Off-topic / I want to knowthe age and price of this wine
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 07:49:49
Martell Cordon Bleu since 1715 Old Liqueur Cognac
Courvoirsier VSOP fine champagne
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 14:54:19
:facepalm: its cognac.. not wine Frog~
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 14:55:26
why? ever heard of google?
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 17:17:18
Froggy wrote: :facepalm: its cognac.. not wine Frog~
Cognac is distilled wine... To the OP I have no idea, have you tried contacting the company that makes it? -
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 17:41:15
no idea but cognac gets me FUCKED up. i can hold my alcohol really well except cognac for some reason
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 20:54:44
Huh I can drink anything. I just don't pour stuff down like water. I did it once with Stroh rum and puked my soul out. :(
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 21:09:58
holy shit. CORDON BLEU IS THE BEST. my dad has like 50 bottles of martell cordon bleu. idk what year but that stuff is goooooooooood i wanna say its like $100 a bottle SCRATCH THAT. Just asked my dad and he said that a 750mL bottle or 1L bottle is ~$160 USD
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 03:15:37
Yes I'm well aware of that But there's a name for that: Cognac. Frog~
Awesome wrote: Cognac is distilled wine... To the OP I have no idea, have you tried contacting the company that makes it?
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 10:33:46
Thanks Tetsip!!!! i got it.. i think it's quite old . because there wrote OLD Liqueur Cognac ...... Frog~ I seriously . Don't know what is Cognac . Just wonder to know ........ HAHA.. BTW thank you also....
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 15:09:45
yeah thats a bottle i've never seen before. the newer bottles have a pretty cool design.
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 18:22:31
Actually the term is brandy; Cognac is merely a brand name of brandy.
Froggy wrote: Yes I'm well aware of that But there's a name for that: Cognac. Frog~
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 18:56:20
Eh not a brand name, but a variety