Off-topic / Mario Cat

  1. Darealone
    Date: Thu, May 10 2012 20:33:10 This is like worse than an extent. I can't get passed level 3. -rages-

  2. webspider
    Date: Thu, May 10 2012 22:04:19

    I can't find out what the keys are to move the cat to the left and right. T resets the Game, Z makes the cat jump, K and O kills me.

  3. Colbyy
    Date: Fri, May 11 2012 02:51:36

    Move the cat from left to right? Isn't it just the arrow keys?

  4. webspider
    Date: Fri, May 11 2012 11:03:51

    According to the website you're right, but this still doesn't change anything about it not working in Chrome for me. I hope that motherfucker has not hardcoded the key codes. This is BTW the reason why any serious developer should release their web games neither in Flash nor Java, it just creates too many problems, especially if there isn't any possibility to just check the source code and fix it. edit: Nope, not working in Firefox either. Did I mention how much I hate Java? Maybe it's just the fact, that Apple does as well. Who knows. I really was excited to test that game since I saw some cool videos about it, but forget that then. Oh, and maybe somebody could tell these asians, that their websites are really outdated and they should finally stop creating such eye-sores.

  5. chris
    Date: Fri, May 11 2012 12:03:34

    Just get a downloadable zip (which is available via a simple Google search) . That should solve the problem. For the record, Geocities itself is outdated, closing their webhosting services to everywhere in the world except Japan. With the layout of the site, I doubt the guy even updates the site anymore or would plan to update it. edit: can't get past level 1.

  6. webspider
    Date: Fri, May 11 2012 15:07:00

    Thanks, didn't know there was an executable file.

  7. Darealone
    Date: Fri, May 11 2012 20:07:06

    Moving on back to the main subject...I found out how to get passed the very very very first part of level 3. Sweeeeeeeet!

  8. Darealone
    Date: Fri, May 11 2012 20:13:20

    chris wrote: edit: can't get past level 1.
    You need some halpz? I can help you...or just youtube it.

  9. chris
    Date: Sat, May 12 2012 00:23:23

    nah, it's all cool. I would just play it for the lulz anyway.

  10. Darealone
    Date: Mon, May 14 2012 13:32:53

    Almost passed level 4...if the game weren't so stupid I'd beat it. -Michael Jackson song plays in the back- (Pun intended)