Tutorials Pending Approval / Retacu Personal mod

  1. Boxxy
    Date: Sun, May 13 2012 19:22:35

    Hey guys I am here to make a tutorial on my personal mod which I could not make because I could not Identify the caps but due to a recent discovery here it is. @MRYangYang1 Materials: 2 Bic Clics 2 BAZIC Fine Line Washable Watercolor Marker caps 2 ring halves of Pilot G2 grips(Original are Aero Pen- Black Grip) And 2 tips of your choice(Original are Aero Pen- Black Grip) X-acto knife Part one: First you need to make the body by taking apart both Bic clics. Next you need to take the springs of both of those on the back half of the inktube so that they don't push in when writing. Next you will need to put one Bic Clic tip in the front. Then put one inktube through the body so the inktube tip sticks through the Pen tip. put the other in the opposite direction. Put the other Bic Clic tip in the back of the pen. Part Two: Now you are going to put the caps together by Cutting the ring side off the g2 grip and putting the selected tip inside the grip and put it on the BAZIC caps. Part Three: Put caps on each side of the pen and go crazy. This is final result


  2. Fuse
    Date: Sun, May 13 2012 19:24:07

    Not a bad mod, but more pictures would help clarify. :)

  3. Zeta
    Date: Sun, May 13 2012 19:27:20

    Look nice.

  4. Colbyy
    Date: Sun, May 13 2012 19:30:02

    I can barely see it, but seems pretty nice.

  5. Boxxy
    Date: Sun, May 13 2012 19:31:25

    @Zeta Bic Clic


  6. Fuse
    Date: Sun, May 13 2012 19:32:34

    Cool. Any subs for those caps?

  7. Boxxy
    Date: Sun, May 13 2012 19:35:36

    @Fuse Not that I find But Bic round stic don't look the same but work You can but 12 for about $12

  8. Fuse
    Date: Sun, May 13 2012 19:36:33

    Maybe comssa caps? Could you see if they fit on bic bodies? Those markers seem rare or unpopular. EDIT: Just checked, can confirm that comssa caps snap onto bic bodies quite well. @Retacu/

  9. Boxxy
    Date: Sun, May 13 2012 19:37:11

    @Fuse Most likely rare. maybe IDK if you have comssa than try and tell me

  10. Boxxy
    Date: Sun, May 13 2012 19:38:41

    @Fuse nice well there is a sub

  11. Colbyy
    Date: Sun, May 13 2012 19:40:20

    Doesn't the brand "BAZIC" also make those weird sailor subs that I always see people try to sell?

  12. Boxxy
    Date: Sun, May 13 2012 19:41:05

    @Colbyy IDK Miffy & melanie?

  13. Alex
    Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 18:02:20

    Nice mod :D

  14. Boxxy
    Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 18:27:31

    @Alex THX XD