Off-topic / Ocarinas

  1. cecil
    Date: Tue, Aug 3 2010 18:34:13

    I've decided that I want an ocarina but I'm not sure what kind I should get. I've been looking at this one, , and also this one, I want to play more than just some Legend of Zelda songs and I was wonduring if the 12 hole one is really nesesarry or if the fairy ocarina is fine.

  2. Jamal
    Date: Tue, Aug 3 2010 18:46:11

    get the ocarina of time :hah:

  3. Mike
    Date: Tue, Aug 3 2010 19:32:45

    Wonder wrote: get the ocarina of time :hah:
    When I found out that Orcarina's were real I was like :excited: They have a store in my town where they sell them too. It's advertised on GameInformer sometimes!

  4. Jamal
    Date: Tue, Aug 3 2010 19:38:18

    wut D: send me an ocarina

  5. cecil
    Date: Tue, Aug 3 2010 22:47:57

    So which one should i get?

  6. Shadowserpant
    Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 05:37:53

    WOW i was seriously just about to buy the ocarina of time from that site xD anyways i'd get the soprano G just cos it has a bigger range than the other one. up to you.

  7. Greyman
    Date: Sun, Aug 8 2010 18:22:00

    I actually have the first one... It works fine for me, you can play plenty with it and it's simple. Even if you're going hardcore, you might want to wait and see how into it you get before you get the twelve hole one. I say the first.