Advanced Tricks / is this haitua?

  1. Dragon
    Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 07:55:52

    [video=youtube;Y_dvM-qh3uQ] H43-t58rhMI=[/video] please tell me if these are haituas.

  2. king_saurom
    Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 09:12:06

    haitua fail, haitua fail, bad haitua,haitua fail again, and again, and again and ok

  3. Enkronidus
    Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 09:47:29

    king_saurom wrote: haitua fail, haitua fail, bad haitua,haitua fail again, and again, and again and ok
    Neither of those was Haitua. It's basically a mini combo of Charge 34 -> Pinkybak rev 34-TF ~> Fl. TA, something like the second half of a Haitua. Haitua requires TA as the starter and has extra 0.5 spins on your hand for the first half. [video=youtube;mqiz2-l7qEo][/video] Watch carefully.

  4. Dragon
    Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 09:50:22

    thanks for help, but i guess i would go along with what i did 'cause it's easier to do.

  5. neoknux_009
    Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 10:40:20

    you were doing symettrical backaround. but its good because you'll still need kinda something like that for haitua anyway.

  6. Enkronidus
    Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 10:49:25

    neoknux_009 wrote: you were doing symettrical backaround. but its good because you'll still need kinda something like that for haitua anyway.
    That wasn't a Symmetrical Backaround either. A small common mistake that people look down, but SymBak has a pause at TF before Fl. TA. The breakdown would be [Charge 34 -> Pinkybak rev 34-TF -> Fl. TA] while this one is ~> Fl. TA instead What he does is another hybrid, the notation is what I have just written above this post. I don't think there is an official name

  7. Reason
    Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 11:20:59

    basically the second half of a haitua...

  8. Ceru Seiyu
    Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 12:51:15

    TBG made a video on half hai tuas and half hai tua reverses, this is a half hai tua. You need to add in the extended thumbaround.

  9. MickChickenn
    Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 14:51:50

    Dragon wrote: thanks for help, but i guess i would go along with what i did 'cause it's easier to do.
    No. Shut up and listen to people that know more than you do. Pen Spinning isn't going to be "easy" every trick. You will have to learn harder tricks, and learn them the right way. Don't ask somebody for help and then tell them that you will not take their advice, just because you lack the skill to follow it. If you want to be able to do a Hai Tua, what you are doing DOES NOT EVEN QUALIFY AS ONE. It's easier because it's not a real hai tua. You will get LAUGHED at if you call that a hai tua. Also, Enkrondius is one of the best spinners on this board. You should, instead of shrugging off his advice, take the advice and cherish it until the day you die (or quit spinning). EDIT: The difference between this hybrid and sym bak is that sym bak is a full TA, with 1.0 revolutions. What he is doing only has .5 revolutions around the thumb.

  10. Boxxy
    Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 19:11:20

    No it is not and also do not post a new thread it is called a search bar so you can search for the thread

  11. Hippo2626
    Date: Mon, Apr 23 2012 09:09:50

    there's a searchbar use it.