Regular Pen Discussion / ComSSA Cap Sub
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 16:34:59
I just found the pen that have ComSSA-like cap.
(The bottom is real ComSSA, other is sub) It call "La'boom Color Plus" and "by Sakura [Thailand] Made in Korea" cap is a bit smaller and shorter than real ComSSA(about 0.2~0.3 cm) it can't fit in ComSSA/Super Pirat/Namae body HGG tips is fit in the cap better than real ComSSA. now I've found only 4 different colors (Black, Brown, Light Pink, Coral Pink) edit
I've just found this pic on Sakura Thailand site and it said this pen have 12 different color.
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 17:10:52
kinda smaller but it is so cool!
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 18:09:34
nice find hehe whats the lenght of the barrel?
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 22:21:16
too bad most of the colors are pretty shitty lol brown... green... pastel purple... =\ Still, nice find Frog~
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 22:26:23
dang hgg tips fit better than real comssa? Cuz real comssa fits really snuggly lol
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 22:42:19
Could be a buster sub for people w/ small hands. Add the little hands ST version (Whis is smaller IIRC) and this cap, and you have a Buster CYL suited for small hands.
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 23:00:17
+ tips from BIC intensity (airfit tip shaped but plastic) and you potentially get the lightest buster-looking buster.. making it the buster for newbz D= Frog~
MickChickenn wrote: Could be a buster sub for people w/ small hands. Add the little hands ST version (Whis is smaller IIRC) and this cap, and you have a Buster CYL suited for small hands.
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 23:04:26
Froggy wrote: + tips from BIC intensity (airfit tip shaped but plastic) and you potentially get the lightest buster-looking buster.. making it the buster for newbz D= Frog~
This could work out quite well. -
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 03:44:06
lol the question is are they worth buying, how hard are they to get and what's their value?
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 03:47:54
Hmm, I find these quite awesome.
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 04:50:56
MickChickenn wrote: Add the little hands ST version (Whis is smaller IIRC)
Lil' Hands Markers are not smaller than real STs, same size but the barrel breaks easily. It's the main ST sub we use here in PH lol. On topic: Good find, so the barrel's thinner? Could be interesting -
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 04:58:28
Chobi wrote: Lil' Hands Markers are not smaller than real STs, same size but the barrel breaks easily. It's the main ST sub we use here in PH lol. On topic: Good find, so the barrel's thinner? Could be interesting
Oh. Strike the little hands idea. -
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 05:06:52
Cool find! Damn, why can't we find good comssa subs here in PH? >.< Lol, how much was that?
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 07:29:38
PenVirus wrote: Cool find! Damn, why can't we find good comssa subs here in PH? >.< Lol, how much was that?
what iss the name..of comssa sub..? -
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 09:18:31
how much each?
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 14:08:40
Around .45$ per each and it's body is a bit thinner than ComSSA body and feel like it have the paper wrap around its