Off-topic / SOYP (Show Off Your Poems)
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 16:35:08
Basically do what the title says I guess. Here is one I wrote in 7th grade with a friend of mine. The Scarecrow’s Tear Ripe plants, yellow seed. On green stalks, the ravens feed. A raindrop shape, With a rough feel. Empty space, woven seal. Even stitching, scares away. The scarecrow keeps, birds at bay Ravens caw, out of fear, because they saw the scarecrow’s tear.
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 16:37:03
roses are red , bacon is also red, poems are hard.. BACON!
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 16:39:24
Amazing poem. Simply revolutionary.
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 16:53:36
lol i actually have one of my older poems in a published book somewhere. i say somewhere cus the publishers didnt tell me what happened to it. they published it but didnt give me a copy T.T and i can't remember the name of the book either. either way, its kinda cool. your pretty good @Fuse . you should enter into a poetry contest. lol
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 17:00:44
I don't do poetry really, this was a mandatory assignment :P. I guess I could write songs, they are poems too. Thanks though.
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 17:21:43
This is a poem by me: Poem oh poem you are forever alone because I won't write that's what I decide to do from now on now your friends are gone. I'm awesome right?
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 17:31:40
Pretty funny poem Chainbreak.
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 17:51:33
"Niggas" by Tetsip. Nigga.
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 17:57:32
:facepalm: Why is it that almost every response is a troll? This was meant to be serious.
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 18:11:49
Fuse wrote: :facepalm: Why is it that almost every response is a troll? This was meant to be serious.
I write poetry and have had two poems published but I don't like to share because they are either dark and depressing or personal. :p I still have a poem from 6th grade. -
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 18:11:52
its in off-topic, not serious discussion. Frog~
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 18:23:37
[color=red] Roses are red, [/color] [color=blue] violets are blue, [/color] i love penspinning, and u do too! :D tell me what u think :) took about a good 5seconds, too much brain power :P
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 18:26:03
@Kari, you should share. Although people may troll you.
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 18:26:59
damn..... Roses are blue, violets are red, god made me awesome, wtf happened to you?
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 18:27:39
Fuse wrote: @Kari, you should share. Although people may troll you.
thank u, i think i shud get a freebie for making up the winning poem^^ -
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 18:32:11
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 18:45:05
@Fuse I don't care about trolls. They don't bother me because I don't let them bother me. Other people though... I try to tell them and they get trolled anyway. I just don't feel like sharing my poems. Thanks for the offer though.
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 19:04:43
《清明》 (唐)杜牧 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。 借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。 《途中寒食》 (唐)宋之问 马上逢寒食,途中属暮春。 可怜江浦望,不见洛桥人。 北极怀明主,南溟作逐臣。 故园肠断处,日夜柳条新。 《寒食》 (唐)韩翃 春城无处不飞花,寒食东风御柳斜。 日暮汉宫传蜡烛,轻烟散入五侯家。 《闾门即事》 (唐)张继 耕夫召募爱楼船,春草青青万项田; 试上吴门窥郡郭,清明几处有新烟。 《清明》 (宋)王禹俏 无花无酒过清明,兴味萧然似野僧。 昨日邻家乞新火,晓窗分与读书灯。 《苏堤清明即事》 (宋)吴惟信 梨花风起正清明,游子寻春半出城。 日暮笙歌收拾去,万株杨柳属流莺。 《寒食上冢》 (宋)杨万里 迳直夫何细!桥危可免扶? 远山枫外淡,破屋麦边孤。 宿草春风又,新阡去岁无。 梨花自寒食,进节只愁余。 《郊行即事》 (宋)程颢 芳草绿野恣行事,春入遥山碧四周; 兴逐乱红穿柳巷,固因流水坐苔矶; 莫辞盏酒十分劝,只恐风花一片红; 况是清明好天气,不妨游衍莫忘归。 《送陈秀才还沙上省墓》 (明)高启 满衣血泪与尘埃,乱后还乡亦可哀。 风雨梨花寒食过,几家墳上子孙来? 《清江引 清明日出游》 (明)王磐 问西楼禁烟何处好? 绿野晴天道。 马穿杨柳嘶,人倚秋千笑, 探莺花总教春醉倒。 If you know what i means ^_^ my poems at below Pens are Pens, Poems are Poems, Why the heck, They are P also
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 19:18:19
AHHHH CHINESE POEMS: that you didn't write :P du mu is good poet xD
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 22:25:45
i write some lyrics and i enjoy poetry, but most of the time it comes out sappy or crappy... as you can tell my rhyming skills are formidable though (lol) wrote this a couple months ago the door is wide open I can see outside vivid and frozen where my mind resides so new yet familiar its sweeter than sight I feel safe and secure though I see no light in my "dream December" I'm free from life's game no need to remember my ill-spoken name I can only have dreams of this snowy domain i must wait, it seems until death takes my brain
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 23:17:26
This is the type of thread that whenever SOYP(pens no poems) is mentions, people will troll by saying, why did you post a picture of a mod in show off your poems?
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 23:22:50
i guess ill give it a shot :pan: never written a poem before a pony is a lot like a pen they both make me happy they're different but the same, like legos and megablox! "..." Well, I guess they aren't too similar, but they're both colorful and fun to watch If you put 100 tricks to every word i've ever written, i've spun the pen more. if you put a penny to every pony to make me happy, you'd be far from poor I guess they really aren't that similar, just what they are is for show. But when you start seeing spinning ponies or smiling pens...
...that shit just ain't right, bro.
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 23:31:03
shit thread of the year
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 23:39:12
Vassenato wrote: shit thread of the year
Vassenato posts in shit thread it almost sounds like a threat cat, mat, bash, splash. poem of the year its making me shed a tear -
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 23:42:21
LOL This thread was kind of a joke. @Vassenato, that made me laugh.
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 23:48:42
Fuse;191266]LOL This thread was kind of a joke. @Vassenato, that made me laugh.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Fuse wrote: :facepalm: Why is it that almost every response is a troll? This was meant to be serious.
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 00:02:56
Yeah, should have clarified. After everyone decided to troll, I stopped taking it seriously... That's a bit hypocritical of me. :P I figured people would just post dumb answers, but I was interested to read serious ones too. I realize that there aren't that many serious people on the internet though.
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 00:12:32
watch chihayafuru, some awesome stuff in there my favourite poem [spoiler=Study of Two Pears] Study Of Two Pears I Opusculum paedagogum. The pears are not viols, Nudes or bottles. They resemble nothing else. II They are yellow forms Composed of curves Bulging toward the base. They are touched red. III They are not flat surfaces Having curved outlines. They are round Tapering toward the top. IV In the way they are modelled There are bits of blue. A hard dry leaf hangs From the stem. V The yellow glistens. It glistens with various yellows, Citrons, oranges and greens Flowering over the skin. VI The shadows of the pears Are blobs on the green cloth. The pears are not seen As the observer wills.[/spoiler]
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 02:02:07
i should have known that this was something that upsb would take away from me as soon as i get interested. :facepalm:
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 21:52:16
I only tweet Haikus when I'm bored. Let's open a thread about them.
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 21:56:06
Roses are red Violets are blue This thread is stupid And so are you
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 22:42:17
Roses are red Violets are blue no point in here so why dont ya fuck you PS :im not refering to the thread or the creator of it
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 23:46:42
you're full of shit and so am I Why doesn't everyone hit so we all die?