Forum Games / [PKMNRPG] Darealone and midniteferret GAME THREAD
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 00:34:51
Trainer no 16
Trainer Name: midniteferret Money: 10,000 dollars Bag Heal Items
x5 Balls:
x7 Other Items: None Berries:
x2 TMs: None Battle Items: None Key Items: None Badges: None Ribbons: None Pokemon
Evee Female Lvl 5 Naughty Nature Ability Run Away Attacks Tail whip tackle helping hand Stats HP 22 Attack 11 Defense 11 Sp. Atk 10 Sp. Def 9 Speed 10 Trainer no 15
Trainer Name: Darealone Money 10,000 Dollars Bag Heal Items
x5 Balls:
x1 Other Items: None Berries:
x2 TMs: None Battle Items: None Key Items: None Badges: None Ribbons: None Pokemon
Mudkip Male lvl 5 Ability: Torrent Calm Nature HP 20 Attack 11 Defense 11 Sp. Atk 11 Sp. Def 12 Speed 10 Attacks Tackle Growl @DJSpin i forgot about you sorry my deepest apologies, but i need ur confirmation and you can be added
Trainer Name: Dj Money: 10,000 dollars Bag Heal Items
x5 Balls:
x7 Other Items: None Berries:
x2 TMs: None Battle Items: None Key Items: None Badges: None Ribbons: None Pokemon
Evee Female Lvl 5 Naughty Nature Ability Run Away Attacks Tail whip tackle helping hand Stats HP 21 Attack 10 Defense 10 Sp. Atk 11 Sp. Def 10 Speed 11
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 01:28:09
WOOOOT! CONFIRM!!! K...come on now @midniteferret...we are goin straight to the elite 4!!!!
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 04:34:52
Let's go bro!
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 19:49:02
@Raos you didn't give Darealone's pokemon attacks.
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 20:30:40
@Darealone Today is the first day of your journey. You run out of your house and you stretch your self. You see a flock of tailows flying over and you stare into the horizon. Tehn you heard someone yell "Darealone!". You turn your head around to find your friend mindniteferret running towards you. Hes in a state of shock and is panicking. What do you do?
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 20:48:42
I run towards him and scratching my belly I ask him "What? What is it?"
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 21:01:10
...dont tell me you are gonna do everything while scratching you belly...
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 22:09:07
Nah...just making it interesting.
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 02:51:08
Darealone wrote: I run towards him and scratching my belly I ask him "What? What is it?"
midniteferret replied that his pet dog dissappeared and hes worried taht something bad would happen to him. He aid taht he went off into the forest. What do you guys do? -
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 03:16:24
@Darealone I am sorry but I have forgotten DJspin was playing with you guys. I will add him into the adventure but at a later time (not that late, like a couple of posts). Please accept my apologies PKMNRPG Organizer Raos
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 03:37:12
@Darealone let's go into forest and catch them all! lol
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 03:46:22
@Raos lol its totally fine. confirmed. :)
Date: Tue, Apr 10 2012 00:15:10
Raos wrote: midniteferret replied that his pet dog dissappeared and hes worried taht something bad would happen to him. He aid taht he went off into the forest. What do you guys do?
So I guess I still answer this. I ask him what a dog is (unless he is talking about an Arcanine) and then we follow it. After eating lunch of course. *Quite a bit of typos there Raos...=P -
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 03:27:52
now do I have an Arcanine?
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 03:35:18
it doesnt work that way lol.......... You go into the forest but the professor stops u. Do u run or come back?
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 13:57:26
Raos wrote: it doesnt work that way lol.......... You go into the forest but the professor stops u. Do u run or come back?
We continue to run but while running we tell him we'll be safe and we'll make sure to bring him back some berries. -
Date: Wed, Apr 11 2012 16:33:47
lol darealone is adding all this extra stuff xD its funny tho. i think it makes the storyline better. LOL
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 03:28:10
can I pull out a knife and stab the prof.
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 04:05:16
midniteferret wrote: can I pull out a knife and stab the prof.
ROFL xD what a troll. -
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 22:09:30
fine...I won't stab him...Anyways SCREW THE PROFESSOR let's just go into the forest
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 22:53:05
Soooo...can we keep the berries then?
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 03:44:55
I don't care what the prof wants I'm keepin my freaking berries
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 23:41:24
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 02:53:50
so this is basically dead? @Raos
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 03:50:01
yes. @DJSpin
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 13:53:12 I was so pumped... @Raos !!!!!
Date: Fri, Feb 28 2014 03:18:47
Holy Sweet mother. REVIVE THIS! PLEASE! I'll do anything!!