Regular Pen Discussion / Reynolds 094 Cap sub?
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 14:33:07
I think I've found some reynolds 094 cap subs. I haven't had the chance to test them out yet since they're $2.50 a pop in this store but I'll get around to it soon. They come in a variety of colors.
Clear and black caps. Notice how they have the same type of grooves on the top of the cap like reynolds do.
The barrel of the pens seem to be around the thickness of a super pirat or super tip. I'll test that out also and see if they can fit snugly onto a comssa barrel. HGG tips were unable to find into the top groove of the cap. I may have a signo dx tip I can use to test unless someone can tell me how I can remove the signo tips from my waterfall mod. Dr Grip grips may or may not fit onto the cap easily, I'm leaning towards no. I also noticed that there is a comssa-like obtrusion from the side of the cap.
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 14:47:22
interesting maybe you can use it to sub ct/kt/ac? since they'r discontinued now. what's the name of the marker?
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 14:50:50
They're called Tombo Dual Brush Pens
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 15:05:20
Tombow mods yo.
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 15:19:08
is that tombow abt? if it is i highly doubt if it can be a sub. it doesnt look like reynolds cap at all.
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 15:39:40
I've used to stick Signo tips inside Tombow caps. Which makes them feel like an oversized ComSsa. Quite cool mod, but nope, the caps should be more KT- than 094-like.
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 19:52:03
Ah tombow, we're getting into Swifter territory here. As for reynolds subs, you should suggest to modrod the reynolds with color variations as the key as that would make an excellent product.