Off-topic / Topics of discussion
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 16:01:21
What are good topics that can be discussed at length by almost everyone?
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 16:04:57
Supergirl wrote: What are good topics that can be discussed at length by almost everyone?
Let's take *almost anyone* as being 90%+ of the population and let's assume they are 18+. Anecdotes Opinions on extremely controversial topics Recent major events The place/area you are currently in Why are you asking this? :? -
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 16:32:57
If you want a long talk knowledge of the topic is required. If you know what the person you are talking to is interested in(or know a lot about) you know what you can discuss for a long time.
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 16:34:09
Sex Death Religion Money/Finances Sports Last night ;)
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 16:35:58
shoeman6 wrote: Sex Death Religion Money/Finances Sports Last night ;)
You did all that last night!? -
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 16:52:10
Mats wrote: Let's take *almost anyone* as being 90%+ of the population and let's assume they are 18+. Anecdotes Opinions on extremely controversial topics Recent major events The place/area you are currently in Why are you asking this? :?
Things me and my friends talk about about doesn't last longer than 10-20 mins, we usually end up talking about something else. -
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 17:03:37
Talking about daily life observations, especially the bizarre kind few people pay attention to.
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 17:05:15
Supergirl wrote: Things me and my friends talk about about doesn't last longer than 10-20 mins, we usually end up talking about something else.
It's not hugely often that one ends up in hour long discussions on a single topic and when it does happen, it's usually because all involved in the conversation are very knowledgable about the topic, or if there exist controversial views amongst those involved. -
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 17:50:33
Supergirl wrote: Things me and my friends talk about about doesn't last longer than 10-20 mins, we usually end up talking about something else.
yup,me too. i think that every day you can come with new topics to talk/discuss. as the globalization is expanding more and more,there are lots of things to talk about. -
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 17:50:41
shoeman6 wrote: Sex Death Religion Money/Finances Sports Last night ;)
Wow you must really be cool. -
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 18:04:55
The weather
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 18:23:24
shoeman6 wrote: The weather
You talk about the weather for long periods of time? :facepalm: -
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 18:28:56
juggalo666666 wrote: Wow you must really be cool.
someone told me i look like vin diesel -
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 18:30:10
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 18:31:22
juggalo666666 wrote: Congradu-fuckinlations.
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 18:34:23
Scott Shaputis wrote:
I think.. I love you. -
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 18:39:28
on the real though don't talk about religion, sex, death, or finances with someone you don't know too well. tell stories, or just talk about yourself if its someone you don't know. it's super easy to tell an awesome story about yourself that someone has never heard before, and this also leaves room for you to add in extra anecdotes about the whole story (the people, place, feelings, weather, etc.) people are generally the most passionate when they are talking about themselves or something that they are really interested in, and if the person doesn't like what you're talking about or you don't have similar interests, then why are you even trying to talk to them in the first place? don't over think shit like this conversation is supposed to be natural, and if it isn't and is completely planned it is pretty easy to tell. the more you be yourself and love yourself the more people will love you, believe me, people used to kind of hate me because i came off as a dick, but once i became completely comfortable with who i was people really started to like me. sure they all think i'm weird as fuck, i mean who talks to a hot ass girl about spinning pens or playing video games? it's all about the amount of passion you put into what you say. the conversation is irrelevant. just avoid controversy, no point in getting people heated.
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 21:18:24
Mats wrote: You talk about the weather for long periods of time? :facepalm:
Yes. -
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 22:41:54
with booze you can talk about everything and not remember any of it.
Date: Fri, Mar 2 2012 00:19:58
shoeman6 wrote: Yes.
:facepalm: -
Date: Fri, Mar 2 2012 00:34:37
Things that I am able to talk about for an extended period of time are history and tricking. Sorry sometimes I'm just retarded.
Date: Fri, Mar 2 2012 00:39:15
Krypton wrote: Things that I am able to talk about for an extended period of time
*areishistory and tricking. -
Date: Fri, Mar 2 2012 00:39:37
abortion racism discrimination feminism religion politcal situations
Date: Fri, Mar 2 2012 00:40:45
Raos wrote: abortion racism discrimination feminism
We aren't naming conversation killers. :rofl: -
Date: Fri, Mar 2 2012 00:41:05
Date: Fri, Mar 2 2012 00:54:14
Ponies. Well, at least with my skype friends. Lost quite a bit of real friends trying this.
Date: Thu, Mar 8 2012 21:34:10
Supergirl wrote: Things me and my friends talk about about doesn't last longer than 10-20 mins, we usually end up talking about something else.
internet friends dont count as friends. -
Date: Thu, Mar 8 2012 22:59:20
Raos wrote: abortion racism discrimination feminism religion politcal situations
And about the topic; Why do you have to talk in first place? Don't talk if you dont have to. But if you have to talk, best conversation is the conversation that is about same commons. That's why we almost never talked with my ex. Bitch had non, lol.
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 08:33:46
crinix wrote: That's why we almost never talked with my ex. Bitch had non, lol.
Ahaha, same about mine. I should meet her some day, just curious to find out how she has changed over the years.