Forum Games / A Pic, A Day, A Sight
Date: Wed, Jul 28 2010 05:54:45
If you see something and "point and shoot" or find an old photo- post it. IRL please. (more rules in spoiler below) Try to keep it at 1 A DAY, 2-3 max in 24 hrs because of time zone difficulties. -this means, only 1 person can post 1 that day, but up to 3 can post in that 24 hr period if they are in different time zones.
This one should be easy cause I just took random stuff and put it together. You can probably find one or two of these things. [SPOILER="basic game rules"] Photography based (essentially) It either has to "beat" the previous pic or have something "related to the previous pic." (color, object, anything) If it's a "just for fun" pic you would like to post towards the game, that does not abide by the game objective, then say so. I might even do that myself too. If you would like/have other rules in mind, let me know. [/SPOILER] [SPOILER="where did you get this? why?"]I got the idea from those "pics everyday" feeds/threads/cites. There's also a random piano book I saw called "A Line, A Day, A Sight" It's just to lighten ourselves up! imo, it's nice to see a new picture a day, for it's worth a 1000 new words :thumb:[/SPOILER] comments are welcome, although it is a game mostly of pics. We know it WILL need comments when the time comes. :rofl:
Date: Wed, Jul 28 2010 07:34:11
Date: Wed, Jul 28 2010 19:33:44
dude, that looks disgusting. i thought you butcherd a pussy or something
Date: Wed, Jul 28 2010 19:41:08
yes because a drink with ice looks like a pussy O_o