Forum Games / [PKMNRPG] Profile Registration Series 1 SUBMITTED
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 01:44:42
First we need to set up the trainer and to do that I need you to set up and submit a profile in this thread with the following So please Post your desired trainer name Sex Desired Region To begin travels first (You can choose the region I will create called Panmorphgea, this will include all 647 pokemon and more gyms and activities etc) (pokemon will mainly be region specific, but there will be some pokemon from other regions available in a different region mainly kanto and johto) Unova will have its own pokemon. Update for the new region your allowed to choose ANY started from ANY region, evee, pikachu or one of the 3 monkey pokemon (panpour, pansage and pansear) Desired starter of that region or Pikachu or evee (All starters start at level 5) Gender of Pokemon GENDER OF POKEMON AND PLAYER CAN AFFECT THE GAME SLIGHTLY! (example:gifts and other stuff) Also answer the following question: Are you willing to travel with another trainer on UPSB in the same adventure? (Yes/No/Maybe) Also you can edit but at your final decision please say FINALIZED AND LOCKED IN any changes after that will not be counted and profiles with out those 4 words will NOT BE ACCEPTED I will gather all the profiles and sort them into regions and trainer adventures. If u want to travel with another trainer on UPSB then you must find another trainer and both of you must agree. One adventure can only have a maximum of 3 trainers. I will have to confirm this myself as well. There will be non playable character trainers that will tag along. So please submit your profiles. The first 5 people will receive a small gift that will not give an a edge to fellow players. When all profiles have been submitted. I will begin sorting. Note: If u want to play this game but you have not registered in the 1st 21, you must wait until all adventures have started. SO please bear with me and a new sign up page will be posted at that time. Note 2: You dictate your adventure, so the more active your adventure be, the more further into the story and more developed your trainer and the adventure will be. You will need commitment Note 3: If you want to cancel ur registration for any reason whether your busy, not interested anymore or can not commit then do so now by leaving a post in this thread, stating I would like to cancel my registration. The spots emptied can be substituted ONLY after I receive all the confirmed players profiles. You also may cancel the game by quitting during the game, leaving a post say I would like to end my adventure here in your own adventure thread when I make one for you. You guys have until April 11th to submit your profiles. Thanks
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 01:59:26
i put you as game host so its easier to manager ur thread.
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 02:02:14
Zombo wrote: i put you as game host so its easier to manager ur thread.
sweet thanks Updated first post. YOu can now choose pikachu or evee as a starter as well, added finalized rule for making profiles -
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 02:02:32
LMFAOcheeseburger boy kanto ill travel with another trainer a girl pikachu finalized and locked in
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 02:11:50
Iamawesome boy johto boy pikachu yes [B]Finalized and locked in[/B]
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 02:13:07
please finalize your profiles when you are 100% percent sure by adding FINALIZED AND LOCKED IN
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 02:15:37
Bubble_Pop Girl Kanto Pikachu Boy Yes Finalized and locked in ;) Yayayayayayay!!! So what are my sign up gift and first five gift??? :P
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 02:19:04
gifts will b e given when the game starts and I have updated first post with gender of pokemon and player can affect the game, but slightly, such as the gift you recieve. @Vaan your finalized entry time is Last edited by Vaan; 2 Minutes Ago at 10:24 PM.
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 02:34:16
me and @yoppi000 want to team up for our adventure!
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 02:36:25
I agree to ^^^^^ good luck buddy!!!
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 02:37:38
Jasmine Girl Johto Eevee, female. Maybe. Finalized and locked in.
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 02:38:39
Cafeine boy Hoenn boy Torchic Yes finalized and locked in. and thx Raos :D
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 02:42:50
coffeelucky wrote: Cafeine boy Hoenn boy Torchic Yes Finalized and locked in
please read note 3 dont worry, you might have a chance when someone cancels, but I will put you on the waiting list EDIT: you are IN but you will not receive a gift for signing up in the 1st 21. But you will receive a gift for submitting for the first 5, but you will not count as one of the 5. So the next 2 ppl can still get a gift -
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 02:46:27
wtf is wrong with you guys......
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 02:49:33
@VikroaL O_________________o Post your desired trainer name: [B]Gio[/B] (real name lolz) Sex: [B]M[/B] Desired Region To begin travels first: [B]Sinnoh[/B] Desired starter of that region or Pikachu or evee: [B]Piplup [/B] Gender of Pokemon: [B]M[/B] Also answer the following question: Are you willing to travel with another trainer on UPSB in the same adventure? (Yes/No/[B]Maybe[/B]) edit: finalised and locked in
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 02:53:44
AoD1 wrote: wtf is wrong with you guys......
I missed the sign up thread and skip into this thread. sorry to make you confused. -
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 03:04:22
ALso, you can join the pokemon fan club group on UPSB, players who do will get a gift as well. A premier ball will be awarded (Sprite test
) Edit: Van is out, there will be one spot left People who joined the club Chobi
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 03:26:26
Trainer name: [B]Marc O.[/B] Sex: [B]Male[/B] Desired Region To begin travels first: [B]Panmorphge[/B] Desired starter: [B]Eevee [/B] Gender of Pokemon: [B]Male[/B] Also answer the following question: Are you willing to travel with another trainer on UPSB in the same adventure? [B]Yes[/B] Locked in
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 03:42:46
K the gifts for the 1st 5 submitted is now ended the next 5 will receive another but less important
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 04:24:27
Trainer Name: Gash Sex: Male Desired Region: Kanto Desired Starter: Charmander Gender of Pokemon: Male Are you willing to travel with another trainer: Yes (I don't really mind). Finalised and locked in.
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 06:00:02
Name: Eazy Sex : Male Region: Kanto Pokemon: Male Pikachu Willing to travel with another trainer on UPSB in the same adventure (YES) [B]Finalized and locked in[/B]
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 10:34:14
ZappyJ Male Kanto pikachu male want to travel with other player :) [B]FINALIZED & LOCKED IN[/B]
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 12:38:50
Juggalo Male Kanto charmander male want to travel with other player: No. FINALIZED AND LOCKED IN
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 13:20:08
Abyss Male Johto Eevee female Travel with other player? Yes FINALIZED AND LOCKED IN
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 13:29:59
@ZappyJ^ This ur finalization time Last edited by ZappyJ^; 2 Hours Ago at 06:48 AM. Reason: add some info
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 13:39:58
@Chobi What's wrong?:P Too much penises playing, I want to add a little bit of spice ^_^ (Plus I was drinking jasmine tea and I thought it was a good idea :x)
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 15:51:29
Traine name: Fiona Sex: Female Desired Region To begin travels first: Kanto Desired starter of that region: Pikachu Gender of Pokemon: Female Are you willing to travel with another trainer on UPSB in the same adventure? (Yes/[B]No[/B]/Maybe) [B]Finalized and locked in.[/B]
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 20:21:41
Name: Red Sex: Boy Region: Kanto Starter: Boy Eevee Sure, I'll travel with another trainer. FINALIZED AND LOCKED IN
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 20:27:36
Darealone Boy Hoenn Region Mudkip-Male Yea I'll travel with another trainer. [B]FINALIZED AND LOCKED IN[/B]
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 20:57:01
@yoppi000 shall we travel with supergirl if she wants?
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 22:13:42
@Raos So do we start on April 11th?
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 23:41:01
I have no idea what im doing but oh well! NAME: Midniteferret GENDER: Male REGION: Orre (if that is not a playable region then hoenn POKEMON: Female evee Yes I would like to travel with other trainers FINALIZED AND LOCKED IN
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 00:17:33
[QUOTE=Darealone;184925]@Elune Just a reminder All players before supergirl will recieve a prize. (Different from the first 5 and the 2nd five)
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 00:22:53
Dj Male Desired Region: Unova Desired starter: Eevee Female Are you willing to travel with another trainer on UPSB in the same adventure? Maybe Locked in. @Raos
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 00:22:53
@Supergirl lets travel together with love! XD
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 00:23:45
1.@shadow sivics Registered Updated first post, ADDED A NEW REGION THAT IS CUSTOM MADE BY ME. Playes can mention me in the post they submitted their profile and write I would like to travel in Panmorphgea. To request to switch to my custom region Panmorphgea which includes all pokemon and have more activities etc.
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 00:26:31
[QUOTE=DJSpin;184961]Dj Male Desired Region: Unova Desired starter: Eevee Female Are you willing to travel with another trainer on UPSB in the same adventure? Maybe Locked in. @DJSpin so you want to travel in my custom region?
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 01:43:15
@Raos umm..idk.. i wanted Unova T.T
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 01:44:36
DJSpin wrote: @Raos umm..idk.. i wanted Unova T.T
you dont have too -
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 01:56:26
oh, then please Unova. :D thanks.
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 03:15:23
Update for the new region your allowed to choose ANY started from ANY region, evee, pikachu or one of the 3 monkey pokemon (panpour, pansage and pansear)
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 13:32:24
Trainer Name : Seraph Gender : Male Region : Hoenn Starter : Blaziken (F) - MAYBE - FINALIZED & LOCKED IN
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 15:45:08
Vaan wrote: @Supergirl lets travel together with love! XD
You sure? Cool, lets do it! Edit: I'm travelling on my own now. -
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 18:15:11
Elune wrote: Trainer Name : Seraph Gender : Male Region : Hoenn Starter : Blaziken (F) - MAYBE - FINALIZED & LOCKED IN
its torchic lol also your finalized time is Last edited by Elune; 4 Hours Ago at 09:35 AM. -
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 19:01:04
@Raos If I don't have "finalised and locked in" posted/edited on my profile registration, whatever is on there will still be used for the RPG right?
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 19:03:41
Supergirl wrote: @Raos If I don't have "finalised and locked in" posted/edited on my profile registration, whatever is on there will still be used for the RPG right?
no -
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 19:05:09
Alright, I better remember to edit my post then lol.
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 19:20:05
Trainer Name: Xephoria Sex: Female Region: Sinnoh Starter: Turtwig Female I would like to travel with another player. Finalized and locked in.
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 23:23:30
Supergirl wrote: You sure? Cool, lets do it!
you have to play within the same region -
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 23:41:04
@Raos i saw that im the only trainer in Unova, so could i switch to Hoenn please? T.T i dont wanna be alone in the world. I'd appreciate it. ty.
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 23:45:44
DJSpin wrote: @Raos i saw that im the only trainer in Unova, so could i switch to Hoenn please? T.T i dont wanna be alone in the world. I'd appreciate it. ty.
ok then -
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 23:55:33
I have decided to DQ Ichigo due to his unactiveness.. the games will stat on the weekends, but not all.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 14:23:51
@Raos I didn't realise that we had to submit the age of our trainer, I want mine to be 16 please.
Date: Sun, Mar 25 2012 17:57:48
Van male kanto picachu(nick name pika) male sprite:
sprite @Raos