Off-topic / iPod touch 1G Jailbreak Hack Help
Date: Thu, Jul 29 2010 18:38:07
So I have an iPod touch 1G running 3.1.3 and I recently heard of a hack/tweak called Stack v3 which I really want because of my device's lack of support for the current iOS 4 firmware that has Folders in it. So the thing is, I can't seem to find a source that has this (in English, I know that SOSiPhone has this but in French) that I can just download. Anyone know where I can download this through Cydia? If there is an SSH method I'm willing to look at that IF it works on 3.1.3 because some people had problems with SSH methods on even 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 anyways.. can anyone help?
Date: Thu, Jul 29 2010 19:16:45
You might try adding this repository to Cydia: That's an old source and I can't test if it works right now, but as of this time last year it did. Edit: <<<
Date: Thu, Jul 29 2010 19:44:23
I thought 3.1.3 wasn't able to be jailbroken? Or was that only on a 3G iPod running 3.1.3?
Date: Thu, Jul 29 2010 20:20:14
3.1.3 can't be jailbroken on the iPhone 3GS, iPod 3G, and the newer iPod 2G (model number starting with MC or something like that.)
Date: Thu, Jul 29 2010 21:21:25
ace2459 wrote: 3.1.3 can't be jailbroken on the iPhone 3GS, iPod 3G, and the newer iPod 2G (model number starting with MC or something like that.)
yeah that sounds about right.. when i try adding the xsellize repo i get this screen:edit: currently trying out the sinfuliphonerepo..
Date: Thu, Jul 29 2010 21:27:53
if the second repository doesn't work then I'm not sure where you can find it anymore. There's another app that does something similar to stacks called categories but it's laggy if you don't get the categories SB (paid) expansion.
Date: Thu, Jul 29 2010 21:31:29
ace2459 wrote: if the second repository doesn't work then I'm not sure where you can find it anymore. There's another app that does something similar to stacks called categories but it's laggy if you don't get the categories SB (paid) expansion.
sinfuniphonerepo actually works on my ipod touch.. and i have categories installed right now and use it but hopefully i can use stacks to replace them.. -
Date: Thu, Jul 29 2010 21:38:10
Hm sinful didn't work when I tried it. I guess my cydia is broke :( I don't use it often though. make sure you uninstall categories before you use stacks! they'll probably conflict with each other in some pretty awful ways
Date: Thu, Jul 29 2010 21:39:14
ace2459 wrote: Hm sinful didn't work when I tried it. I guess my cydia is broke :( I don't use it often though. make sure you uninstall categories before you use stacks! they'll probably conflict with each other in some pretty awful ways
sorry to hear that :( and im still using categories only because i cant figure out how to get multiple stacks D: -
Date: Thu, Jul 29 2010 21:45:47
did the package you install happen to mention what alpha version it was? stacks v3 alpha 1 didn't have multiple stacks but they enabled it in alpha 2...i think :)
Date: Thu, Jul 29 2010 22:49:45
ace2459 wrote: did the package you install happen to mention what alpha version it was? stacks v3 alpha 1 didn't have multiple stacks but they enabled it in alpha 2...i think :)
nope.. didnt mention which version. but im assuming v1.. but how would you make multiple stacks if i had v2 or v3? -
Date: Fri, Jul 30 2010 15:30:08
I'm really not sure. I've never used it before. Look here: It looks like it should have started with 4 stacks by default. If it didn't, then I'm guessing your version doesn't support multiple stacks.