Trading / Buying / [TRADE] Lawliet

  1. Lawliet
    Date: Tue, Aug 3 2010 21:02:31

    Need : skyblue emboss caps x2 signo tips x2 skyblue anyball x1 BSPC mod or parts for it Offer: Money a lot of sunburst mx a buster cyl (heavy airfit tips)

  2. aaron12345
    Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 12:16:52

    2 signo tips and 2 ballsigns for 1 buster cyl.

  3. Nachoaddict
    Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 22:37:01

    Sorry to burst your bubble aaron but buster cyl is $15 and what you're offering is about $4 worth of stuff :/ plus this thread has not been bumped and is outdated.