Advanced Tricks / Backaround
Date: Fri, Jun 11 2010 03:05:45
The Backaround (a.k.a Weissan Backaround) is an Around trick that starts between 2 fingers towards the flap connecting the two fingers at the base, travels around the back of the hand and ends up in the writing position. It has 1 revolution, but can have more. Video Tutorial by Pari UPSB Wiki entry
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 21:31:55
Since it's my favourite trick, I'd like to emphasize what is a weissan backaround using screenshots I took from videos of spinners performing it (or some variation like bak 1.5) :
(myself) I hope it will help you to understand where to spin your pen if you want to perform it with weissan style. =)
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 22:27:26
weissan? so a backaround is just going around 1 rev and the weissan style goes like on your back of your hand and spin atleast 1.5 revs??
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 22:34:09
No weissan is around the base of the finger and literally goes around the back of it, it is still 1.0 revs though.
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 22:36:12
The number of rotations does not have to do with "the style" (weissan/korean). You can do both weissan bak 1.0 and weissan bak 1.5, as well as korean bak 1.0 and korean bak 1.5. A korean bak looks more like a fingerless indexaround reverse done at the tip of the finger, whereas during a weissan bak the pen spins close to the back of the hand, as showed in the above screenshots.
Date: Mon, Jul 26 2010 01:21:20
I have big trouble with cont. baks. I can't overtake x2 and it's rare. My pinkybak record is x2 as well, so any tips?
Date: Tue, Jul 27 2010 12:16:15
There is like a snapping motion. I can't explain it too but when I do a Bak, it returns to as how I started the trick. For example, I did a Bak then, the landing of my 2nd Bak is the position also of my 1st Bak. So on and so forth. Do you get my point??:O in some cases, the COP is also INSIDE my index finger and I can do Bak also even the COP is inside. My personal record is x62. I did it a while ago @ school.XD if you want, I have a video. but 34 only.XD i hope i helped
Date: Fri, Jul 30 2010 01:02:39
i can do each bak separate, now i just gotta link em. i wish i could stretch my ring finger like fire@fox :P
Date: Fri, Jul 30 2010 18:25:00
Keep practicing ringbak, it will be the hardest to link.
Date: Sat, Jul 31 2010 22:57:37
is there a tutorial on midbak 1.5 Im having trouble wit. I just keep on doing normal midbak.
Date: Sun, Aug 1 2010 00:29:33
I believe this thread was made to discuss the Weissan Backaround, not the Fingerless Indexaround Reverse (commonly referred to as "bak" or "korean bak".)
Date: Wed, Aug 11 2010 15:16:56
Eso's Tutorial for Backaround 1.5 EternalSpin's Tutorial for Midbak 1.5 and Midbak 1.5 continuous greets MM