General Discussion / Smoothness

  1. MondPs
    Date: Tue, May 8 2012 01:36:22

    Can you give some tips on how to make your combo smooth..

  2. drgripable
    Date: Tue, May 8 2012 01:51:27

    -don't try to perform tricks that are too diffucult or that you aren't good at yet -don't try to go too fast or too slow -its harder to be smooth when you're using a lot of direction changes -aerial tricks and other power tricks are very difficult to perform smoothly -practice certain linkages a lot -easier with a heavy pen (in general)

  3. spinford
    Date: Tue, May 8 2012 02:24:05

    mx dramatizes smoothens imo. i advise that you practice certain links alot and i often reuse those links as it will exemplify your smoothness and style. Smoothness comes with practice and patience. It took me around 3 years to have smoothness in my spinning

  4. wotu1
    Date: Tue, May 8 2012 03:06:28

    One thing that helps alot is to spin a really light mod for awhile. Like dc comssa light. this takes a TON of dedication, but after you spin that for a few months youll get super smooth with even an mx. Other than that, just follow what spinford and drgrip said. But the key thing is practice, practice, practice. Smoothness is just something that comes with experience and time spent practicing

  5. Dimension
    Date: Tue, May 8 2012 03:35:20

    I agree with wotu... A heavy pen is the easy way to get smooth, but if you look at someone like s777 or bonkura who spun light pens and their style was amazing. It all comes down to what sort of style you want If you want a smoother usually slower style go for a light mod Or if you want a powerful fast style go for a heavy pen But no matter what mod you are using the best way to get smoother is practice :)

  6. Awesome
    Date: Tue, May 8 2012 03:49:18

    A lot of smoothness comes from spinning a lot, and there is no way around it, however some things can help; Slowing down your spinning and making sure all the linkages are smooth at a slow tempo helps a lot cuz there might be hiccups you don't notice when spinning fast but it still interferes with your spinning. Make sure you get your fundamentals down really well too since so much of spinning uses them to link tricks together. Any technical error you make hurts smoothness a lot so aim for consistency with all of your tricks, you want to be able to land your tricks and mini-combos 10 times in a row consistently before using them in combos.

  7. Yamaguchi
    Date: Tue, May 8 2012 06:01:29

    everyday spinning

  8. Pen Ninja
    Date: Tue, May 8 2012 08:32:49

    a lot of it just comes downt to letting the pen flow dont force your tricks, let them come naturally know when to stop one trick and start another then slowly start to view it as all one MOTION, not multiple TRICKS

  9. Kyoflow
    Date: Tue, May 8 2012 10:12:12

    all this just sums up to ALOT of practicing. it'll come with time and practice

  10. Reason
    Date: Tue, May 8 2012 11:08:57

    basically everything that has been said here... find linkages that you really like and that you find yourself doing alot, then practice them on a lighter pen. after alot of practice with it, try it on a pen like waterfall. because i practiced this so much i have a very smooth style especially on the waterfall.