Off-topic / Diablo III / BattleTag List
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 22:08:14
Since we all know the release date is May 15, let's discuss who's going to play and what class. I already pre-ordered the game a long time ago for $40 only. But the game is going to be shipped so I'll lose half of day lol. I'm thinking of buying it as DDL from Also, my friend has a collector's edition on hold for me, so in total I have 3 copies lol... I'll probably sell the retail copy, keep the collector's edition in shrink until I need it later and just play the digital version... I plan on playing Witch Doctor... just because my original D2 character was a necro named "Sodom" lol. ---------------- IGN List: Zombo -- johncraven#1529 boshi -- drawdE#1311 NR4U -- Perry#1372 Meitenshi / Pen Ninja -- MeiTenshi#6362 Biji -- Flare#1615 lunasol -- lunasol#1999 shoeman6 -- shoeman6#1724 Gash -- Gash#6186 Jo -- Zelph#6835 strat1227 -- strat1227#1427
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 22:09:06
I'll play it, never played the first 2 though Played "torchlight" on the xbla and everyone said it was a diablo clone so i figured i'd try the new diablo lol
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 22:31:13
MAY 15TH MAY 15H MAY 15TH. I'm not sure what I'm gonna play. I really haven't researched Diablo 3 at all, I just know I'm getting it lol. I won't be able to play for a few days since ill be in NY for when it comes out :( and school.... gay.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 22:40:10
I'm glad that graphics petition failed. I didn't play D2 for more than 3 hours because I couldn't see a damn thing.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 22:49:21
from what i've seen, they really consolified the game recently o-o
Date: Mon, Mar 26 2012 04:18:11
XYZaki wrote: I'm glad that graphics petition failed. I didn't play D2 for more than 3 hours because I couldn't see a damn thing.
As someone who played diablo 2 for 10 years and loved every moment of it I can only say "All of my hate." -
Date: Mon, Mar 26 2012 04:38:10
Sc00t wrote: As someone who played diablo 2 for 10 years and loved every moment of it I can only say "All of my hate."
As someone who isn't fucking cancer, all I can say is the world needs less slovenly waifs like you. -
Date: Mon, Mar 26 2012 04:41:19
I doubt my machine could even run Diablo III optimally
Date: Mon, Mar 26 2012 05:19:04
XYZaki wrote: As someone who isn't fucking cancer, all I can say is the world needs less slovenly waifs like you.
as someone who isnt a faggot, all i can say is get off my dick it's for mares not gayberts -
Date: Mon, Mar 26 2012 13:07:28
Unsure if I'm getting this, will get feedback from friends when it's released.... if I could actually get a hold of them while they're playing
XYZaki wrote: I'm glad that graphics petition failed. I didn't play D2 for more than 3 hours because I couldn't see a damn thing.
+1 -
Date: Mon, Mar 26 2012 17:37:45
I'll try to fight it but the guy who dragged me into WoW and LoL is planing to play so he'll probably convince me to play this too.
Date: Mon, Mar 26 2012 20:03:01
only reason im playing is because i am a die-hard diablo fan and I won't feel complete unless I try it. My expectations are low as far as it being anything like the other games [totally different development team] but it IS blizzard, they're known for making incredibly good games, that's why they make so few, not just pump them out left and right like EA games for a quick buck. Blizzard games leave legacies.
Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 03:11:10
Diablo 2 was really awesome. No reason why I shouldn't get Diablo 3. Expecting it to be as addictive as its previous titles.
Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 14:15:20
ive been playing diablo sine the first came out... back in the days i didnt have the whole game so i played diablo spawn a lot lol... it was only th first 2 levels. i had to wait for my birthday to get diablo 1
Date: Thu, Mar 29 2012 23:50:43
me and my friends are really interested for this game @_@ even though none of us never played any of the diablo games, all of us are going to be complete noobs
Date: Thu, Mar 29 2012 23:54:58
my friend actually let me use his accnt which apparently has the beta but i havent gone around to actually testing it out yet buts till excited for it to come out :D
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 07:17:00
diablo 3 open beta starts this friday at noon, pacific
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 07:25:39
@Zombo how do we enter open beta
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 12:55:38
Chobi wrote: @Zombo how do we enter open beta
not sure for pinoy -
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 15:30:14
lets form a party? people who want to play should go to our teamspeak server:
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 15:41:46
uhh i'm still dling
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 15:43:58
Loanshark wrote: uhh i'm still dling
beta only begins in 3 hours you got time -
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 15:58:31
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 18:50:39
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 22:22:58
finished the beta, sweeeeeeeeeeet
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 22:30:44
Zombo wrote: finished the beta, sweeeeeeeeeeet
So it was about 3 hours long? @Loanshark, ever get it to work? -
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 22:36:20
still cant get on lolol
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 22:38:36
Loanshark wrote: still cant get on lolol
lol if you do let me know, i quit early so i'll run through with you if you want -
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 22:39:02
strat1227 wrote: So it was about 3 hours long? @Loanshark, ever get it to work?
2.5h yeah for first time, and actually I missed 1 quest, because quests are randomly assigned so sometimes you dont get it -
Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 23:05:20
leggo! <3 D3
Date: Sun, May 13 2012 22:49:14
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 02:18:26
ugh i'll probably just wait for torchlight since it'll be cheaper and i'm poor as shit. maybe i'll torrent d3 or something
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 02:52:35
My penis is about to erupt.
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 02:52:54
im selling 1 digital cd-key for diablo 3. If you don't mind playing the game a few days later, I'm letting it go for $55. You can download the client on your own.
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 20:02:27
D3 INSTALLED my body is ready
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 21:01:54
just bought it, installing now :(
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 21:48:56
strat actually paid money for a game? :O
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 22:02:28
strat1227 wrote: ugh i'll probably just wait for torchlight since it'll be cheaper and i'm poor as shit. maybe i'll torrent d3 or something
Dat feel when league of legends team leader bought me diablo 3 for free just so he could play with me and i've never met the guy in real life. and when my guild bought me cataclysm when it came out just so they could pvp with me at 85. i have good friends. -
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 22:04:20
Loanshark wrote: strat actually paid money for a game? :O
terrible will power lol. shouldn't have bought it but whatever. gonna play with my roommate (who has MCAT's in 17 days lmao) -
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 22:51:49
diablo 2 fans will appreciate these. so funny. loochi is a legend. Loochi vs Mephisto
Loochi sells all his items to GheedSpoiler
Sup guys, It's me Loochi. It was a maginificant start to my day, I get out of bed at 7 AM and I watch the sun rise. Admiring all of God's beautiful creations and thanking him for the perfect life that I live. I look back to my bed and I see the three bitchs that I fucked in the ass last night and I'm about ready to tell them to get the hell out of my house. Loochi: AY YO! YOU THREE SLUT, GTFO MY HOUSE! Blonde: Wtf.. Last night you were SUCH a gentleman.. Loochi: Let's just say, your services are no longer needed tramp wink.gif - Best get going, I'm goin to the internet cafe to meet the crew and we're gonna do some serious Mephisto runs to find items til the mothafuckin cows come home. Brunette: What's a memphis run? Black Bitch: Shit, I think it's that icream memphis meltdown? Him and his fatass crew gonna eat tones of that shit til the something about cows. Loochi: Alright, that does it. If you were a dude, right about now u'd feel the wrath of my biceps.. But since you're a female, I'll use my manners.. So about now I picked each one by one and threw them out the 3rd story window. Heard a big snap after I threw the black bitch, musta broke her neck or some shit coz she wasnt moving and her friends were cryin like a typical bitch. Reminds me of when I smash T. Same sound same drama. Dad comes back from his 2 day meeting to come tell me that he's going to asia for the weekend for an important press conference Dad: Loochi, I need you to stay in the house for teh weekend. NO GOING OUT. Understood? Loochi: *Listenin to his ipod and nodding his head* Sure thing sissy, I'm off to the net cafe wit the crew. Be back in three days Dad: Wtf?! Loochi: ? Wipe that fuckin look of your face cunt. Remember who threw you out the window the otherday? This time its gonna be off the roof u fuckin pansy arab. About now his jaw's dropped, I went right up to him while chewin my bubble gum and my aviators on and I reached into his pocket and grabbed his wallet. Took his 2 platinum cards, 1000$ cash and keys to the bentley. The cash will be useful incase we didn't find any rare items from mephisto. Heard alot of good shit about that *** site. Drove off to meet my crew We meet up and go in there, all of us hook on to a comp - pussies in the cafe no how notorious I am so they let me in for free, Full masage by asian bitchs and the whole other shit. I was livin like a king. Jus needed a crown. We get to the durance of hate. There's 5 of us. Lil T, Kuzin K (My cousin) , G_Bomb, D Baby (Lil T's cousin) we all had our own specific class. No body can mess with us now, we have all the elements we needed. Kuzin K was the master of necromancy, he used bone prison on our enemies while I leap attacked and T spammed frost nova incase any fool decided to set foot in the perimeter. We get to mephisto, lord of the skinny ass skeleton pussies. We were all equiped with antidote potions incase he did his poison on us. (No gas masks in this game son) we all went to attack him and all he did was 1 charged bolt, took us down 3/4 of our lives! What a fuckin overpowered boss?? What is this shit!? Hell mode? Loochi: Back up u fuckin pussies, we're goin down. 1 more hit and we out. As I was running to the enterance, a fucking ghost attacked me and killed me?! Musta lost about 1,000 experience, damn pissed by now, golds on the floor and shit. Didn't want no body touchin my shit. Crew was laughin an shit at ghosts attackin me. Then next minute, Kuzin K runs into the council member. One zap and he was out. His whole army he worked so hard for died along with him. He summoned about 6 skeletoes. an iron golem a mercenary from act 1 too. Can't imagine bein a necro.. Waste of time if you died with that much shit. Lil T and G_Bomb try to run to the red portal and travel to the heavens when suddenly, G_Bomb gets hit with an electric ball that fucked his shit up faster than you can say pwned. 3 of us down and only 2 to go. Mephisto was overpowered so they had to make an escape to the red portal. They shuda used a tp scroll but their whole inventory was packed with keys ncase a locked chest was to be around. T teleported to the portal and escaped like a bitch that he is and left his homie to die to mephisto D Baby: Alright meph', I might not be as tough as you, But I'm more cunning. D Baby set a decoy infront of meph and a valkyrie while he was waitin for the bridge to appear, a fuckin ghost killed him. T's all crackin up and shit bout how we all died, so we hopped off our comps and smashed his ass. All of us picked him up and put him in the dumpster with some homless homo for a gay intimate nite. We went back n and discussed if we should try mephisto runs in nightmare or hell now since we tried normal.Loochi duels clan GKSpoiler
Sup guys, It's me Loochi. So I'm chillin with Kuzin K's new friend Glitch_Data who was an expert at this game. Flawless tactics when it came to dueling and perfection when it came to items. He looked stupid. A flail wielding sin doesn't look right. But like they say. "Never judge a book by its cover". Loochi: Yo Glitch, How come sometimes it says SOJS have been sold to merchants? Glitch_Data: If enough sojs have been sold to the merchants, Diablo will be born in the earth and stronger than ever, if you kill him. A unique small charm that gives a one to skills, stats, resis and extra experience from monsters. About now me and Kuzin K's jaw dropped from the shit we just heard.. Never before we seen this charm and we wanted it. Willing to do anything to get our mouse cursor over it.. By any means necessary. Loochi: I see I see.. So, dude. I kinda wanna rush Kuzin K with my barb but i need mana. Mind if you lend me a soj?? Glitch_Data: How about I lend a perfect Insight? Level 17 med' can reall ma- Loochi: Oh FFS... Dude, wouldn't I have asked for a damn ensyche if I wanted to?? I DON'T NEED THAT SHIT.. I need a soj. more skills too.. biggrin.gif:D Kuzin K: Better pass some over these ways too son. We both need. Glitch_Data: So let me get this straight.. Your 66 leap barb needs sojs TO RUSH a level 44 necromancer with exploding potions... Loochi & Kuzin K: ? ... Pretty much. We finally convinced Glitch_Data to give us the sojs, 2 each. He gave us a warning before he had to go to jazz practise. (lol.. what a sissy.) Glitch_Data: Guys please. What ever you do. DON'T TRADE THOSE SOJS.. My big bro found them all and he's comin out of prison 2moro. Loochi: Relax B?! You actin like we're nithilak or some shit. Gtfo of here. I'ma rush this fool. Kuzin K: Word. As soon as Glitch left the game, an idea that was in my mind all the time came to words. Loochi: Yo Kuz, you thinkin wat im thinkin? Kuzin K: Fuck yeah, Let's trade these for perfect gems. Loochi: .. Kuzin K: ?? Loochi: Let's sell this shit to the merchants bro.. If that theory is true, we can get FOUR annis.. sell 2 for gfg shit, and some sojs, pay that bitch nigga back and keep two our selves and with what ever's left over? We'll be the richest on bnet Kuzin K: Ahhh. gfg? Never thought of that.. You truely are the mastermind of this game Looch'. But ONE issue.. How we gonna kill this super Diablo?? Loochi: Heh.. That's your problem kuzin k? you always think the negative. I got that shit figured out.. I msged our home boy D Baby. His amazon has decoy. We'll set that up infront of diablo, i'll leap attack, you use confuse curse so he's all drunk like and shit and that's it? It's like takin candy from a baby. Kuzin K: Glad you're my cousin man. So we brang D Baby in the game and got him ready and set. Loochi: Here we go... * 1435 SOJS have been sold to merchants * Kuzin K: OH SHIT SOn... ITS WORKING! Loochi: Let's feed this bitchs hunger. Keep selling. Sell all your shit to him bro, your armour, shit in stash. Everything. D Baby you do the same. We waited 3 hours and sold everything we ever owned to Gheed, Diablo has yet to show him self.. And to make matters worse Glitch_Data arrived!!! Not a good combination.. Glitch_Data: Sup guys, my brother insists that I get my sojs back otherwise he's gonna put me in the hospital. Loochi: Oh yeah? What ward you gnna be in? Glitch_Data: Huh!? Dude we're my sojs? And why are you guys naked? D Baby: We sold your sojs and everything we had to bring him out and sell 4 annis to get richer and pay you back. A mastermind plan that went wrong. Glitch_Data: .... you serious loochi? Loochi: Shit son... Would I joke about selling my bonesnap with ral in it?? Glitch_Data: YOU FUCKIN MORON... I FUCKIN TOLD YOU AND FAGGOT KUZIN K TO NOT SELL THOSE SOJS. TF IS WRONG WIT U!? Omfg... This is normal!? YOU NEED HELL FUCKIN FAGGOT.. Loochi: Lol. You mad son?? After this Glitch removed us and never spoke to us again. We basically got scammed by blizzard about this myth of annihlius. All of our items are gone. Might hit up G_Bomb and Lil T for some shit but..if you're bored and an experienced diablo 2 head, these are endlessly amusing. this is only like 3 out of the like 12, but they were my fav'sSpoiler
Sup guys, It's me Loochi. So I was in a private pk game the other day invited by one of the GK clan members to test out my maul weilding abilities on some of West's best duelers. To recieve this invitiation was a true honor and respect that I have recieved. My dreams of fighting in the big leagues and proving to be number one is only a few steps away. No.. A few wins away. wink.gif I enter the game and pussy ass faggots could tell they're in for a brawl. I could see them standing there lookin at my rare ethreal stone crusher maul (I sold my bonesnap in order to bring uber diablo into the game but he didnt come so this will compensate, just as good to be honest, adds 3 more light radius and other good mods for pk) and wearing my imbued destroyer helm really made me look like a bad ass not to be messed with. I push P on the keyboard and jus before I hostiled I see the levels these faggots were packing. 88+!! Some even 96! (wtf?) - Definitly using some hack to gain levels, everyone on battlenet knows that if you're more than level 70 then you are gauranteed that guy is a fat nerd with acne on his face. No doubt about it. I know my shit because it basically took me 3 and a half weeks to get from 68 to 69. I come to the bridge and I could not believe my eyes at the hacks GK has exposed to bnet.. First off there was an amazon named Drugie who had the ability to shoot charged bolts from far away that killed anyone in its path. (Maybe he was a sorceress with disguise hack that changed him to a zon?) and some nerd had the female barbarian from D3. Musta worked for blizzard or some shit, but gotta admit it woulda been cool to play with them before everyone else, kinda looked like the assassin though. And a funny one is a necromancer who was see through, I liked to cal him ethromancer. This guy loked like he was usin fade, he enver got hit once in the game. Probably wearing ethreal items. Good idea, might give it a go.. Probably a hack though. - Never mind those faggots. I hostiled a sorceress with fantasicm aura from the paladin.. I didn't care about the paladin mods she was usin, I eat sorcs for breakfast. Matter of fact, her hacking is making it a GM duel vsing my strong assed self. She enchanted just to get as good as me, Musta took me about 6 leap attaks to peirce her manashield b4 she transformed into a bear and with 1 slap, I lost all my gold and that female barb came and took it.. DK_lolipop: Oopse sorry Loochi. My cat walked on the mouse and I attacked by accident. I'll wait til you say go next time. Loochi: ... About now I've had enough of this shit.. Ithought this was GM duels and no hacks?? Loochi: Yo Hammernator-GK.. Wtf you bring me in this game for? I told you I'm all about legit duels you fuckin douchebag. Hammernator-GK: This is legit bro, you jus gotta remake your barbarian and use whirlwind instead of that failure of a skill you use. Loochi: ... what? Failure of a skill!? Son you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.. You think this is legit!? Look at the sorceress who used hacks to turn her self into a bear that's twice my size? If I leaped I'd prob only reach her knees. Hammernator-GK: You mean like this? *Transform to werewolf barb* Loochi: Heh... you all hack huh? You're not scared about your cd-keys? Hammernator-GK: Nah dude we're not hacking, it's from thes- Loochi: I don't wanna hear it GK.. You're pathetic like the rest of your pussy ass clan. Only reason a person would use a hack is because they fail at duels. Hammernator-GK: ... alright man lol. Don't say I didn't try to explain tongue.gif Loochi: No need for yourexcuses faggot, they're probably full of hacks. Everyone: LOL ! About now I exited off diablo. Needed to cool down, ruined my buzz after all that. Anyone here duel legit? No hacks? -
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 23:13:34
Koreans have beat Diablo in normal already lolololo, took them 4-5 hours I believe So far, Asia and EU launches have been fail, 1h+ delay in each to get it working.
Date: Tue, May 15 2012 02:46:41
we'll be using the teamspeak server to coordinate games. server =
Date: Tue, May 15 2012 03:01:47
are you guys going to be playing tonight? 3am launch time here :/
Date: Tue, May 15 2012 03:21:16
4h to go
Date: Tue, May 15 2012 03:31:15
i may play wiht you guys some tonight. going to be mainly playing with my roommates though.
Date: Tue, May 15 2012 14:16:43
@strat1227 hey sorry if i am being annoying but I saw the gameplay of diablo 3 and how actually does this game goes? i meant by first u choose your classes and then u go in to a map its like you're lost O.o?? but i saw other videos its more fun like a group killing a boss and those flashy skills so bascially is this game like guided? cuz i never play diablo 1 or 2 before.. i m not a hardcore gamer.. used to play dota, LoL ( noob at it).. so should i buy diablo 3? since im a noob :/ and if i do buy diablo 3 i would probably play about 3 hours of diablo 3 so basically how does this game goes? @_@ not used to the stuff is the game like based on quest (mainly)? cuz i dont like to do quest.. i like to group up together and kill
Date: Tue, May 15 2012 14:19:15
just played like 6 hours amazing game, finished act 2. will play again later afetr some rest
Date: Tue, May 15 2012 16:13:02
Jo wrote: @strat1227 hey sorry if i am being annoying but I saw the gameplay of diablo 3 and how actually does this game goes? i meant by first u choose your classes and then u go in to a map its like you're lost O.o?? but i saw other videos its more fun like a group killing a boss and those flashy skills so bascially is this game like guided? cuz i never play diablo 1 or 2 before.. i m not a hardcore gamer.. used to play dota, LoL ( noob at it).. so should i buy diablo 3? since im a noob :/ and if i do buy diablo 3 i would probably play about 3 hours of diablo 3 so basically how does this game goes? @_@ not used to the stuff is the game like based on quest (mainly)? cuz i dont like to do quest.. i like to group up together and kill
It's very guided, you have a map with an icon on it where you're supposed to go, and an objectives list on your screen at all times. It seems like an open map world, but it's pretty linear actually -
Date: Tue, May 15 2012 16:13:29
Date: Tue, May 15 2012 17:42:30
officially have 2 copies of d3 to sell. if you want cd-key only, we can make a quick swap $55 for it. pm me
Date: Tue, May 15 2012 18:02:27
wow, new error code as soon as i try to start playing blizzard is so terrible, i'm glad this is the only game i've ever bought from them, not doing it again in the future
Date: Tue, May 15 2012 18:07:54
strat1227 wrote: wow, new error code as soon as i try to start playing blizzard is so terrible, i'm glad this is the only game i've ever bought from them, not doing it again in the future
so you get one bad thing and your never buying a game from the maker ever again. Take it easy strat. -
Date: Tue, May 15 2012 18:11:50
juggalo666666 wrote: so you get one bad thing and your never buying a game from the maker ever again. Take it easy strat.
Yeah that's how logical capitalism works ... if I go to a restaurant and the food's shitty I'm not going back there anymore, there are tons and tons of other options, why would I go back to somewhere that sucks -
Date: Tue, May 15 2012 19:16:55 servers busy calculating Blizzard profits, unable to connect
Date: Tue, May 15 2012 20:01:28
Blizzard announced "Diablo III -- May launch" they meant "Diablo III may launch ... but probably not."
Date: Tue, May 15 2012 21:02:46
3 mad posts in a row calm down straticus
Date: Tue, May 15 2012 21:23:31
Just one for every 2 hours wasted.
Date: Wed, May 16 2012 04:21:58
Lol does this qualify as vaporware now?
Date: Wed, May 16 2012 05:23:03
strat1227 wrote: Lol does this qualify as vaporware now?
it works just fine for me. Let's call it anti-stratware -
Date: Wed, May 16 2012 05:24:42
servers are completely down until 3am EST, doesn't work for you, fail troll fails
Date: Wed, May 16 2012 12:33:40
So that resteraunt has another chain of restraunts that aren't shitty why not go to another chain instead of switching companies?
Date: Wed, May 16 2012 14:01:11
strat1227 wrote: servers are completely down until 3am EST, doesn't work for you, fail troll fails
it went down from midnight to 3am? ahahahahaha, glad i didn't stay up for that so basically it went down something like 7 hours yesterday ... -
Date: Wed, May 16 2012 14:15:40
Zombo wrote: officially have 2 copies of d3 to sell. if you want cd-key only, we can make a quick swap $55 for it. pm me
They're US region keys, right? -
Date: Wed, May 16 2012 14:39:10
Zombo wrote: it went down from midnight to 3am? ahahahahaha, glad i didn't stay up for that so basically it went down something like 7 hours yesterday ...
it was down like 9 ish hours if you count the time it was down right at launch also -
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 01:30:57
@Zombo down again. basically every time I've gotten on in the past 48 hours it's been down ... I just started Act II and i've been trying to play tons
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 06:43:23
im around 1/3 act 2 nightmare... getting really tough now...
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 22:17:21
I made a witch doctor simply because my first character on D2 was a necro. I figured history should repeat itself to fulfill the circle of diablo life. Also, nostalgia :P.
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 23:23:04
Let's start an official IGN Mine: johncraven#1529
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 23:32:31
K4S wrote: I made a witch doctor simply because my first character on D2 was a necro. I figured history should repeat itself to fulfill the circle of diablo life. Also, nostalgia :P.
witchdoctor is BADASS if you play with a party. just sit in the back and summon shit, so OP if you play alone though it's harder -
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 23:36:12
Zombo wrote: officially have 2 copies of d3 to sell. if you want cd-key only, we can make a quick swap $55 for it. pm me
Hey Zombo, do you still have those codes? Looking to buy a copy. -
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 23:38:18
strat1227 wrote: witchdoctor is BADASS if you play with a party. just sit in the back and summon shit, so OP if you play alone though it's harder
lol we have totally diff styles i play garg only, then i charge in for soul harvest + horrify then acid rain spam -
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 01:29:33
drawdE 1311. never played a diablo game before, but must say this is quite cool...besides losing 5 levels due to server crashing *cough* fuck online only campaign *cough*. level 3 monk so far.
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 01:49:56
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 04:56:36
level 22 demon hunter seems like its gonna be pretty op in pvp what with all the traps and mobility then i look at monk and say nah monks will counter them hard.
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 06:15:04
dunno if i'll be in the same region as anyone here but PenNinja and I are on my account: MeiTenshi#6362 Atm i think i'm lvl 12 Wizard, thinking of making a Demon Hunter too but i was a mage in the last game...was hoping Diablo III kept the Fire hydra...cross fingers. Luke and I cant play that often though coz we're house-sitting for my nana and she has no internet =[ Hopefully we can play with you guys sometime though ^^
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 06:20:19
Zombo wrote: lol we have totally diff styles i play garg only, then i charge in for soul harvest + horrify then acid rain spam
I used garg, demon hound, bouncing skulls, acid rain, and demon hound explosion thing I just infinitely spawned demon hounds and sent them in to explode while spamming acid rain and bouncing skulls all of those things are 'infinite' range (can throw as far as you can see on the screen), so despite having the highest damage rating of anyone i was playing with, i never had to actually touch any enemies lol. OP as hell playing as demon hunter now -
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 08:59:31
level 31 with 960 dps demon hunter too good Flare #1615
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 14:27:52
strat1227 wrote: I used garg, demon hound, bouncing skulls, acid rain, and demon hound explosion thing I just infinitely spawned demon hounds and sent them in to explode while spamming acid rain and bouncing skulls all of those things are 'infinite' range (can throw as far as you can see on the screen), so despite having the highest damage rating of anyone i was playing with, i never had to actually touch any enemies lol. OP as hell playing as demon hunter now
soul harvest is really good tho, my dps jumps from 1.5k to like 2.5k With gruesome feast fully stacked it goes even further. I one-shot mobs in nm with acid rain. -
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 15:22:22
my current WD build.!ceU!ZaZaZZ the reason i run this build is because I found a sweet dagger with very fast attack speed. Currently have 1.7 aps. So I want to proc fetish syncophant as much as possible. To do so, I need to be able to spam my attack skills, so I use visionquest. I probably too much mana regen now, so I might want to change spirit walk to another rune.
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 15:57:27
link is dead i never touched soul walk, but i guess if you're close-up it's needed I had like 0 health or armor lol, I didn't wear anything unless it increased my damage, ignored protection and life levels since i never got hurt lol
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 16:33:36!ceU!ZaZaZZ works for me yeah im starting to care about stats, in normal i use to only dump int and thats it, now i look for vitality, on-hit effects, mana regen
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 16:36:09
yeah the purple gems are vitality so i had a few flawless of those, used flawless ruby in my weapon since that's +20 damage, topaz was intelligence which directly correlates to damage for WD, so I had one of those in my chest piece
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 22:54:31
When I actually start caring about gems I feel like I can't find them.
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 23:45:42
Played a few hours last night for my first time. Level 13 Wizard even though I heard ranged classes are a bit underpowered at the moment.
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 00:13:04
Kari wrote: When I actually start caring about gems I feel like I can't find them.
they're plenty, also cheap on the auction house -
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 00:36:19
Gash;200269]Played a few hours last night for my first time. Level 13 Wizard even though I heard ranged classes are a bit underpowered at the moment.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Gash;200269]I heard ranged classes are a bit underpowered at the moment.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Gash wrote: ranged classes are a bit underpowered.
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 01:19:50
Zombo wrote: they're plenty, also cheap on the auction house
wait,wtf is the auction house? never heard of it -
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 01:40:23
strat1227 wrote: wait,wtf is the auction house? never heard of it
where you can buy/sell/auction items for either in-game gold or irl money kinda breaks the game imo, doesnt make it really fun -
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 01:43:34
Loanshark wrote: where you can buy/sell/auction items for either in-game gold or irl money kinda breaks the game imo, doesnt make it really fun
where is it? -
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 01:47:00
Its on the main menu where you select character etc
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 02:58:12
Zombo wrote: they're plenty, also cheap on the auction house
Why didn't I think of that? Thanks Zombo. -
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 04:23:45
Loanshark wrote: where you can buy/sell/auction items for either in-game gold or irl money kinda breaks the game imo, doesnt make it really fun
not really, trading is a really important part of diablo. I had fun "buying low, selling high" back in d2. only worth it with end-game items tho -
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 08:16:51
Zombo wrote: not really, trading is a really important part of diablo. I had fun "buying low, selling high" back in d2. only worth it with end-game items tho
I don't get it, I selected a gem, hit "buyout" and it took 4490 gold and i never got the item ... how does it work? @Loanshark -
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 13:41:58
go in completed transactions and send to stash
Date: Sun, May 20 2012 02:22:53
Dang Azmo runs such good xp
Date: Sun, May 20 2012 03:18:36
Date: Sun, May 20 2012 03:47:11
48 demon hunter only 1500 damage but im sitting on around 250 intellect [resistances] 1500 armor and 17k health as well as various resistances from items the survivability is a boon in nightmare...
Date: Sun, May 20 2012 08:24:49
Act 2 hell. I love this fucking difficulty soooo much, its everything i was hoping for
Date: Wed, May 23 2012 01:34:24
lunasol#1999 currently playing a wizard. level 55, 3657 dps. been running NM az runs for easy xp the past day or so. haven't been worrying too much about advancing through hell
Date: Thu, May 24 2012 04:45:38
shoeman6#1724 Just started playing, add me! ^_^
Date: Fri, May 25 2012 02:54:34
Fuck inferno
Date: Fri, May 25 2012 05:30:08
Just beat diablo for the first time and I gotta say, the fight really doesn't disappoint, it was actually one of the most fun boss battles. (A bit easy) But 2nd time through we'll see how things go xD.
Date: Fri, May 25 2012 16:26:27
shoeman6 wrote: Just beat diablo for the first time and I gotta say, the fight really doesn't disappoint, it was actually one of the most fun boss battles. (A bit easy) But 2nd time through we'll see how things go xD.
Did you just sit there and play non stop? :blink: It took me longer to beat that one day. And that was after sitting down for twelve hours straight playing it. Although I guess it was just an hour or so each night after that. And I'm in nightmare at the end of Act II and I can't beat the end Boss of that act. His poison bombing just destroys me. Should I be a higher level at that point? I did just try to rush through the act since I am sick of those stupid bugs. I'm a level 42 Barbarian. Any Advice? -
Date: Sat, May 26 2012 05:23:13
act 2 inferno too hard
Date: Sat, May 26 2012 05:47:27
Kari wrote: Did you just sit there and play non stop? :blink: It took me longer to beat that one day. And that was after sitting down for twelve hours straight playing it. Although I guess it was just an hour or so each night after that. And I'm in nightmare at the end of Act II and I can't beat the end Boss of that act. His poison bombing just destroys me. Should I be a higher level at that point? I did just try to rush through the act since I am sick of those stupid bugs. I'm a level 42 Barbarian. Any Advice?
nah, you're not underleveled, but you should probably change your skills to see if it helps. biggest part about killing belial is dodging his poison, which you can predict from the green circle on the ground as for skills, this is what i would recommend against bosses Frenzy with Vanguard as your primary source of damage, Vanguard helps you dodge things Revenge with Retribution in case he hits you, you might have a chance to heal. Revenge is wayyyy too good to not use Battle Rage with Marauder's Rage for damage boost War Cry with Hardened Wrath for huge armor boost Wrath of the Berserker with Insanity for an even bigger damage boost Ignore Pain with Iron Hide for more damage reduction Passives are Nerves of Steel, Tough as Nails, and either Bloodthirst or Berserker Rage IMO when fighting against bosses as barbarian, your main form of damage should really only be your primary attacks. With this skillset, you're focused on buffing both your damage and defense tremendously, giving you tons of damage output (without relying on fury) as well as making you survive longer. The key thing you have to do is remember to keep your buffs up, and just dodge his attacks. oh, and you need to be on elective mode to do this build -
Date: Sat, May 26 2012 06:14:48
Gash#6186 :D Currently at beginning of Act 2 Nightmare. I don't play a lot though.
Date: Sat, May 26 2012 15:35:35
guys we could play together :) add me Zelph#6835
Date: Sat, May 26 2012 21:35:27
this game is tooo hardddd
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 09:44:34
Started a Hardcore Demon Hunter tonight, level 10 atm (just beat skeleton king (hence posting at 5.45am lol)) Hardcore is intense man lol, pretty fun. I like this way more than the increasing difficulty thing. I'll probably stop playing on my 'main character', and just keep seeing how far I can get on hardcore Only got close to dying once so far, when i was being really dumb. Also, learning how to use the "followers", never had one before because I've played exclusively coop until now
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 14:15:58
strat1227 wrote: Started a Hardcore Demon Hunter tonight, level 10 atm (just beat skeleton king (hence posting at 5.45am lol)) Hardcore is intense man lol, pretty fun. I like this way more than the increasing difficulty thing. I'll probably stop playing on my 'main character', and just keep seeing how far I can get on hardcore Only got close to dying once so far, when i was being really dumb. Also, learning how to use the "followers", never had one before because I've played exclusively coop until now
[video=youtube;QYodpD-KRbg][/video] -
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 16:32:43
Act 4 inferno farming so boring zzz
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 16:37:27
"fucking i got ice orbed." lmfao. nerd
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 16:38:12
strat1227 wrote: "fucking i got ice orbed." lmfao. nerd
i hope u film ur own death reaction -
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 16:39:25
hardcore playstyle is more fun for me, i don't care if my character dies and i have to start over to me it's like playing poker but without betting, its usually pointless and no fun because you don't care about the repercussions, just just fuck around hardcore makes it more like a survival horror game where you're scared to step through every doorway. way more fun @Zombo i played hardcore characters all the time on torchlight, pretty much exclusively hardcore, got really far sometimes before dying, never got mad because dying is an inevitability c'est la vie
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 18:33:22
NoRice4U wrote: Act 4 inferno farming so boring zzz
lol that's all you've been doing for the past week -
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 22:05:44
ahahahah 大菠萝
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 22:28:34
lmfao grass mud horse ... read that then looked up the other '10 mythical creatures' ... so funny lol
Date: Wed, May 30 2012 00:05:26
lol servers down again
Date: Wed, May 30 2012 00:22:47
oh btw my info is strat1227#1427
Date: Wed, May 30 2012 02:09:27
i'd lol if it was strat#1227
Date: Wed, May 30 2012 19:42:46
@Loanshark I love this dude lol
Date: Thu, May 31 2012 03:31:08
Zombo wrote: officially have 2 copies of d3 to sell. if you want cd-key only, we can make a quick swap $55 for it. pm me
@Zombo still selling it? -
Date: Thu, May 31 2012 18:05:28
Date: Thu, May 31 2012 23:54:31
Zombo wrote: no
Were you selling a collectors? Looking to buy one. -
Date: Fri, Jun 1 2012 00:20:15
NoRice4U wrote: Were you selling a collectors? Looking to buy one.
theres a collector's cd key ? what -
Date: Fri, Jun 1 2012 03:09:21
NoRice4U wrote: Were you selling a collectors? Looking to buy one.
nop -
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 01:53:03
zzz sitting on like 15m waiting for new items to come out
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 11:47:04
inferno gameplay by me
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 14:43:03
Why ... do you click .... so .... much ..... you can just hold the mouse button to walk ....
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 03:52:37
nope, dont even bother trying to build survivability. basically i do as much damage as i can while being invisible for 6 seconds before dying
stupid sizing strength 67 dexterity 1648 intelligence 237 vitality 608 armor 1908 damage 80772.03 (with sharpshooter) 105% crit damage
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 19:07:11
lol hacked already
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 19:40:02
fake item
Date: Fri, Jun 8 2012 09:20:27
Zombo wrote: fake item
yep theres a guide on reddit on how to link fake sh*t -
Date: Mon, Jun 11 2012 22:37:57
Freaking Blizzard keeps patching all the Gold Farming spots..
Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 20:54:55
My mother bought me Diablo 3 :D Sadly, she's trolling me by saying that I can't open it yet q_q Edit: iMightGG#1287
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 03:46:13 fuck youu