Pen Modifications / Pirat waterfall VS Comssa waterfall

  1. Dimension
    Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 00:28:01

    So I was just wondering you guys thoughts on the two different bodies for a waterfall mod... I prefer the pirat body by a lot the feel, length, thickness, is perfect although that might just be because I'm used to it. I swapped to a comssa body the other day and it seemed to thin and long haha I didn't like it. So does anyone prefer the Comssa body and if so why?B)

  2. shoeman6
    Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 00:43:12

    I prefer Pirat, Comssa is a bit too long.

  3. Rudra
    Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 01:03:42

    Pirat 100%. I love the body. I have both and prefer the original waterfall.

  4. Fender
    Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 01:18:51

    Pirat, the comssa body is way too long

  5. Fuse
    Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 01:30:06

    Comssa body; I like longer mods

  6. Raos
    Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 02:05:24

    Pirat body, waterfall is long enough. COmssa is more slippery and the caps crack more often. verall pirat body feels way nicer and it spins more like sex :O

  7. Reason
    Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 02:37:25

    seriously? did i not just ask this in shoutbox like 2 hours ago? :facepalm: or did you make this just for me? :D but really, thanks for making this... like i said in shoutbox, the reynolds caps do not hold up well to being kicked at a reflex... but i have had several comssa caps break under foot before... but i was more devastated at the waterfall...still have bad dreams about that O.O

  8. midniteferret
    Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 03:30:59

    pirat for right out of the box feel, comssa if you spin it for a couple months first

  9. Lucid
    Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 03:50:51

    I think you should have one of each. The comssa is a amzing if you want a longer mod while pirat is better feel. Also pirat is better for having sailor grips on it for a spin illusion imo

  10. Nachoaddict
    Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 04:48:11

    Please ask for comparisons in this thread: