Serious Discussion / I need help PLEASE. LEGIT
Date: Sat, Mar 3 2012 00:01:59
I need help really bad. My family is becoming unstable, the worst I ever seen. They are legitly going to divorce. I don’t know what to do and they are pressuring me to pick sides. I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO. PLEASE HELP ME I DON’T WANT THEM TO SEPARATE. PELASE HELP ME! What should I do? How should I react? Possible to convince them on not separating (that doesn't involve me because family that is forced together for the kid is usually not that good)? WHAT SHOULD I DO I NEED HELP
Date: Sat, Mar 3 2012 00:06:36
if u dont want them to divorce then u should just say so
Date: Sat, Mar 3 2012 00:10:28
Well I mean I'd rather live in a stable divorced family situation than one where they're forcing themselves to stay together just for my sake and actually hate each other and makes them both miserable Don't pick sides, just say "Do whatever you guys need to do to get this shit under control, you're fucking up my life right now out of your own selfishness. Act like adults goddamn it."
Date: Sat, Mar 3 2012 00:10:32
First of all calm the fuck down, going to a penspinning forum with a bunch of 10 year old kids will not help. Second, why dont you tell them? Tell them youre not going to pick sides because you want them to be together as one, as bad as it may seem. You need to change yourself if youre "usually not that good". Third, go talk to a school counseler. Good luck.
Date: Sat, Mar 3 2012 00:13:57
Yes Colin is peen wrote: You need to change yourself if youre "usually not that good".
Re-read what he said lol -
Date: Sat, Mar 3 2012 00:17:42
strat1227 wrote: Re-read what he said lol
Right. Well, think about it this way. YOU dont want them to seperate because YOU want them as a family, so YOU are going to have to do something for YOU to get anything about of it. Are YOU getting what I'm saying? And yes, I agree with strat1337. Tell them to get their shit together, because they got married for a fucking reason. -
Date: Sat, Mar 3 2012 01:06:12
just have them sit down and settle things out
Date: Sat, Mar 3 2012 01:25:11
Damnit Im back to Colin wrote: Second, why dont you tell them? Tell them youre not going to pick sides because you want them to be together as one, as bad as it may seem.
This. DECLARE it. Dont whine about it or say it behind tears. You need to look each parent in the eyes and say it. -
Date: Sat, Mar 3 2012 02:28:54
Damnit Im back to Colin wrote: First of all calm the fuck down, going to a penspinning forum with a bunch of 10 year old kids will not help.
Date: Sat, Mar 3 2012 02:35:44
I actually think peeps from UPSB can give pretty good advice nonsense aside. Anyway, what strat said. Let them know that you don't like it and if they don't listen, tell them to do whatever the hell they want.
Date: Sat, Mar 3 2012 03:00:34
i agree with one of the previous ideas. you should all get together and have a serious conversation about how you feel about this and what can be done. honestly, you need to come to terms with this situation. no one wants this to happen to them (well mostly) but accepting this will make it easier in the long run. speak out and say what you think would be an appropriate compromise and work from their. if they are reasonable they should listen to you and try to make it easier for you. i am extremely sorry and i cant exactly relate to this, but i really want to help. btw... not everyone here is a 10 year old kid (actually i cant say ive ever met one on this site), but there are plenty of trolls and idiots who act like it. aside from them most of us are normal human beings who are actually willing to help and give decent advise. yes a pen spinning board may not be the place for it, but it is understandable that it is a little more comfortable for you. my name is reason for a reason. i dont want someone to simply act. you have to think and analyze which can be hard, so i want to be one of the individuals to actually help find the answer. i hope everything works out for you and good luck.
Date: Sat, Mar 3 2012 03:19:10
Stop acting like the world is caving in on you. It's not. Having that kind of mentality in bad/uncomfortable situations doesn't help anything. Calm down. Breath. Think. We can't tell you what to do in this situation because we are not you. The decision is up to you. I know how it feels to pick parents, I've been through the whole custody/parents separated bullshit. Although it was probably at a much younger age that what you were that shit consumed many years of my life. I know how it feels to have to pick sides with your parents, it's horrible. But you will get though it the only thing that will prevent You is You. Not much else I can say to you, at the end of the day it's up to you.
Date: Sat, Mar 3 2012 06:28:56
sucks to be you
Date: Sat, Mar 3 2012 08:14:49
In order to keep your family from falling apart, you must first keep yourself from falling apart. Having a strong position on the matter that cannot be changed will help things greatly. Have a family get together thing and tell them very seriously and very sincerely that you absolutely do NOT want this to happen. If you can tell them that without breaking down then it'll be sure to help. If the situation is beyond that point then you'll have to pick a side. At that point, choose wisely. This I cannot help you with. GL. PS. Like others have said already, they DID get married for a reason, remind them of that. Also, why are they falling apart in the first place? If possible, address that issue and in theory, the thing will work out. Don't try to engage them first, engage the problem behind it first. Hope this helps.
Date: Sat, Mar 3 2012 16:45:45
If two people want to divorce then let them divorce, you may be their child but you have no say in it. You have to accept that these two people have fallen out of love and are driving each other crazy. The only thing you can do is let them sort it out and don't pick sides. Split your time 50/50, that's what I did and it worked out just fine. If you can't split your time then go with the one that lets you stay in the same school district so you can at least still have your friends. It's not the end of the world, double holidays are the shit. Remember your place, you're the child.
Date: Sat, Mar 3 2012 17:33:24