Tutorials Pending Approval / the EDGE mod (UPDATED HQ PHOTOS)
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 22:20:13
Here is the tutorial for my new mod, the EDGE mod. looks like this : MATERIALS NEEDED: -1X uniball signo broad (tip/cap) -1X pentel hybrid gel grip (tip) -2X HYBRID GEL ROLLER *old version (grip) -1X pilot g3 (cap) -1X CT/AC/KT (body) -1X BIC (body) -1X Pilot Dr.Grip (grip) ESTIMATED COST: $22 (whole pens) less than $10 (parts only). STATS: -barrel: medium thickness - length: KT length (seems shorter than it actually is) -weight : 14 grams PARTS YOU WILL NEED:
1.)remove the backplug from the CT/KT/AC body as such:2.) cut a 4 cm section of BIC body 3.) cut your signo broad cap to be 4.4 cm long 4.) cut a 1.2 section of dr. grip grip 5.) cut off the clip of the g3 cap and shave down the nub (also remove the little rubber thingy on the inside of the cap) 6.)wrap a LITTLE bit of tape around the base of the signo tip (go around the base once or twice)
1.)gather your materials for the back cap (dr.grip grip not shown)
2.)shove one of the HGR grips inside the cap until a small space is left at the opening (as shown above)
3.)push the hgg tip all the way into the cap (i used an inktube to push the tip in, but you don't have to)
4.)Add the 1.2cm section of dr. grip grip onto the cap.
[SIZE="5"]THIS IS THE MOST DIFFICULT/IMPORTANT STEP![/SIZE]1.)Take your 4cm section of BIC body and put a piece of tape on it starting 1 cm down from the front (this piece should wrap around once, doesn't have to be exact)
2.)Slide on the HGR grip so that it SLIGHTLY covers some of the tape
3.)Stick the result from step 2 into the signo broad cap from the wider end. (the longer section of bic should go through first) And try to push the grip/bic all the way in.
4.)As you can see, the grip will not go all the way down, and a little bit sticks out, so pull on the BIC slowly until there is no more HGR grip sticking out as shown in the picture above.
5.)Add in the signo tip wrapped in tape to the grip inside the broad cap. it should fit snugly.
Wrap some tape around the end of the KT/AC/CT body (the non-backplug end) to make the back cap fit more firmly. The BIC end of the front cap should fit in pretty well into the backplug area of the CT/AC/KT FINISHED!!!!
:DDDDDDDDDDDD hooray :excited:
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 22:29:21
Looks like S.S.S Mod from Nachoaddict ...
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 22:31:00
does he use the same front? with the bic barrel O.o
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 22:39:37
For his mod, you just don't need the bic part x).
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 22:42:31
ohyeah! i tried making one of those before! the front is not as stable as mine :P
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 23:44:40
looks pretty pro
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 01:13:42
Date: Sat, Mar 3 2012 23:45:06
Who requested this?
Date: Sun, Mar 4 2012 01:51:09
ENLARGED PHOTOS. HD my @$$. i don't see any new concept to support this is a new mod.
Date: Sun, Mar 4 2012 03:00:08
GeeGeeGee wrote: ENLARGED PHOTOS. HD my @$$. i don't see any new concept to support this is a new mod.
me neither. but its still pretty nice through. -
Date: Sun, Mar 4 2012 04:19:52
i might make this, i have all the spare parts
Date: Sun, Mar 4 2012 04:53:27
DO IT. And for the person who complained that these pictures weren't HD? It doesn't say they're HD, its says HQ. Please learn how to read before trying to bash on someone.
Date: Wed, Mar 7 2012 16:01:56
High quality and high definition are pretty much the same, trying looking up what're you're saying so you don't look like a cocky newfag.
Date: Wed, Mar 7 2012 20:36:43
878 posts vs.....140.
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 02:54:00
eurocracy wrote: High quality and high definition are pretty much the same, trying looking up what're you're saying so you don't look like a cocky newfag.
This is ironic because you sound like a cocky newfag... HD and HQ aren't the same. afaik, HD is around 4x better. -
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 17:45:26
drgripable;181450]878 posts vs.....140.[/QUOTE]
Clearly I sound like a cocky newfag for calling someone out when they decide to put down someone else and tell them to read, when in reality they know full well what they are saying and simply want to condescend them and dodge what has been said. On topic, HD, referring to HDTV (As we are talking about resolutions here), can be explained via Wikipedia:No doubt you're going to start citing join date elitism as well. Kam has 86 posts so therefore with no doubt in your logic he's below you as well. No shit I haven't been here as long as you, sherlock, but at least I don't go around trying to grow my e-peen with posts and act like I'm higher because of that. [QUOTE=Cloud wrote: This is ironic because you sound like a cocky newfag... HD and HQ aren't the same. afaik, HD is around 4x better.
High-definition television (HDTV) is video that has resolution substantially higher than that of traditional television systems (standard-definition television). HDTV has one or two million pixels per frame, roughly five times that of SD (1280 x 720 = 921,600 for 720p, or 1920 x 1080 = 2,073,600 for 1080p)
Whereas, HQ, also known as High Quality links like so with wikipedia: This links to the display resolution page, wherein if you look for High Quality again, you actually end up with nothing on the page that explains what it is. The words High Quality and High Definition have been interchangeable in media and have been so for quite a while now, especially when it comes to marketing and advertisements where "High Quality" seems to carry more brevity and makes sense more than "High Definition". In reality, they mean the same thing when it comes to it. If you would like to refer to how well the images look quality wise, for example sharp images, good focus and lighting, it is also not seen here. Therefore your only input is to say that I sound like a cocky newfag and that it is ironic, unfortunately, I do make sure I have my facts right before I even bother posting, so good job trying to refer to me as the following:A newcomer to 4chan. Hated by Anons everywhere. Usually this person consists of failure and tries too hard to fit in.
Though this term seems to have spread to mean that they do not know what they are saying in the subject area, thus being "new". I shall emphasize that it is not my goal to say that the tutorial is bad, but only that you should not have treated GeeGeeGee like that, drgripable when in reality he did have a very applicable point. -
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 20:30:41
you, sir, need to calm your tits.
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 20:31:53
drgripable wrote: you, sir, need to calm your tits.
What an excellent contribution to the discussion you have made! It reflects on why you have a large postcount. -
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 20:34:15
not like your posts with arguments like this contribute either. but seriously. calm your tits. it IS relevant because this is really unnecessary, and i was trying to quell your anger.
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 20:36:24
drgripable wrote: not like your posts with arguments like this contribute either. but seriously. calm your tits. it IS relevant because this is really unnecessary, and i was trying to quell your anger.
Implying I need to be angry to post a response that doesn't agree with you. -
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 20:37:40
you're angry right there ^ . and please stop quoting me these notifications are pointless.
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 20:41:18
drgripable wrote: you're angry right there ^ . and please stop quoting me these notifications are pointless.
Oh silly boy, didn't they teach you in argument school that the worst trick of all is the "You mad" paradox. Seriously, expect people to call you out if your post basically consists of a reworded "Umadbro". -
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 20:47:04
no they teach me real things in school. If your school teaches other things like don't use the argument "Umadbro" which is a statement by the way, then that's YOUR problem. But why ARE you so mad anyways? I seriously want to know. What incited this downpour of your fury here? It all started when i responded to the posts about HQ vs HD, and i was referring to GEEGEEGEE's post, not yours. So, if you want to continue this little internet argument, thats fine with me, but seriously? this is a forum. i'm here becaue i love penspinning, not to deal with this bull.
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 20:59:00
drgripable wrote: no they teach me real things in school. If your school teaches other things like don't use the argument "Umadbro" which is a statement by the way, then that's YOUR problem. But why ARE you so mad anyways? I seriously want to know. What incited this downpour of your fury here? It all started when i responded to the posts about HQ vs HD, and i was referring to GEEGEEGEE's post, not yours. So, if you want to continue this little internet argument, thats fine with me, but seriously? this is a forum. i'm here becaue i love penspinning, not to deal with this bull.
You should look up something called sarcasm, it would help when reading what I wrote. The "Umadbro" paradox is an internet originated fallacy actually, but not that you'd care. I pointed out that GeeGeeGee was right and that YOU need to read and you immediately decide to chime in with post count. Plus, you're looking rather defensive now. -
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 21:06:35
yeah. i don't like being offensive. I really don't enjoy this type of thing. And i know what sarcasm is, obviously mine wasn't detected, but i understand though its harder to see in text. So basically, we've inflated this thread unnecessarily with this pointless argument that originated over what a HQ vs HD photo is. Not to mention, geegeegee isn't even involved in this. You know what? i'll just admit fault. HQ is basically the same as HD. Voila. please leave this thread be.
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 21:08:19
drgripable wrote: yeah. i don't like being offensive. I really don't enjoy this type of thing. And i know what sarcasm is, obviously mine wasn't detected, but i understand though its harder to see in text. So basically, we've inflated this thread unnecessarily with this pointless argument that originated over what a HQ vs HD photo is. Not to mention, geegeegee isn't even involved in this. You know what? i'll just admit fault. HQ is basically the same as HD. Voila. please leave this thread be.
Then without any sarcasm, you did better than I did in this argument by not continuing it. -
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 21:11:01
uhhh.....thanks ._.? Well. im just glad this is over, and i hope we can be friends on this forum because there's really no point in being enemies here. As an apology, you want some free modding materials?
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 21:47:37
okay........................................chill out or thread will be purged
Date: Fri, Mar 9 2012 21:48:36
Deleted the argument. Enough off topic arguing. Next offender will be given an infraction without warning.