Regular Pen Discussion / Miffy & Melanie Markers Substitution
Date: Mon, Apr 16 2012 23:33:45
Hey guys. I've found a sub for M&M markers since they are already discontinued. Here ya go. ^^
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 00:10:24
This is actually kinda cool!! :thumb: Looks like the real thing if u cleaned the body. the caps look exactly the same, Looks like an authentic SUB, not like some on pw, <-- no offense intended
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 00:13:58
It looks very similar. Other cap colors? Ad does it feel like a Miffy? That's the important part. Until this gets verified by a few more people, I might get some. Until then, I'm trusting Penwish's word and grabbing a few Kearing subs. Only problem with the Kearings is that they have a different cap. But I already have caps so that's ok. :whut: They do look very similar.
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 00:14:09
Fryuo wrote: This is actually kinda cool!! :thumb: Looks like the real thing if u cleaned the body. the caps look exactly the same, Looks like an authentic SUB, not like some on pw, <-- no offense intended
Yep. Better than AC ^^ -
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 00:22:25
Do Miffies feel like Pirat bodies? Nice find.
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 00:30:33
there is a certain "softness" a miffie has that a super pirat fails to have altogether. i have heard the term "marshmellows" and "clouds" used to describe it LOL i'll give the kearing marker a try, then this :D
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 01:13:52
Danny116 wrote: there is a certain "softness" a miffie has that a super pirat fails to have altogether. i have heard the term "marshmellows" and "clouds" used to describe it LOL i'll give the kearing marker a try, then this :D
OOOOH MARSHMALLOWS, Now miffie is tempting xD -
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 02:04:35
Too bad it's almost $6 each :/ almost everything on that site is overpriced :/
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 03:31:56
@PenwisH should track this marker down and put it on his site for a more reasonable price :P but IMO if miffies are like $20 bucks, and this sub works ALMOST identical to it, then $6 is not really that overpriced IMO. Frog~
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 03:49:27
compare it side by side kearing + CT cap feels identical to miffy. no idea how this feels but it's pricey for a sub. also cap seems different dimensions than ct cap
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 03:55:49
Feel like Real M&M -Same Body length ,just non logo version not feel like super pirat as Real M&M body I think this is Best Sub ^.^ everyone can try
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 04:01:31
You should send pw some samples. I would buy, but 6$ isn't as cheap as kearing.
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 04:05:28
yeah kearing price is cheap ,But Just body - I can't give better offer
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 04:08:33
Get better cap colors. bad color cap noone is going to use anyways
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 04:23:17
Thanks Penwish for your Advice ,in our store Just have Gray color's
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 05:01:52
Still not sure it is M&M ^^ but, thanks U for share
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 05:08:38
It says sub L.bum lol...
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 05:14:31
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 05:20:09
I wouldnt say Grey cap is really a bad color. There is still a lot of combination with grey color available. so.. its not as bad as say... beige color. i also support the idea of sending it off to 2~3 people, that also have M&Ms. lets them review on the sub, and if the results come out good then u will earn urself a lot more sale that will cover up the sample giveaway cost. but u will have to make sure that the ones that receives ur sample MUST do a video review of it. people that buy M&M subs are really looking for the feel, which not even 100 pics u post can tell. Frog~
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 05:28:29
give one to froggy and raos they have plenty to compare. there are actually plenty of white barrels out there that match specifications of miffy by faber, kearing, and many non branded ones. It really depends on the material. miffy and pirat are both made using thermalplastic resin mold with a slightly rubber properties. The kearing and faber i know use this method. As long as it's the same material/method it's a good sub.
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 04:15:57
If you buy the kearing marker from penwish, don't push the ct/kt cap on the back of it that hard. It will crack the cap (happened to me :/ ).
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 08:03:06
Colbyy wrote: If you buy the kearing marker from penwish, don't push the ct/kt cap on the back of it that hard. It will crack the cap (happened to me :/ ).
This is true. File down the back end first. -
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 15:57:04
Mot have sub's too, they're kinda great
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 16:01:44
who needs subs when you have so much of the real thing? :trollface:
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 16:02:06
I filed it down quite a bit, but it still cracked. Then I cut the barrel to the size of a ct/kt/ac barrel and the barrel was still too wide :/
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 16:53:14
Raos wrote: who needs subs when you have so much of the real thing? :trollface:
So much, yes, so expensive too. O.o -
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 12:34:15
[video=youtube;?v=0tDrjF-hs1Y][/video] with ACT,CT caps is compatible =)
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 14:40:04
So how can I make dr series with kearing marker?.
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 14:44:29
I Dont Know Kearing marker , this is Takaridolsa Miffy Sub kearing Marker and takaridolsa Sub is different
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 00:30:33
i have a kearing marker as mm sub. I dont know why people would try to force the cap all the way.... =.= you can place the back cap half way in. Front cap fits perfectly. Thats how my original bonkura mm kt is also like (except using tape as a back buffer)
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 04:30:34
@FRspinner No You cant
btw, for the Takaridolsa Miffy Sub, CT cap seems cant fit nicely at the back
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 09:57:22
neo, how does the length compare to the original when caps are placed on?
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 12:37:06
not sure. my mm kt is not with me atm. when it is ill compare them. so far they have been really similar from what i can remember. im satisfied with the sub. overall kearing is pretty cheap anyway, so even if you dont like it its not like youve lost 50 bucks for a sub.
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 13:59:57
ah okay, can the design on the barrel be erased though? using paper method or nail polish remover?
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 14:07:08
it erases naturally...just like mm does. but im guessing nail polish will work if you want to speed it up.
Date: Sun, May 20 2012 01:45:41
neoknux_009, the CT cap wont crack if you just push it a little over the back?? If only someone could verify the feel of the takaridolsa sub.. The pw one costs only $0.40 less than Takari one (capless).
Date: Sun, May 27 2012 15:41:30
kearing sub is nice, i cleaned the barrel with nail polish remover and i like the feel of it moar :ninja:
Date: Sun, May 27 2012 15:47:19
u can just get a real M&M. nothing is better than the original ^_^ BUT if u want a subsutution, kearing is nice, but the back is kinda big so the CT caps with break easily. Takaridolsa miffy subs are nice(around same price without the cap as kearing.) and they are perfect. just shipping is bad its your choice.
Date: Sun, May 27 2012 17:56:04
Anyway to prevent the ct cap from breaking while keeping the same length as a real kt? and fryuo, how does the takaridolsa sub compare to the ori(assuming you have the real one)
Date: Sun, May 27 2012 18:05:51
Alvaris wrote: Anyway to prevent the ct cap from breaking while keeping the same length as a real kt? and fryuo, how does the takaridolsa sub compare to the ori(assuming you have the real one)
yes i do have a real Miffy. and i do not have the takadolsa one, but what i heard from his is that it feels the closest to a M&M. PLUS DONT FORGET Miffy, kearing(possible the takadolsa one) are made in the same manufacture, so they feel the same. -
Date: Sun, May 27 2012 20:40:48
There is a whole lot of mis information on the thread it's pretty ridiculous. The Backend manufacturer of miffy is the same factory as PENTEL. Kearing and whatever subs tk has nothing to do with it. Since it's asia, copying is quite rampant so you will find many pens that look semi identical ac, miffy, kt, and similar subs. Like Fryuo says there is nothing similar to the original. Pens like miffy, ac, pirates are all examples of pens that use actual rubber TPE materials in their plastic. You don't have to push any pen caps all the way back like neo says. Makes kt smidge longer but you can if you want to. you can push it in all the way if you want to but you just need to do it will skills. use rubbing alcohol and little muscle and it goes back fine. Again, nothing is like the original. And all honesty, among all the subs the one that feels most similar is probably a pen from faber have a few laying around somewhere but yeah that's probably most accurate in terms of a material point of view. But kearing or the tk sub works fine for typical applications. If neither of them work for you, then just get the real thing like fryuo says. It terms of cleaning it. it will rub off with acetone/nail polish remover and or paper method. it comes off quite easily. Do not use any other heavy solvents. I've seen some videos with people using some stuff with nasty fumes. for your safety don't venture out beyond acetone/nail polish remover.
Date: Mon, May 28 2012 04:37:34
O.O nicee
Date: Mon, May 28 2012 06:09:55
Now, where to get real Miffy & Melanie markers? :whut:
Date: Mon, May 28 2012 22:47:59
@PenwisH @anyoneelsethatisintrested I do have a real miffy and Melanie and i love it. It feels great. just ordering new caps because i wanna make a HAL KT and the only caps i have is black KT caps and black CT caps but anyways, my takaradolsa order will come very early next week monday. and i got a miffy sub, so i will keep you updated on how that feels compared to a real miffy :D
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 03:50:21
Fryuo wrote: @PenwisH @anyoneelsethatisintrested I do have a real miffy and Melanie and i love it. It feels great. just ordering new caps because i wanna make a HAL KT and the only caps i have is black KT caps and black CT caps but anyways, my takaradolsa order will come very early next week monday. and i got a miffy sub, so i will keep you updated on how that feels compared to a real miffy :D
Yeah, okay thx. ^^ -
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 08:07:57
well. update. i have both original miffy and kearing. Kearing is thicker than the miffy. Not sure about the other sub from taka wahtever. @Fryuo how similar is taka sub and miffy?
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 13:14:59
neoknux_009 wrote: . @Fryuo how similar is taka sub and miffy?
didnt arrive yet. Mabye today -
Date: Sat, Jun 16 2012 16:28:30
just got the kearing markers, erased it with acetone, and it needs to be 'broken down' to achieve the smooth feeling like spirat?! D:
Date: Sat, Jun 16 2012 16:42:56
Alvaris wrote: just got the kearing markers, erased it with acetone, and it needs to be 'broken down' to achieve the smooth feeling like spirat?! D:
what do you mean broken down? -
Date: Sat, Jun 16 2012 16:45:19
like super pirat, after you erase it with acetone it has this rough/dirty kinda feeling, not a smooth/soft one
Date: Sun, Jun 17 2012 06:11:32
Alvaris wrote: like super pirat, after you erase it with acetone it has this rough/dirty kinda feeling, not a smooth/soft one
Then what can I broken down? -
Date: Sun, Jun 17 2012 10:23:12
When you are using ACID on the front, smooth layer, it will remove the feeling. I used rubbing method but that removes the shinyness where the text was.
Date: Sun, Jun 17 2012 11:37:37
how does thickness of taka pen feel compared to miffy?
Date: Sun, Jun 17 2012 12:03:34
Date: Sun, Jun 17 2012 12:39:16
Fryuo wrote: I've waited 15b.days now and it never came. I think it may be lost. So I don't have takaridolsa miffy sub :( .I don't think the store is that reliable
People have used it before. The shipping is most likely the problem, Takaridolsa seems like a reputable company. -
Date: Sun, Jun 17 2012 14:26:08
Fuse wrote: People have used it before. The shipping is most likely the problem, Takaridolsa seems like a reputable company.
takes about month for pendolsa crap to ship to us. @Fryuo wait another 15 days haha -
Date: Sun, Jun 17 2012 18:18:27
very Thanks for your support Fryuo I told you before many many We can't Track Economic Shipping but You throw me a bad spot Alredy you can choose R.mail but Didn't choose
Date: Sun, Jun 17 2012 19:52:29
please do not use threads for order issues. use PM please. Comparing shipping times with others that live in the same country is also moot. Living in NYC where there's 10000s of flights is going to be faster than small town wisconsin.
Date: Tue, Jul 10 2012 18:01:24
@Danny116 tak miffy sub compared to a real miffy. they feel VERY identical!! similar feel and size. think this is the best miffy sub there is, no joke. very cheap too. around same price as kearing. this sub is better than kearing; by faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr. you also can see that when u stick the caps on without tape, is it fairly smaller. but if u add some tape it shud have a much nicer feel. very nice sub!
Date: Tue, Jul 10 2012 20:21:11
Question for the taka sub, can the 'made in japan' text be erased? is it just smooth print on it or is it embossed writing?
Date: Tue, Jul 10 2012 21:47:40
@Alvaris you can get rid of the text
Date: Tue, Jul 10 2012 21:55:43
PenwisH wrote: @Fryuo why do you keep that text on the pen? the whole point of feel is to wash it so both the miffy and all subs have the super pirat feel. Wash the thing then get back to us and wash your miffy too. Hal KT is cleaned.
yes, i know hal kt is rubbed. But i do not wanna rub it. It will soon fade away. and they still feel roughly the same. sry pw but never tried kearing but i prefer tak miffy sub more. and on the tak miffy sub it says "made in japan" that will rub off within days. already starting to on mine. [size="5"] Please, DO NOT bring up "super pirat feel" i absolutly hate that feeling. i never spin my pirat waterfall. [/size] -
Date: Tue, Jul 10 2012 23:57:16
^Agree. I like how miffies feel when you "spin them off." Same with pirats, although Miffies are a billion times better.