Off-topic / STARCRAFT II
Date: Tue, Jul 27 2010 01:46:58
Comes out tonight. I've been playing this game for 13 years [1997] and now I'm going to have a heart attack. I am so pumped for midnight release. /caps lock
Date: Tue, Jul 27 2010 04:11:58
Zomg, I'm so happy for it! I've been playing starcraft for a long time too. I started when I was 5 years old. lol
Date: Tue, Jul 27 2010 07:56:02
good god brb life 5 days
Date: Tue, Jul 27 2010 11:23:53
pre-ordered the game, but leaving today for europe so doesnt really matter lulz
Date: Tue, Jul 27 2010 11:32:18
Played the beta and got the game this morning :D So happy to play it again, right now its downloading the patch. I will edit my ingame nick into this post so you guys can add me and maybe we can play a few matches against each other.
Date: Fri, Jul 30 2010 01:09:59
Date: Fri, Jul 30 2010 03:31:50
I didn't know that the name you create at the beginning would be your permanent online name xD, so my ingame name is "Kevin"
Date: Sat, Jul 31 2010 08:21:48
the graphics are pretty amazing... but i hear the game itself is kinda imcomplete? and it only got 3 stars on amazon...
Date: Sat, Jul 31 2010 08:48:35
96.40% on gamerankings reviews from my friends make me believe this game is quite awesome
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 08:25:52
i love it !
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 21:06:11
Citadel is better xD
Date: Sun, Aug 8 2010 22:25:08
nexus wars is fuuuun. too bad its 12 FUCKING GIGS HOLY SHIT. i have to buy an external hardrive to play it at my moms house =[ good game tho
Date: Sun, Aug 8 2010 23:47:45
Koksi wrote: Citadel is better xD
Du sagst es! xD oh, uhm ... "You said it!"? ... maybe ^_^' -
Date: Sun, Aug 8 2010 23:49:56
^ I like this post.
Date: Mon, Aug 9 2010 18:18:12
guys, add me "Kevin" ID: 1873
Date: Mon, Aug 9 2010 18:54:58
where can i download starcraft 2??! it looks good!
Date: Mon, Aug 9 2010 19:03:28
umm. you have to buy it.
Date: Wed, Aug 11 2010 09:28:09
add me. im TekkenKrash(dont ask). btw does sc2 take a beast comp to run? i have a quad core asus computer, and even on low, it decreases fps when there gets to a be 30ish units =/
Date: Wed, Aug 11 2010 09:49:39
isn't blizzard known for making games that didn't need a beast of a computer? :dunno: anyways i'm tempted to buy this game, ugh but i don't want to dish out 60 bucks for it -__-
Date: Sun, Aug 15 2010 21:26:50
anyone care to share builds? im currently trying to get a 3 rax > starport+factory.
Date: Mon, Aug 16 2010 00:57:52
boshi wrote: anyone care to share builds? im currently trying to get a 3 rax > starport+factory.
It depends on what you play against. If you play against Protoss 3 barracks is a pretty good plan for getting some quick marauders against them, which they are quite weak against. Against Zerg I would prefer some quick factories (1 barracks + 2-3 factories + tech lab for that hellion upgrade) to get hellions to take out any zergling rushes or harassing the opponent by killing drones. -
Date: Mon, Aug 16 2010 23:17:37
My usual build if I play as Protoss. Not really the exact numbers, just an estimate. And yes, I rush :O 9/10 Pylon 13/18 Gateway 14/18 Assimilator 15/18 Assimilator 17/18 Cybernetics Core 18/18 Pylon 19/26 Zealot 21/26 Gateway 22/26 Warp Gate Research 24/26 Stalker 26/26 Stargate 26/26 Pylon 26/34 Gateway 26/34 Gateway 27/34 Void Ray 30/34 Stargate 30/34 Pylon 31/42 Void Ray 34/42 Stalker 37/42 Void Ray *usually ends around here*
Date: Sat, Aug 21 2010 21:26:57
:D you can´t plan your game until you got around 40 supply. Starcraft 2 is an extremely fast game in which its important that you are able adapt to your opponent´s strategy. for example I could just play a few vikings + tanks against Loanshark. The factory allows me to harras him with helions so I delay his whole bo and then I can start producing vikings. His void rays will be useless and my tanks + a few marines and marauders would kill his ground army pretty easily. In this situation you could just change your build to, for example , phoenixes. You are able to lift off the tanks and to kill the vikings too. All I want to show you that you can´t plan your game, you can start with a normal buildorder but around 25 supply you have to adapt to the situation I always play 14 pool 14 gas and fe around 21. sry for my english tibi
Date: Sat, Aug 21 2010 22:59:43
I'd like to play people so add me. Username: Lanaro ID: 568
Date: Sat, Aug 21 2010 23:33:14
tibi wrote: :D you can´t plan your game until you got around 40 supply. Starcraft 2 is an extremely fast game in which its important that you are able adapt to your opponent´s strategy. for example I could just play a few vikings + tanks against Loanshark. The factory allows me to harras him with helions so I delay his whole bo and then I can start producing vikings. His void rays will be useless and my tanks + a few marines and marauders would kill his ground army pretty easily. In this situation you could just change your build to, for example , phoenixes. You are able to lift off the tanks and to kill the vikings too. All I want to show you that you can´t plan your game, you can start with a normal buildorder but around 25 supply you have to adapt to the situation I always play 14 pool 14 gas and fe around 21. sry for my english tibi
Oh of course, I know that xD It's obvious that you always have to adapt to whatever your opponent is building in order to win. But, then again, I'm only in the silver league, so I don't really change much in order to counter my enemy. Occasionally, I might build a Robotics Facility, or change what I have as my ground army. However, I don't really do anything drastic. -
Date: Sun, Aug 22 2010 04:21:20
hey guys im having problems installing sc2 onto my other comp. im trying to install it onto an external hardrive, but when i open the installer and press install, i dont see the external drive on the list =( oh and the external drive is being linked via ethernet. would using a usb one work isntead?
Date: Sun, Aug 22 2010 15:30:43
usb one would most likely work
Date: Sun, Aug 22 2010 15:32:08
i bought this game at release and I have not played it yet lol
Date: Sun, Aug 22 2010 20:17:46
^ lol. that is all.
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 00:07:08
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 16:48:14
(BUMP.) Does anybody else still play? The only people I know from UPSB that still play are: Pen Ninja, Iota, Loanshark and Ricercar.
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 17:11:17
iColor wrote: (BUMP.) Does anybody else still play? The only people I know from UPSB that still play are: Pen Ninja, Iota, Loanshark and Ricercar.
I might start playing, do you need to like buy the game or torrent works? -
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 17:38:07
You need to buy the game to be able to play on
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 17:46:13
iColor wrote: (BUMP.) Does anybody else still play? The only people I know from UPSB that still play are: Pen Ninja, Iota, Loanshark and Ricercar.
i play ;) -
Date: Sat, Jan 22 2011 17:47:40
Ricercar 535 if you wanna add me
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 13:26:25 Day9 doing a baller fingerpass with a RSVP without even putting the cap on the back around 21:40. Potentially a sonic in there and a wiper. Definitely sonics at 23:35.
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 12:42:45
penninja 736
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 00:28:53
yeah dude Day9 spins. I can't decide if I want to start playing again, I haven't really played this season, but if I do I think I want to switch to random, all the league games I played I got Protoss, my main.
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 00:57:05
UPSB Starcraft II Team. Let's do it. ;D
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 01:26:37
I'm only silver with my best race ._.
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 02:00:59
I'm still in Bronze with my main race. :/
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 02:16:27
hell yes. i agree with ICOlor :DDDDDDDDD
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 03:10:57
I really want to start playing again, add me. sangara 640
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 03:27:26
blizzard games are fun
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 03:51:55
So scratch that idea, I can't really play currently with this shitty mouse. :/
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 08:46:21
silver level doesnt really matter what equipment ur using :S
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 11:12:57
If his mouse is broken and he can't move it without re-setting it on the table 5 times he can't play any level :P
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 13:08:30
in silver, as long as uve got hotkeys ull be fine set a rally point and macro like a boss then just attack move to victory
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 17:27:01
If my mouse gets stuck on a certain axis and I can't properly move to even set rally points, set up hotkeys, or even tell my workers to start mining in the beginning, then no I cannot play at any level. So yes neXus was right.
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 00:55:25
WOOOOOOOOOOOO Logitech G500 :wub: and the girlfriend is gone on a trip. This weekend is Starcraft weekend. EDIT: This mouse is sex, got promoted back into Silver w00t!
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 02:55:23
I want to start playing StarCraft (Either the first one or Brood War). I want to have a pro APM and fast fingers and stuff, winning is not exactly a priority, how should I start?
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 04:13:35
Why? When winning is a priority, and you practice to get there, you'll naturally develop higher APM.
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 05:05:40
Well if things go the way that they did with League of Legends, I'd rather uber micro and have fun than focus on something that's never going to happen.
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 08:07:16
If you want to have high APM and just have fun then you should be sticking to games like League of Legends, DotA, HoN, etc. Also Warcraft 3 is very micro intensive. Think of it this way: Starcraft = Macro, Warcraft = Micro.
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 08:12:48
zerg is fun! too bad i suck. i just got to silver league today =o Fobtastic 924
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 17:50:15
In LoL, DotA, and HoN you can't really have a high APM because you don't control units ._. It's all macro for the most part. And this guy done said wc3 is less micro. EDIT: Also, wc3 is too damn hard.
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 18:48:42
LoL, DotA and HoN have to do with micro, there's no macro involved since you can't build up on 'units'.
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 19:53:16
XYZaki wrote: In LoL, DotA, and HoN you can't really have a high APM because you don't control units ._. It's all macro for the most part. And this guy done said wc3 is less micro. EDIT: Also, wc3 is too damn hard.
You're confusing APM with Micro, they're two completely different things. You're going to have to make a choice. If you want high APM with crazy Micro then you go the DotA route, if you want high APM with awesome Macro then you go the Starcraft route. See the thing about APM is that it only means something in SCI/Broodwar, you actually had to use that high APM to do all the things the pros do. In SCII most of the stuff you needed super high APM for is done for you now. If I remember correctly the average Diamond league player only has about 150 APM, where as you'd see 300's in Broodwar. You say you want to just have fun and have crazy APM, so if you go the DotA route then sure that APM doesn't mean anything, but you can still easily get in the 200's, I used to average 130 when I played Pudge and Mirana, that was just me playing, I have a friend who plays LoL at about 150 APM, sure it's all useless, but it's just the way he plays. I'm kind of reading over this and it doesn't make all that much sense, but hopefully you can get something out of it, let me try to simplify. Starcraft = Macro Warcraft/DotA = Micro Both can have high APM. In Starcraft that APM is useful and harder to train, in DotA/Warcraft it is less useful and easier to train. -
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 20:42:16
Oh okay I get it. While I do want a high APM for fun, it's sort of so when I actually do need it I can use it, I don't exactly plan on just spamming it for fun. And how does your friend play LoL with 150 APM? You control one character and have like 4 spells ._.
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 20:45:17
Lots and lots of spamming, you should see him buy items, it's really kind of funny.
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 21:39:35
Im pretty sure SC2 isnt just about macro, just look at BoxeR, his macro sucks but he wins with his micro But its not just micro either, EGidrA is one of the best zerg players and plays macro intensive and passively So macro and micro are both important My character name and CC is: Tamashii 581
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 22:01:42
XYZaki wrote: And how does your friend play LoL with 150 APM? You control one character and have like 4 spells ._.
Move clicks count. So yeah, I'm probably at around 300 APM in LoL just from random move clicking. -
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 22:31:43
tamashii wrote: Im pretty sure SC2 isnt just about macro, just look at BoxeR, his macro sucks but he wins with his micro But its not just micro either, EGidrA is one of the best zerg players and plays macro intensive and passively So macro and micro are both important My character name and CC is: Tamashii 581
It's what's more important in the game, check out this article, you can get from Bronze to Diamond just based on your Macro. -
Date: Mon, Apr 25 2011 15:20:00
Like a goddamn boss. Macro like it's cookies.
Date: Mon, Apr 25 2011 17:06:16
neXus wrote:
People from bronze up to gold suck dick And even if you just went up to silver you would still be playing the same people xD -
Date: Mon, Apr 25 2011 19:56:42
Fuck you.
Date: Mon, Apr 25 2011 22:10:27
You're awesome neXus, we should play sometime. EDIT: Just realized, different servers :( .
Date: Thu, Apr 28 2011 11:49:53
[video=youtube;6G7173BEFg8][/video] COMEDIC GENIUS
Date: Fri, Apr 29 2011 00:22:23
neXus wrote: Fuck you.
well i mean im just sayin i beat a diamond and a silver player in 2v2 with my friend, in platinum, who got spine crawler rushed and died so badly lol i proceeded to mass stalkers and voids and won did i mention im in bronze? -
Date: Fri, Apr 29 2011 21:40:47
I know that I'm bad, how could I be any good, I rarely play and I have 0 RTS experience but just getting out of Bronze was somewhat of an achievement for me however small it may seem to others, I was happy. So naturally my reaction to being told "meaningless because Bronze-Plat = baddies" was the reaction that you got.
Date: Sat, Apr 30 2011 05:24:24
tamashii wrote: well i mean im just sayin i beat a diamond and a silver player in 2v2 with my friend, in platinum, who got spine crawler rushed and died so badly lol i proceeded to mass stalkers and voids and won did i mention im in bronze?
that's really cool -
Date: Sat, Apr 30 2011 05:54:46
tamashii wrote: well i mean im just sayin i beat a diamond and a silver player in 2v2 with my friend, in platinum, who got spine crawler rushed and died so badly lol i proceeded to mass stalkers and voids and won did i mention im in bronze?
mass hydra would have completely crushed you, especially with decent creep spread some infestor support would have made it much easier too then there's his partner, whatever he wanted to get in a league with decent macro ude be destroyed -
Date: Sat, Apr 30 2011 18:54:08
So because the ladder was reset I decided to switch to random this time around. Protoss is my best race and I can easily get into Silver with it. Last night I was demoted from Silver to Bronze pretty much because my Zerg sucks balls, anyway long story short, now that I'm back in Bronze my first two games I got Protoss and won. I don't get to have any time to train my Zerg :( . Sad day.
Date: Sat, Apr 30 2011 19:24:17
wait i though you couldnt get demoted lol
Pen Ninja wrote: mass hydra would have completely crushed you, especially with decent creep spread some infestor support would have made it much easier too then there's his partner, whatever he wanted to get in a league with decent macro ude be destroyed
mass hydra would help if shitty bronze players knew what counters what and if they had another base besides the one inside of mine >_> besides i could just tech into collosi before they would get enough hydras and use sentries to wall them out from getting in my base... -
Date: Sat, Apr 30 2011 19:50:51
You could always get demoted.
Date: Tue, May 3 2011 22:43:08
sangara, what server you on? i need some zerg practice too and playing diamond players as a bronze zerg is stupid
Date: Wed, May 4 2011 00:19:06
I'm on NA, My Zerg and Terran are getting better, watch out, I'm almost a complete Silver Random player :D . Also I've decided to try and get to Diamond before I move, which would be... end of September. EDIT: Just got my 25th Random win :) . I think these look cool.
Date: Fri, May 6 2011 06:03:58
I personally barely play any race BUT random. So much more interesting to me IMO. The thing i die the most as is terran, whihc is sad, because terran is supposedly the easiest race to play. Silver 1v1, Plat 2v2(w/ a friend who is diamond, shut up) gold 3v3, silver 4v4 with a few friends, havent done random 4v4 placements yet. In 2v2 i find it actually pretty effective to 3 base zerg, have your partner wall in on maps with a shared base, have him be meat shield while you tech to quick ultralisk.
Date: Fri, May 6 2011 07:35:43
Protoss is by far the easiest race to play...
Date: Fri, May 6 2011 23:05:44
Yeah I would say Protoss is the easiest.
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 18:06:23
Depends on what you're trying to do imo. Cheesing is easier with Terran Playing "norma/macrol" and just massing an army seems easier with Protoss, colossi, 10+ voids, done deal deathball
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 18:15:31
neXus wrote: Depends on what you're trying to do imo. Cheesing is easier with Terran
Tell that to Combat-EX -
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 18:26:47
Date: Sun, May 8 2011 03:21:42
I dunno, I think 6 pooling and cannon rushing is pretty easy, although that really only works in Bronze. I still think Protoss is easiest in all matters.
Date: Sun, May 8 2011 03:46:46
I hate this game <_<
Date: Sun, May 8 2011 04:00:13
Wait, how exactly do you cheese as a terran? Idk if proxy barracks counts, but besides that the only way i can think of to cheese as terran is Planetary fortress rush which is actually quite effective if you know what you are doing
Date: Sun, May 8 2011 05:22:27
Proxy Rax, Bunker Rush, Cloak Banshee Rush is cheesy I think. Marine+SCV all-in.
Date: Sun, May 8 2011 05:25:06
Yeah the Marine SCV or MM SCV all ins are pretty cheesy
Date: Sun, May 8 2011 12:14:02
Cella + Day9 random 2v2 So much awesome
Date: Mon, May 9 2011 04:46:04 amazing zerg playstyle, ive picked it up recently... queens, spines and lings for a good portion of the early game. destroys most things usually used against zerg anything air gets shut down by queens 4gates have trouble with queens and spine crawlers, they're too tough with transfuse and all runbys and counter attacks are so easy with speedlings and they can also be used to control and surround ur opponent it works so well... getting around mobility issues via nydus and/or drops is fun too
Date: Mon, May 9 2011 14:09:56
I see so many people try ice fisher but not really understand the build. It's really beatable if the other person doesn't do it well.
Date: Mon, May 9 2011 14:27:45
it takes some getting used to... u need to stop thinking "oh shit i need to get roaches to tank" when uve got all those queens
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 15:30:39
What should I do against a thor scv push. I didn't scout it really well but even if I did I don't know what to throw at it, obvious choice would be to kill the scvs but easier said than done. The micro for that would be insane and a-moving banes probably will mostly hit the thors not the scvs :\
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 21:50:44
run ur banes past the thor, theyll wrap around it and the SCVs, hold position when uve got em surrounded, banes still do damage when they die the SCVs will go down pretty quick, then lings destroy the thor without issue... or you could surround them with lings but hold position instead, thatll target the SCVs, though from memory they made the SCVs agro the same as the thor if theyre repairing so it shouldnt take too much micro the hard part is knowing it's coming or preparing for it as part of a normal build without destroying the useful-ness of the build in other situations
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 23:39:57
Patch 1.3.3 is live! How will it affect you? Personally I'm not sure yet, but I think the 4 gate nerf could be helpful.
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 00:35:27
how was the 4 gate nerfed?
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 01:41:50
Longer time for warpgates and smaller pylon power field. I'm now thinking about switching to Protoss once again. I'm at the top of my bronze league and can't seem to get out.
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 16:51:38
Pen Ninja wrote: run ur banes past the thor, theyll wrap around it and the SCVs, hold position when uve got em surrounded, banes still do damage when they die the SCVs will go down pretty quick, then lings destroy the thor without issue...
Oh I'm sure I could've dealth with 1 thor, problem was he had like 5-6 and pulled all his expo scvs for the push. He was on 3 bases and had sieged tanks in his base though so by no means an all in. -
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 17:13:49
Soo, any tips on Protoss macroing? Recently I've been playing custom games to see how fast I can get to a 200/200 army, and I'm not really satisfied with my time. I usually max at around 16 minutes and I want to get it faster.
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 18:01:43
Loanshark wrote: Soo, any tips on Protoss macroing? Recently I've been playing custom games to see how fast I can get to a 200/200 army, and I'm not really satisfied with my time. I usually max at around 16 minutes and I want to get it faster.
Pylons and probes, pylons and probes... -
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 21:51:06
@Loanshark I like to hotkey all my production keys under one tab and upgrades on another and I hotkey/tab through them constantly to check on them. There's been another toss nerft? Man, I haven't played sc2 since last year.
Date: Thu, May 12 2011 09:54:11
neXus wrote: Oh I'm sure I could've dealth with 1 thor, problem was he had like 5-6 and pulled all his expo scvs for the push. He was on 3 bases and had sieged tanks in his base though so by no means an all in.
u should have infestors by now, if you saw that many thors u should have gotten mind control 2 fungals kills SCVs, that woulda been enough, then ling surrounds to finish them off honestly u should have had enough to just do the banelings to kill SCVS, lings to kill thors thing anyway though if u went heavy roach, ur pretty fucked if u scouted properly, 6 thors would have been easy to spot -
Date: Thu, May 12 2011 11:58:34
I rarely use infestors against Terran, I know they're sooo good but I'm still in ling/bane/muta mode, roaches only if I can scout hellion harass. But yeah my scouting was really bad that game, dude played unlike any terran I've ever played not skill wise but BO-wise.
Date: Sun, May 15 2011 15:56:37
Silver is fucking frustrating. I'm working on improving my game play, trying to get better macro etc. and I wish I had actually decent opponents which would offer me a good match but ...
Silver/Gold cannon rushes I can actually win, not sure if people just do it wrong by being to passive or something but Nydusing out 40 zerglings and just a-moving their base usually works.
Date: Sun, May 15 2011 22:51:04
I want out of bronze D:! Just got my 100th win as toss and I'm beating silvers regularly, but I'm losing to bronzes too, ugh so frustrating. :/ oh and for lulz check out this replay.
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 00:32:26
ill play you some macro games if u want =\
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 10:45:33
sangara wrote: :/ oh and for lulz check out this replay.
lol he was late on like everything -
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 22:57:50
neXus wrote: lol he was late on like everything
Haha I know, I went to his base and was like "WTF? 1 stalker?" -
Date: Tue, May 17 2011 12:36:03
Games like these are why I play this game. I fucking love this:
Date: Tue, May 17 2011 13:27:08
Transitioned from losing your whole fucking base to killing him nice Love it when people who offensive gg lose :P
Date: Tue, May 17 2011 16:35:28
30 minutes? ._. looong game
Date: Tue, May 17 2011 16:51:43
Most of my games are 20-30 minutes. Also I just played this dude: You'd think he was dropping into silver to get easy wins so he can get that achievement but no, he played badly and I beat him. If I get the Queen of Blades avatar before I get into Diamond/Masters I quit this game.
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 14:44:23
Anyone watch the GSTL? SlayerS v MVP Last game was the best :o
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 21:10:09
I'm pretty sure that soon I will attempt a switch to P. It's just so frustrating as a new RTS player to play Z where a small mistake can cost you the game. P is so much more forgiving and once I have better mechanics, better macro, etc. I hope I can switch back to Z.
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 02:37:43
i play zerg it's not so bad really just gotta keep that queen fuckin on yer hatcheries i went to a LAN center and got bronze placed... lol ^^;
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 04:23:58
Missing the injects is not that hard especially with the little info-warning thing on the left that pops up.
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 04:41:07
Haha that's pretty funny, I'm planning on switching to Zerg. It's the race I had the most fun with while I was playing Random. I might just switch back to Random though, maining Zerg.
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 05:03:54
I'm..*glasses*...high diamond toss (only rank like 15ish atm, but omw to masters hopefully). LOL jk, no arrogance since I play with like 50% of free time, and 30% of the rest is watching streams and Day[9] haha. anyways, if anyone needs help, practice, practice partner, etc, then I'll be happy to :D I <3 sc2. Oh, and I'm learning zerg so if anyone is like silver/gold level, maybe low plat, I would still play, just with my zerg instead of toss.
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 05:12:44
oh, and @neXus, while protoss might seem super forgiving, and like the "OP race," zerg is actually quite strong now due to infestor buff, at least in the ZvP matchup. I think that if you're at a super low level and just don't enjoy zerg, sure, switch. BUT, if you ultimately wanna play zerg, don't switch over as you learn the game. Even though I can macro and micro toss, at a diamond level at least :/, i'm a gold zerg at best simply due to not knowing anything about timings, general stuff to do when (somewhat), and build orders. Once you learn a race, it's very tough to switch to another from mostly scratch. I think that actually, zerg is a really fun and rewarding race to play, and actually regret somewhat having chosen toss. I wouldn't switch over, just try to remember that while zerg may not be forgiving or easy mode, toss can be deceptively unforgiving. It'd be a situation where like, in PvP you'd feel great, then oops he made desperation DTs and sniped my observer so gg (the mistake would be having only 1, getting it sniped, etc, just that one moment costs it all even if you were way ahead), or something in another matchup where, like, you would be in a PvT and not have a good spread leading to deadly EMPs, or more commonly a mistake earlygame such as losing an initial gateway unit can totally flip the game. Also, you can't really expand so safely as toss since you have generally less mobility, and less free knowledge as to where the enemy is (zerg has creep, helpful ;D). of course no whining at all here, and toss can be easier alot due to forcefield (sentries, good unit :P) and the likes, but I think you should stick with Zerg unless you don't ultimately want to play the race, or you don't feel it fits the playstyle you want.
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 11:48:34
If you can't name these 2 people then you're not playing starcraft right
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 15:01:59
I'm at a high-silver/gold level which is not that impressive and I know what I do wrong most of the time. I just need to play P and T for a little to actually find out anything about these classes. I know build orders and the likes but I still often find myself going to help to see what unit counters what. I see buildings and have no clue what they're build. And my scouting is atrocious especially on large maps such as Tel'darim LE or w/e it's called, I hate it anyways.
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 23:27:37
UPSB starcraft team? :)
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 23:29:44
Woah neXus we're practically the same skill level. I wish I could play against you. :(
Date: Thu, May 26 2011 09:39:56
I'm buying a NA account roughly the middle of next month (13th-15th is when I get paid). Spent too much this month already and still have some expenses coming up. But we'll play, I'll make it happen.
Date: Thu, May 26 2011 10:32:58
Really? Nobody can name Day[9] and Cella? D:
Date: Thu, May 26 2011 11:47:29
I didn't know I was supposed to post their names.
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 17:39:21
WHAT THE FUCK GREG Oh snap Day9 so witty
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 17:46:40
i missed it jstu barely nexus, what happened? why did greg gg?
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 17:48:47
I can not answer your question, there was no reason he should gg. He gg'd a game he had won. Much much worse than gg'ing to a couple of hallus.
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 18:09:06
ah ic, did he know he was ahead?
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 18:15:44
Well apparently not, he probably would not gg if he knew he had the game won.
Date: Mon, Jun 6 2011 03:27:49
Fuck MC. That man gives koreans a bad name.
Date: Mon, Jun 6 2011 16:09:51
He's making it entertaining though.
Date: Mon, Jun 6 2011 19:28:24
Don't expect you to read, just had to write it somewhere. Haven't played since 28th of May: 1st Game vs. T. I don't scout so I get overrun by a bunch of marines. Horrible. 2nd Game vs. Z. I do kind of scout but not enough. Mass Lings (like 50) demolishes my roach rush. Horrible as well. 3rd Game vs. T. I again scout very little, it's my weakness but I can see from the building placement that it's gonna be macro game so I expand a bunch what follows is the shittiest 1 hour and 30 minutes of my Starcraft career. Let me demonstrate his defense: He has his nearly invincible wall in for his main. Line of bunkers, line of tanks, line of turrets. No melee because of bunker+tanks, no air because of bunker + turret. Shitloads (not just 4-5, I'm talking 20) of turrents around the edge of his main. No scouting, no air attack except maybe Brolords (which I tried BUT J FUCKING K mass vikings) He tries to expand a bunch of times which I try to stop but not easy and he gets in a few: [B]EVERY[/B] CC is the one with the turret on top (again good attack by land) and the CC is hugged by turrets on 3 edges so 1 edge remains for SCVs to bring in minerals. I expand tons but his army composition at this point is like 20 vikings, 15 banshees and 5 ravens. Even my 45 mutas had trouble dealing with that. At this point my gas is low but my minerals are at 26000 (yes, 26k). So what do I think? 4-5 macro hatches -> mass queens, I couldn't really expand with his army so I take any unused drones and make sporecrawlers all over my base, probably 60 of them. He attacks and loses most of it. I don't know what he's doing. He's actually massing ghosts. I'm no longer mining gas because all mine are out and I can't expand to any more bases. So I stick with the mass queens. I take out some bases but in the meantime on the other side of the map on one of his expansions his defense to my queens is building mass turret ccs with scvs repairing. I hate this game.
Date: Wed, Jun 8 2011 05:10:54
LOL at your rant, sorry ^^ I HATE TERRAN TURTLERS, SO HARD TO BREAK Mass ling plus ultra is a surprsingly good way to take down turtlers, because the lings basically take all the tank dmg, then the ultras storm up there to murder everything. At that point, the bunkers and PFs are useless, so i;ve found
Date: Thu, Jun 9 2011 02:26:09
I would have gone infestor + brood lord attack him away from his tanks, pick off stray tanks with brood lords and when he brings his vikings over to defend fungal growth em all to hell fungal on workers is fun too also, roley poley banes are good for PF rape
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 00:54:44
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 10:19:59
This following post contains NASL spoilers Ready? FUUUUUUCK YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRR Boxer > Idra 2-0 Sen-Boxer advances from group E yeeeeeeeeesssssss EDIT :
This is relevent
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 13:31:34
I don't like when idra loses.
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 13:48:36
watch MMA v MKP -> mind = blown
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 16:02:16
Want to sell WoW Account. Starcraft on same account. What do. Thinking: Sell both and buy US account - play with you guys because friends are assholes who don't play.
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 02:03:36
neXus wrote: I don't like when idra loses.
When he loses? or when he wins... then loses anyway? -
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 12:37:13
On US servers testing lag, my first placement match. Reaction: What .. how .. why does he .. what is going on. He was playing for real I think. Or a shared account with the dude playing 2s 3s and 4s not playing any 1on1 lol.
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 14:18:08
FYI that aww yeah thing is not made by me LOL I found it like that on google and it was a sign of the gods (in case you missed it, account name is mustache)
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 15:03:44
Whats your ID number? :D
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 02:11:24
oh fuck... frost be craaaazy so many career wins XD
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 14:49:39
Okay, so I had Blizzard convert my EU account to NA region. neVoron 150 or you can PM me here or in-game if you want to do Real ID friends. I added a bunch of people through the facebook thing on my trial account, ignore that one.
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 17:00:56
so i just played 3 1v1s against Ricercar on shattered temple... i randomed every game and got protoss every game 1st game i 3gate expand on 1 gas and poke with my units, he GGs 2nd game i scout and kill his expanding drone with my probe... he GGs 3rd game i forge FE, notice he hatches before pool and his 2nd overlord is in the middle of nowhere so i stuck 2 cannons behind his nat minerals and kill the expo and a good number of drones and go back to my usual FFE into stargate so i push out with 3 or 4 voids and rape his roach only army while cannoning his attempted hidden expo, he ggs when voids win at everything then accuses me of cheesing every game :P
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 19:29:31
Pen Ninja wrote: rivercar
He's upset when people call him ricecar but his own brother messing it up ... ouch -
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 02:15:08
neXus wrote: He's upset when people call him ricecar but his own brother messing it up ... ouch
'C' right next to 'V', simple typo im not his brother............................. -
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 07:13:28
Pen Ninja wrote: so i just played 3 1v1s against Ricercar on shattered temple... i randomed every game and got protoss every game 1st game i 3gate expand on 1 gas and poke with my units, he GGs 2nd game i scout and kill his expanding drone with my probe... he GGs 3rd game i forge FE, notice he hatches before pool and his 2nd overlord is in the middle of nowhere so i stuck 2 cannons behind his nat minerals and kill the expo and a good number of drones and go back to my usual FFE into stargate so i push out with 3 or 4 voids and rape his roach only army while cannoning his attempted hidden expo, he ggs when voids win at everything then accuses me of cheesing every game :P
Game 1 : Standard Game 2 : Ricer pulled an Idra Game 3 : super cannon-rush-into-void-rays cheese -
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 10:22:28
fuck, that's right, iota was his brother
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 10:34:13
GSL super tournament finals ...
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 16:44:14
was hardly a cannon RUSH i put down my pylon, then a forge, then another pylon in my base, then a pylon behind his minerals, then a cannon, a gate and a pylon in my base... THEN i put down the cannons behind his minerals imagine if i rushed
Date: Thu, Jun 30 2011 10:36:23
GSL general: 2 glorious days; Chinro + Sheth are the favourite foreigners atm The tears keep flowing, and they're delicious.
Date: Fri, Jul 1 2011 07:31:16
Chinro + Sheth both knocked out. Sorry Caucasians; it's my fault that I didn't believe hard enough ;_;
Forever Wood Leagues -
Date: Fri, Jul 1 2011 18:20:54
Too bad for Sheth, he's probably the nicest dude in SC2. [video=youtube;C8toFV3KKs0][/video] I find this hilarious because I like Riverdance. Could've been edited soooo much better though.
Date: Mon, Jul 4 2011 11:19:00
What do I do against this:
He put's a pylon at 1 then 2 then the 2 cannons and a 3rd pylon. I of course pull drones to kill the first 2 pylons but the way the third pylon is placed I can't attack it very good and it finishes and the 2 cannons are active. I don't understand why every P doesn't do this on Tal'darim, it's seems to put me back so far. I feel like there is no way for me to prevent this and it puts me behind super far. He's expanding behind this and I think I need to get out 3-5 roaches to kill that pylon. I 14 pool btw. but lings come out shortly before the 3rd pylon is done. Because I'm so far behind my reaction is: Well, mass some units and Nydus into his base, it is quite open but I fuck up and he scouts it X_X. Also fuck Scrap Station. That map can go fuck itself with a cactus.
Date: Mon, Jul 4 2011 12:01:39
baneling bust, thatll get roflstomped by 10 banes, hit the 5 pylon and ull hit all 5 buildings and if he's forge FE'd and just spent 600 minerals on his wall... he'll have...... 2 sentries and a zealot?
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 08:03:52
SlayerS_Eve Is everyone a fan of SlayerS yet?
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 09:47:41
[video=youtube;jcQedw7R1zk][/video] fucking love the shit destiny says
Date: Tue, Aug 2 2011 13:04:01
Some evil force is preventing me from extensively testing the new maps. I either get weird all-in rushes thrown at me or my computer overheats or some shit and my screen turns off (this happened twice).
Date: Tue, Aug 2 2011 14:46:31
its a force of good preventing you from having to play those shit maps
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 04:20:01
Slow news, but: Metalopolis no longer selectable on ladder. It's about time if you asked me. -_-
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 07:53:28
instead they replaced it with 3 or 4 completely identical maps
main and nat are all pretty much the same watch tower(s) in the middle then there's this crap:
3 entrance natural, random wall in natural, random rock wall in 3rd... it's by far the worst I miss Metalopolis
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 11:52:21
Yeah I wasn't complaining about Metalopolis and it could've stayed if you ask me. I liked expanding to the far away gold on close pos spawns.
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 15:33:30 SlayerS_Boxer v YellOw showmatch Countdown Don't know who YellOw is? Go watch some brood war Don't know who Boxer is? What are you even doing in here, get the fuck out
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 16:15:40
I bought Sc2 a long time ago but never got in to it, how does one get in to SC2?
Date: Fri, Aug 5 2011 01:15:27
I realized i suck shit lol, i need to 1v1 more, all i do is 2v2 and let my plat friend carry me, although he doesn't really know the best unit combinations possible, and in battle i keep his army alive by psistorming the shit out of the enemy armies, which are usually marines, tanks and medivacs. if my plat friend has a banshee, then we're good. psistrom marines, feedback medi's, archon and banshee takes out the tank. he always makes like barely any marines and a fuckload of tech, like 10 marines, 5 tanks, thors/banshees/ravens and like 1 medivac -__- i think im gonna do some 1v1's in still in bronze lol @Ohayo , one gets into starcraft by just blindly playing a bunch of 1v1 match's, see what works, then look up builds and strategies for your race and against other races (ie: protoss: blinking, collosi drop/terran: raven drops, helion drops, marine/marauder drops/zerg: overpooling, baneling drops, burrow [drop = using a unit that can transport other units {medivac/warp prism/overlord with ventral sacs} to deploy units unsuspectedly into an enemies base or army {banelings}, blinking = ability that stalkers can use to teleport to short distances, overpooling = create 2 extractors, morph 2 drones, then cancel the extractors to have 2 more workers without the need to build an overlord, burrow = upgrade that must be researched; allows zerg units to burrow into the ground, hidden unless seen by a "detector" {unit that can see cloaked/burrowed units}])
Date: Fri, Aug 5 2011 06:17:43
@shindong Use hellions all the time, get to top 3 at MLG
Date: Fri, Aug 5 2011 08:48:28
My latest adventures to the real world: (Taken with my shitty phone camera) Boxer
Date: Fri, Aug 5 2011 09:11:15
Tonight: GSTL Venus Week 6 - IM vs ST Stream: gogogo
Date: Fri, Aug 5 2011 09:15:38
ST vs IM Bomber vs Mvp first match Tastosis casting; I won't suppress the oncoming orgasms /editing the record as the show goes *I ended up falling asleep at the keyboard.
Date: Fri, Aug 5 2011 19:46:39
im protoss >_> i might go try zerg sometime but im playing custom games fer fun :D
Date: Mon, Aug 8 2011 12:34:49
Oh Terran why must you make like a tortoise and turtle when in the end you still lose. Why can't we have fun games that are 15-20 minute-ish. Oh T.
Date: Tue, Aug 9 2011 10:09:46
I have to veto Antiga Shipyard because my computer crashes on that map lol. Fuck what map do I unveto.
Date: Tue, Aug 9 2011 18:04:55
Recently i've been practicing stutter step for marines, but what's bloody annoying is that if i have marauders sometimes they don;t fire, and i get 0 dmg out of them >:(
Date: Tue, Aug 9 2011 18:10:16
dont try to stutter step too fast
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 21:53:37
I need help against mass roach infestor as toss D:
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 12:47:33
Idra sez: Turtle the fuck up. Don't 2-3 base, build up a big army that you lose in one big battle that is too expensive and takes too long to reproduce.
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 14:21:25
Wait what, really.
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 18:00:02
[video=youtube;2Ul3LEtMQzw][/video] If you have the time watch idra fuck up incontrol. Or watch incontrol say dumb shit. Depends on your view.
Date: Sun, Aug 14 2011 06:04:48
man, incontrol says dumb shit.
Date: Mon, Aug 15 2011 12:46:10
Well, when anyone on UPSB can beat him then say otherwise, but as a toss i can understand his anti-infestor viewpoint.
Date: Mon, Aug 15 2011 14:33:51
Infestors are zerg's only spellcasters... incontrol is just saying dumb shit
Date: Tue, Aug 16 2011 05:07:07
as a random/zerg player, i feel like fungal does too much damage. no other spell caster can 1shot tier1/workers like infestors. and he does bring out a good point about the infested marines. but honestly, infested marines suck at everything else =/ they move too damn slow.
Date: Tue, Aug 16 2011 15:08:20
Psy storm 1 hits workers, im fairly sure seeker missile does too Infested terrans are pretty crazy though... seen the 4 festor hit squad? full energy infestors in your main, blow it all on infested terran, takes out a nexus and or 4 pylons or 2 or so gateways... all for the cost of energy and it's so hard to get back in time... the DPS.... plus they can cast while burrowed so its hard to see coming
Date: Tue, Aug 16 2011 22:44:28
thinking about switching my main race from toss to zerg opinions?
Date: Tue, Aug 16 2011 23:46:47
well what's ur APM larva management is a real pain, especially when u have 5 bases trying to control zerglings on creep is a pain too, especially with overlords above, a queen in there and possibly drones in them mix... APM and clicking accuracy have to be top notch There's a lot to think about when changing race n such
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 00:18:15
If you are Low Gold and below, zerg probably isn't the race for you. Zerg is just MUCH too difficult to use for low ranked players. I used to do random, could win easily with toss and terran in silver, but zerg gets raped without good control. Play Terran, super easy. XD
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 02:33:56
Pen Ninja;126850]well what's ur APM larva management is a real pain, especially when u have 5 bases trying to control zerglings on creep is a pain too, especially with overlords above, a queen in there and possibly drones in them mix... APM and clicking accuracy have to be top notch There's a lot to think about when changing race n such[/QUOTE] i average ~150-200 apm i think as for larva management, i think i'm good. I put sticky notes around my monitor lol. i just watched a replay of me on 4 bases earlier today as zerg and by the end of the game none of my queens had over 35 energy. so my larva management isnt bad, but i guess i could use more work what i'm really horrendous with is defending against early zergling attacks and zerg micro overall, but i think my macro is pretty solid [QUOTE=PREDATORNET wrote: If you are Low Gold and below, zerg probably isn't the race for you. Zerg is just MUCH too difficult to use for low ranked players. I used to do random, could win easily with toss and terran in silver, but zerg gets raped without good control. Play Terran, super easy. XD
Fuck Terran. -
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 03:36:03
Loanshark wrote: i average ~150-200 apm i think as for larva management, i think i'm good. I put sticky notes around my monitor lol. i just watched a replay of me on 4 bases earlier today as zerg and by the end of the game none of my queens had over 35 energy. so my larva management isnt bad, but i guess i could use more work what i'm really horrendous with is defending against early zergling attacks and zerg micro overall, but i think my macro is pretty solid Fuck Terran.
ur macro sounds fine, much better than mine actually and im a gold lvl zerg (nothing special) I find a lot of zerg is the whole drones or units trade-off especially in ZvZ, if you make 4 less zerglins in the early game, he wins the ling battle with 3-5 lings left over, then he gets a chance to drone or make more lings and prressure, if you get more lings, he could jump ahead in drones... if you dont get enough lings and he gets more lings... you lose. its crazy -
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 13:58:59
Pen Ninja wrote: ur macro sounds fine, much better than mine actually and im a gold lvl zerg (nothing special) I find a lot of zerg is the whole drones or units trade-off especially in ZvZ, if you make 4 less zerglins in the early game, he wins the ling battle with 3-5 lings left over, then he gets a chance to drone or make more lings and prressure, if you get more lings, he could jump ahead in drones... if you dont get enough lings and he gets more lings... you lose. its crazy
yea i tend to put down a spine in my mineral line at around 16 supply to help against these early zergling fights, but I still absolutely suck at drone microing lol..i always lose to 6 pools -
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 16:10:21
I fucking hate this game.
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 22:36:42
Loanshark wrote: yea i tend to put down a spine in my mineral line at around 16 supply to help against these early zergling fights, but I still absolutely suck at drone microing lol..i always lose to 6 pools
i dont see a whole lot of use for the spine, not the 100 minerals + drone it takes to get it whenever i run in, take out an inferior number of lings and look around, if there's a spin in the main minerals, i just go to the nat... if there's 1 there too, you're 300 minerals down + 2 drones worth of mining time already so i dont need to do too much... as for drone micro vs 6pool: bunch up on 1 mineral patch, wait for him to be the 6pooling noob he is and run at you, unbunch, rape or even if you're zerg, u should have your pool at least on the way, run in circles, wait for lings + queen, win -
Date: Fri, Aug 19 2011 17:35:45
whats the best sc2 forum now besides TL? while theres quite a bit of knowledge there, the forum itself is a shithole that bans you for stupid things. reading the purge thread made me sick.
Date: Sun, Aug 21 2011 20:52:52
Is it even worth trying to get into this game this late? I don't want to (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻.
Date: Sun, Aug 21 2011 22:14:14
nateiskewl wrote: Is it even worth trying to get into this game this late? I don't want to (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻.
Yes. But if you don't want to then don't bother spending the 60 dollars for it... -
Date: Sun, Aug 21 2011 22:31:30
Everyone (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻s from time to time. I've been playing since Beta and i still do it occasionally
Date: Mon, Aug 22 2011 03:51:31
nateiskewl wrote: Is it even worth trying to get into this game this late? I don't want to (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻.
you will (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ and (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ often. but i definitely think it is still worth trying to get into. the game is starting to change quite a bit, and i feel i think if you start around now, you'll pick up the meta pretty fast. -
Date: Mon, Aug 22 2011 04:32:06
The problem is that it's hard to blame other people in a 1v1 game. If you're not at the absolute top level e.g. grand masters league you can't really blame race balance as for why you lost. You could've won by just playing better and that is what is so infuriating. I have no scapegoat in this game when I lose.
Date: Mon, Aug 22 2011 06:51:33
AGH WHY ARE MY TEAMMATES ALWAYS SO RETARDEDDDDDDD I just played against a double toss, both massing carriers, and my teammate, also a toss, was like "I'm gonna go mass colossus to take out the interceptors" WTF??? Unless I've been living under a rock i'm really quite sure that colossus beams DON'T FUCKING FLYYYY I got around 180 supply of vikings, with 3/3 and when we died he was like "DUDE WHY DIDN"T YOUR VIKINGS DO THE JOB RIGHT????" I ended up using my remaining marines to kill my own teammate ^^
Date: Wed, Aug 24 2011 13:01:09
Well fuck. Not like I didn't know it was coming though.
Date: Wed, Aug 24 2011 23:56:27
So I started playing again After a year Silver league yeeeeee
Date: Thu, Aug 25 2011 03:44:52
nateiskewl wrote: Is it even worth trying to get into this game this late? I don't want to (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻.
I just bought it about a week ago, imo it's still worth getting. -
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 06:16:08
So apparently, in silver league I can just mass up a bioball with 3 rax and push and pretty much win usually work unless I forget to build turrets and get murdered by DTs
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 06:45:16
that pretty much works till high plat
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 06:50:32
Loanshark wrote: that pretty much works till high plat
4 zergs in a row rolled 3 of them straight up with the push the other one we went for a basetrade and my internet crapped out my cc was floating around while all his stuff was dead ==" and all he had was zerglings too damn. -
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 07:14:13
If anyone's wondering, I'm Flare 629 on NA servers
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 11:28:49
that 3 rax push is rediculous in lower leagues, ur fucked if you cant force-field it right... you think you can force field... til u get to high plat / low diamond... then you learn how to actually force field
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 15:25:55
Pen Ninja wrote: that 3 rax push is rediculous in lower leagues, ur fucked if you cant force-field it right... you think you can force field... til u get to high plat / low diamond... then you learn how to actually force field
I suppose it's the same with every other builds involving a-moving balls into bases -
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 22:49:22
My favorite build atm is HuK's Mothership all in. Love seeing their units running around, not being able to see what's comin for em >:)
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 00:02:27
PREDATORNET wrote: My favorite build atm is HuK's Mothership all in. Love seeing their units running around, not being able to see what's comin for em >:)
By the time you get your fleet beacon up most people would've already a-moved into your base razing it to the ground -
Date: Sun, Aug 28 2011 23:05:56
Is there a Korean Day9 or a Korean Husky? Basically a caster that casts replays and puts them on Youtube?
Date: Fri, Sep 2 2011 02:06:26
I got demoted to bronze yesterday after winning to a gold. Worked my way up to bronze #1 when I got home today, this is a great system... really. >.>
Date: Fri, Sep 2 2011 02:07:53
need a more consistent mmr
Date: Sun, Sep 4 2011 05:18:13
is it possible to play macro as toss against all matchups?
Date: Sun, Sep 4 2011 08:12:35
Why would it not be. Macro is the best thing you can do. With proper macro you can just max and A-Move against Zerg.
Date: Sun, Sep 4 2011 08:56:52
As Toss, just turtle, gather your zealot Sentry Stalker Colossus Void Ray Deathball, upgrades, and roll the opponent.
Date: Sun, Sep 4 2011 17:22:47
i feel like zerg would out macro everything w/o harass. basically my dilemma right now is that i play zerg cuz i think it's the most solid, but i think zerg is ugly and boring. you just counter shit all day. i wanna play a race that sets the pace of the game, not respond to the opponent. terran is hard as fuck to play anything besides MMM or marine tank. and as toss, im hella paranoid about early game ghosts.
Date: Sun, Sep 4 2011 18:57:07
boshi wrote: i feel like zerg would out macro everything w/o harass. basically my dilemma right now is that i play zerg cuz i think it's the most solid, but i think zerg is ugly and boring. you just counter shit all day. i wanna play a race that sets the pace of the game, not respond to the opponent. terran is hard as fuck to play anything besides MMM or marine tank. and as toss, im hella paranoid about early game ghosts.
If the T gets ghost early he has a super low army count / delayed stim because ghosts cost a fuckton of gas At lower level a nicely executed timing push would roll him -
Date: Sun, Sep 4 2011 21:55:33
I play random and Z is by far the most fun IMO be aggressive and you can set the pace of the game, you have overlords to spot high ground early game if you need them... if you can get a terran to bunker up enough or a toss to waste too many FFs you can tech up and make him counter you...
Date: Mon, Sep 5 2011 01:50:44
i used to play random/Z too. can zerg really consistently play aggressive?
Date: Mon, Sep 5 2011 05:49:28
if you do it right you can, as long as you keep them on the back foot and dont be retarded with your lings you can keep up some pressure and partially make drones too... obviously if you run all your lings up a P's ramp and he has 3 zealots and a sentry and u get FFd in and lose 30 lings then it's ur fault and you dont deserve to control the game or if you try to break a 2 rax wall with 12 marines behind it with lings only then gtfo but if ur smart and not rly just kill units but make the opponent scared of how many units u have ull be good
Date: Sat, Sep 10 2011 21:10:11
k So now I'm gold terran moved up from rank 1 silver to rank 2 gold I'm happy @Loanshark
Date: Sat, Sep 10 2011 23:07:03
Nice 3 raxing over and over and over again
Date: Sat, Sep 10 2011 23:09:46
Loanshark wrote: Nice 3 raxing over and over and over again
3 raxing and expanding! Then get starport tech if they don't straight up die And then getting inevitably tank contained by terrans 'cause I don't like using tanks then BUSTIN' OUT THE BATTLECRUISERS FUCK YEAR -
Date: Tue, Sep 13 2011 22:32:35
Phoenix on Destiny's stream during the 24 hour charity event is so hilarious.
Date: Tue, Sep 13 2011 22:57:18
lolollol phoenix is soo funny I wanna see destiny, phoenix and idra 3v33
Date: Thu, Sep 15 2011 04:29:01
Watching Sen's BM video where he plays protoss to prove the OP of FFs is hilarious. :D
Date: Fri, Sep 16 2011 20:32:47
why is it that when i see zergs 6 pool they rarely ever pull all drones too
Date: Fri, Sep 16 2011 20:34:19
6pool should generally be used to allow the zerg to drone up, not to kill the opponent immediately some people try to do that instead of drone up, but it tends to fail. just deal the damage you need to with your lings, expand, tech, and win
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 19:29:22
They think they can come back from it but a decent player will always hold off a 6 pool unless it's some stupid Nexus first FFE or something and zerg is played a almost certainly lost game.
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 19:48:45
idk, 6 lings + 5 drones seems hard to hold off i guess i should try it
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 23:22:14
they dont pull drones because it's better to reinforce with lings... if you lose 5 lings the the 1st zealot and end up killing it and all you have left is 6 drones and a zergling vs ur opponent's 13 probes, u lose. Where as if you lose 5 lings to the 1st zealot and kill it then 4 more lings come to re-enforce, it's tricky to hold off there's no way to drone back up from a 6pool and win rly... you win with it or you're doomed (unless you're Destiny) even if you take out all but 5 probes, the protoss still has a the tech and you cant screw around droning up or early zealots ruin ur day... so you need to make lings but toss, because he doesnt have to choose how to use his larvae, can probe up and make units too, it just doesnt work also, if you pull drones, all the other player needs to do us fully wall off 5 drones and 6 lings vs 1 zealot is hard, but vs 2 zealots and a cannon or something like that, no way... you can wall them out and do whatever you want while the zerg has 0 income
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 04:54:19
Tourney at uni... First game against diamond zerg Win with 2port banshee after 37 minutes Yeeeeee
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 05:31:39
Against zerg i usually go MarineTank with water gun hellion drops behind teh mineral line. Usually, i find that against Hellion drops, it's better to NOT pull your workers, because then they get all lined up, and die.
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 06:19:13
PREDATORNET wrote: Usually, i find that against Hellion drops, it's better to NOT pull your workers, because then they get all lined up, and die.
If ur good enough to not shit urself and panic pull all workers at once, a good idea is to select them all, press S to stop, then mash the idle worker button and spam click around the screen splits em up really well -
Date: Sun, Sep 25 2011 02:33:16
just set all my graphics settings to low best decision ive ever made
Date: Sun, Sep 25 2011 23:05:31
Today I spoon killed a zerg It felt so awesome
Date: Tue, Oct 11 2011 04:08:31
I've just got sc2!!! I've played 5 games online (the beginner trail matchups thingy) and won them all by 4gating! I guess this is quite a small achievement but I'm still quite happy about it.
Date: Tue, Oct 11 2011 05:01:39
Interesting. What league did you place in?
Date: Tue, Oct 11 2011 06:55:33
practice league. I wanna' stay in the practice league for a little while to ... well... practice some of my builds.
Date: Wed, Oct 12 2011 18:47:55
3 gate expand>turtle>get collosus stalker seems legit
Date: Fri, Oct 14 2011 02:51:35
cannon rush > DTs > VRs most legit
Date: Fri, Oct 14 2011 02:59:22
XD Toss who do that get rolled. E.G: HuK vs DongRaeGu, g2 or something (see what i did with the EG and HuK? heheheheh)
Date: Fri, Oct 14 2011 13:16:44
if you take what i said seriously then warp prism harass w/ zealots is a pretty easy way to lock down expansions, especially in lower levels where zergs aren't as good at multitasking as they should be to manage 3/4 base besides, HuK isn't THAT great and DongRaeGu is really pretty good
Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 03:37:50
i wanna play terran. can someone give me a good opener that transitions into marine tank?
Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 03:44:00
reactor hellion
Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 04:44:47
Loanshark wrote: reactor hellion
Reactor hellion dies to 7 roach rush -
Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 04:59:49
Biji wrote: cannon rush > DTs > VRs most legit
But what if they make Marines? -
Date: Fri, Oct 21 2011 23:29:06
Date: Sat, Oct 22 2011 00:15:20
I seriously hope that the hellion transform thingy will require some mid/late game upgrade. If not early game harass by those hellions will be so painful
Date: Sat, Oct 22 2011 03:20:35
alot of this junk will probably be nerfed, just like all stuff is before it get out onto the ladder
Date: Sun, Oct 23 2011 03:13:09
Date: Mon, Oct 24 2011 02:04:51
I force fielded my ramp and this guy's zealots ran into my cannons and all died and he said stop hacking and left the game :(
Date: Mon, Oct 24 2011 02:12:37
you build cannons ? ._.
Date: Mon, Oct 24 2011 02:16:45
Yes :>
Date: Mon, Oct 24 2011 02:21:18
i was about to say that you're an idiot for making cannons if you're not FFEing, but then I realized i just lost a 3v3 today because a guy walled his whole base off with cannons
Date: Mon, Oct 24 2011 02:37:43
I infact was ffeing
Date: Mon, Oct 24 2011 03:28:06
Loanshark wrote: i was about to say that you're an idiot for making cannons if you're not FFEing, but then I realized i just lost a 3v3 today because a guy walled his whole base off with cannons
i lost a 1v1 like that. how the hell do you break someone who does that? i tried ending the game, but his cannons killed my army =(. and i was on like 4 bases -
Date: Mon, Oct 24 2011 03:52:03
nydus his main rofl
Date: Mon, Oct 24 2011 05:26:46
Go straight to Tier 3 or get units particularly good at killing buildings (marauders, mass void rays, banelings).
Date: Mon, Oct 24 2011 23:58:36
@NoRice4U : why would you FFE in a PvP? :S itd get so easily broken by just about anything as for getting to a cannoning player: tanks, colossi, brood lords... anything with more range than a cannon will do it... just be careful he doesnt have a bunch of carriers or void rays back there that u havnt scouted
Date: Tue, Oct 25 2011 00:20:05
Pen Ninja wrote: @NoRice4U : why would you FFE in a PvP? :S itd get so easily broken by just about anything as for getting to a cannoning player: tanks, colossi, brood lords... anything with more range than a cannon will do it... just be careful he doesnt have a bunch of carriers or void rays back there that u havnt scouted
Nexus + Kevin + Me pretty much got owned by 2 rax / ling rush + cannon/mass air toss -
Date: Wed, Oct 26 2011 00:58:54
k so good opener for TvZ anyone?
Date: Wed, Oct 26 2011 01:14:55
3 rax marine SCV all-in gogogo
Date: Wed, Oct 26 2011 01:17:59
@Pen Ninja I did it because it was bronze lol and he the guy didn't even know what a warpgate was he was mass producing zealots through like 6 gates
Date: Wed, Oct 26 2011 01:35:50
Biji wrote: k so good opener for TvZ anyone?
reactor hellion rofl -
Date: Wed, Oct 26 2011 01:49:55
Why does every zerg in bronze 6 pool TT
Date: Wed, Oct 26 2011 01:51:49
because they're in bronze btw nr4u, whats your name and id?
Date: Wed, Oct 26 2011 02:24:10
Date: Wed, Oct 26 2011 15:11:08
Get 6 pooled in bronze? => free win Get cheesed in bronze? => free win Get all-in'd in bronze? => free win Macro game in bronze? => battle between 2 large banks
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 02:23:58
Why can't I play a fucking macro game? Lost to 3 terrans in a row cloaked banshee rush 2 rax with bunker rush marine scv all in I swear, these stupid cheeses and 1 base all ins are pretty much the reason why i'm still gold. I don't think that I've ever lost a macro game on ladder before >_> /endrant
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 14:17:18
yep, gold is pretty rough but in plat, people play macro games (kind of); but they do the weirdest stuff sometimes, it's impossible to get reads i think TLO gets builds from platinum league players...
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 23:41:46
May start playing this within the month or so... I played Terran during BW. So ill probably stick with Terran.
Date: Mon, Nov 7 2011 01:00:57
Date: Mon, Nov 7 2011 10:03:58
10 corruptors
Date: Mon, Nov 7 2011 13:28:30
Not sure why everyone here seems to experience cheese so much. Pretty much all my games are macro games. In bronze and silver I think the biggest problem is that people don't know the standard ways of playing and they don't take expansions nearly as often, so everything seems like an all-in. Banshees are admittedly more common in lower leagues though (control and follow up is usually pretty bad though). From my experience most people in platinum play really damn standard, their macro just isn't very good so their timings and such are off a bit. (I'm one of these people ;))
Date: Mon, Nov 7 2011 14:13:01
2rax ghost expand against protoss ._. not so standard haha
Date: Mon, Nov 7 2011 14:59:02
My summary of all the leagues: Bronze: Herp derping NR20 games or badly executed non-standard cheeses. Silver: General idea of how cheeses work, a lot of 1 base playing or really bad macro game. Gold: Know how to actually execute cheeses well, non stop cheesing or all-in-ing Plat: Oh shit, I suck at this game, I should stop cheesing and 1 basing and learn how to macro. Diamond: Okay, pretty good at macro, few flaws in macro I should fix, as well as other minor mechanic flaws. Masters: Micro micro micro scout scout micro metagame
Date: Mon, Nov 7 2011 22:39:42
Loanshark wrote: My summary of all the leagues: Bronze: Herp derping NR20 games or badly executed non-standard cheeses. Silver: General idea of how cheeses work, a lot of 1 base playing or really bad macro game. Gold: Know how to actually execute cheeses well, non stop cheesing or all-in-ing Plat: Oh shit, I suck at this game, I should stop cheesing and 1 basing and learn how to macro. Diamond: Okay, pretty good at macro, few flaws in macro I should fix, as well as other minor mechanic flaws. Masters: Micro micro micro scout scout micro metagame
Bronze : I have no idea what I'm doing / Portrait farmers Silver : No idea what I'm doing, besides making units sometimes and attacking Gold : I know a build (cheese, 1 base attack) and I can do it Plat : My build doesn't work all the time anymore, better macro. Holy shit I'm bad at this game Diamond : I'm so good at this game! Almost masters! Masters : You guys are all horseshit -
Date: Mon, Nov 7 2011 23:12:26
hahaha im around plat and gold....when im in plat i feel like i suck but when im in gold i feel like im a boss XD
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 06:20:39
Gentlemen, I present to you the worst TvZ game of all time (I'm Flare)
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 06:36:41
I'm silver but every game i've ever gotten into results in me going 1 rax expo into bunkering up into water-gun hellion drops while pressing the front door with MMM .___.
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 11:38:43
Biji, how the FUCK is he in plat?
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 12:33:46
that game wasnt so bad... zerg went all in with a bane bust, it failed... he was all in... the proxy hatch was a bit fail he also decided to all in because his initial lings did some damage and he got all excited coulda been worse
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 20:10:27
PvP is actually pretty fun now :o
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 21:38:31
Do you guys recommend using like a 1 base 3 gate 2 star gate vs zerg?
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 21:41:49
too many stargates, maybe 2gate stargate unless you don't intend on expanding dt expand is strong, considering most zergs don't get super early lair unless they have something very specific in mind, and even if dt fails you can still fall back on 3gates and go archon chargelot
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 21:43:28
So a forge fast expand into like a 4 warpgate 2 stargate would be decent for harass?
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 21:56:23
iunno, i'm not experienced with stargate play only because stargate units are so frail and i don't think i have the multitasking to be able to use them effectively, but i think that something like that seems plausible
Date: Thu, Nov 10 2011 06:17:42
I just played for the first time in 3 months and got gold .____. Played terran against a toss, My hands were shaking the entire time, so after getting ~80 supply of Marine marauder i decided, to hell w/ it and went all in with a 35 SCV pull .___.
Date: Thu, Nov 10 2011 08:52:04
This sucks. Gold is all about cheesing each other, which is annoying as hell.
Date: Fri, Nov 11 2011 14:09:44
lol gold mentality 'He's expanding? Macro game? I'll all-in him now instead of expanding so I can win ez'
Date: Fri, Nov 11 2011 21:26:48
Since i play terran I just get up to 50 supply of M&M and pull off all SCVs XD Always works, unless the guy has b-lings
Date: Fri, Nov 11 2011 21:33:13
PREDATORNET wrote: just get up to 50 supply of M&M and pull off all SCVs
If you do this, fuck you. -
Date: Fri, Nov 11 2011 23:04:54
Needing some help. As toss, how the hell do you beat the kind of zerg that goes mass spine crawler 9with detection) and then masses mutas behind it? Stalkers are useless, too immobile, and if they get a shit ton of lings, you can;t do any blink stalker tricks.
Date: Fri, Nov 11 2011 23:20:39
Well, stalkers are actually one of the most mobile units in the game, there's no reason blink stalkers should lose to mutas if you can micro properly. Blink stalkers should also easily kill lings depending on your stalker count, I don't see how you're not able to micro them. If he somehow has more mutas than you have stalkers, your macro is the thing you need to work on.
Date: Fri, Nov 11 2011 23:22:18
Stalkers immobile? What's your definition of a mobile unit?
Date: Sat, Nov 12 2011 01:58:12
blink stalkers should do it just make sure u have vision of both sides of the cliff near ur mineral in the main and nat. if he brings in a ton of lings, u can usually do fine as long as you can get to a decent choke point later on you can move into archon or ive seen archon toilet do very well vs mass muta (even after patch) the problem with muta vs toss is the way the toss deathball works it's all up in yo face where as the terran marine tank needs to slowly leapfrom so if ur going muta ling vs a toss and he attacks... ur lings will need the muta support, which wont help much anyway... so u pull all ur mutas back where as vs a terran, u should be all up in picking off tanks and such
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 14:04:31
PvP immortals are really really good :D 1base 2gate robo w/ constant immortal>expand>+2gates+1robo+1 forge sounds gewd
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 15:04:27
Yeah, but then you get owned by a four gate or DT .___. That seems to be all the gold level protoss do anyway so...
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 15:17:55
with some decent sim city to reduce zealot effectiveness, you can do pretty well against a 4gate with an immortal out
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 15:55:20
3gate robo is the most diverse and used atm, also the safest in that respect. The key is to have (ideally have had) a sentry at your ramp while you're doing your early pressure or using your stalker to delay the probe and scout/vision, so that when a 4gate would hit you have MORE than enough time to FF, and you can warp in another sentry if needed (aka if you didn't make yours soon enough that it has 2 FFs of energy), but your immo should pop out in time anyway, at the least, after 1 FF. If you want, you can hold the 4gate without the immo and just your 3 gates and using vision advantage, slicing units with FF and pulling back to avoid damage from lowground units, but that takes having better micro usually than your opponent, though worst case you just FF delay till an immo is/almost done if you feel you aren't gonna be able to handle it that way. 4gate is dead in effectiveness, if you play PvP right.
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 23:36:32
hm, i'm prolly not playing top diamond/masters level players, but i've beaten 3gate robo w/ some amount of ff to deal w/ zealots just because immortals are so good against everything except zealots... and early pressure w/ first 2 stalkers is also quite good if the other player is being defensive and doesn't land ff to block the stalkers, then you can easily snipe the sentry and go back home... iunno though, 3gate robo really is the metagame right now PvP
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 04:46:30
Holy shit, 3gate robo is incredibly good. I just played 5 games of PvP and 3 went fourgate, 2 made proxy gates, and 3 agte robo with some sentries, stalkers and 2 immorts held that off incredibly well.
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 05:12:29
omg, there's a non-4gate strategy for toss?
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 20:38:25
Only thing I dont really like about 3gate robo is you can't support constant warpgate+immortal production, and if immortals are prioritized over gateways (I prefer immortals b/c range buff, makes them very effective), you have 1 or 2 gateways being inactive... w/ 2gates and a robo you can get immortals, zealots, sentries w/ surplus gas, and even expand safely without stopping immortals, although gateways will be temporarily unused... Just a leaner build imo
Date: Wed, Nov 16 2011 18:52:28
2gate robo dies to things generally, and it's less wide in its applications. also, 3gate robo isn't a 1base timing or what some of you are thinking of
Date: Wed, Nov 16 2011 22:58:20
Did a 1 base colossus vs some terran and he lifted up all his buildings and spread them to all the edges of the map :/
Date: Thu, Nov 17 2011 04:06:39
lifted his buildings off and BMd? that reminds me of uhh... that Terran player... who was it?... ummmm... OH YEAH! All of them!
Date: Thu, Nov 17 2011 04:40:06
Pen Ninja wrote: lifted his buildings off and BMd? that reminds me of uhh... that Terran player... who was it?... ummmm... OH YEAH! All of them!
This man speaks the truth. -
Date: Thu, Nov 17 2011 05:53:36
Loanshark wrote: This man speaks the truth.
Indeed, 3 of 5 terrans I own with 4 gate or colossus timing push lift off and spread everything everywhere. Not to mention this guy built 25 supply depots around... ON TALDARIM ALTAR... And he though I hacked when i made void rays .___. -
Date: Thu, Nov 17 2011 15:05:43
you lucky bastards I never get to play a terran ever
Date: Thu, Nov 17 2011 18:37:12
I play them almost every time and all they do is wall off with a bunch of mmm and sieged tanks
Date: Mon, Nov 21 2011 02:10:58
Date: Mon, Nov 21 2011 04:31:39
Date: Mon, Nov 21 2011 20:29:03
16 year old Zerg player from Korea, currently in Ro8 GSL November, he isn't new to the scene :/
Date: Tue, Nov 22 2011 23:59:30
Finally a TvT vs diamond
Date: Wed, Nov 23 2011 09:58:07
I'm bronze and it says evenly matched with gold players...? Somebody explain please
Date: Wed, Nov 23 2011 10:37:21
MMR... rank means nothing to matches he could have just lost 10 in a row, his MMR is very low... u may be on a 10 win streak, urs is very high... rank/league wont change until your MMR is fairly stable
Date: Thu, Nov 24 2011 18:39:36
Anyway @Loanshark Recent TvZ on shakuras
Date: Thu, Nov 24 2011 20:14:29
sc2 is 29.99 this week
Date: Fri, Nov 25 2011 08:00:53
Group F @ DreamHack Winter 2011 Round 2 1. GamaniaSEn 2. DongRaeGu 3. elfi 4. HerO Oh god, this has got to be the worst group to have to play in. All of them godly, though I pray for Sen and DongRaeGu to come out ahead *prays for sen*
Date: Fri, Nov 25 2011 20:00:09
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 00:31:47
Was in gold, now in plat <3
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 03:44:46
PREDATORNET wrote: PROMOTED, BITCHESSSSSSSS Was in gold, now in plat <3
you play windowed mode? lol man, promoting straight into top 8 plat is pretty good i'm hoping to get top 25 diamond now that i'm rank 1 platinum -
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 03:53:14
OG wrote: you play windowed mode? lol man, promoting straight into top 8 plat is pretty good i'm hoping to get top 25 diamond now that i'm rank 1 platinum
I play windowed because I often play while stumped on homework, but if my parents ever see that they flip out. I always thought that you couldn;t promote into top 8, but IDK how the system works, so W/E -
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 04:48:54
Can't really play full windowed, so you can tab out still but fullscreen
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 05:06:36
:D feels good man, i would always get rolled by him in the past with little resistance, which made me always afraid to play him. even though he hasn't played seriously for months, i am now not afraid of playing against anyone
although he did beat me the next game LOL
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 05:19:21
Can't hold off 3 gate robo calls me cheeser
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 05:20:52
can we have a replay? :D @Loanshark
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 14:30:48
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 22:05:30
@Loanshark Who's immune to terran all-ins? That's right, other terrans
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 15:30:05
If you could get a lesson with anyone that gives lessons, who would you hire? I'm thinking about getting back into SC2 because LoL alone can't fill my time but I'm too lazy to research like current meta and what builds everybody is doing so I thought maybe just get a lesson from a pro to teach me all the basics of what's what point out the flaws in my mechanics and good stuff like that after I fucked around on ladder for a bit to get back into it.
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 15:41:35
Biji wrote: @Loanshark Who's immune to terran all-ins? That's right, other terrans
lol worst game ever marine SCV all-in vs a wall in imo, u teched too fast but whatever works -
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 15:43:43
neXus wrote: If you could get a lesson with anyone that gives lessons, who would you hire? I'm thinking about getting back into SC2 because LoL alone can't fill my time but I'm too lazy to research like current meta and what builds everybody is doing so I thought maybe just get a lesson from a pro to teach me all the basics of what's what point out the flaws in my mechanics and good stuff like that after I fucked around on ladder for a bit to get back into it.
Just play a lot, you'll figure out pretty typical meta right now, hasn't changed much in a couple months except PvP, which is still wishy washy. Also, just practicing the same builds over and over again will really solidify your macro... Not really sure who good pros are that coach right now though -
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 16:36:23
I mean I don't need idra teaching me but maybe a destiny or catz lesson could be fun and useful.
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 17:42:06
iunno, there are plenty of good masters level players that could teach you what you need to know for less, or maybe even free but a lesson with destiny would be awesome
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 17:51:06
Destiny sucks, though. He's cool, but he sucks. Plus, he;s in korea or smth Also, I've decided that I hate forge fast expand.
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 18:20:40
Destiny doesn't suck in the slightest brohan
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 18:31:44
He's nowhere near as good as Nestea, Sen, July, etc.
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 21:11:03
How is that even relevant?
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 22:42:24
PREDATORNET wrote: Destiny sucks, though. He's cool, but he sucks.
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 22:46:42
Dreamhack W11 finals was incredible! HeRo's play was top notch
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 23:53:13
honestly the reason Destiny got GM was because his infestor play was so unique, but then blizzard made various changes that reduce the effectiveness *somewhat* of his playstyle, so it isn't as much in his favor any more at this point
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 00:25:20
But still, the fact that he's made it to GM and he's top 8 masters now is physical undeniable proof that he's better than 99% of all NA players.
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 01:41:54
waitwut incontrol's gf is Ms. Oregon 2011?
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 03:47:02
Clide to slayers, Killer and JYP leave TSL Soooo TSL is dead like Zenex or what?
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 05:13:46
Biji wrote: Clide to slayers, Killer and JYP leave TSL Soooo TSL is dead like Zenex or what?
Feel like Polt and Alive will leave soon too -
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 05:37:55
POLT BACK TO PRIME. PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPENNNNNN Polt.Prime sounds so much better than TSLPolt
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 05:54:33
PREDATORNET wrote: POLT BACK TO PRIME. PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPENNNNNN Polt.Prime sounds so much better than TSLPolt
Polt to slayers Slayers is slowly going to get every good terran in the GSL -
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 08:12:19
[video=youtube;vK0DUBMuxRY][/video] Transcribe audio at 1:15-1:22 ish. I died, laughed so damn hard.
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 14:12:32
Destiny only got into GM because of his amazing infestor play totally sucks that people can get into GM by playing amazingly
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 14:44:19
Pen Ninja wrote: totally sucks that people can get into GM by playing amazingly
...that doesnt make any sense idra, kiwikaki and select all play amazingly, so it sucks that they can get into GM? -
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 14:53:01
he was being sarcastic about what I said, me thinks
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 16:10:52
OG is correct saying that Destiny getting into GM just because his infestor use is so unique is like saying Huk only got into GM because of his unique warp prism use u cant get to GM on just something unique... that's what sets u apart but mechanics get u there
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 22:42:55
LiquidTyler I know for a fact has mentioned how Destiny's mechanics aren't that great on SOTG, and I believe EGINcontroL does also in the same episode...
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 22:47:14
I don't think incontrol should talk about anything and just because Tyler says something doesn't really mean anything.
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 22:52:49
alright, i dunno, i'm pretty bad at this game :D
Date: Tue, Nov 29 2011 10:25:02
OG wrote: LiquidTyler I know for a fact has mentioned how Destiny's mechanics aren't that great on SOTG, and I believe EGINcontroL does also in the same episode...
Wasn't that several months ago...? Even still, pros are on a completely different level to just SC2 players. Destiny may not be that good a pro but he's still an amazing SC2 player. Still I'd agree with whoever said that you should just get a master's player to coach you. It would be a lot cheaper and I doubt that a pro would give you any insight into [B]your[/B] game that a master's player wouldn't. -
Date: Tue, Nov 29 2011 14:43:14
Well if you're Diamond or below, any lesson you get will probably go over the same stuff, regardless of who you get it from.
Date: Tue, Nov 29 2011 14:52:29
macro macro macro
Date: Tue, Nov 29 2011 21:49:10
i met CatZ
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 00:02:17
When I say I won't go down without a fight... I don't go down without a goddamn fight
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 01:24:50
lol plat 4v4s
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 03:55:57
OG wrote: lol plat 4v4s
Yup, I'm plat everything -
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 01:22:22 @Loanshark's idra gg timing
Date: Sun, Dec 4 2011 02:29:21
I have the feeling that Sen is going to take 3rd in NASL again...
Date: Sun, Dec 4 2011 03:59:36
what race plays most like zerg, and how do i play it like zerg?
Date: Sun, Dec 4 2011 04:11:40
=) =) =) MKP Keyboard here I come
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 07:56:56
PuMa wins NASLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Frankly, I wanted HerO or Sen to win, but They came in 2nd and 3rd. And LOL at Sen taking a fucking third place again. whoopeee
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 22:49:26
So, this high ranking plat guy opens 2 gate against me, then goes to void ray, then to dt, and I held pretty well. God dammit, why am I still in gold.
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 03:46:14
diamond at last
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 04:23:07
Congratz, OG! *clap clap clap* OG VS PuMa showmatch gogogo OG vs HerO showmatch gogogo OG vs Sen showmatch gogogo
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 10:51:48
lululululul I'll definitely sweep Sen since PvZ is EZ PvP is hard PvT is meh no problem, I play Protoss
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 02:43:09
diamond is hard o_e
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 22:55:06 Proxy vr into DT Standard plat PvT
Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 03:57:46 yeee lol beating zergs that don't scout...
Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 20:37:56
15 game lose-streak against Zerg, now playing plat zergs, and even losing lmao how can I punish a Zerg when he gets 3 bases really fast? I'm considering harassing with DTs, but the Zerg already had lair and evo chambers, so he wouldn't take much damage problem I have PvZ when I FFE is that Protoss early game is weak, so I can't pressure a greedy Zerg, that I have found I've been going 7gate blink +2 attack timing push, and I can't afford to get a robo up for zealot harass I need to l2p
Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 20:44:14
I killed this guy's SCV while he was building the barracks by microing it back and forth to dodge the other SCV he sent to kill the probe, and he said I was a fake bronze level player and quit the game.
Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 20:52:00
OG wrote: 15 game lose-streak against Zerg, now playing plat zergs, and even losing lmao how can I punish a Zerg when he gets 3 bases really fast? I'm considering harassing with DTs, but the Zerg already had lair and evo chambers, so he wouldn't take much damage problem I have PvZ when I FFE is that Protoss early game is weak, so I can't pressure a greedy Zerg, that I have found I've been going 7gate blink +2 attack timing push, and I can't afford to get a robo up for zealot harass I need to l2p
If you FFE, there's almost nothing you can do about a zerg getting 3 quick bases if you plan on playing a macro game. And besides, you can't really punish a zerg for being greedy if you're being greedy with FFE too. One thing you can do is do a 6gate push and hope that you'll do tons of damage, or a better option is to get a third, max out on your deathball, and roll his base -
Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 21:03:47
Loanshark wrote: If you FFE, there's almost nothing you can do about a zerg getting 3 quick bases if you plan on playing a macro game. And besides, you can't really punish a zerg for being greedy if you're being greedy with FFE too. One thing you can do is do a 6gate push and hope that you'll do tons of damage, or a better option is to get a third, max out on your deathball, and roll his base
Like I said, I go for 7gate timing push, but he gets enough roaches to hold it off; anything else I can do? And there is a surprising number of 7/8/9 pools PvZ -._-. -
Date: Mon, Dec 12 2011 03:08:29
Finals ends 16th New ladder season : 20th Points needed to get to diamond : apparently 800 Points I have : 556 Bonus pool : >300 Can I do it?
Date: Mon, Dec 12 2011 05:05:32
@OG [video=youtube;9UOUb_BbTzI][/video]
Date: Tue, Dec 20 2011 01:36:47
Does anybody want to buy a checkered QSENN-DT35 (black body)?
Date: Tue, Dec 20 2011 02:15:45
I've never quite understood the Qsenn DT-35 craze. If would much rather spend 60 dollars more for a mechanical, but idk o_O
Date: Tue, Dec 20 2011 15:52:17
I got them both for like $10 each so why not lol
Date: Tue, Dec 20 2011 17:27:11
Ah. That makes sense then. In Korea, they're around 10 USD each but in US usually they're 30 USD each or something stupid, so i was wondering.
Date: Tue, Dec 20 2011 18:00:12
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 06:50:19
My placement macthes were all screwy. I played a 40 minute long macro game and won, then got put in silver. Then I played another and promoted to gold. Then another, to plat, and now I'm there, lol
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 18:09:10
lulul demoted to platinum because of PvZ ._.
Date: Wed, Dec 21 2011 18:20:10
Hey there Played sc2 one year in beta but had to quit because of lack of time, but now I´m back :) Used to play Diamond in 1on1 but got demotivated after a while, so I tried to play some team matches with my friends and made it into top 40 on EU server in 2v2 and 3v3. btw I'm Protoss
Date: Thu, Dec 22 2011 22:34:27
trololololo @Loanshark
Date: Fri, Dec 23 2011 22:35:23
What're your guys's thoughts on NaNiWa's code S spot getting taken, and Sen and IdrA getting free ones?
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 01:00:02
I really appreciate GOMs decision to be honest. Naniwa was acting unresponsible since the start of beta and now he finally has to face some conesequences. Hopefully he will act more mature in the future and be able to claim a Code S spot.
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 05:01:02
So, I'm playing a BO5 against a classmate of mine who's terran. He's in diamond, but I'm up 2-1 for now. Unfortunately, my PvT sucks. Any tips? He goes heavy MMM, but I dunno if he'll cheese or something.
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 16:30:56
PREDATORNET;162041]What're your guys's thoughts on NaNiWa's code S spot getting taken...[/QUOTE] Seems like a pretty big decision for something that wasn't actually against any rules but letting this sort of thing happen is going to be bad for StarCraft becoming a sport. If it wants to be taken seriously then people can't just say "Who cares it's only a game?". I don't really care if it becomes a sport because I'm not really that into the scene, but growth is certainly good for it and it can only grow so much as a game. [QUOTE=PREDATORNET wrote: ... and Sen and IdrA getting free ones?
Hard to say, haven't really thought about it that much. It's good for everyone except for Koreans trying to get into Code S I guess. I guess at the place that StarCraft is now with a lot of tension around whether Koreans are going to accelerate too far ahead of the rest, it is a good thing. Ideally, these seeds would go away when the game is more developed though. -
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 23:15:03
PREDATORNET wrote: What're your guys's thoughts on NaNiWa's code S spot getting taken, and Sen and IdrA getting free ones?
I thought Code S seeds were given to the highest ranking non code-s player in regular pro circuit competitions, where the invited koreans would be seeded into pool play (pro circuit), although Providence was not a regular pro circuit competition, it was the national championships without pool play. -
Date: Wed, Jan 4 2012 06:49:26
is it possible for me to promote even if my rank within my division isn't top 8 or something like that? theoretically i should be able to, but i'm not sure... my MMR is still diamond and i still win most of my games... but stuck at rank 25 plat lol
Date: Wed, Jan 4 2012 07:02:34
It isn't based on rank in any way, just MMR and whenever it decides at random intervals to evaluate and see if it's time to promote you based on MMR and threshold MMR for higher league.
Date: Wed, Jan 4 2012 07:29:45
fuck silver agaiiin. and i cant choose a race =(. i have like plat mechanics, but i dont know what to do with that. what race is most independent on the opponent's in terms of build?
Date: Wed, Jan 4 2012 08:44:57
plat mechanics would put you in plat doing pretty much anything, at least in gold....assuming you macro at that level
Date: Wed, Jan 4 2012 15:24:32
boshi wrote: fuck silver agaiiin. i have like plat mechanics
That's not possible. -
Date: Wed, Jan 4 2012 19:40:58
need practice partners for terran and Zerg! High plat or mid-diamond are desired c:
Date: Wed, Jan 4 2012 20:27:47
boshi wrote: fuck silver agaiiin. and i cant choose a race =(. i have like plat mechanics, but i dont know what to do with that. what race is most independent on the opponent's in terms of build?
The most independend is Zerg I think, because with Zerg you rather try to counter the stuff your opponent throws at you. -
Date: Wed, Jan 4 2012 21:50:44
ChainBreak wrote: The most independend is Zerg I think, because with Zerg you rather try to counter the stuff your opponent throws at you.
i think its protoss cuz you can pretty much win every game with 3gate robo or 4gate -
Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 10:03:16
OG wrote: need practice partners for terran and Zerg! High plat or mid-diamond are desired c:
Diamond terran here (Flare.629) @boshi if you had plat level mechanics, you could pretty much make a bunch stuff and just a-move into your opponent's base without even looking at the attack and get to plat or at least high gold -
Date: Fri, Jan 6 2012 08:39:29
platinum 2v2 1v1 either way its a shared account so just ask if its trevor. philip 839
Date: Fri, Jan 6 2012 22:49:01
Biji wrote: Diamond terran here (Flare.629) @boshi if you had plat level mechanics, you could pretty much make a bunch stuff and just a-move into your opponent's base without even looking at the attack and get to plat or at least high gold
i usually have a supply and economic lead over my opponent. i just dont know what to make, and end up making the wrong things. for example i had marauders against a muta ling opponent T.T. but i was up on bases and maxed, and he still rolled me =(. i think my biggest problem is lack of general game knowledge and what does what against what. -
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 02:30:51
boshi wrote: i usually have a supply and economic lead over my opponent. i just dont know what to make, and end up making the wrong things. for example i had marauders against a muta ling opponent T.T. but i was up on bases and maxed, and he still rolled me =(. i think my biggest problem is lack of general game knowledge and what does what against what.
Well first bit of advice is to never make maurauders vs zerg -
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 04:19:15
Loanshark wrote: Well first bit of advice is to never make maurauders vs zerg
"Only 50 mineral [marine] kill all zerg unit" - oGsMC -
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 07:09:55
Loanshark wrote: Well first bit of advice is to never make maurauders vs zerg
exactly =(. my game sense is terribad. -
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 00:26:53
Zerg : Marine/Tank/Medivac + couple of thors, add ghosts lategame to replace marines Or mech if you prefer that Terran : Mech or bio or Marine/Tank/Medivac Protoss : MMMVG BTW that's not really game sense, that's more like part of your build which some people would consider mechanics Game sense is more like knowing timings for things, like when what units can show up or when attacks can come
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 23:11:24
ohai. im ForevrADrone code:823 add me
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 23:29:36
@peninja cant find you on sc2ranks was trying to find what server you're on
Date: Fri, Feb 17 2012 21:25:19
Straight into Top 8 too, rank 2 o_O
Date: Sat, Feb 25 2012 12:04:24
Went on massive laddering sesh for the past two weeks to try and break into masters on SEA. Got as far as playing (and beating) some low masters players but also went on a lot of losing streaks so never made it in. Don't think I'm a master's calibre player because I don't scout/respond well enough. (Massive laddering sesh is some 70 games won so far this season)
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 07:34:47 0 supply comeback
Date: Wed, Feb 29 2012 19:55:24
Most likely because it's a new division, new season. I'm pumped for Daybreak entering the map pool! :D And I just switched to T a few days ago, doing well. If anyone wants to add me : Masters Zerg/Terran on NA. MusicalPulse.947. -
Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 06:03:06
raging so hard. iv lost like 5 games tonight, all from 1 poor engagement. its ridiculous. i clearly outmacro my opponents, but i get crushed by their unit comp.
Date: Wed, Mar 21 2012 19:07:39 need help, don't know what to do against 1 base thor allin any advice would be appreciated :D
Date: Sun, Jun 10 2012 13:00:50
I don't want to revive an old thread, but if somebody is still interested in this game or his addons, here's a trailer with the new units of the game. [video=youtube;q4nNfZwwhYg][/video] I hope you guys like it :D
Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 18:09:20
Does mass Thor+BC > Biomech? i just lost a game where i was at 200/200, he had like 10 thors and 10 BC's. i got WREEECKED. i remaxed. then got WREEECKED once more.
Date: Sat, Jun 16 2012 05:37:38
Met flash, bisu, jaedong, etc was really cool :)
Date: Mon, Jun 25 2012 20:11:18
yeaa, going to nasl finals :D
Date: Sun, Jul 1 2012 03:03:15
boshi wrote: Does mass Thor+BC > Biomech? i just lost a game where i was at 200/200, he had like 10 thors and 10 BC's. i got WREEECKED. i remaxed. then got WREEECKED once more.
if you don't have vikings and he has BC / you have less vikings than he does you're going to die every time -
Date: Tue, Nov 6 2012 20:35:17
Pen Ninja wrote: @peninja cant find you on sc2ranks was trying to find what server you're on
masters dont play muc anymore realid me wangtrevor@gmail -
Date: Wed, Nov 7 2012 02:52:57
King wrote: May start playing this within the month or so... I played Terran during BW. So ill probably stick with Terran.
Still havent bought the game :( Oh shit this post was exactly a year ago o.o -
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2013 05:29:17
I bought it. Add me on NA King.1334
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2013 06:55:57
I played BW since I was 8. I never tried to get better. I was just in it for the kicks. I didn't play online, but still just constantly getting wrecked by computers. I couldn't play sc2 for 4 months after its realease because my computer couldn't run it. I got myself a new, custom made pc. I still played sc2 for the kicks and never got better, until 2012. In may I began to play competitavely on ladder and tried to improve for real. I joined a team stacked with masters and diamond players. I got a coach. In August, I was promoted to silver. I can beat some gold players and soon am awaiting the promotion to gold, and continue to improve myself. To me, this game is bigger than psing itself. If you want to play with me, just pm me.
Date: Sun, Jan 6 2013 15:19:54
Oh wow! Haha I last played 6 months ago! I was in first season gold league 3v3. Not good I know haha but now I think i've gotten worse. Probably bronze hahah I just played 2 hours today, first time in 6 months. Forgot my build order and didnt have a proper strategy going until the opponent knock me and I died. And it was against AI. Then after a few rounds I got the hang of it again but still needs more practice!
Date: Sun, Jan 6 2013 15:40:24
I have play versus Nestea 1 year ago and I've lost in 8 min !
Date: Thu, Jan 10 2013 06:21:42
what mouse do you guys use? I'm currently using a Sensei Raw, but i claw and the bigger size really slows me down. I've been looking into a Zowie mico. Anyone have any other suggestions? I prefer not to buy razer. Oh, and my Sensei feels like it has lag. its at 1000hz =(
Date: Thu, Jan 10 2013 07:43:18
oh god... this thread is still alive? :S Haven't played in moooonths