Pen Modifications / PenModding : how to find our mod easily
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 19:03:43
Hi, Today, I will show you my project : a search engine for mods. You can search a mod by : it name, main pen (body), caps pen (only one). You have big requests too : by weight classes (light/middle/heavy) or type (single-sided or double-sided). Here how it's look like : First Page :
Results Page :
Pens informations:
The main goal is to provide an help for beginner or pro, to choose their next mod with some criteria. First I would like to know if you like this (maybe not), choose a name for it ^^ and what you would like in ? Secondly, I search people to fill the database, as you can see it's very simple, you don't make tutorial but LINK to the tutorial but it's an huge work >< So what's up about that ? :D I would like thanks iColor who helped me to finish the dev ^^
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 19:10:49
I like the idea since I'm always looking for new mods. Make sure it's in other languages too. (English, french etc) Because I noticed on the photos that it isn't 100% English or French.
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 19:13:46
It's fully english ^^, you see on my screens some test mods (so in french), the control in the form is in french because my browser is in french, but it will be in english for you for example ^^
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 19:16:38
when will it open
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 19:19:20
What about common substitutions? Maybe a way to categorize mods by similarity as well? Some sort of algorithm that looks at how many parts are similar. Maybe a way so that you can list all the parts that you have and it will search a mod you can make, or the closest mod you are to having the pieces to make? Maybe parts as well, so you can click on a part if you do not know it, and see a picture or stats.
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 19:28:27
Bahahah, it was hard to fix some of the bugs... -.- But hm, that was you Picool? I didn't know that. (sun) It's a really nice project, very nice UI. I think it will be very helpful. :) (and yeah, it's all in perfect english.)
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 19:31:11
Red Zone => Maybe the next week (the time to fix some problems) Shoeman => yes about substitutions, but the mod change so people rename if (sometimes), or it's possible to see these substitution in the tutorial. It's a good question ^^. About the others suggestions, yeah I will try it ^^ (picture and stat of pen will be the easiest) Yeah iColor, sorry XD (I always use the same avatar but not on skype ^^)
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 19:58:30
You could also make it search by parts, list your parts and it finds the pens you can make using them.
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 20:11:29
eurocracy => you have already that but with caps and body (and not yet list part)
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 20:33:05
awesome idea. i only recomend you make it that you can put in comssa and get com.SSa results
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 20:45:56
shadow sivics => Yes, you can do that, the request has been modified to use tag and not the name of the pen (example : for comssa you can find it by asking for cs/comssa/com.ssa)
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 20:49:26
Maybe classify by brand as well? (All factors, length, weight, price, etc.)
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 20:58:17
Price is to hazardous to try to use it. A little example : in France, you can make a RSVP Mx for 5euros, in China for less than 1euro ^^ Length isn't used for the moment (good idea) Weight, it's work with "classes" : light/middle/heavy because people don't use that when they make a tutorial By brand : for pen only (next update), a system like the attach file
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 20:58:47
jesus just make it work and normal first and not make it too complicated or else it's going to be a spyre copy basically stop making it so complicated on the first hand. Once the basis is down adding is easier than trying to do 20 things at once.
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 21:00:27
price is also correct. most countries in europe, america, and aussie will be much higher than in countries in asia where education products are heavily subsidized by government.
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 21:17:18
I love this idea, and i think i would visit the site regularly
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 21:36:14
this sounds like a pretty useful website. i know i would use it. and as for a name.... or is that taken :P
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 22:04:32
Next up: Real-time database search like Google. (sun)
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 22:28:28
You're crazy iColor ^^ Maybe this will not render like the website does actually ^^
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 23:13:16
Really cool idea, I like it.
Date: Mon, Feb 27 2012 01:01:16
Is there going to be a filter when people add mods? As a user, I wouldn't want to look through a cluttered database full of useless mods.
Date: Mon, Feb 27 2012 02:36:42
I like the idea of other people being able to submit different types of pens, but then it could lead to the same pens being submitted over and over or just random pens being submitted. So how about before the submission is actually implemented into the website, it's checked before it's implemented?
Date: Mon, Feb 27 2012 06:56:47
This will be very helpful for psers and wannabes. Ill try to add mods
Date: Mon, Feb 27 2012 09:55:12
MystikSun => for the moment we haven't "Admin Panel" to check mods (we must login into the database for this). But For the beginning, all mods are accepted by default BUT you need access to the form to put mods Xephoria => not checked before implemented, I will try to think about it (easy to put a check on the name) fQ.Ram => thanks you ^^, if I have some times to finish (and put mods in the database !), you will be able to help us ;) Thanks for your messages ! About the name : you prefere an other or not ?
Date: Mon, Feb 27 2012 09:56:46
:vcool: I really like! First: Just get the website running with the most important mods: RSVP Mx ComSsa (Metallic) Waterfall Mod Buster CYL Kuzu G3 Seven G3 Minwoo Mod Dr.KT After that you can add mod by mod, step by step. Maybe you will be able to have a pattern ike: Name, Weight, Length which can be filled out, when adding a new mod. So everyone will be able to send in new mods and the pattern is filled out, so the search engine will automatically be able to find the mods via that info.
Date: Mon, Feb 27 2012 10:31:03
If possible, please do research on mods' different names on different boards. e.g. Dr. KT with CT body is called Dr. CT in PSH and other Chinese boards; Bonkura CT is the name for Dr. CT with Dr. Grip grips in PSH and other Chinese boards; M&M is called NP in PSH and other Chinese boards. Also, indicate that the modding method for certain mod is un-original when necessary. e.g. kUzu G3 Mod's commonly used tutorial is by UPSB, not originally written by kUzu at all (according to JEB people, real kUzu G3 is light and totally different from UPSB version). Nice idea thoguh, really appreciate it! :D
Date: Mon, Feb 27 2012 12:26:21
Sirty => I don't understand ^^ (already have a form to add mods with informations, or I don't understand your comment ?) L-in => you can do that, BUT the research will not show you the variation, for example if you search : Dr CT, you will only find Dr.KT. About the tutorial itself, I can put unofficial in the name only :(
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 14:15:41
@Picool do you still need my help or not? ^^ I'm not pro at pen modding, maybe someone here could help you better. And I think there is huge database about pen modification here :D
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 15:29:45
What I mean is that anybody could add penmods to the list. But like Wikipedia you would have to give your ok, before the post will be published on the website! The pattern only would make sure, that the post includes all the necessary info for the search engine!
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 15:36:02
We decide who can post (the database start to be complicated and I didn't change my form to take these changes ^^). Gland => yes sure !
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 15:59:59
This will be very useful. But also, instead of searching the mod ourselfs, perhaps you could put different mods into different categories that we could click onto to check them out. For example, on penwish's website, on the left hand side there are links such as namae, rushon pens, pre-made mods etc, but instead of those you could have heavy mods, light mods, sc mods, comssa capped mods etc.
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 17:06:37
Supergirl wrote: This will be very useful. But also, instead of searching the mod ourselfs, perhaps you could put different mods into different categories that we could click onto to check them out. For example, on penwish's website, on the left hand side there are links such as namae, rushon pens, pre-made mods etc, but instead of those you could have heavy mods, light mods, sc mods, comssa capped mods etc.
i think he is already gona do that -
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 19:16:51
Yes already ^^, depends of what you need, you have criteria (you can use it or not) And if you don't find, you can now browse by pen (for example if you go to the page "pentel rsvp", you will be able to find all mods with a RSVP)
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 13:48:04
A little post to show you something new ^^ : New result page
If you click on name pen
What else you need on it ? Thanks !
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 13:54:34
i suggest u to find some pser in different forum they post the mod in their forum in the website
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 15:44:13
Maybe a way to browse the whole directory by hand. Made so that when you enter and it doesn't find the mod you're looking for it stays on the same category you were in before? Alternative names, and abbreviations, DC = double capped, SC = single capped, etc.
Date: Thu, Mar 1 2012 15:48:16
one step at a time people.
Date: Fri, Mar 2 2012 13:12:24
I promise it's the last update before release XD* Now when you hover a pen name on result page, you get a picture of it (in the same page, like a pop-up), must keep ? or not ? Example :
Date: Fri, Mar 2 2012 13:32:39
not sure where you are getting your pictures but you need to ask JP to use their photos. they are pretty overprotective over their pictures. i was never a big fan of popups. Information/search is more important than fancy popups and such things
Date: Fri, Mar 2 2012 13:51:26
I get my pictures from Internet (not specially on a website, but where the picture is the most cleaner ?), maybe I can ask directly Pentel (or go on their website) to get them -- Don't worry about the search/informations, all I can do now it's to fix bugs (they are maybe 2 or 3 important bugs) and it'll be done ^^
Date: Fri, Mar 2 2012 13:53:29
ahh okay that rsvp pictures looks exactly like jetpens picture and they have been known to ask people to remove pictures when they see them on websites that they haven't previously allowed. if you get them from other place then that is okie~
Date: Sun, Mar 4 2012 15:43:14
A little option ^^ :
Now you can search pens :D ; we have some bugs with this function (and searchmod ever), so 2 bugs to fix only ! About database : 25 pens (more will be added), 12 mods (same)
Date: Sun, Mar 4 2012 17:42:06
this looks awesome. ive been waiting for something like this for a while.
Date: Mon, Mar 5 2012 13:28:16
Like mods, you can now preview mods in pen page :
Can be usefull to see where the pen is used in the mod. About the website too, For the moment we purpose only tutorials from UPSB, BUT we will make a template page to get directly tutorial on the website(with a source link to UPSB to get comments on mods for example). A second version will give you the possibility to get the website in the language of your choice ;) If people want to help us, just PM me, you will be able to add mods to grow up the database ^^ Thanks EDIT : only one bug to fix ! Before launch ! (3bugs if you want precisions, but only one very important)
Date: Thu, Mar 8 2012 10:30:11
Developpement is finish ! We ask you to try the website (we haven't many mods) but if you finds bugs or find something to change (name, design, functions), please tell us ;) ! PS : search on Pens don't work for the moment ! We search people to fill out the database too^^
Date: Thu, Mar 8 2012 10:46:51
Great search engine
Date: Thu, Mar 8 2012 11:30:39
Gland wrote: @Picool do you still need my help or not? ^^ I'm not pro at pen modding, maybe someone here could help you better. And I think there is huge database about pen modification here :D
i'm at your service sir LOL from what i see we need a translator from every board. mostly from GPC JEB FPSB. ponkotu's blog will help us alot too ah and also of course upsb v3. -
Date: Thu, Mar 8 2012 15:15:39
Just wondering: I couldn't find this feature on the site if it's there but is there a way to have a list of all the mods in the database just so you can browse through all of them? Instead of having to know something about a particular mod and searching it, is there like an index anywhere on the site?
Date: Thu, Mar 8 2012 15:30:20
About the index, it's was a "secret feature" (yeah a bug if you prefere XD) but I disabled it ^^ Yes, I will purpose an index but not with all informations you can have by a search query
Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 04:49:02
Yes yes. Just maybe a name and picture for each mod all in a list would be nice ^_^