Gatherings / Meetings / Ultimate Collaborative Penspinning Map
Date: Thu, May 24 2012 13:30:36
Basically, I'd like what's here; The idea is, you can opt-in to be a part of the map, so other penspinners can find you. This is a lot more efficient than just asking here on the forums where people look very infrequently. Here's what's on it so far; In an email to [email][email protected][/email], provide any parts of the following; -name and/or username on upsb -age -email address -approximate location (just give city/town/whatever. Do not give me your actual street address, I will /not/ report it on the map!) (remember, you only really need two pieces of information if you want to protect identity. Approx location and email, so someone can contact you.) [SIZE="4"][B]As the subject, put "Penspinning map", exactly how it is in the quotes. I'm throwing emails like this into a filter, so if you don't have the subject exactly like that, I'll regard your email as spam.[/B][/SIZE] Right now, the place has only my location, but if you guys help, and repost this on other forums and such, we can expand this rather quickly. Please advertise this somewhere. I would let people add themselves, but it would get really spammy and nasty. This way, I can keep control and properly maintain it. Considering I'll be the only one working on this, it might take me a day or two to get your entry in - give it a week. If I don't get in a week, THEN feel free to send me a reminder. Happy spinning, statue PS - although the way to send is by email, bumping this thread would be appreciated when you send the email. Just say "sent."
Date: Thu, May 24 2012 14:40:30
Lets start the stalking!~
Date: Thu, May 24 2012 16:57:32
i like he idea.
Date: Thu, May 24 2012 20:23:51
sent :3
Date: Thu, May 31 2012 08:50:00
sounds dodgy hold on sending email