Member Introductions / Hi everybody

  1. Bazza
    Date: Sun, May 6 2012 22:22:11

    Hi all, My nane is Andrea,i come from italy and i started love ps around one month ago:) Of course Now i m really newb but i want be' a good spinner:) Maybe some body can say me some news about be better?yeah i know Just Need time and patiency but i m talking about tricks (which before)and which Kind of training :) I Made a mod for start is compose whit a Giotto turbo color,2 random grip and 2 random metallic tips Weight around 16 g and around 19 cm longer I know Just fondamental and our reverse(charter rev nop xD) and tornado,infinityimdex ring:) I hope everybody understand my bad english xD Thanks everybody :)

  2. Rudra
    Date: Sun, May 6 2012 23:31:52

    Welcome ^_^ enjoy your stay at UPSB.

  3. Dris
    Date: Sun, May 6 2012 23:40:56

    :welcome: to UPSB and enjoy your stay here! ^^

  4. Alex
    Date: Mon, May 7 2012 01:10:47

    :welcome: to upsb have a nice stay! :)

  5. flaming oracle
    Date: Mon, May 7 2012 07:56:02

    welcome to upsb! pretty good grammer well XD i can undersand you at least