Tutorials Pending Approval / Deli-Mod
Date: Mon, Aug 2 2010 15:35:27
Hey, im Deli from GPC and i want to show you my Deli-Mod after some requests for a tutorial in english. Ok... lets try to translate my tutorial in english. Just tell me if something is wrong, my english isnt the best :(. I really just translated it fast, so please dont knock me down, cause of my bad english ... D: So please if you find some grammatical mistakes, tell me via pm and not in this thread. Deli-Mod Structure : 1.0 - Introduction/Pictures of Deli-Mods 2.0 - Stats 3.0 - Required mats/tools 4.0 - Body-tutorial 5.0 - Front-tutorial 6.0 - Cap-tutorial 7.0 - Last but not least 8.0 - Afterword [SIZE="4"]1.0 - Introduction/Pictures of Deli-Mods[/SIZE] First some words about this mod. Ive created him, because i really wanted a nice TK-Mod, which i really like to spin and which is optically imo nice. I wanted him to dont get that heavy like a Minwoo Mod or Firefly mod (I really like both) but dont want that heavy mod as my mainpen. Here are some pictures of finished Deli-Mods:
Uploaded with [SIZE="4"]2.0 - Stats[/SIZE] Weight : 17,117 g / [COLOR="magenta"]15,5g (light-version)[/COLOR] Length : 20,7 cm Spinningsurface : 9,5 cm Cop = Cog = Coss Momentum = HIGH [SIZE="4"]3.0 - Required Mats/Tools[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"] 3.1 - Required Mats :[/SIZE]
(1) - 1 TK (Superpirat) (2) - 1 G3 Cap (3) - 1 Sailor Grip (4) - 2 Hgg Grips (5) - 1 Hgg Front (on which the Hgg-grip is) (6) - 2 GM(Grip Matic) Tips / [COLOR="magenta"]2 G3 Tips for light-version[/COLOR] (7) - 1 Airfit Chromring (8) - 1 Dr Grip Shaker Jap Grip (9) - 2 Anyballs (only the end- parts/rings) (10) - Tape [SIZE="4"] 3.2 - Required tools : [/SIZE]
(1) - flat file / angular file / round file (2) - saw (3) - super glue (optional) (4) - screwdriver (5) - cutter (6) - hammer + thin nail (7) - ruler (cm) (8) - lead of ks online sporty (optional, to put the sailor in the g3-cap) [SIZE="4"]4.0 - Body-tutorial[/SIZE] At the first, cut the TK on the erasing-side flush at the first border.
Now cut the writeable-side of the TK 2cm/20mm measured from the peak.
After you can take out easily the remain blue-plastic at the writeable-side of the TK. Try to get a straight surface at the end of the writeable-side, cause thats the side at which the front gets in.
Now clear the body with nailpolish until there isnt any colour left. After you have to put on some isolation-tape at the end of the writeable-side to couple the body with the g3-cap.
Date: Mon, Aug 2 2010 15:36:22
[SIZE="4"]5.0 - Front-tutorial[/SIZE] At the first cut 5,8cm/58mm of the hgg-front, like you see it on the picture.
After you done this, you have to file like at (1) the peak of the hgg-front as far as you can put the gm-tip without difficulty on the peak. Now you have to file the back down (2) until the outer diameter is ~0,7cm/7mm, but just trying to put the hgg-front in the erasing-side of the TK will be better.
Now you have to cut a 2,55cm/25,5mm and a 0,5cm/5mm piece of the first Hgg-grip and of the second one a 0,85cm/8,5mm piece. The 25,5mm piece and the 8,5mm piece are as long as a completly hgg-grip, so just put them on the hgg front as a normal hgg-grip. Put the last piece (5mm) behind the piek and put the gm-tip on the piek like on the picture.
Now you have to cut a lovely dr.grip shaker grip. 1 piece of 2,5cm/25mm and 1 piece of 0,8cm/8mm. Additional you need 2 endrings of a anyball or 2*2 sailorrings. Put the grips on the front like at the picture.
Picture of a finished front:
[SIZE="4"]6.0 - Cap-tutorial[/SIZE] Cut the Clip of the g3-cap.
Put the Gm-tip in the g3-cap. (it should reach the end of the cap)
Cut 8,5 rings of a sailor-grip and put it in the g3-cap. (start with the half one)
Lets do the last step of our cap. Cut a 1,0cm/10mm piece of a dr. grip shaker grip. Now just grip your cap like you want, or like mine with 2 sailorings + 1 anyball endring.
[SIZE="4"]7.0 - Last but not least[/SIZE] Put the front part in the TK body (writeable-side) and put the cap on the other side of the body, at which we have put the tape. Press the cap on the body until the spinning-surface reach 9,5cm. [SIZE="4"]8.0 - Afterword[/SIZE] Please give me some feedback and tell me if i have done mistakes or whatelse. regards Deli
Date: Mon, Aug 2 2010 16:06:46
Great Tut Deli. Crapload of parts and somewhat of a funky minwoo modish look but great looking and very nicely done for first upsb tut~
Date: Mon, Aug 2 2010 16:17:45
this tutorial must have taken forever o.O and it shows :D good work man^^
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 02:06:37
Great mod and tutorial, looks pretty hard to mod though.
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 17:39:30
awesome mod+tut. =-D
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 20:57:34
Looks good but too much a minwoo sc copy -.- but even nice work with the tutorial
Date: Thu, Aug 5 2010 07:55:29
i wanna make this mod so badly now guess ill have to order parts and junk , ill get back to you once i finish it XD
Date: Thu, Aug 5 2010 15:47:52
Your english is great man :] dont worry about it, great mod, i wanna make it but no money D:
Date: Fri, Aug 6 2010 17:25:36
Nice mod, but pretty costly. But i think i'll make one later when i found subs. (if cant get original)
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 05:36:35
hmmmm so its like a minwoo mod with gm tips and hgg "neck" instead oh comssa cap?? COOLLL!!
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 09:57:55
@sarugio didnt expect any other of a 15 year old guy, so far ;) ofc it "looks" like a minwoo or a firefly mod, but every mod looks like another!? Flex/g3 mods look like a seven mod!? oho dont creat a new flex mod... @rest thx for all the feedback, hope some will build one ;)
Date: Mon, Aug 9 2010 01:59:27
very sexy, and very good english. i'm very impressed. awesome tutorial you have
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 19:39:31
I loled when you said you didn't want a heavy pen.
Date: Sun, Aug 22 2010 20:14:20
I didnt say, that i dont want a heavy pen. Ive said, that i dont want him to get heavy like minwoo/firefly >17,5g ... Ofc its already a heavy mod.
Date: Sun, Aug 22 2010 21:10:08
i really like this mod! cant wait to make one!!! thanx
Date: Sat, Aug 28 2010 14:51:02
Added picture of my mainpens "Deli Variation with lavable body" ;)
Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 10:36:15
Just created some "light-versions". Used 2*G3 Tips instead of GM Tips. I really like it, cause the result is only 15,5g and COP=COSS/COG. So far, regards Deli.
Date: Fri, Jan 14 2011 01:34:35
wow, lots of parts though. you must've taken a lot of time to get ur mod fashionable and perfect to spin. i like it. :D
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 05:26:31
Nice tut. What bodies are used for the ones with inserts in them and how do you make that one?
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 10:10:06
@scout Superlavable
Date: Tue, Jun 28 2011 15:02:10
Added light-version, with G3 tips -> only 15,5g finally.. :)
Date: Wed, Jun 29 2011 00:55:39
@Deli if you still check this thread, I made your mod with the G3 tips and it spins pretty nicely. Your awesome modding skills have inspired me.
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 01:24:46
i'm confused how do you have the clear body with insert inside?
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 13:10:09
@Deli this is a nice mod which has a nice looking,momentum,weight and length but i personally think that the sailor grip in the G3 cap was not so good looking perhaps you could improve it
Date: Thu, Jul 7 2011 16:10:34
Great mod and tutorial! looks so nice:)
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 15:22:25
@Starryz97 I really like sailors, and the sailor style in cap. But if you want u could take a inlay or something other if you dont like this sailor style...
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 16:01:27
nevermind i got it.