General Discussion / World Cup 2012 - Round 5 Videos
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 01:13:34
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 01:15:22
I predicted this right on! :O
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 01:16:36
FPSB again...this might be the time for a revenge. Let's give our bestest, it's semifinals already! Best of lucks FPSB! <3
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 01:17:07
Cmon UPSB ^_^!
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 01:28:06
Holy poop. :O
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 01:33:38
good luck GPC (sun)
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 01:48:54
Good Luck UPSB!
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 01:53:51
This will be hard .______________________________________.
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 02:00:50
I can't believe this is not even wednesday WC time zone. Why not waiting all teams to submit judging results?
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 02:03:50
Why did you post this twice? lol
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 02:05:55
Opps sorry for double post I'm with my handy.
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 04:43:08
shouldn't our line ups due be extended to next wednesday also??
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 05:30:56
Wouldn't have predicted the outcome of r4 from the start, surprised how well the alliance team is doing ^_^ let's go koreans! (and Vik)
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 06:07:59
KMSC again for your revenge; well I was waiting for this. Good luck to you guys! Results are logics btw, a bit surprised, I was excpecting a much larger victory for GPC.
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 10:30:08
Gud luck Spongy, wait..
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 10:55:24
anyway, good luck GPC and all,go! :)
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 13:29:36
Hippo2626 wrote: shouldn't our line ups due be extended to next wednesday also??
no, but you will get 2 weeks to film videos -
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 13:57:12
I won't questioning the differences of time anymore it's just complicated. The other thing to concern is when the deadline was extended, IMO some of judges have done procrastinating instead of of using extended time to make accurate judging, and others seems forgot and busy, etc. That is not good. We are the loser and we accept it. Honestly, it above my expectation that IPSB has reached quarter-final and defeated some big teams. I proud to you guys! Special credits to @Zombo for working hard in the tournament, hopefully will be next World Cup, WC14, WC16 so on. Good luck guys!~
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 14:05:40
@Gland You defeat THPSC and TWPS and now IPSB become a big team :D
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 15:26:52
[QUOTE=coffeelucky;191109]@Axeeeel. Thanks Zombo, and thanks all for the battle!
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 15:40:00
@Sponge: I expect a good combo from you this round. :3
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 15:43:04
Nashi wrote: Sponge: I expect a good combo from you this round. :3
ohshit............ -
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 15:47:37
i.suk from you also :D
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 16:09:31
If kmsc and upsb win,things are gonna be so epic....
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 17:21:53
Notice? 3 NOT asian countries out of 4! XD It was quite unexpected.
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 17:56:36
Well, I designed a KMSC logo, since I don't like fact we didn't have one. Sadly it arrived way too late (R5 lol)...but I still think it's good to have one.
There's the circle from the Korean flag, the star from the Malaysian flag and the flower/branch from SPSC logo in the middle, symbolising the unity. (SPSC is not only made of Spaniards, but Hispanic people, so it wouldn't be cool to add something from the Spanish flag. Apart from that, I wouldn't like adding a royal emblem to this logo, so the flower thingy is ok (sun)). Also there's the moon from the Malaysian flag holding everything. The logo itself was nice so I kept the typography simple ^^ Feel free to use this logo anywhere if you need it. /off-topic ^_^ -
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 18:46:20
Nice logo,@VikroaL and holy crap,UPSB defeated JEB? i really wasnt expecting this O.o,but you guys worked hard,give your best,GPC is a beast team! good Luck GPC!(i thought that GPC would lost O.o) and good luck KMSC,you guys are such a strong team!
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 18:49:59
Wow good job Vik. Good luck for the next round. I'm rooting for KMSC. (sun)
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 23:33:33
if upsb can handle jeb i think we can beat gpc too but fpsb ...
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 00:44:03
everyone underestimating upsb as usual D:
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 00:55:52
I thought UPSB had it nailed, Hippos presentation and combo just killed it, with moves that haven't wowed me like that since ponkotu. And UPSB's doubles video was far superior. GPC will be tough opponents to nail down though. Good luck UPSB.
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 03:56:56
If UPSB vs FPSB in the finals, shits hitting the fan.
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 05:08:51
actually KMSC is being underestimated ... hard battles for both UPSB and KMSC, especially if their opponent send out their best lineups :boing: Still, I expect a final with UPSB and FPSB xD
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 05:30:35
I'm hoping for a UPSB versus KMSC finals cause I like to support the underdogs
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 11:27:15
This is gonna be epic! Looking for @Ivabra 's combo XD
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 15:53:30
Oh it's terrific! I like this symbol. it makes me encouraged. Nice work Vik! >_<
Date: Fri, Apr 13 2012 01:31:29
GPC vs UPSB... Identity crisis :whut:
Date: Fri, Apr 13 2012 10:55:25
I know how you feel, bro.
Date: Fri, Apr 13 2012 13:15:32
Oh please. My mainboard is UPSB, I live in Germany and I'm Korean. Talk about identity crisis and shit...
Date: Fri, Apr 13 2012 13:16:25
Poor Chainbreak *patpatpat* ^_^
Date: Fri, Apr 13 2012 13:48:10
well,I support FPSB KMSC GPC UPSB. lol jkjk but I dont know which one will win this year , they all are really really awesome team. :) good luck all !
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 02:56:21
waiting for upsb lineup @iColor
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 03:45:02
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 03:56:07
alvaris in artistic & kipple in technical?? o.O
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 03:57:41
I thought it must have been Alvaris in Technical and Kipple in Artistic ? My prediction, still the same, FPSB v.s UPSB in final :rofl:
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 04:11:58
I lol'd.
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 04:13:44
good luck Josh_Pr
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 04:14:21
fml. i love you 2 minwoo. ;)
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 13:42:11
@i.suk Thanks, good luck to you, too :D
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 14:54:59
Ivabra & Fel2fram so strong doubble 0_o
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 16:24:30
Enigma wrote: Ivabra & Fel2fram so strong doubble 0_o
I think that too A strong Double, but will be strange the fusion of 2 diferents styles can be an awesome double or maybe just normal with out hesitation The battle between FPSB and KMSC is gonna be so cool -
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 16:51:41
neoknux should use his minwoo mod 2 to battle minwoo instant win!!!
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 17:30:34
I did not expect any of this o_o
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 21:55:29
i wanted to see anikis spin again D;
Date: Mon, Apr 16 2012 02:51:01
Enigma wrote: Ivabra & Fel2fram so strong doubble 0_o
This can easily go wrong or be awesome. I'd love to see emphasized contrast in the clips, going beyond the obvious style difference. Play with colors, backgrounds, lighting, music etc. I don't know how I'd feel about a regular double with white pens on similar backgrounds with music that doesn't match. -
Date: Mon, Apr 16 2012 10:06:02
GPC vs. UPSB 's gonna be some tight shit ^^ Minwoo should be able to handle @Josh_Pr who is considered the "German i.suk" often ^^ Can't wait to see who's gonna make this! So excited >_______<
Date: Mon, Apr 16 2012 23:28:42
new poll added
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 12:24:27
futhark was changed to anikis who was supposed toobe in but didnt confirm in time
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 12:38:26
neoknux_009 wrote: i wanted to see anikis spin again D;
your wish has been fulfilled -
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 14:38:43
Zombo wrote: futhark was changed to anikis who was supposed toobe in but didnt confirm in time
Oh finally <3 -
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 08:37:31
Date: Sat, Apr 21 2012 05:48:47
Heh wow, just realised. Two of the (only) four power spinners I enjoy watching going against each other. Good luck i.suk and josh! (sun)
Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 22:37:59
When this WorldCup pass, there will be a lot of material to discuss... About the duels, is like other rounds, doubles will decide everything. Nothing more to add.
Date: Fri, Apr 27 2012 11:37:16
wheres vids :D
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 08:56:05
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 15:11:11
i.suk wrote: [video=youtube;eFNs3x-3S7Q][/video]
wow , i like it ! I think you win ! -
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 16:05:38
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 16:07:21
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 17:34:38
[video=youtube;kHDFnvIyZE0][/video] Anikis
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 18:39:12
anikis is back with a vengeance and epic old-school mind-blowingly high-dexterity french style! and omg i love deathfish, so i think it might be close.
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 19:09:38
minwoo [video=youtube;DJTGbCzuyYE][/video]
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 19:36:39
@i.suk amazing. it started off strong and went right into WTF territory. best one so far. the finisher wasn't flashy or complicated, but somehow it fits the combo much better that way. Minwoos was interesting, the stall was kind of weird but new, whatever it was that came right after was not perfectly executed from what i could see aniki had a slight lapse in smoothness at 0:13 when it went to 34 but barely noticeable good double from gpc, but the combos didn't blow me away all in all, i think UPSB still has a chance to win if this is our firepower
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 20:43:56
KMSC doubles :33 hope you like it! [video=youtube;6NULVeLNwOA][/video]
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 21:19:00
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 21:39:37
minwoo...your amazing D; !!!! <3 this is my effort : [video=youtube;vc3gNDOU0r0][/video]
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 21:58:45
@neoknux_009 awesome combo. great preparation is evident. love it.
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 22:00:02
josh_pr's combo started of great, and then went downhill. it was average. and well done kmsc. yorch was amazing,
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 22:05:30
Gisele <3 Je t'adore :wub: [video=youtube;U-Sx5nVkiL8][/video]
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 23:53:10
[video=youtube;WZDmiY2Qybk][/video] Fel2fram & Iva (sun)
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 00:15:49
fel2fram, that was your best spinning this whole wc!
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 00:20:32
wowwwwww fel and ivabra!! raw skilllllllllllllllllllllllll <3
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 00:31:54Disregard this shit. Download the raw, you'll see that my post is entierly correct. My analysis relied on the youtube version. I should have downloaded the raw from the beginning :D Raw Screen:
Regarding the Minwoo thing, check this out:Those are the frames 06-19 and 06-20 from the youtube video, where his left hand disappears. Lossless capture, saved in PNG. There has been some color correction to make the noise brighter, however, nothing has been edited on my side. No JPEG artifacts due to conversion. Now lets take a look at the noise:
As you can see, the noise vanishes at this point in time. And now lets take a look at frames 09-22 and 09-23, the point in time where his hands reappear.
Now, let us think this through. Why did the noise disappear? Well, probably he masked it out. But then it would reappear when the right part is unmasked. Given that his hand moves very close to the top right corner at frame 10-21, it is unlikely that he only masked out the small part. Also, why would he do that right after his hand vanishes? As you can see, the noise does not reappear. Anyways. While the part above is mostly speculation, here's the proof that his video has been edited not only in terms of color correction but also in terms of clip composition. Lets compare the frames 00-17 and 10-25, one frame right at the beginning, one rather in the middle. (image is 1280 pixels wide) As you can see, the clip changes size/position during the course of the video. Even the naked eye can observe a shift of the noise in the top left corner. This leads to the following conclusion: The first part of the left-hand combo was actually his right hand, mirrored. After his hand vanishes, he reveals his true left hand, to do the 2nd part (which actually has hand-to-hand interaction). If you watch the video fast enough, you can see that the noise gradually reaches the frame of the actual composition, indicating a slow resizing process. Take a look at the combo (accelerated to a total framecount of 90, no frame blending). The shift of the noise should be obvious.
Raw Screen color correction/enhanced
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 01:06:02
BUSTED no offense but im so excited what will happen due to taichis analysis
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 01:18:21
My reaction while reading taichi's post:
Seriously this is a HUGE deal. Holy shit I am shocked right now. One of the strongest and most respected spinners in the world caught cheating? @taichi1082 Thank you for noticing this and taking the time to prove it. excellent argument and evidence. Also, I lol'd at this:
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 01:26:00
padrace wrote: josh_pr's combo started of great, and then went downhill. it was average. and well done kmsc. yorch was amazing,
yeah, i.suk definitely won edit: HOLY FUCK MINWOOOOOOO -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 01:53:32
@taichi1082 Amazing analysis and observation. :D You just busted a hole through Minwoo's supposedly amazing spinning. :o
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 02:05:38
complete proof: [video=youtube;66HJIZ2iAZQ][/video] I hearby, as direct compeititor against minwoo, request to Zombo, Judges, and WC comitee to NOT disqualify minwoo. I would like to verse his combo withouth his initial right side in the beginning. Please do not disqualify. That or allow minwoo to reflim. I forgive you minwoo, honestly. No hard feelings bro. While I am dissapointed since i tried very hard with filming my video.... i know from this round, and form experience world tounrmanets/cups can be very stressful.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 02:16:19
WHOAAAAA. I never expected that someone THAT strong would think of cheating
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 02:22:26
neoknux_009 wrote: complete proof: [video=youtube;66HJIZ2iAZQ][/video] I hearby, as direct compeititor against minwoo, request to Zombo, Judges, and WC comitee to NOT disqualify minwoo. I would like to verse his combo withouth his initial right side in the beginning. Please do not disqualify. That or allow minwoo to reflim. I forgive you minwoo, honestly. No hard feelings bro. While I am dissapointed since i tried very hard with filming my video.... i know from this round, and form experience world tounrmanets/cups can be very stressful.
he still has 1.5h to submit final version. as long as he cuts the video short to remove the edited part, there's no problem. nothing is official as of right now. -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 02:25:18
Zombo wrote: he still has 1.5h to submit final version.
Too late, reputation is screwed, everyone knows. He won't win IMO. And good luck filming something to beat neo's combo in that time, if he is even at home/aware of this. -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 02:28:15
Zombo wrote: he still has 1.5h to submit final version.
It's like 4:30 AM in Germany right now lol, I doubt he will make it. -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 02:28:23
Zombo wrote: he still has 1.5h to submit final version.
It's 4:30 in Germany. He is either partying hard or sleeping. /EDiT: Sponge is a ninja I swear -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 02:29:44
Sponge wrote: It's like 4:30 AM in Germany right now lol, I doubt he will make it.
and of course, you're awake -.__-. -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 02:38:09
so disappointed !!!
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 02:41:51
Haha, I cant wait for minwoo to wake up to all of this. Way to flush your reputation down the toilet :D. Nah he is actually a god like spinner still. he just made a very bad decision :/
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 02:46:53
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 02:52:58
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 02:53:47
Ahaha. I wonder why he did that tho :/
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 03:09:53
Isn't he having some sort of injury on his right arm? :? I Read it on the arguement on his wc12 r5 vid on his channel
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 03:12:16
That happened after he recorded this combo. Wouldn't explain the 1p2h part after the intro either. =/
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 03:44:37
I don't think any of us can say we've never cheated before, but I like to think we learn from our mistakes, very disappointing. I can only imagine how disappointed Minwoo must feel in himself as well.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 04:29:24
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 04:37:57
this round
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 05:01:33
Sc00t wrote: this round
I feel you -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 05:26:47
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 05:32:19
[marquee] :rofl: [/marquee] ohgodwhy.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 05:33:49
This is like when Barry Bonds/Mark McGwire used steroids :whut:
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 05:48:19
neoknux_009 wrote: complete proof: [video=youtube;66HJIZ2iAZQ][/video]
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 06:09:48
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 07:11:48
nice ^ but, minwoo...
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 07:49:21
[video=youtube;FQf3s6446Do][/video] reuploaded version
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 08:23:41
Seriously guys I think we should stop flaming Minwoo and wait till he gives us some explanations, we can't know what happened there, let's just wait :) Btw great job from everyone in this round :)
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 09:17:21
Ivabra wrote: Seriously guys I think we should stop flaming Minwoo and wait till he gives us some explanations, we can't know what happened there
yea of course, no explanations. its easy, he is just not good enough for this tournament :lol: -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 09:41:06
yea im not sure theres much to explain...its clear he cheated. he could apologize for cheating, but whatever there is to explain was in taichi's post and neoknux's vid a bit disappointed in the minwoo considering how well he performed in the previous rounds
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 10:04:39
1. Good job neo and ichi 2. Disappointed by Minvvoo 3. Ivabra is my hero in this round :333 EDIT : and UPSB for final! :p
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 10:09:35
Hippo2626 wrote: [video=youtube;FQf3s6446Do][/video] reuploaded version
wow , nice , i like it -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 10:19:02
Shut up @sparking Minwoo has good chances against neo. He is imo one of worlds best spinner. What he did was may not right. But mirror the vid back. Evenwith that he would beat neo.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 10:28:00
His combo before was below what he was capable of, if you cut out the 2p2h power he has no chance. Truth be told, he can't win this round, and he knows it.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 10:36:43
damn. Now I know why my doubles looks weird... I should have worn a long sleeve black shirt like eriror... :( Sorry
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 10:39:26
I still respect Minwoo for beating Eriror twice in a row in the first live GPC Tournament. But if he really cheats this one, then... :dunno: He doesn't really have to do that, it doesn't make any sense. But I'm kinda disappointed
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 10:43:42
Love the UPSB double. And i am disappointed in GPC...Minwoo and Josh_Pr. :/ Would've loved to see Sponge and Swob kicking asses in the next round. Looking forward to UPSB in the finals.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 10:45:01
Britain’s Olympic heritage in the rowing coxless four, that James and his team-mates are early favourites to win a record fourth consecutive gold in the same boat class.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 11:01:37
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 11:06:12
still no combo from alvaris? :o
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 11:15:32
Hm, looks like it, Yorch said he didn't hear anything from Alvaris. :(
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 11:23:43
Alva said that he can only get the vid out by around tonight. In our timezone, it's still evening.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 11:36:03
sly, Middle & WON, Lucky, minwoo... it is troll cup not world cup)
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 12:02:54
Enigma wrote: sly, Middle & WON, Lucky, minwoo...
+Judges not giving the results on time in R4...Seriously. =/ -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 12:31:30
Pendragon wrote: Shut up @sparking Minwoo has good chances against neo. He is imo one of worlds best spinner. What he did was may not right. But mirror the vid back. Evenwith that he would beat neo.
you obviously have no idea what you are trying to talk about. let us do the talk -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 12:32:04
Yes, but at least sLy was funny. This was just a waste of time and it caused flaming (read comments on Minwoo's video). I don't recall people flaming sLy, just poking fun at him a bit and laughing about it.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 12:42:14
It doesn't matter what the comments are, in the end it was all respectless towards the World Cup itself. We will have to see what Minwoo has to say though.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 12:46:13
i wait.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 12:46:20
The GPC Team didn't know about minwoo's attempt to cheat and we didn't expect it at all. We absolutely agree that he should be disqualified but if the UPSB Team wants to give him a second chance then you can use this version: (thanks to supawit).[video=youtube;ISPsaFsR_aw][/video] This will be the official video until Minwoo makes a statement.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 12:53:43
...i personally give him a chance. its up to zombo and the rest of my team though. they may just want a direct win.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 13:04:58
neoknux_009 wrote: ...i personally give him a chance. its up to zombo and the rest of my team though. they may just want a direct win.
lol, u deserve to win sir XD -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 13:52:33
Hey there, it is obvious. Reason: I took me a long time to record this 2p2h combo (in real, haha). I was quite often close making it. However I did not. When I injured my left hand as I told my team 2 weeks or sth. ago. Beeing mad and disappointed by myself haven't finished the combo and try to keep up with the high expectations of my team, friends and fans. I "cutted my left hand into an other, where I messed it up". I thought no one would care. However I got "BUSTED" hard as VStrike is saying by taichi. But I think I am not. It is good - happy taichi made this. Happy that someone is taking this serious. So good job to anyone and of course I am apologizing being naiv. Best wishes for you all and neoknux - I am very sorry and you are the winner of the battle (if I have anything to say, haha). :) Enjoy Spinning. :) Bye Bye
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 13:53:54
Minwoo wrote: Hey there, it is obvious. Reason: I took me a long time to record this 2p2h combo (in real, haha). I was quite often close making it. However I did not. When I injured my left hand as I told my team 2 weeks or sth. ago. Beeing mad and disappointed by myself haven't finished the combo and try to keep up with the high expectations of my team, friends and fans. I "cutted my left hand into an other, where I messed it up". I thought no one would care. However I got "BUSTED" hard as VStrike is saying by taichi. But I think I am not. It is good - happy taichi made this. Happy that someone is taking this serious. So good job to anyone and of course I am apologizing being naiv. Best wishes for you all and neoknux - I am very sorry and you are the winner of the battle (if I have anything to say, haha). :) Enjoy Spinning. :) Bye Bye
onice -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 14:00:29
This is just hilarious. :rofl: Not offending anyone, though.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 14:02:46
Minwoo wrote: Hey there, it is obvious. Reason: I took me a long time to record this 2p2h combo (in real, haha). I was quite often close making it. However I did not. When I injured my left hand as I told my team 2 weeks or sth. ago. Beeing mad and disappointed by myself haven't finished the combo and try to keep up with the high expectations of my team, friends and fans. I "cutted my left hand into an other, where I messed it up". I thought no one would care. However I got "BUSTED" hard as VStrike is saying by taichi. But I think I am not. It is good - happy taichi made this. Happy that someone is taking this serious. So good job to anyone and of course I am apologizing being naiv. Best wishes for you all and neoknux - I am very sorry and you are the winner of the battle (if I have anything to say, haha). :) Enjoy Spinning. :) Bye Bye
Minwoo , I still love you! -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 14:03:27
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 14:13:27
Hmm... Cheating is cheating. But maybe you could provide the 2 raw clips, so we can see, if you actually spun with your left hand in the 2nd clip. There might be a shelf in the back or some characteristics on your clothes, etc.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 14:18:32
Minwoo wrote: Hey there, it is obvious. Reason: I took me a long time to record this 2p2h combo (in real, haha). I was quite often close making it. However I did not. When I injured my left hand as I told my team 2 weeks or sth. ago. Beeing mad and disappointed by myself haven't finished the combo and try to keep up with the high expectations of my team, friends and fans. I "cutted my left hand into an other, where I messed it up". I thought no one would care. However I got "BUSTED" hard as VStrike is saying by taichi. But I think I am not. It is good - happy taichi made this. Happy that someone is taking this serious. So good job to anyone and of course I am apologizing being naiv. Best wishes for you all and neoknux - I am very sorry and you are the winner of the battle (if I have anything to say, haha). :) Enjoy Spinning. :) Bye Bye
I was very disappointed at first,but i now am your fan again!!!! -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 14:21:58
when I cheated in my test at school and got busted 3 years ago, I was really nervous, worried. However, it passed easily in my mind, and I never thought that would be something important. Now I kinda understand how did people think about me when I cheated :( something not comfortable at all. so sad :(
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 14:22:26
Tentcell wrote: GET YOUR MINWOO MODS! 1$ FOR 5!
dude,his spinning doesn't effect his mod price LOL -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 14:28:16
As a represantative of the German mod-team I want to say, that we as well are disappointed, not just of Minwoo's cheating but as well of Josh_Pr's attitude towards the WC. We gave him the chance to participate because he is talented and we thought he'd develop during WC! At least he didn't as much as expected but he is still an awesome spinner with great prospects! We understand that he is disappointed for not fullfilling the expactations and reaching his set goals, but expressing it in that way is not fair. Not towards us, not towards the team, not towards himself, not towards the GPC and not towards Penspinning itself. We still support both of them as long as they take full responsibilty of their actions. They are great spinners and we hope they will show that they can do better in the future! P.S. Good luck anyways UPSB ;)
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 14:29:15
I still like Minwoo nevertheless, he's only human.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 14:44:10
Even after this thing happened. You are still one of my fave spinners minwoo. :)
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 14:47:57
Syrti wrote: As a represantative of the German mod-team I want to say, that we as well are disappointed, not just of Minwoo's cheating but as well of Josh_Pr's attitude towards the WC. We gave him the chance to participate because he is talented and we thought he'd develop during WC! At least he didn't as much as expected but he is still an awesome spinner with great prospects! We understand that he is disappointed for not fullfilling the expactations and reaching his set goals, but expressing it in that way is not fair. Not towards us, not towards the team, not towards himself, not towards the GPC and not towards Penspinning itself. We still support both of them as long as they take full responsibilty of their actions. They are great spinners and we hope they will show that they can do better in the future! P.S. Good luck anyways UPSB ;)
.. excuse me, but what do you mean saying "Josh_Pr's attitude towards the WC" ? I don't get it :( --------------- Also, I feel really sorry for GPC :( I thought they are the best team since the first round; until 4th round, I still thought that they would be the champions. so sad :( -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 14:54:53
pirates_of_caribbean wrote: .. excuse me, but what do you mean saying "Josh_Pr's attitude towards the WC" ? I don't get it :((
Read the description of his video. -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 15:01:13
UPSB in the final :rotfl: It must be right ... UPSB v.s FPSB in the finallllllllllll :rotfl:
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 15:06:49
Syrti wrote: As a represantative of the German mod-team I want to say, that we as well are disappointed, not just of Minwoo's cheating but as well of Josh_Pr's attitude towards the WC. We gave him the chance to participate because he is talented and we thought he'd develop during WC! At least he didn't as much as expected but he is still an awesome spinner with great prospects! We understand that he is disappointed for not fullfilling the expactations and reaching his set goals, but expressing it in that way is not fair. Not towards us, not towards the team, not towards himself, not towards the GPC and not towards Penspinning itself. We still support both of them as long as they take full responsibilty of their actions. They are great spinners and we hope they will show that they can do better in the future! P.S. Good luck anyways UPSB ;)
also now I look forward for the responsibility of judges. hopefully submit on time with accurate judging. :p -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 15:08:17
Fuse wrote: Yes, but at least sLy was funny. This was just a waste of time and it caused flaming (read comments on Minwoo's video). I don't recall people flaming sLy, just poking fun at him a bit and laughing about it.
oh yeah, sly is a legend in my eyes, i giggle at what he did and would shake his hand for it -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 15:09:05
actually , Minwoo's doing an artistic and trying to do a beautiful way in clip right ?? who could see minwoo cheating when firstly watched the clip ? ( like this post if u are the one )
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 15:12:27
darth.vader wrote: actually , Minwoo's doing an artistic and trying to do a beautiful way in clip right ?? who could see minwoo cheating when firstly watched the clip ? ( like this post if u are the one )
penspinning doesn't work that way though, you can't just edit it like that. -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 15:13:45
darth.vader wrote: actually , Minwoo's doing an artistic and trying to do a beautiful way in clip right ?? who could see minwoo cheating when firstly watched the clip ? ( like this post if u are the one )
That is irrelevant, rules are rules, you should abide to them, no matter if editing makes it look better. -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 15:16:49
Minwoo wrote: Hey there, it is obvious. Reason: I took me a long time to record this 2p2h combo (in real, haha). I was quite often close making it. However I did not. When I injured my left hand as I told my team 2 weeks or sth. ago. Beeing mad and disappointed by myself haven't finished the combo and try to keep up with the high expectations of my team, friends and fans. I "cutted my left hand into an other, where I messed it up". I thought no one would care. However I got "BUSTED" hard as VStrike is saying by taichi. But I think I am not. It is good - happy taichi made this. Happy that someone is taking this serious. So good job to anyone and of course I am apologizing being naiv. Best wishes for you all and neoknux - I am very sorry and you are the winner of the battle (if I have anything to say, haha). :) Enjoy Spinning. :) Bye Bye
Alright Minvvoo you are still my inspiration and my idol! I still support and respect you! Everyone makes mistake! I myself forgive and forget! Hope your left hand going to be recover soon!! Take good care Minvvoo! -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 15:17:58
It's ridiculous how ppl defend Minwoo after all that...
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 15:25:20
we should forgive and respect Minwoo .
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 15:28:35
He is a great spinner, but this: [QUOTE="Minwoo"]I thought no one would care. [/QUOTE] It is really sad.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 15:30:00
Azria wrote: It's ridiculous how ppl defend Minwoo after all that...
It's not ridiculous. That's not because Minwoo cheated once that we have to hate him immediately. He has made such a great job for 3 years in the penspinning community, and now that he made a mistake you guys start flaming him? Okay I can understand you guys are sad, I also am, but I don't hate him, I still respect him. He made a mistake, he won't win the battle, and that's all. He's still Minwoo, a regular (maybe famous) spinner like I am, and like you are. End of the story. -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 15:49:36
sarugio wrote: dude,his spinning doesn't effect his mod price LOL
His actions do. -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 15:51:23
Tentcell wrote: His actions do.
I disagree. The mod hasn't changed, why should the price? -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 15:52:27
Fuse wrote: I disagree. The mod hasn't changed, why should the price?
If Michael Jordan wasn't good at basketball would anyone buy his shoes and cloths? -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 15:52:30
Ivabra wrote: It's not ridiculous. That's not because Minwoo cheated once that we have to hate him immediately. He has made such a great job for 3 years in the penspinning community, and now that he made a mistake you guys start flaming him? Okay I can understand you guys are sad, I also am, but I don't hate him, I still respect him. He made a mistake, he won't win the battle, and that's all. He's still Minwoo, a regular (maybe famous) spinner like I am, and like you are. End of the story.
here is what i gonna say -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 15:53:06
Ivabra wrote: Okay I can understand you guys are sad, I also am, but I don't hate him, I still respect him.
I'm not sad at all. (I don't care about WC anymore for some particular reasons.) Anyways I just think it's weird to act like nothing's happened.To me cheating in WC is a big deal,I don't know how others feel about it.[16:59:37] migi: ein sportler der seine leistung durch doping verbessert wird auch disqualifiziert und darf nichtmehr an tunieren teilnehmen (für unbestimmte zeit)
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 16:00:02
[16:59:37] migi: ein sportler der seine leistung durch doping verbessert wird auch disqualifiziert und darf nichtmehr an tunieren teilnehmen (für unbestimmte zeit)
Translation for those who don't speak German:A sportsman who is upgrading his perfomance with doping also will be disqualified and is not allowed to participate in tournaments anymoe (for indefinite time)
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 16:12:38
where is Alvaris' video?
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 16:13:56
Ivabra wrote: That's not because Minwoo cheated once that we have to hate him immediately.
Don't worry, LPSA hated him before it was cool hipsterglasses.jpg -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 16:20:47
I'm a bit anxious about Alvaris' video too ... I read something about his timezone still giving him time this morning (6 hours ago) ... Anyone from KMSC have some information ?
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 16:39:28
i'll be in hours time at max, apologies for the delay, its a very busy time for me now as my room is going through unexpected renovation and other stuff(you'll see it soon enough the difference in my previous/current/future setup)
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 16:41:07
Ivabra wrote: It's not ridiculous. That's not because Minwoo cheated once that we have to hate him immediately. He has made such a great job for 3 years in the penspinning community, and now that he made a mistake you guys start flaming him? Okay I can understand you guys are sad, I also am, but I don't hate him, I still respect him. He made a mistake, he won't win the battle, and that's all. He's still Minwoo, a regular (maybe famous) spinner like I am, and like you are. End of the story.
u know that he disappointed in the last 3 tournaments right? -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 17:02:39
WC12 : His r3 combo was the best of the WC for me. r4 was great, but far below. I didn't like r5 at all, even if he had not cheated (there's no big loss) WC10 : His double with thekook was awesome. B&E was pretty lame indeed. WT09 : the even combos were absolutely great, and the odd ones weren't so bad.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 17:10:11
Lol this is fucking absurd. He should get automatic loss for the round end of story. And if you still respect him after this then I guess it's your choice to have shitty role models, but the people who are actually upset that he got CAUGHT (not that he did it, just that he didn't get away with it), you're dumb and clearly have no respect for the community (just like Minwoo). Minwoo you can make whatever lighthearted post you want with all the puppy-faced excused, but you cheated hardcore and thought you'd get away with it, and I wouldn't be upset if we never see another video from you again.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 17:10:50
Vstrike wrote: u know that he disappointed in the last 3 tournaments right?
How could you be disappointed while you're not even competing with GPC? He might have disappointed the spinners, and maybe his "breakdance injury" was only a random reason why he didn't compete in WT11 and in WC10 but that's not our business ^^ And GPC was still great in the two previous years (Sponge got in the 4th round of the WT11 and GPC finished third in 2010). Moreover, he made a great come back during this tournament, and he was kinda strong, I'm sure there aren't more than 10 spinners who could beat him :) . So as far as I'm concerned, he didn't disappoint as much as people think till this round. He cheated, it sucks and it's kinka super-lame but we should think about what he did before.. 2nd place in 2009, three wins in 2008 (He beat Rarka btw), he created PSO, he made several advertisings, he made tuto's, he created a pen mod that a huge amount of spinners got. ^^ Anyway, I think it's gonna be hard for GPC to get in the last round, these guys has still made a great job. @Azria Sad or angry, I don't care. Cheating IS a big deal but you can judge his actions, not his personnality :) -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 17:14:47
Ivabra wrote: Cheating IS a big deal but you can judge his actions, not his personnality :)
I judge his personality based on his reaction after he got caught. He acted like it was no big deal, and clearly doesn't have respect for the community that idolizes him. -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 17:22:50
Agreed^ What a waste of time. Someone serious about winning could have been in his place.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 17:23:31
Okay I respect your opinion, you're right^^ . But if you were in his shoes how would you react ? "oooooooooh my god I'm so sorry I wish I didn't make that cheated combo, guys excuse me and please love me again!" Actually I think his answer was pretty mature, he seemed to accept the fact that we busted him, he apologized, and that's it =) Oh and let's be clear about that, I don't defend him because his a 3000-subscribers-youtuber or because he's famous. I've always enjoyed his videos but this thing has nothing to do with my posts :)
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 17:24:38
Ivabra wrote: you can judge his actions, not his personnality :)
words of wisdom by ivabra. i love you. :"> -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 17:27:28
No groveling would have been just as bad. There is no appropriate response to what he did, but if he had said something along the lines of "I apologize for jeopardizing the integrity of the tournament, and for letting down the people who look up to me. I promise I won't ever compete again unless I learn what it means to be serious about it." then at least he saves a shred of respect in my opinion. But instead he made excuses, said he was "glad" he got caught like he meant to all along, and turned the whole thing into a joke (more than he already had) EDIT: PS obviously I love ivabra and don't have any problems with his opinions, I'm just expressing mine :)
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 17:33:27
I feel that, as a world class spinner with undoubtable skill in PSing, he shouldn't have to resort to cheating. It shows that he isn't serious or is lazy, which is not what this tournament is about. Same with what Josh_Pr said. Truly disappointing IMO. I have a belief that I would rather do bad on a test and get a D+ than cheat on it and get a zero. Minwoo should have submitted the best combo he could do legitimately, not the best combo his computer can come up with. He will still be admired as a great spinner, but this has tarnished his reputation/respect among the entire PS community. Agree with strat on the fact that he should have apologized for real instead of joking around.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 18:06:59
neoknux_009 wrote: complete proof: [video=youtube;66HJIZ2iAZQ][/video] I hearby, as direct compeititor against minwoo, request to Zombo, Judges, and WC comitee to NOT disqualify minwoo. I would like to verse his combo withouth his initial right side in the beginning. Please do not disqualify. That or allow minwoo to reflim. I forgive you minwoo, honestly. No hard feelings bro. While I am dissapointed since i tried very hard with filming my video.... i know from this round, and form experience world tounrmanets/cups can be very stressful.
But you are his direct competitor man xD... is like not good to saw that you upload that >.<, i know you have your reasons but, someone can upload instead of you dude xD Is not in "Minwoo fan" style, he cheat obviously. -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 18:19:54
You're all idiots respecting him. Why the fuck do you respect someone who doesn't respect you? Minwoo you're a shitty person.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 19:47:43
Im not sure, but i think that vik said "WC is a tournament, not a playground" I think that no jokes are allowed here. What lucky did was pathetic, sly's combo was like "ohh look at me im funny" (and drunk)... Even judges dont send in time. Minwoo, one of the most famous spinners in the world, one of the best, and he was one of my favourites, since now. Video editing can be a really cool extra thing (aka hippo&eriror double), but if its used as a cheat... He thinks that we are stupid? Anyway, probably he wont give a fuck, but now he has one more hater. Neo reacted really cool after knowing this, give him over9000 extra points or something like that, lol.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 20:18:34
Secret Minwoo mod, now $1 for 5. PM for details. /picture not mine.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 20:28:48
If you really want to hear my honest opinion. It is okay to talk and exaggerate about your ability[I am not referring to anyone particularly, I even do that sometimes] But to actually twist the truth and use a shortcut like this, it's just weak. Cheating is cheating and of course it is not fair to anyone. This is why the world has gone way too wrong nowadays. It is because you spoil these people. It was not a mistake, it was an intention. Forgivable? Maybe. Maybe not. This year WC has been treated like a joke, 3 people from 3 communities disappointed us in a big tournament. So disappointed. =/ Worst year ever in PS history
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 20:36:03
Enkronidus wrote: This is why the world has gone way too wrong nowadays. It is because you spoil these people.
This. -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 21:21:00
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 21:26:47
It's true that too many people have not treated this tournament as it should have been. They did not really respect this tournament, the meaning it holds and all of the penspinning community. However everyone can do things that are not right if they are in a difficult situation. There is a lot of pressure on the spinners from the PS community, but for most also from their real life. This pressure can result in a huge amount of stress. To relieve themselves from this pressure people sometimes make the wrong choices. It's just natural to not be able to evaluate situations properly if you are really stressed out. And the pressure to do awesome in the WC, the pressure work gives you to earn your living, the pressure of the expectations your friends have of you, additional stress because of injuries, illnesses or similar stuff all add up and can create more than enough stress to greatly influence the judgement of someone. While it is right that Minwoo did cheat and this is a disrespectful act you should not hate him for what he did. I'm sure he didn't do it because he wanted to. At that moment he just didn't see a better solution to his problem.
RPD wrote: Im not sure, but i think that vik said "WC is a tournament, not a playground" I think that no jokes are allowed here. What lucky did was pathetic, sly's combo was like "ohh look at me im funny" (and drunk)... Even judges dont send in time. Minwoo, one of the most famous spinners in the world, one of the best, and he was one of my favourites, since now. Video editing can be a really cool extra thing (aka hippo&eriror double), but if its used as a cheat... He thinks that we are stupid? Anyway, probably he wont give a fuck, but now he has one more hater. Neo reacted really cool after knowing this, give him over9000 extra points or something like that, lol.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 21:28:22
TheAafg wrote: Secret Minwoo mod, now $1 for 5. PM for details. /picture not mine.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 21:31:56
ChainBreak wrote: I'm sure he didn't do it because he wanted to. At that moment he just didn't see a better solution to his problem.
Lol what a joke. If he saw cheating to win as a better option than just doing his best and accepting a loss then that's perfect reason to judge him. -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 21:34:44
Guys, think about this: If this year is the worst in penspinning history (as far as world competition goes), the chances of it getting worse are pretty small. hopefully next year, some spinners will have learned their lessons, and maybe some communities as a whole will have learned their lessons, and spinners that will not blow off world tournament/cup will be the ones competing. This year, there's many lessons to be learned, and next year, maybe we'll get to apply those lessons, and not screw up so badly.
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 21:39:34
drgripable wrote: Guys, think about this: If this year is the worst in penspinning history (as far as world competition goes), the chances of it getting worse are pretty small. hopefully next year, some spinners will have learned their lessons, and maybe some communities as a whole will have learned their lessons, and spinners that will not blow off world tournament/cup will be the ones competing. This year, there's many lessons to be learned, and next year, maybe we'll get to apply those lessons, and not screw up so badly.
How can you be so sure, because I am totally thinking of the opposite. People never learn, and so far I see those post likes from those Minwoo's defenders. I don't have anything to say, but you can't be sure about that -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 21:48:36 updated with download pack
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 21:53:05
TheAafg wrote: Secret Minwoo mod, now $1 for 5. PM for details. /picture not mine.
ROFL! I want to like this post over 9000 times!!! -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 21:56:14
TheAafg wrote: Secret Minwoo mod, now $1 for 5. PM for details. /picture not mine.
seems legit -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 21:58:17
TheAafg wrote: Secret Minwoo mod, now $1 for 5. PM for details. /picture not mine.
Hey thats my picture... -
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 23:12:53
lets just jump him at the next gathering, post it on youtube, and his reputation will be cleared
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 04:26:02
IMO, Minwoo is Minwoo and cheating is cheating. blame him for his cheating, respect him for his creativity. anyway, don't force other to hate or like him. Everybody can choose whatever they want. :)
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 04:48:15
the end
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 05:04:15
supawit127 wrote: the end
my favorite spinner wants me to forgive minwoo... eh... sure, i cant hold a grudge anyway -
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 07:53:33
but when michael jordan miss a shot the price of his shoes and cloths? nope lol. edn of this disscussion now back to the wc thread. also i don't count it as a cheat,since he can edited video realy good he's making a joke. not cheating imo
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 08:26:37
sarugio wrote: but when michael jordan miss a shot the price of his shoes and cloths? nope lol. edn of this disscussion now back to the wc thread. also i don't count it as a cheat,since he can edited video realy good he's making a joke. not cheating imo
He was making a joke? Are you that much of a retarded fanboy? He admitted he cheated bro >____> -
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 11:58:11
I don't understand you ppl, how can you not see it as cheating? If for example I would cheat every1 would hate me with no exuse, Minwoo has skills but cheating is cheating. He's skills will not make him better than others, skill won't let him cheat *___* I think in future tournaments he should not be able to use black background
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 12:50:10
he has cheated there is nothing that can say it was wrong. end of the therme BUT do you hate him cause he cheated? how many people have to hate you then for cheating lying etc???????? my onpinion is easy to find in iva´s words you can hate his cheating but you can´t hate his personality cause you don´t know what you have done in his position. end of my opinion
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 13:02:13
strat1227 wrote: Lol what a joke. If he saw cheating to win as a better option than just doing his best and accepting a loss then that's perfect reason to judge him.
I never wrote that it isn't. I just wrote that despite being able to do a combo without cheating he didn't see that way to do it, because of the expectations others have for him. It's a reason. Maybe it's not a good reason and doesn't justify his actions, but it's still a reason and to me it makes sense. This is my reason not to hate him. I see him differently now and probably don't respect a lot, but I still don't hate him. -
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 13:02:52
Pendragon wrote: he has cheated there is nothing that can say it was wrong. end of the therme
Oh boy, what did you write there... You wanna kidding us, right? -
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 13:04:32
Migi wrote: Oh boy, what did you write there... You wanna kidding us, right?
that is not funny migi um genau zu sein bezog sich das auf den post vor meinen! -
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 13:12:13
Pendragon wrote: he has cheated there is nothing that can say it was wrong. end of the therme BUT do you hate him cause he cheated? how many people have to hate you then for cheating lying etc???????? my onpinion is easy to find in iva´s words you can hate his cheating but you can´t hate his personality cause you don´t know what you have done in his position. end of my opinion
Almost every round of every WT and WC I have had ideas in my combos that were way above my level and I filmed quite a bit in order to get them down, but eventually I couldn't fit them in the combo well enough. And it has NEVER occured to me to cheat in any way or form, even if it would have been a 2p2h section that would have been possible to do it with. It's called respect for your opponent, respect for yourself, and respect for the whole penspinning community. Sure, I do not hate Minwoo for what he has done, he is a cool guy and I can actually assert to that because I have met him. But if he doesn't have respect and thinks no one would care about it, how can the penspinning community respect him back without any problems? Maybe in a few months I can look back at it and have peace with it, but at the moment I am honestly pretty pissed off because this doesn't seem like the Minwoo I know. -
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 13:12:30
Well, if you know Minwoo can do the power tricking in the intro with his left hand when it is not injured, then I guess he must have thought it was reasonable to use his right hand as a replacement.
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 13:25:28
Cubesnail wrote: Well, if you know Minwoo can do the power tricking in the intro with his left hand when it is not injured, then I guess he must have thought it was reasonable to use his right hand as a replacement.
But you don't! There's no proof that he can do it, there's no proof he's even close to doing it! And replacing the hardest part of the combo with a part from a different video totally ruins the whole point of actually doing that section. It removes the whole difficulty of it. So it isn't even only against the rules, it doesn't make sense and it is immoral. -
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 13:45:12
Pendragon;195962]he has cheated there is nothing that can say it was wrong. end of the therme[/QUOTE] I'm not sure if I understood you correctly but if you are trying to suggest that his attempt to cheat is not condemnable in any way, you seriously are an idiot. [QUOTE=Pendragon wrote: BUT do you hate him cause he cheated?
Yes, for that and his reaction. Also for his attitude towards the tournament, the GPC and his fans. -
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 13:59:29
tl;dr: Minwoo has disrespected the entire community
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 15:19:53
Pendragon wrote: he has cheated there is nothing that can say it was wrong. end of the therme
This sentence just contradicts itself, wtf. At least your morals can say that cheating is wrong[Or perhaps you don't have one in your mind?] [quote=Pendragon]BUT do you hate him cause he cheated? how many people have to hate you then for cheating lying etc????????[/quote] I have developed somewhat a negative feeling for him, yes. And a lot of people would hate you if you cheat, who loves cheaters? Maybe there might be some nuts ones, but I think that's just a few. [quote==Pendragon]my onpinion is easy to find in iva´s words you can hate his cheating but you can´t hate his personality cause you don´t know what you have done in his position.[/quote] The way one thinks causes one to develop the idea of cheating. so cheating is a part of personality. They are totally related. I'd have filmed the best I could do if I were him. It is not important to lose or win. Believing in yourself and do the right thing is more important. I'd rather lose and sad for a while, and perhaps make an excuse that I didn't try my best or that I might have had a chance[Real story, I'd do that. o_O] than to cheat and feel regret for the rest of my life for ruining my own reputation for nothing at all. -
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 17:49:18 Oh, so he still participates. With supawit's version of it. Interesting .______________________________________.'
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 17:51:10
Lekunga wrote: Oh, so he still participates. With supawit's version of it. Interesting .______________________________________.'
I believe he is officially disqualified. -
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 19:11:00
Even if he were to participate I think the judges would give the win to neo just because of this whole incident. ;)
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 19:18:59
Erirornal Kraione wrote: Almost every round of every WT and WC I have had ideas in my combos that were way above my level and I filmed quite a bit in order to get them down, but eventually I couldn't fit them in the combo well enough. And it has NEVER occured to me to cheat in any way or form, even if it would have been a 2p2h section that would have been possible to do it with. It's called respect for your opponent, respect for yourself, and respect for the whole penspinning community. Sure, I do not hate Minwoo for what he has done, he is a cool guy and I can actually assert to that because I have met him. But if he doesn't have respect and thinks no one would care about it, how can the penspinning community respect him back without any problems? Maybe in a few months I can look back at it and have peace with it, but at the moment I am honestly pretty pissed off because this doesn't seem like the Minwoo I know.
Really well said. Especially the bit about respecting yourself, your opponent, and our community. I also often have combos that are above my level, so, instead of cheating, I just adjust them so that they are the best I can do. +1 EK. -
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 19:35:28
Erirornal Kraione wrote: I believe he is officially disqualified.
Nope. They never officially submitted the cheating version of the video, they submitted the 'fixed' version, so that's being judged. -
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 19:39:32
strat1227 wrote: Nope. They never officially submitted the cheating version of the video, they submitted the 'fixed' version, so that's being judged.
judges were told to judge fairly as if nothing happened to provide feedback for neoknux but the outcome is already decided -
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 19:42:02
Zombo wrote: judges were told to judge fairly as if nothing happened to provide feedback for neoknux but the outcome is already decided
Oh ok, that's different from what I last heard -
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 20:06:13
Ok i respect and understand your feelings and opinipns @Enkronidus. But try to understand my view before you give me some words. I was also sad when i read the message of cheating first time. I also have never Thought he would go this way. He also was my idol for spinning and the person why i start to spin. But i cant hate HIM fot what he do. Ihate the way he is gone but i dont personally hate him. Even if i know that he cheated not alone to neo but to the whole german community. But to say now that you hate him is to much. I give him my respect not for what he do but for.beeing one of the greatest spinner on earth and a nice person cause whatever he do he will ever be minwoo not important how.often he would cheat.
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 20:14:03
What do you mean "how often"? O.o I agree with Erirornal Kraione, I also have alot of ideas for combos, but I can't perform all because my skills aren't good enough yet. I would never cheat just to make something cooler ;0 If he can't perform something, just practise -.- I respect Minwoo for his great skills, but I will never forgive first cheating (officially) in PS world, because I feel like from now on ppl will always complain about using black background, so for example spinner like Hippo will have problems, sad :/
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 20:20:41
To be honest, what I really get annoyed about is not what Minwoo did. But more like the fanboys who give shit reasons or people who flame too strong[Offend his mother like a comment on YouTube or stuff like that] It really shows how weak people are I never say that I hate Minwoo now, just that my overall feeling for him is substracted. And enough of this topic, please =/
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 20:33:06
strat1227 wrote: Oh ok, that's different from what I last heard
The information was only sent to the judges. Also the fixed version was a request from Zombo. I submitted the videos after the truth came out and I accepted the disqualification. I would have submitted nothing but it seemed like neoknux wanted to battle anyway and supawit already made the version without the second hand. -
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 20:36:32
Pudels Kern wrote: The information was only sent to the judges. Also the fixed version was a request from Zombo. I submitted the videos after the truth came out and I accepted the disqualification. I would have submitted nothing but it seemed like neoknux wanted to battle anyway and supawit already made the version without the second hand.
I was just talking about from my discussions with zombo -
Date: Mon, Apr 30 2012 21:20:48
Guys who are still complaining, there's NO USE IN COMPLAINING NOW. PLEASE STOP. Minwoo will have paid the price for cheating, even though supawit submitted his revised version, i don't really think the judges will judge his combo.... euh... "fairly" given the cheating pretense.
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 10:57:32
sangara wrote: You're all idiots respecting him. Why the fuck do you respect someone who doesn't respect you? Minwoo you're a shitty person.
Made my day. Thanks, Sangara! -
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 13:44:00
Now that the whole Minwoo drama has died out, let's get back to the content in the WC. I'm gonna' take a guess and say the craze that this WC generates is either Fingerstucking (BaiMai and Minwoo) or more linkage heavy combos complimented by power (Iva and i.suk). A muck less likely trend but what I'm hoping for is for F2F and my style of combos to start to spread out where the combo is filled with super creative links and as little filler tricks as possible in the combo so virtually every link has some creativity. It's prolly not gonna' happen since our styles are complex to understand, learn and execute excluding the fact that not everyone can constantly come up with 20 seconds worth of creative linkages
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 14:33:41
Even if Minwoo cheated like a little bitch, the revised version sucks, IMO.
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 16:50:36
MickChickenn wrote: Even if Minwoo cheated like a little bitch, the revised version sucks, IMO.
the revised version still has more artistical appeal than neo´s combo for me =\ -
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 16:57:46
I'm rooting for KMSC. The doubles is good and Alvaris and Kipple did a good job imo. ^_^ I'm hoping to see them advance to the finals.
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 19:12:16
MickChickenn wrote: Even if Minwoo cheated like a little bitch, the revised version sucks, IMO.
Well, judging by the rulebook, Minwoo still wins (IMO). I just don't see how neo could possibly win with his poor style, execution, and lack of artistism. That's just my opinion. I don't even consider myself Minwoo's fan. -
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 20:25:03
poor style? you must be blind
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 21:28:00
style is subjective, let's not argue about it in this thread please ^^
well, judging by the rulebook's criteria, minwoo's revised combo shows low difficulty, low creativity and poor structure, especially compared to his R3, which is the best combo he released in WC12 =\ of course, this is just my opinion as well, but it'd be nice if you actually picked up your pen/mod and tried out the linkages both spinners used before making a judgment... -
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 23:14:47
i.suk has a point. Minwoo's combo really is not that good to begin with, and neo's combo has a ton of difficulty and linkages packed into it. Plus, even if Minwoo is technically better, he will not win. It's not the fact that Minwoo's combo sucks that will doom him. It's the fact that he felt that he was above the limitations of the rules, above the structure of a tournament, and that he disrespected his opponent and the entire tourney in general. The idea that he thought he could pass by with a cheated combo, a weak one at that, is just sad. Minwoo is a great spinner, and could actually land that combo if he wanted to. Releasing that combo is just lazy, and disrespectful to neo, who idolizes Minwoo in a way. The fact that he apologized and declared neo the winner on his video, doesn't mean shit either. He tried to cheat, got caught, and is feeling the heat for it. I used to think Minwoo was a pretty cool guy, and a great penspinner. The idea that he would screw himself, and GPC as a whole in less than a minute is just mind-blowing. Let this incident be a reference to future WC/WT spinners, when they attempt to "take the easy way out."
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 23:51:58
Minwoo situation is unfortunate. Still a great spinner regardless just lost a bit of credibility. But I'm very happy for UPSB!
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 00:48:01
PenwisH wrote: Minwoo situation is unfortunate. Still a great spinner regardless just lost a bit of credibility. But I'm very happy for UPSB!
there's no question he's a top tier spinner, but there's more to it than skill. Just look at Michael Vick or Tiger woods. There's no doubting their ability but there actions have compromised their reputations. Tiger Woods as a role model, and Michael Vick as a respectable member of humanity. it's not as dramatic in this case but it exists /e whoops this discussion already ended. time for upsb vs gpc predictionsSpoiler
upsb -
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 03:56:58
I think we're going to win 3-0
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 04:01:48
jet wrote: I think we're going to win 3-0
I agree. Our double was marginally better (lack of content might get us), but i.suk kicked Josh_Pr's ass up into his throat, and the Minwoo situation is quite obvious. -
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 04:39:56
Minwoo cheated, he said sorry.. its done, no more argument,everybody deserve their own opinion so could we focus on other's spinners videos? its a pity that we focus on the cheating one..not on the one who gave their best
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 05:41:43
In terms of artistic, I actually liked Minwoo's combo more It was appealing and creative (not as good as his previous rounds) and the flow was extraordinary Neoknux's combo had OMFG lots of difficult and new linkages, but I can't say that it's appealing to me xD His execution, his combo flow didn't give me the feeling of 'artistic' (no offence xD) Still it's only just my opinion :boing:
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 07:42:59
i.suk was the best this round. inspired me to make a few new combos :D
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 09:49:00
With regards to exeuction...I knew well before i taped my combo it would be my biggest struggle. I was working with links which i experiemented with a little bit before, but far from mastered. I knew it was a gambit that i sacrifice the usually artistic flow and smoothness for somethign which i [B]felt represented me more[/B]. i was/still am glad i chose this route even before i knew minwoos situation. It felt more self rewarding. OTHER VIDEOS I really liked gpc doubles. I think they have an equal shot of wining the doubles as we do. The ddr thing was a good idea, just wish they used that concept a little bit more. Fel2fram and ivabra. opposite spectrum method, very much like our hippo and eriror. boy did it pull off. Everything was in this doubles. Swift speed, amazing linkages...flow . I particularly liked fel2frams finger2side cont ...(no idea what its called lol) but it looks so coool. josh_pr...i dont see why people are complaning about him. I guess he didnt reach expectations??? well i cant be mad for an effort for a combo. KMSPC , nice doubles. liked the idea a lot....GOOK LUCK kipple and alvaris. Interesting ...unique flow from both. cool beans.
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 11:40:55
I.suk destroyed josh_pr no contest lol Neoknux i really feel sorry for you how you wanted to compete against minwoo and put so much effort into your combo and he just ended up cheating.... Imo your combo was much much better anyway XD if his was legit you'd still easily win Doubles.... Close contest both are very good and interesting..... And both of them were very different. Hard to decide I just hope it's. UPSB vs FPSB. I think it will :)
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 12:41:47
regarding artistic theme in minwoo vs neo:
@Elune i prefer neo's, it is a lot more interesting to me since it contains a lot of unusual linkages, minwoo's presentation is better, but i don't really like his combo since structure is bad (6 sec fl spam and...that 7 second pen hold/fake stall in middle, argh) xD neo's flow can be improved though, ofc =\ [B]FPSB [/B]vs KMSC 29.1 Artistic: [B]Anikis [/B]vs. Alvaris - insane combo from anikis, very interesting flow/style and cool linkages, difficulty of the ending (especially setting up fingercross in middle of combo) is incredible; i understand alvaris was a bit stressed for time due to renovation of room and other problems, but still made a stylish combo with decent links (except, not particularly of a higher level than his previous rounds i think) 29.2 Technical: Gisele8 vs. Kipple - after watching a few times, unsure of this one =\ too lazy at current moment to analyze both combos in more depth to make a decision, gisele's linkages are more interesting and difficult imo, but kipple's control/flow is crazily good...-unsure- 29.3 Double: [B]Ivabra & Fel2fram[/B] vs. VikroaL & Yorch - best materials/spinning in any doubles this WC12 so far from FPSB, truly amazing, good job in making coherent doubles with 2 different styles; vikroal and yorch very entertaining as always with transition (sun) niceniceSpoiler
people who say minwoo's combo was more 'artistic' probably neglected that, in order to score highly in 'artistic' theme by rulebook, you need to be extremely creative as well as very appealing x) ok, enough about this minwoo business, it is boring now xD -
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 14:20:13
@i.suk : lol that's why I said I liked Minwoo's combo MORE xD tbh, which one do you prefer ? well, about the matches, I'd say UPSB > GPC (2.5-0.5 or 3-0) and FPSB > KMSC (3-0)
Date: Thu, May 3 2012 22:25:55
SPSB's sent its judgement.
Date: Sat, May 5 2012 14:51:09
received ipsb brpsb spsb ppsc twps kmsc fpsb missing 9
Date: Sat, May 5 2012 15:57:32
My predictions:
Date: Sat, May 5 2012 16:04:54
Pudels Kern wrote: My predictions:
why did minwoo and neoknux tie in difficulty? :l anyway i doubt every battle is going to be one by such a small margin anyway -
Date: Sat, May 5 2012 16:33:10
It's all based on the results of the previous rounds. 0.25 difference means it can still go either way. Minwoo's score might be inaccurate because I don't really care about that match anymore.
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 03:19:29
Zombo wrote: missing 9
=____________________________________________=" -
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 03:28:38
Zombo wrote: 9
[video=youtube;1MLry6Cn_D4][/video] I am awake whereas it's 5:30 am, I'm angry è_é -
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 12:35:58
I'm very sorry for the delay, I misread the email, thought the deadline was sunday. LPSA Judging will be ready in about 1 hour
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 12:46:24
@Zombo how many boards are left?
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 13:27:27
Scumbag judges: Set deadline as May 5th, still haven't sent in results on May 6th. But seriously, is there a logical explanation for this?
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 13:30:16
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 13:32:21
Sent! Again, apologies to everyone. I'm really sorry.
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 13:33:54
It better be accurate judging, Max!
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 14:50:33
Procrastination lol jkjk
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 15:02:55
I've ask THPSC judge and he/she said that he/she was sent the result since yesterday but he'll send it again to make sure you receive its. @Zombo
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 15:45:37
missing kzpsc jeb ppp (<-- i'm pretty sure those guys are out since they sent me an email last round saying they cant judge) hkpsa i will compile with what i have
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 15:53:16
missing gpc as well
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 15:56:24
That sucks :/ I am sorry for my board