Reports / Reported Post by Saurkk
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 21:02:24
Saurkk has reported a post. Reason:
2 kids fightin' for nothing...
Post: Single-Sided Non-Retractable the EDGE mod (UPDATED HQ PHOTOS) Forum: Tutorials Pending Approval Assigned Moderators: N/A Posted by: eurocracy Original Content:drgripable wrote: no they teach me real things in school. If your school teaches other things like don't use the argument "Umadbro" which is a statement by the way, then that's YOUR problem. But why ARE you so mad anyways? I seriously want to know. What incited this downpour of your fury here? It all started when i responded to the posts about HQ vs HD, and i was referring to GEEGEEGEE's post, not yours. So, if you want to continue this little internet argument, thats fine with me, but seriously? this is a forum. i'm here becaue i love penspinning, not to deal with this bull.
You should look up something called sarcasm, it would help when reading what I wrote. The "Umadbro" paradox is an internet originated fallacy actually, but not that you'd care. I pointed out that GeeGeeGee was right and that YOU need to read and you immediately decide to chime in with post count. Plus, you're looking rather defensive now. -
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 21:49:01
Taken care of