Forum Games / Mafia Game #11 -- Finished
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 02:48:09
Note: if you are not playing in this game, do not post!!! I will delete all non-players posts. If you want to sign up look at the Sign Up thread!!! You can watch the game though. If you don't know how to play, watch this flash tutorial: Please do not be offended while playing, it's just a game. [B]Moderator[/B]: strat1227 (Not part of the game) Rules: 1) It will be a Day Start. 2) Each day will last roughly 72 hours, each night will last 48 hours. This is at the discretion of the moderator. Extension is possible. 3) 51% of the players will be required to Lynch. When 51% is reached lynching will be automatic so be careful with your vote. 4) Do not quote / screenshot any PM you receive. You may paraphrase any information you receive via PM, though. 5) Do not reveal your teammates. 6) Town people normally may only communicate through the game thread. Mafia may also communicate secretely via PM during the night. 7) If you're eliminated, do not post in the game thread anymore and do not communicate with anybody still playing. 8) If you have any questions please pm the moderator. 9) Have Fun! 10) [B]You cannot edit your post[/B]. If you make a mistake, simply double-post your correction. If you vote and decide to cancel your vote right after, simply post another post with your change of vote. Double-post is allowed in this thread. 11) Lynch vote must follow the following format: [NOPARSE]UNVOTE : Player A VOTE : Player B[/NOPARSE] If you don't vote in bold, your vote won't count. You may change your vote at any time by "unvoting" and re-voting in a subsequent post (Do not edit your previous post). You only have one vote active per day. 12) You can vote for No Lynch. If successful, the day passes without a lynch. Alive:
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 02:48:34
[B]Game Setup information[/B]: The setup used is 2of4. The role setup will be chosen at random between those 6 possibilities: 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Role Cop, 5 Townies, Cop, Doctor. 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Role Cop, 5 Townies, Cop, Jailkeeper. 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Role Cop, 5 Townies, Doctor, Jailkeeper. 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Role Cop, 6 Townies, Cop. 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Role Cop, 6 Townies, Jailkeeper. 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Role Cop, 6 Townies, Doctor. (which setup is actually chosen will not be revealed publicly) There will always be two mafia players and seven town players. Here are the possible role PMs sent to each player: [B]Mafia-Aligned players[/B]:
Mafia Goon: You are a member of the Mafia along with your partner, name. Since your plot to quietly overtake the town has failed, you will attempt take it by force by eliminating the others until you outnumber the populace.
- [*]During the day, try to blend in with the normal Townies, and attempt to get someone lynched.
[*]During the NIGHT cycle ONLY, you may talk with your fellow Mafia (via ) and choose another player in the town to kill that night.
[*]You may communicate privately with your fellow Mafia up until the game thread is opened. Once the game begins, all outside communication must cease until the night cycle.
[*]You win when the number of Mafia equals or exceeds the number of remaining Town players, whether you survive to the end or not.
[*]Please confirm you have read and understood this PM by sending me a PM back stating your role.
Mafia Role Cop: You are a member of the Mafia along with your partner, name. Since your plot to quietly overtake the town has failed, you will attempt take it by force by eliminating the others until you outnumber the populace.
[B]Town-Aligned players[/B]:- [*]During the day, try to blend in with the normal Townies, and attempt to get someone lynched.
[*]As a Role cop, you have the ability to determine the role of one player every night.
[*]Your ability will always work unless you are roleblocked.
[*]Send the moderator a PM with your choice of player that you want to investigate. You will then receive information about the role of the player.
[*]During the NIGHT cycle ONLY, you may talk with your fellow Mafia (via ) and choose another player in the town to kill that night.
[*]You may communicate privately with your fellow Mafia up until the game thread is opened. Once the game begins, all outside communication must cease until the night cycle.
[*]You win when the number of Mafia equals or exceeds the number of remaining Town players, whether you survive to the end or not.
[*]Please confirm you have read and understood this PM by sending me a PM back stating your role.
Townie: You are a normal townsperson, trying to make a living and survive this insanity.
- [*]You have no abilities at Night other than getting a good night's rest.
[*]Although you do not have any special abilities, your voice and vote are powerful weapons in their own right. Use them to your best advantage!
[*]At no time may you privately communicate with any other player.
[*]You win when all the Mafia players are gone, whether you survive to the end or not.
[*]Please confirm you have read and understood this PM by sending me a PM back stating your role.
Cop: You are the local law enforcement, and can tell the good guys from the bad.
- [*]Each NIGHT, you may send the moderator a PM with your choice of player that you want to investigate.
[*]The Moderator will inform you as to that person's guilt or innocence.
[*]At no time may you privately communicate with any other player.
[*]In this game, you will always get a correct result. If you are roleblocked, you will get no result.
[*]You win when all the Mafia players are gone, whether you survive to the end or not.
[*]Please confirm you have read and understood this PM by sending me a PM back stating your role.
Doctor: You are the local physician, and can protect people from harm.
- [*]Each NIGHT, you may send the moderator a PM with your choice of player that you want to protect.
[*]If someone attempts to kill that player during the Night, they will be spared.
[*]You may not protect yourself.
[*]At no time may you privately communicate with any other player.
[*]Your protection will always work unless you are roleblocked.
[*]You win when all the Mafia players are gone, whether you survive to the end or not.
[*]Please confirm you have read and understood this PM by sending me a PM back stating your role. Thank you
Jailkeeper: You are the local jailkeeper, and can imprison people to spend a night in jail.
- [*]Each NIGHT, you may send the moderator a PM with your choice of player that you want to jail.
[*]The player will be unable to use any power in jail (roleblocked).
[*]If someone attempts to kill that player during the Night, they will be spared.
[*]You may not jail yourself.
[*]At no time may you privately communicate with any other player.
[*]Your jailing will always work unless you are roleblocked.
[*]You win when all the Mafia players are gone, whether you survive to the end or not.
[*]Please confirm you have read and understood this PM by sending me a PM back stating your role. Thank you
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 02:49:52
Will start when everyone replies EDIT: Only waiting on @jet to reply.
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 03:35:53
:trollface: in
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 00:47:03
Game on! @shadow sivics
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 01:17:53
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 01:26:13
uh can't edit but @strat1227, please change from pre-game to day status?
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 01:26:36
Already done?
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 01:35:09
@strat1227 not when i was posting :<
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 01:45:44
..hi gonna be active this game, lol.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 01:57:29
so @shadow sivics let's get this show on the road. Ill start with an idea to discuss previous experience with the game. My personal experience has been games of RL mafia and some in a chat-room based mafia, so i've never had a longish forum mafia game before. P.S. hunger games twas aaawwwesome (had to stay til credits for safe & sound though :( )
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 02:02:56
same. it was awesome! exept they didnt have attention to deatail :(
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 02:03:49
i've done a mafia game irl before, but it was basically like a 1 minute or less kinda thing. basically everyone would close their eyes and then the host of the game i guess would tap 2 people on the shoulder and they would be mafia. tap 2 other people a different way for doctor or angel or something lolidk then during the day everyone would vote at night, everyone would close their eyes and the host would ask the mafia (who had eyes open) who they want to kill and the mafia would point to the person and then they would close their eyes too and then host would ask the angel to open their eyes and pick a person they want to save. and it goes on from there lol pretty simple, not really any discussion
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 02:12:39
@Miku wait wut? the townies don't discuss? what the hell mafia have you been playing. it's the only weapon we have and the only information we get is from discussion
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 02:15:25
@jaychou yep LOL. it's just a simple game, kinda like icebreakers. did it in elementary =p that's why i said it's just like a minute or so with a few rounds
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 02:16:55
sounds like a fun pass time.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 02:17:55
Hi guys, excited to get this started!
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 02:19:10
@strat1227 so is it day right now?
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 02:20:05
@jet it is day
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 02:25:56
has anyone here played the game mafia 2? i here it stinks and i here its amazing. im still contimplating on getting it.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 02:43:08
I think we should start on serious discussion and less on your personal experience now :/
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 02:43:19
so @Abyss not to be an ass, but let's not just lurk kay? :)
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 02:44:20
@Abyss a revelation of previous experience is pretty important in a game of mafia, let's you see patterns and get some intuition about who and what to suspect
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 02:44:37
jaychou wrote: so @Abyss not to be an ass, but let's not just lurk kay? :)
Chill bro, I'm on my phone and I don't type really fast with it. -
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 02:52:51
I also noticed that @jaychou can you give me a reason why you chose to aim me? I'm not the only one looking at this thread. Jet has been on this thread for almost 10 minuites and you didn't say anything.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 02:54:58
@Elune we're still waiting for you guys to say something :P
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 02:57:02
i kinda agree with @Abyss but personal experience is more fun
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 02:58:51
And I'm still waiting for elune to talk
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 03:00:13
Abyss wrote: And I'm still waiting for elune to talk
Yes sir agreed! elune please stop lurking and join the town discussion. -
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 03:02:43
lol I've just logged in and "pls stop lurking" xD I'm reading previous posts and thinking what to type :rofl:
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 03:12:09
well at the moment I'm not particularly suspected of anyone :boing: but somehow I've a strange feeling about Abyss ... just a feeling lol and @jaychou, is this the 2nd time you've played this game ?
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 03:14:57
2nd time player! Had to wait for my awesome bulls to beat the craptors of toronto
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 03:15:26
and i did post something first until start erased it -_-
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 03:17:06
anyone here have halo reach fails? (gay question. i know)
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 03:19:10
[QUOTE=Elune;186205]@Elune well depends on what you mean it's like the 9001th time i've played the game mafia (RL, some facebook chat mafia game) but 1st time on upsb or a forum and i agree no one is suspicious yet, that's why i want to do a personal experience thing, something that gives relevant information without accusing anyone and messing everyone up
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 03:32:23
well....first time playing, so......
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 03:54:25
shadow, got anything relevant to mafia? >_> get on topic guys.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 03:54:37
@shoeman6 still waiting for you guys, please talking within the next 21 hours or ill start suspecting lol
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 03:57:51
what jaychou said. let's get this game started ._.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 04:01:07
Oh, brilliant Muse of Mafia Sing upon us of Man's deception Of lies and corruption, and evil's inception A melody brought upon our time of woe We are the ones who must reveal those Ragged mountains in heavens of time Cragged rifts of ravaged pillaged earth Grant us wisdom and honor, Lest our actions be morbid Let us live together, with wits gathered So the pure and blessed Let hang the perverse and cursed
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 04:03:13
@shoeman6 not to be a dick but some of those rhymes were stretching it a bit :P
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 04:03:57
shoeman6 wrote: Oh, brilliant Muse of Mafia Sing upon us of Man's deception Of lies and corruption, and evil's inception A melody brought upon our time of woe We are the ones who must reveal those Ragged mountains in heavens of time Cragged rifts of ravaged pillaged earth Grant us wisdom and honor, Lest our actions be morbid Let us live together, with wits gathered So the pure and blessed Let hang the perverse and cursed
tl;dr -
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 04:04:38
Miku wrote: tl;dr
miku = :trollface: -
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 04:10:18
Mafia approach Silent, hiding in plain sight Be wary of friends
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 04:11:06
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 04:13:41
Abyss wrote: I also noticed that @jaychou can you give me a reason why you chose to aim me? I'm not the only one looking at this thread. Jet has been on this thread for almost 10 minuites and you didn't say anything.
I left the thread on while doing hw :facepalm: -
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 04:21:28
I once knew a homosexual mafioso father named the "Screw" He was called the Screw, because he killed his victims with a screwdriver His real name was Phillip. I killed him. Which one of you is mafia?
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 04:22:57
@shoeman6 i wish the game was that easy, then 7 of us will be happeh
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 04:25:08
shoeman6 wrote: I once knew a homosexual mafioso father named the "Screw" He was called the Screw, because he killed his victims with a screwdriver His real name was Phillip. I killed him. Which one of you is mafia?
wat -
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 04:38:22
i think miku is mafia
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 04:40:04
i think jet is mafia, do you have a response jet?
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 04:42:03
i think @jet are mafia, what now? (please stop making baseless accusations, all it ends up doing is messing up the townies because innocents have to defend themselves)
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 04:42:44
jaychou, that sounds like something mafia would say, are you mafia?
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 04:49:53
PenwisH wrote: and i did post something first until start erased it -_-
You posted like 5 hours before the day started, the thread was closed but you used mod powers to post anyway. -
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 05:00:46
strat1227 wrote: You posted like 5 hours before the day started, the thread was closed but you used mod powers to post anyway.
SOUNDS LIKE A MAFIA MOVE TO ME, POSTING BEFORE DAY MEANS TALKING AT NIGHT ONLY A MOVE THE MAFIA CAN DO...:trollface: @shoeman6 no cuz im not an idiot. the point of this game should not be to cause fear, fear is the worst enemy of townies. we need to be calm and rational; should we accuse? yes, should we accuse like morons without some more info? maybe if you want to lose. -
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 05:06:20
Yes, we should accuse like morons, because that's how you get info. You responding provided me with information, I accuse you of being mafia.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 05:13:20
i also think miku is mafia. she is playing exact opposite as last game
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 05:23:32
this game is not going the way i want :( well if you can't beat them, join them. @shadow sivics I ACCUSE YOU ALL OF BEING MAFIA
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 05:25:57
jet wrote: i think miku is mafia
why exactly? >_> -
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 05:26:28
PenwisH wrote: i also think miku is mafia. she is playing exact opposite as last game
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 05:26:35
lol. pretty broad there
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 05:52:24
im just going to keep spamming annoying mentions until i sleep so you guys talk @shadow sivics
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 05:57:33
okay, hi ._. everyone who has accused someone of being mafia, please elaborate on your reasoning. let's get focused on the game people .__. not much to figure out so far
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 06:02:02
i can't accuse anyone yet because no one has said anything substantial. let's get some info out here guys unless you have something to hide. btw @Tentcell2 you need to talk
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 06:04:42
PW has a point, I read through the last game b4 signing up for mafia 11
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 06:10:29
jet wrote: PW has a point, I read through the last game b4 signing up for mafia 11
that is a point, a weak one though since miku was a bit uhh "new" to the rules of the game since she played kindergarten mafia. i'd probably keep it on the backburner for now before we snowball a vote. im curious on hearing @Tentcell2 though since he stayed nearly silent in game 10 also. -
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 06:13:12
true, true. But he wasn't mafia that time XD
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 06:14:53
I was also right in my prediction of the mafia and i was the only one correct. albeit a little late =(
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 06:18:19
jet wrote: true, true. But he wasn't mafia that time XD
oh wait im an idiot, pudels was the other mafia lol @PenwisH i was guessing it was you and strat lol =P so i was 50% right on the first day :3 -
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 06:34:30
I'm starting to suspect jaychou since he was suspecting people who don't talk, trying to lure the attention to those who didn't talk, it's at page 5 I think :/ just suspecting since he is a little over reacting here.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 06:34:47
first day is always a pointless finger pointing but it must be done. It is in favor of townies to ALWAYS find someone to lynch. Basic math says so.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 06:52:38
yea. i did bad last round, so i'm only redeeming myself. derp
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 06:52:39
i know lynching is a must since talking without lynching is pointless. @Abyss no if you look at page 4 i wrote, and i quote "still waiting for you guys, please talking within the next 21 hours or ill start suspecting lol" im not accusing them, i just want them to talk. like i said my strategy for winning this game is trying to get as much information as possible to lynch. 1st day does not have to be pointless fingerpointing if we can get a mafia to slip or overcommit
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 06:55:08
and for the record in case anyone is still confused i personally am not accusing anyone nor am i suspecting anyone until 24 hours in which there is no excuse not to say at least something since you will have time to sleep/eat/pee etc
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 07:13:37
my first suspicion was jaychou since he was a little bit too eager though he had played this game several times, but factoring in this is the 1st time he's participated in UPSB game, .... well I just don't know :boing: then Abyss ... I don't think he's a normal townie, but Idk if he's a mafia if there's someone I have to vote for LYNCHING, it's jaychou :rofl: just my mere feelinggggggggg
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 07:17:19
lol i won't blame you guys, i've been first lynched a lot when i was townie/mafia even doctor/cop so i guess i just act suspicious. @Elune i'm only eager cuz i love playing mafia. and i don't know when to shut up but if i get lynched first day, my advice ignore all the fear mongers, and don't vote until the last couple hours so your votes are educated instead of idiotic. fingerpointing doesn't have to be uneducated as long as you can get people to talk
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 14:52:51
VOTE : jaychou Answered exactly as mafia would to being accused.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 15:26:46
[B]VOTE : jaychou[/B] meh. First day is usually random gibberish lynching. and i'm sick of seeing that horrible signature lime green can't beat free becuz u definitely can beat free
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 17:14:35
Jaychou has been going crazy on this thread, and is kind of reminding me of a Froggy type of player, a person who talks and talks, and keeps the heat on others just to keep the heat off of themselves.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 18:43:24
[B]VOTE: jaychou[/B] he is kinda getting annoying with al the accusations
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 18:44:08
of all of us
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 19:27:22
go for it VOTE : jaychou as a pre-death, start investigating shoeman6 or penwish after i die. sure you may think this is a mafia shift suspicion but that'll be revealed after i die. those two are too quick to snowball on the vote.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 19:28:33
jaychou is at L-1 (one vote away from being lynched)
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 19:32:20
[B]Unvote: jaychou[/B]
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 19:33:17
if he's mafia he's got some balls, and it convinces me he's not. If he is, then that's a weird fucking strategy jaychou. I don't think jaychou is mafia.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 19:39:43
i've been trying to keep the game stable for as long as i can so that we don't get snowballing effects. as of right now i don't know what accusations i have said according to @Tentcell2 to say something though. penwish, voting off of you disliking a signature is idiotic and doesn't help townies. first day votes do not have to be random
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 19:41:56
@jaychouyou keep saying that you accuse all of us and its starting to annoy me because i think i have a private message when its just the same type of thing.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 19:53:10
I already did say something, and I'll say another thing. [B]Vote: jaychou[/B] The only real person who is sticking out like a sore thumb from all of this chatter seems to be you, and on the first day, any and everything that makes you stick out even a little generally isn't good.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 19:57:47
Well im not gonna unvote myself because i think i finally know at least one mafia. all other townies start looking into shadow sivics. that is all. and may the odds be ever in your favor.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 20:46:02
if my counting is correct, jaychou is still one away from being lynched.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 20:50:03
@jet yep and the only way i can get any convinction between my accusations is as a martyr, vote me then start looking to shadow sivics or tentcell2
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 21:34:46
i don't think jaychou is mafia, he was just trying to get out as much info as possible. that could be similar to how strat played last game though, so idk. i don't think he would just offer himself up like that.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 21:51:01
[B]VOTE: jet[/B] You never responded
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 22:03:56
jaychou, your not really defending yourself, do you have anything to say to make us change our minds?
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 22:05:31
jaychou is at L-1 jet is at L-4
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 22:20:07
[B]VOTE: Tentcell2[/B] his inactivity is a problem first off. second of all i don't think jaychou is mafia, and it could be just that tentcell is just trying to direct the attention to someone else.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 22:41:33
Well...jaychou could be mafia..."go for it VOTE : jaychou as a pre-death, start investigating shoeman6 or penwish after i die. sure you may think this is a mafia shift suspicion but that'll be revealed after i die. those two are too quick to snowball on the vote." he even voted for himself after people started wanting to lynch him. [B]VOTE: jaychou[/B] i also think abyss is suspicious. He started accusing the lurkers, which is a possible strategy of mafia. :dunno:
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 22:42:13
@shoeman6 respond to what?
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 23:19:34
jaychou has been lynched! Jet with the hammer! (@jaychou was a normal townie!
Townie: You are a normal townsperson, trying to make a living and survive this insanity.
It is now Night 1. If you have a Night Ability, PM me your action. Day 2 will begin when everyone has PM'd me their action, or after 48 hours.- [*]You have no abilities at Night other than getting a good night's rest.
[*]Although you do not have any special abilities, your voice and vote are powerful weapons in their own right. Use them to your best advantage!
[*]At no time may you privately communicate with any other player.
[*]You win when all the Mafia players are gone, whether you survive to the end or not.
Date: Mon, Mar 26 2012 01:19:17
Jaychou's deathrant:
oh young padawans the price i have paid for your folly. please make it so that i have not died in vain but so that the town can be free of scum. heed my words and look not at what people say about themselves but how they treat others. forewarned are those that lurk in the shadows and come out and strike only when the time is ripe. remember these words and we shall live in a glorious age of a pure and clean town, remember these words so that we may triumph. ~jay
@shadow sivics -
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 20:57:51
@shadow sivics
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 21:11:21
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG, what 2 do? jet, you still have not responded to my accusation, nor my vote lynch from last round, care to explain yourself?
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 21:16:27
now that jaychou and pw has died, i believe it's time to start suspecting everyone who voted from him.' jaychou himself is out of the question. jet? probably most suspicious atm shadow sivics? seems noobish and probably just hopped on the bandwagon pw is dead tentcell2 seems suspectable as well, and his inactivity isn't helping
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 21:25:58
Tentcell shadowsivics jet all voted to lynch jaychou Abyss and Elune both have been semi-inactive.. Abyss responded to early accusations by projecting the accusations to jaychou, which is suspicious, but he never vote lynched. Elune has been relatively inactive, making him a great target for lynching, so why wasn't he lynched? Could be mafia as well. Mafia took a risk in lynching PW as it gives us a lot of info to go off of, I was suspecting PW after the jaychou lynch, but he's obviously not mafia. Abyss is looking pretty suspicious, if jaychou would've un self voted after I did it'd be a lot easier to tell who is more likely to be mafia >.>.
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 21:27:43
if mafia had been apart of the lynchers, they wouldn't have lynched PW... that's the gut feeling I get.
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 21:28:31
because PW was the most outspoken and most suspicious after the first night, if I had been part of the lynching party i'd want him around still... to "cover my tracks"
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 21:28:52
I know I was a bit inactive on the first day of play, but that's because I felt a bit out of place to be talking about the hunger game's movie, which I thought was a bit off topic =/
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 23:00:38
@shoeman6 answer what? I went back to look for your post, but i can't find it. :dunno: I am not mafia.
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 23:01:31
And I still think Abyss is suspicious after his accusing of lurkers
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 23:13:04
jet wrote: And I still think Abyss is suspicious after his accusing of lurkers
Isit because I used you as an example? -
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 23:29:52
nah, that's one of the strategies of mafia, blaming the lurkers
Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 05:53:22
somehow I believed jaychou was the one, but soon after that I realized he's just a townie =.=" Damn it we've just lost a power role ... As for now, I suspect Abyss and / or shadow sivics most (preferably shadow sivics)
anyone here have halo reach fails? (gay question. i know)
He tried to talk naturally, adding that it was a 'gay question' ... He just wanted to blend in with some kind of trivial matters >.> and during the vote, he explained that he was annoyed by the accusations (well he accused you once only and it wasn't even his intention) -
Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 20:22:36
this is it? really? 14 hours and no post? cmon guys, let's get more active ._.
Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 20:28:06
elune is directing the attention towards shadow sivics, but imo he doesn't seem like mafia. it's almost obvious. i doubt zombo would pick a newbie as mafia, and the fact that shadow is even going offtopic shows how new to the game he is. he's innocent to me. i'm starting to suspect jet and elune. elune because he's trying to focus on other people rather than himself or jet and jet because he's against abyss, who elune is also suspecting, and jet also voted for jaychou. as for tentcell, still don't really know what to think? abyss, idk either, seems kinda suspicious but hasn't alligned with anyone so i kinda doubt it. shoeman? hmmm, would be more suspicious to me but can't really tell. @jet
Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 20:33:00
fuck, forgot i couldn't edit my post. all i did was mess up with the mentions. sorry =__=
Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 20:35:32
the only thing i see is that elune gave no reason for accusing abyss. i think he is inocent. i dont fully think elune is mafia bevause i dont have enough reasoning yet but so far i have leads to him.
Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 21:16:01
I'm thinking abyss
Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 21:25:50
@shoeman6 why
Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 22:39:07
shoeman6 wrote: I'm thinking abyss
And what makes you think so? -
Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 22:59:05
First day behavior, and the fact that PW was lynched. Some people have yet to post today though...
Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 23:07:21
give me a break, i had school and sleep XP I admit I made the wrong choice in lynching jaychou, but like I said before I'm not mafia. I think Abyss is suspicious because he accused lurkers, and he didn't vote.
Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 23:26:50
@jet iirc elune didn't vote either. what do you think of him? this further raises my suspicions between you two.
Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 23:34:51
Imo, im kinda edging toward elune, just for the fact that he is less active then even abyss, and not really defending himself.
Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 23:38:52
@Miku : it was because I didn't log on soon enough to join the vote, and I wouldn't vote either .... I didn't think jaychou was a mafia, and I was right I repeat, I'm not totally sure about anything (coz I don't have enough evidence), so I just suspect Suspicion may just be a feeling :rofl: [B]VOTE : Abyss[/B]
Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 23:40:45
okay okay, so got anything to say about jet? you kinda ignored my accusations about you and jet being alligned.
Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 23:41:06
What am I supposed to do to defend myself ? Staying online 24/7 ? Or just pop out and shout 'Hey I'm a Townie / Doc / Jailkeeper / Cop' ? It's up to you to think who I am, but I don't think I'm so suspected :rofl:
Date: Thu, Mar 29 2012 00:09:59
lol, i don't really mind the inactivity part, i don't expect you guys to be online 24/7 but you still haven't defended yourself. ignoring my comments about you and jet i see... got anything to say about it or what? you guys are even more suspicious than before.
Date: Thu, Mar 29 2012 00:38:09
true, i guess Elune could be Mafia too.
Date: Thu, Mar 29 2012 00:39:50
Miku wrote: lol, i don't really mind the inactivity part, i don't expect you guys to be online 24/7 but you still haven't defended yourself. ignoring my comments about you and jet i see... got anything to say about it or what? you guys are even more suspicious than before.
I'm not really sure what you mean by "we're aligned"...can you explain a bit more? -
Date: Thu, Mar 29 2012 02:46:54
ohhh since we both voted jaychou and suspected abyss? Well...if we were mafia, we'd want to distance ourselves apart, right? If I were mafia, I'd have one person vote for the townie, then have another not vote/random vote
Date: Thu, Mar 29 2012 05:02:33
lol, i don't really mind the inactivity part, i don't expect you guys to be online 24/7
so on what did you base to accuse me ? -
Date: Thu, Mar 29 2012 17:00:01
48 hours remaining. Current vote count: Abyss: 1 (Elune)
Date: Thu, Mar 29 2012 17:02:30
Date: Thu, Mar 29 2012 23:13:48
Elune wrote: @Miku : it was because I didn't log on soon enough to join the vote, and I wouldn't vote either .... I didn't think jaychou was a mafia, and I was right I repeat, I'm not totally sure about anything (coz I don't have enough evidence), so I just suspect Suspicion may just be a feeling :rofl: [B]VOTE : Abyss[/B]
So you are saying ur voting for me because u are suspecting me? Can you tell me why? You still have 48 hours before u made that vote, arnt you a little desperate in voting for me? And the reason for voting me is "suspicion" I really dont think that this is a valid excuse to cast your vote on me. -
Date: Fri, Mar 30 2012 05:41:12
I have a strange feeling about you, lol idk if it's right anyway nobody wants to talk :rofl: so some randomness may be fine ok so tell me why shouldn't I suspect you ?
Date: Fri, Mar 30 2012 06:45:48
IDK who to vote for D:
Date: Fri, Mar 30 2012 13:29:26
If we keep on staying silent like this we will be eliminated one by one each night :rofl:
Date: Fri, Mar 30 2012 14:59:38
Elune wrote: I have a strange feeling about you, lol idk if it's right anyway nobody wants to talk :rofl: so some randomness may be fine ok so tell me why shouldn't I suspect you ?
Hmm so you are just lynching people on random, seriously this will not help us win the game. We need a plan to make the mafia come out -
Date: Fri, Mar 30 2012 16:20:26
I don't like mafiaso
Date: Fri, Mar 30 2012 22:00:13
if we keep this silence up we won't ever me able to tell who mafia is .___. @shadow sivics you guys need to talk more everyone keep talking more please :facepalm:
Date: Sat, Mar 31 2012 04:50:58
24 hours remaining
Date: Sat, Mar 31 2012 16:05:07
well we need to lynch somebody...
Date: Sat, Mar 31 2012 18:52:28
I truly dont know who to vote for =/
Date: Sat, Mar 31 2012 20:58:15
@Miku i coulnt talk because my ipads battery leaked so i had to get my dad to clean it and replace the battery. And it reset all my stuff afterward. It completely sucked
Date: Sat, Mar 31 2012 21:00:56
[B]VOTE: jet[/B] elune is next on my list, both of them ignored my comments regarding their alignment they barely suspected each other and everyone else is pretty independent. @jet start talking please
Date: Sat, Mar 31 2012 21:29:51
I've decided and my vote will be cast [B]Vote: Miku[/B] It just seems to me that your putting people on the spot to talk. If you want others to talk, then pose a question, and ask for peoples input. It seems like your just trying to stay active just so people don't think your mafia, leading me to think the opposite.
Date: Sat, Mar 31 2012 21:33:12
Vote count: Abyss: 1 (Elune) jet: 1 (Miku) Miku: 1 (Tentcell)
Date: Sat, Mar 31 2012 21:39:16
Just a question, what if voting results in a tie?
Date: Sat, Mar 31 2012 21:40:55
If there's not >50% voting (4 votes) for the same person, then the day ends with no lynch. So even if the vote ends like 3-1, that's a no lynch for the day.
Date: Sat, Mar 31 2012 21:41:28
Ahh alright.
Date: Sun, Apr 1 2012 02:01:33
[B]Vote: jet[/B] I don't have a good feeling about you, still unsure about abyss/elune though.
Date: Sun, Apr 1 2012 02:28:23
@shoeman6 I tagged you in post #106, but you never responded either. O_o What's going on here? Miku you're starting to make me suspicious.....
Date: Sun, Apr 1 2012 02:51:02
Date: Sun, Apr 1 2012 02:52:07
I don't think jet is a mafia ... inactivity is not an excuse whatsoever >.> well, @Miku : I asked you that on what did you base to accuse me, and you haven't answered me ?
Date: Sun, Apr 1 2012 02:59:02
I notice that Miku is on UPSB, but she has not replied to anything, and she isn't on this thread either. She has at least 3 notifications.....
Date: Sun, Apr 1 2012 03:04:27
i don't think Miku is mafia, could be wrong though *shrug* never trust a woman.
Date: Sun, Apr 1 2012 03:42:55
Elune wrote: well, @Miku : I asked you that on what did you base to accuse me, and you haven't answered me ?
both of you ignored me at first when i suspected both of you were mafia ._. sorry, i didn't realize. -
Date: Sun, Apr 1 2012 03:43:29
*didn't see the notifications
Date: Sun, Apr 1 2012 03:44:20
jet wrote: @shoeman6 I tagged you in post #106, but you never responded either. O_o What's going on here? Miku you're starting to make me suspicious.....
i'm saying that you didn't respond to me in the first place >_> your response was late after i had already asked you about several times, iirc -
Date: Sun, Apr 1 2012 04:35:11
Miku wrote: i'm saying that you didn't respond to me in the first place >_> your response was late after i had already asked you about several times, iirc
Where? -
Date: Sun, Apr 1 2012 04:37:06
check the previous posts -.-
Date: Sun, Apr 1 2012 04:46:56
Miku wrote: @jet iirc elune didn't vote either. what do you think of him? this further raises my suspicions between you two.
oh you mean this? I don't think Elune is mafia. He IS being random and not making sense, but his posts have been pretty consistent and he hasn't contradicted himself or anything....:? I just think he is less suspicious than Abyss -
Date: Sun, Apr 1 2012 10:43:24
If I have to vote, it would b tentcell since even if he is not mafia, his inactiveness have not helped us much at all. Thus VOTE: tentcell
Date: Sun, Apr 1 2012 10:44:51
Oh dang forgot to bold it :facepalm: [B]VOTE:tentcell[/B]
Date: Sun, Apr 1 2012 14:47:32
Day 2 has ended with no lynch. If you have a night action, PM it to me within 48 hours, or the night will end without you taking action.
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 11:45:42
@Elune has died! Elune was the jailkeeper. Day 3 starts now
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 11:46:59
@shadow sivics
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 12:56:15
:facepalm: looks like my suspicions were wrong. i don't think there's any point in suspecting jet anymore, he seems unlikely to me now since elune has died. now i'm starting to suspect shoeman6 and abyss, iirc they haven't said much regarding each other being mafia, they seem like they could both be suspecting others just to direct the attention away from themselves. don't really know what to think of tentcell because he isn't so active this game is failing, lol
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 15:49:42
ikr, we gotta lynch the right person now. six of us left with two mafia, if we lynch wrong, we're screwed. I still say abyss is mafia...
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 16:23:45
I thought abyss was mafia as well. if we assume jet is not mafia, that would leave shadow and tent as his accomplice
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 20:23:07
hmm...i don't think shadow is mafia, he's too noobish. i don't think jet is mafia either, so...i'd say tentcell or abyss is partners with shoe? the fact that we talk so little isn't helping. ._.
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 20:33:37
Well, I'm not mafia, just a townie, I think abyss would be our best bet.
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 21:27:49
But miku can't speak for herself as not being a mafia, she could easily be one, playing the question asking "townie" who keeps the pressure on others to keep it off of herself.
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 22:48:25
all i'm doing is trying to get as much info as possible so that us townies can win. now's not the time to suspect me since the ratio of townies to mafia is 1/3 now.
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 22:51:33
Wut? So if I can't suspect you why can you suspect me?
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 23:01:34
got a point, your activeness now is certainly helping. guess i can't really say anything against it :dunno: i really am just a townie, go ahead and suspect me but if i'm lynched you'll only discover that you suspected the wrong person. got anything to say to prove you're not mafia?
Date: Thu, Apr 5 2012 23:31:12
Well, if I was mafia, wouldn't I just kinda keep under wraps and vote with the majority? I haven't really been doing too much of that, I am only a simple townie. There isn't really a way I can prove that I am not a mafia, but neither does anyone.
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 01:41:56
sounds good to me. still have a few suspicions, but meh, we need more talking. @shadow sivics talk? don't know if you've been on yet, but if you have, please talk^^
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 02:32:12
Well I would like to talk but seriously, what is there to talk about? :/
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 02:51:15
[B]Vote Lynch: Abyss[/B]
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 03:08:50
@Miku sorry. I had family stuff and friend issues. Kinda stayed away from internet for a while
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 03:11:00
meh, idk. i'd vote abyss but i don't know who he'd be partners with :/ it's okay shadow.
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 03:21:36
shoeman6 wrote: [B]Vote Lynch: Abyss[/B]
Why u jumping to conclusions? -
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 03:42:26
I don't believe that Tentcell is mafia. Miku SEEMS like an innocent townie wanting to talk, but who knows? :dunno: I'd like to agree with shoeman6 about Abyss, but
I guess I'll wait to decide.
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 03:47:12
I'm not mafia, and abyss I'm not jumping we've thought you might be mafia for a while now.
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 03:49:15
LOLOL JET. yea, what is shoe is mafia? meh...i really don't know .___.
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 03:52:04
Miku....did you just change your gender, or have I been hallucinating? O_O
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 05:02:22
I'm not mafia.
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 12:43:30
i did change my gender, but that's not relevant LOL
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 15:14:20
I'll wait a bit longer, but this vote I may have to cast with the majority to get anything done =/
Date: Fri, Apr 6 2012 21:25:33
I will be gone for about a day and a little bit, so [B]Vote: Abyss[/B] I'll change it when i'm back if I feel otherwise
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 00:41:13
hmmm, still don't know who to vote for sure ._. abyss hasn't said anything for day 3 yet so i'll wait till he talks.
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 16:09:55
@Abyss anything to say?
Date: Sat, Apr 7 2012 17:47:20
cmon abyss ><
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 03:19:21
I'm back. @Abyss
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 04:35:44
@Abyss if you haven't said anything by tomorrow, my vote is for you.
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 17:12:55
[B]Vote: Abyss[/B] Not responding, when you have been active, isn't helping anything...
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 18:53:36
Abyss is L-1.
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 18:54:56
[B]VOTE: Abyss[/B]
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 18:58:22
@Miku with the hammer. Abyss was the Mafia Role Cop. Night will last 48 hours or until all night roles send me a PM, whichever happens first.
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 01:11:27
Night 3 has ended. @jet got killed by the mafia. Day 4 starts now.
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 01:12:08
@shadow sivics
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 01:18:54
okay, i really don't know who would be abyss' partner. i didn't think it'd be shadow because he's noobish, but tentcell and shoe seem unlikely to me. :dunno:
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 01:49:22
it's shadow.
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 01:50:53
[B]Vote: Shadowsivics[/B]
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 01:52:50
Btw, if it's tentcell, good job.
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 01:58:17
shadow, all his posts are excuses for being afk + he voted for jaychou,
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 02:23:14
I think it is this person [B]Vote: Shoeman6[/B] Just for jumping on Shadow like that, even though he's been afk for a while, give him a chance to defend himself, that was just way too quick of a decision for me, almost like how strat did it last game...
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 02:25:02
@shadow sivics I know your on right now, your using the shoutbox...
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 02:30:57
Shadowsivics is L-1 right now
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 02:34:21
[B]Vote: Shoeman6[/B] he has been jumping to conclusions a lot.
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 02:34:28
@Tentcell, it's most certainly shadowsivics, read the posts yourself.
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 02:34:50
My conclusion about abyss was correct.
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 02:38:29
shadow didn't vote for abyss. [B]VOTE: shadow sivics[/B]
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 02:38:44
@Tentcell You realize shadow has been afk this whole game, and comes back at the end just to vote for me.
Date: Mon, Apr 9 2012 02:42:55
@shadow sivics has been lynched! He was mafia goon!! Town wins!!