaan wrote: can i use any kind of toothpaste????
" Not the Gel/Jel kind" -
Date: Tue, Aug 17 2010 03:08:52
stop watching porn kids. bahahahaha jk exercise, eat healthy, wash often. use acne washing stuff regularly. dont use a single acne treatment cream thing. use several so your skin doesnt get used to it