Trading / Buying / Owumaro
Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 16:11:57
Hi, I'm Owumaro from France. I did a lot of trades 3 or 4 years ago, then stopped pen spinning, and now I want to finish my collection. I have +24 on old FPSB whitelist and +5 on UPSB v3 feedback. I only want trades and I won't trade without pictures of what I want. I prefer big trades so don't ask for 1 M&M vs 1 PDS comssa. Nevertheless I can make an exception for the top items. [B]I WANT :[/B] 5 black beifa grips x F-3000 (1 with red & blue caps would be perfect) 1 kUzu G3 mod 1 key3 G3 mod (original colors) 1 PDS comssa v11 pentrick 1 PDS comssa v13 red vs blue 1 of each PDS comssa v14->v18 1 white PDS pencase (small one) 2 synetic brand (caps for Syn nextex/doraemonex) 1 each Cartoon comssa that I don't already have (I have miffy, chicken) Possibly want : some dr.grip tips 1 clean saizen G3 mod PDS outserts (stickers) Any beautiful mod And maybe... : PSAJ RSVP Bonkura PenZ Gear UPSB RSVP (RSVP razzle dazzle red version) Rare CTs, Person's, Watercolor Aqua comssa body Monami Plus Pen 3000 (rare colors) [B]I HAVE :[/B] [SPOILER="Pens"]
[/SPOILER] 1 G2 dark body 1 bic round stic 2 monami 153 blue 1 staples metrix 5 RSVP moonz (2 green, 2 dark blue, 1 purple) 3 RSVP colors (1 orange, 2 purples, one of them has the clip cut) 1 white HGG + white sunburst 2 playcolor2 (1gray, 1 skyblue) 2 bellcolor DC (1 red, 1 brown) 1 bellcolor (pink, there's a hole at the tip of the cap) 4 old comssa with black body 3 white comssa from penwish 1 cartoon comssa body (miffy) 2 colortwin (1 blue, 1 purple) 1 brown M&M 1 DC M&M (gray CT caps, body is rubbed) 2 artcolor (1 pink, 1 skyblue) [SPOILER="Zoom on pens"]
[/SPOILER] 1 RSVP colors MX (pink) 2 RSVP MX^2 (1 from stevieboy7 and 1 ugly.. Can give the yellow sunburst body alone if you want) 3 sunburst MX 5 PDS comssa v8 (tips are fake HGG) 1 ballsign bictory 1 ballsign mod 1 grip aviaire (plastic tips) 1 playcolor2 mod (made with small colortwin caps) 1 PenZ Gear [SPOILER="Zoom on mods"]
[/SPOILER] [SPOILER="Caps & bodies"]
[/SPOILER] Comssa caps Bellcolor bodies Colortwin bodies (15 with small DC,12 without caps) Ballsign body Rushon bodies Monami memory-S body [SPOILER="Sailor/beifa grips"]
[/SPOILER] 8 color beifas (2 of the pink ones have a little cut on the top ring) 10 penwish sailors (5 black, 1 orange, 2 clear, 1 pink, 1 skyblue) 2 real sailors (1 skyblue, 1 gray) Sailor rings... [SPOILER="Anyball & other grips"]
[/SPOILER] 18 anyball grips (2 black, 3 gray, 4 purple, 1 blue, 3 skyblue, 3 green, 1 orange, 1 red) Anyball grip sections 1 black HGG grip 1 red RSVP grip White signo sections 2 airfit grips Dr.grip grip sections 2 fake G2 (blue) 7 dr.grip rings Thanks !