Advanced Tricks / Infinity
Date: Fri, Jun 11 2010 22:43:33
The Infinity is a combo consisting of Wiper Reverses and Passes. The path of the pen takes the shape of an infinity symbol, hence the name. Infinity tutorial by KTrinh93 UPSB Wiki entry
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 20:47:44
well figure 8 makes an infinity sign too so :P
Date: Tue, Jun 29 2010 20:14:13
[B]My tutorials[/B] Single Infinity: [video=youtube;2AKKxLT2tW0][/video] Double Infinity: [video=youtube;NiuFH1StmLI][/video] Triple Infinity: [video=youtube;71fDHddw1Vk][/video] Quadruple Infinity: [video=youtube;JN3vCMxKtlk][/video]
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 03:23:38
KTrinh, I just wanted to point out that according to the UPSB Wiki, the multiple Infinities you show are incorrect. I deeply apologize for perpetuating the incorrect notation of multiple Infinities. My video at the top explains the method of the correct way. Unfortunately, lots of spinners out there are still under the impression that the way I taught before is the correct way. >_< I wish I could do a real Quadruple Infinity but I don't have the dexterity for that. If anyone has an example, point me to it. It'd be much appreciated ^^
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 07:30:06
Isn't it the same trick, simply done with more emphasis on the rev pass? I can't see any difference in the breakdown, it looks to me like a different way of doing the same thing. KTrinh's passes are simply more discrete (wether you do it palm down or palm sided doesn't make a difference, right). Could you explain the difference Eso? I'm not very good at wiper breakdowning. =/ Unless you explained it in your tutorial, I just watched your demonstrations.
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 07:33:28
For anyone who cares, Aries tutorial really helped me when I was confused about the finger movements/positions when I was learning it: [video=youtube;yNK2h2a5V28][/video]
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 11:13:19
The only diffenrence between the way Eso is performing it and the "common way" is that while doing a double infinity, the "coming back" of the trick is wiper reverse 23 => pass reverse 23-12, and the common way is directly wiper reverse 123. It is the same thing : In the first, the index will touch the mod only after the wiper, in the second the index will touch the mod during the wiper. This is the only difference, and it does not change the trick.
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 11:18:27
Thanks for pointing this out, it's quite subtle. The way I do it looks much more like KTrinh's although it's just because I'm doing it the "return" palm down too, so I assumed I do everything exactly like him, except I didn't notice this wiper rev 123 when doing double or 234 while doing triple infinity.
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 18:01:55
Best way to explain it is that in the correct way, there's always a lower finger involved in the coming back. For example, the Double Infinity should have the pen between 23 when it starts the trip back to T1. In the "common way", it only stays in 12 then goes up to T1. But also, the correct way seems like it requires the hand to stay palm side, never palm down. It is a very subtle difference but I've had several people point out that what I was teaching in the past was incorrect so I looked it up on the Wiki.
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 19:32:14
Eso wrote: But also, the correct way seems like it requires the hand to stay palm side, never palm down.
Well, if you say this because of your previous statement, it's not exactly true, it's quite easy to do an infinity with correct wipers in every fingerslot palm down when coming back. Especially when you do extended multiple infinity, it looks very obvious then. Thanks for the explanation, I understand what you meant about KTrinh not doing it exactly like the breakdown asks. ^_^ -
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 21:39:53
The position of the palm is never part of the description of the trick. A trick can be harder to do with palm down, or up, but it does not mean the trick has to be done in palm side.
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 15:12:44
I have slow internets so i cant watch the different videos and i dont know if im doing the multiple infinity the common way or the correct way. And i guess im dumb cuz the written explanations arent helping either XD so i uploaded a vid, am i doing it correctly?
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 15:52:18
The palm side thing was taken from sketching's old videos, I believe.
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 03:46:09
i found that for me double infinity was easier than normal infinity ._.
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 21:58:13
I never actually knew I was doing these wrongly. I apologize for those misleading tutorials. Personally, the way I do my multiple infinities as shown in the videos is how I do them because they appear debatably smoother than the correct way in which the wiper reverses on the way back up the hand are in a sense "interrupted" by the pass reverses that follow.. i just blend my pass revs and wiper revs for my infinities =/
Date: Sun, Jul 11 2010 20:47:18
i agree withy eso...
Date: Wed, Dec 15 2010 17:54:26
the quadruple infinity is hard, i cant do a wiper with the thumb and pinky, any tips?
Date: Sun, Dec 19 2010 13:44:28
what is difference between Quad.Infinity,Trip.Infinity And Doub.Infinity?
Date: Sun, Dec 19 2010 14:08:01
Wiki ftw
Double Infinity: Wiper Reverse T1 > Pass Normal T1-12 > Wiper Reverse 12 > Pass Normal 12-23 > Wiper Reverse 23 > Pass Reverse 23-12 > Wiper Reverse 12 > Pass Reverse 12-T1
Triple Infinity: Wiper Reverse T1 > Pass Normal T1-12 > Wiper Reverse 12 > Pass Normal 12-23 > Wiper Reverse 23 > Pass Normal 23-34 > Wiper Reverse 34 > Pass Reverse 34-23 > Wiper Reverse 23 > Pass Reverse 23-12 > Wiper Reverse 12 > Pass Reverse 12-T1
Quadruple Infinity: Wiper Reverse T1 > Pass Normal T1-12 > Wiper Reverse 12 > Pass Normal 12-23 > Wiper Reverse 23 > Pass Normal 23-34 > Wiper Reverse 34 > Pass Normal 34-T4 > Wiper Reverse T4 > Pass Reverse T4-34 > Wiper Reverse 34 > Pass Reverse 34-23 > Wiper Reverse 23 > Pass Reverse 23-12 > Wiper Reverse 12 > Pass Reverse 12-T1
greets MM -
Date: Sun, Dec 19 2010 17:58:38
They are all different tricks, none of them looks the same as others. I can see why you may not see a difference, as the tricks are just an extended version of the previous trick (sort of, and not to be mixed with extended infinity, extended double infinity etc).
Date: Fri, Sep 23 2011 23:22:03
Well, I know the Thumbaround, Charge, and Shadow. But I want to learn the Infinity. I'm using this pen:
Do I need a grip on it? And it won't spin all the way when I try it. It stops spinning half-way through the parts that need momentum.
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 00:30:29
i can do s777 infinity with bare bic cap. but for you, i would put some grips on. it's easier to practice. just my thought. btw don't make thread like this cause it's not necessary. just ask questions here so yeah that's what i would do if i were you. ;)
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 01:01:30
why dont u find a thread about this trick befor just making a thread.
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 19:29:21
idk i just do if with pencils try to flick your wrist
Date: Sun, Sep 25 2011 15:41:29
i can do triple but not quad for somw reason plz help :'(
Date: Sun, Sep 25 2011 16:28:48
at least tell us what part you struggling with. make a vid and show me so i can help you. I have no idea how to help you without knowing what's the problem.
Date: Sun, Sep 25 2011 17:09:33
GeeGeeGee wrote: at least tell us what part you struggling with. make a vid and show me so i can help you. I have no idea how to help you without knowing what's the problem.
um i cant bens my pinky to catch it the pen -
Date: Sun, Sep 25 2011 17:21:41 i don't know what's the problem so i hope the vid helps you a bit. For me i leave a big space between my ring and pinky so when i swing the mod it doesn't touch my finger. I also use the grip for more control.
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 02:04:07
Grips help greatly for infinities. You just have to find the right grips.
Date: Fri, Sep 30 2011 14:43:05
practise ~~~
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 06:46:10
hm i couldn't get the two ink things to overlap so i had to cut them. i took thin grips from pencils and put them on the caps, i dont think you need any grips on the pen body
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 07:51:46
kungfumaster1111 wrote: hm i couldn't get the two ink things to overlap so i had to cut them. i took thin grips from pencils and put them on the caps, i dont think you need any grips on the pen body
It's not that you don't need grips on the body. It's that you don't want any. It makes a pen harder to spin. -
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 08:29:04
What! I learnt Infinity in 30 minutes. Anyways, u just have to keep practicing till u can do it. I can do an Infinity with normal pencil. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 08:41:31
fingerlessboy wrote: What! I learnt Infinity in 30 minutes. Anyways, u just have to keep practicing till u can do it. I can do an Infinity with normal pencil. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Lol I think you should change the tapatalk signature. ;) And infinity is very simple. It shouldn't take anybody more than half an hour to learn. -
Date: Thu, Oct 13 2011 09:56:20
So do we have to execute the trick palm side, palm down or choose any palm position we hold the pen? EDIT: Because I seem to do it palm down as KTrinh93 does.