Tutorials Pending Approval / Penz G3 Mod
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 23:46:32
Ok, so after receiving 10 likes and a few requests from SOYP, I'm going to release my personal g3 mod. :) AS OF RIGHT NOW, THIS TUTORIAL IS STILL BEING EDITED. PICS WILL BE UP SOON. I also have different variations of this mod! Here goes Penz3160's G3 mod (Penz g3 Mod)
Stats: COP=COG Length: 20cm Weight: 16g Style: Single-sided Non Retractable Est. cost: around 15$ Materials: 1x hgg 1x spoko (or any grip cut grip) 1x anyball 1x g3 (plastic) 2x hyperjell 1x fake signo or hi tec 1x zt (can be subbed) 1x needle-point (can be subbed) 1x insert Tools: x-acto pliers sand paper or dremel 2 color electric tape tweezers wire cutter or hacksaw Gather materials:
(From right to left, top to bottom) 1x hyperjell cap 1x .5cm hyperjell grip 1x 1 big ring of anyball 1x 2 ring of anyball 1x 1 regular ring of anyball 1x .9cm of hyperjell grip 1x remaining hj grip 1x grip cut 1x hgg 1x plastic g3 tip 1x needle-point 1x zt tip 1x fake signo or hi-tec 1x g3 body Tutorial: [SPOILER="Body"] Sand the 8 nubs and ring on g3 body. Put insert in body Put backplug in Add electric tape so hyperjell cap is stable Done! [/SPOILER] [SPOILER="Cap"] Completely remove hj clip and sand to make smooth insert zt tip insert the regular 1 ring anyball grip insert remaining hj grip add one ring of big anyball on top of the cap Put cap combo on body Done! [/SPOILER] [SPOILER="Front"] add the .9 cm of hj grip on the g3 body add .5cm of hj grip on the g3 body screw on g3 tip then add fake signo/hi tectip then needle point You should have this:
add hgg grip Now add 1-2 layers of electric tape Fit grip cut on. Add the 2 ring of anyball You just made the Penz G3 mod! Congrats! [/SPOILER] FAQ: 1. Q: looks like any other g3 mod A: So? It spins differently 2. Q: can i sub needle point? A: yes, with signo or anything of similar weight 3: Q: where do i get those fake tips? A: You can get from me, or from generic store brand stuff (easy to find in US) 4: Q: insert A: Credits go to Imatt
Date: Sun, May 13 2012 00:55:52
I know one variantion of this mod already!!! It's KUzu g3 mod! right?
Date: Sun, May 13 2012 01:00:42
cool mod :) im gonna add parts to my next PW order. Also can you post a pic of the insert you used? it would be greatly appreciated.
Date: Sun, May 13 2012 01:02:56
lol it almost just looks like a k7 hybrid....
Date: Sun, May 13 2012 01:31:18
@flaming oracle its spins differently, but yes, somewhat based on k7.
Date: Sun, May 13 2012 01:44:22
how much does it weigh? EDIT* nvm i see it now